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The Forbidden Promise

Page 43

by Helena Rose

  An evil smile soon returned to Raquel’s face. She sat down in the big chair located behind the massive desk and turned to Penelope who was standing by the door.

  " Cristobal has become a danger and he needs to be removed. Hire someone to kill him without leaving any traces, making it look like a robbery."

  " And your deceased husband’s true will?" Penelope asked.

  "The secret of the will, he will take with him to his grave," she said, more to convince herself than Penelope. "The important thing is that you manage to get rid of him for good!"

  "Yes, ma’am," replied Penelope.

  "Talk to your friend Gonzalo, the brothel owner, I’ve a little job for him. He’ll have to kidnap and rape Aurora. If I can’t successfully separate those two, at least I’ll make them suffer until their last days." Raquel’s black eyes were reduced to dark slits sparkling with malice. "And if she gets pregnant, that bastard Lucas will always live with the doubt that the child might not be his!"

  "I'll need a lot of money for both assignments" Penelope commented, rubbing her bony hands together.

  Doña Raquel opened the drawer of her desk and pulled out a thick wad of notes.

  "Here's also your payment ... but I want a job well done, no witnesses and you’ll personally make sure Cristobal is dead, you understand?"

  Penelope nodded hiding the notes in the neckline of her camisole.

  "Now get out of here," ordered Doña Raquel.

  " If you’ll excuse me," Penelope said, leaving.

  Doña Raquel smiled to herself, anticipating all the pain that she would cause a little later.

  No one will manage to defeat me! As much as they try, it will only be me that survives, at the cost of leaving behind me a trail of corpses ...

  When he opened his eyes the next morning, Lucas saw Aurora’s beautiful face still asleep beside him. Smiling, he brushed aside her long bronze hair and kissed her slender neck. She opened her eyes and smiled as well, her sweet hazel eyes filled with love.

  "I thought I was dreaming and instead you're here beside me," she said tenderly.

  " You're mine, remember this!" He whispered, continuing to kiss her neck.

  " I don’t deserve so much love. After all the pain I've caused due to my stubbornness," she said sadly.

  " Don’t fret, my love, the important thing is that we’re together now and that you finally believed me."

  Aurora nodded her head as tears clouded her eyes.

  " If it hadn’t been for Alma’s confession, I don’t know what I would have done at the hearing," she said forlornly.

  Lucas looked at her quizzically and Aurora briefly told him about the meeting with Alma in the convent’s infirmary and her recount of the facts of that unfortunate evening in Zacatecas.

  She kept silent, however, on the fact that she now knew where Penelope was hiding, she did not want Lucas’ instinct for revenge to put him in trouble with the law again.

  Lucas glanced at her sweetly, while stroking her shiny hair.

  " What you saw couldn’t be forgotten simply by my words, I realize very well," he said, "I'm not a fool, I don’t blame you."

  Aurora kissed him passionately.

  " I love you to death, Lucas Navarra, you can’t even imagine how much! How I struggled with myself, against this feeling, trying to convince myself that I would be better off without you ... "

  Lucas smiled.

  " Now let’s not talk about it anymore. We’re together now and that's all that matters."

  Aurora sighed happily.

  " Now, unfortunately, I have to go to the clinic," she said, trying to get up.

  "Take a day off, today I need your care!" Lucas joked, holding her close to him.

  Aurora smiled, moved closer to his lips and gave him a passionate kiss.

  She then struggled from his embrace like a cat and stood up pulling on her dressing gown.

  "This taster must suffice until tonight!" Aurora winked at him and went to get ready to go out.

  During breakfast, Lucas expressed his concerns about the fate of their hacienda.

  "The incident has brought us to our knees, if I can’t find a way to repay the bank loan, the hacienda will be seized and I’ll lose the concession on the mine."

  "There is no possibility of restarting production?" asked Aurora, cutting a slice of melon.

  "That’s just what I'm going to check. I'll leave tomorrow."

  "We'll leave tomorrow," she corrected him.

  " I thought you wanted to stay a few more days at the clinic."

  "I’ll ask the doctor in Ciudad Madero to lend Dr. Peron a hand from time to time, he’s always been very helpful, I don’t think he’ll deny me his help. And also, returning to the hacienda, I could reopen my clinic for the peones."

  " We'll leave tomorrow at dawn. Do you want me to send someone to collect your things from your mother? "

  "No, I prefer to go there in person, so I can say goodbye," said Aurora, sipping her cup of hot chocolate.

  After breakfast, Lucas accompanied Aurora to her mother's house. He, however, preferred not to enter and headed towards the harbor. Aurora rang the bell and Carmen came immediately to open the door.

  Viviana was glad to hear from Aurora that everything was finally settled with Lucas.

  "You know Aurora, I was really wrong about your husband," she said smiling at her. "I thought he wasn’t any different from the other Navarras and instead, I misjudged him..."

  Viviana was staring at her cup of tea.

  " What do you mean by different from the other Navarras? Don Eduardo was a gentleman and as far as I know also Don Hector."

  Viviana tried to conceal her sudden embarrassment.

  " I was referring to Federico, look at how he behaved to Marisol."

  Aurora looked at her suspiciously.

  "I thought your ostracism towards Lucas dated from the day of our engagement announcement, when you still didn’t known of Federico’s misdeeds... "

  Viviana did not answer but became particularly edgy.

  "It's just that every mother wants the best for her daughter and at the time, you’ll admit that your husband didn’t really seem the ideal groom ... "

  Aurora nodded, though she was not entirely convinced with Viviana’s explanation. She seemed strange, but maybe it was all the excitement of the recent days.

  "Well, I’d better go," said Aurora rising. "Say goodbye to Marisol from me as she’s still sleeping."

  " I'll call Carmen to accompany you with the suitcase," said Viviana embracing Aurora tightly. "Give my regards to Lucas and ask him to forgive me, if he can."

  The next morning, Aurora and Lucas, along with Pablo, got into the train carriage that would take them back to Zacatecas.

  "Are you ready to go back to our house?" Lucas asked smiling at Aurora.

  Aurora nodded, smiling back.

  " Yes, let's go home."

  When they entered the house, they found Yolanda waiting for them on the doorstep.

  "I'm glad you're back, both of you," she said before hugging Aurora and then Lucas.

  Lucas and Aurora wanted to freshen up after the long trip, after which they went down to the dining room for dinner, served impeccably by Yolanda. Santos came to welcome them, still supported by two wooden crutches.

  After dinner Pablo joined them in the living room while they were having coffee.

  "Would you like a cigar?" Lucas asked, pointing to the wooden inlaid box on the table.

  "No thank you" said Pablo while Lucas lit one. Pablo looked excited; his eyes gleaming with excitement, his face had taken on a crimson tinge.

  "Are you alright?" Lucas asked curiously.

  Pablo nodded without speaking. Lucas, perplexed, turned to Santos.

  " How is the situation at the mine," he asked, slowly exhaling a puff of smoke.

  "Not good. The damage is severe, we can’t fix it quickly. In addition, we are short of labor. I convinced some peones to continue to work on the reconst
ruction of the mine and to attempt to restart the silver extraction soon. Most of them however have gone, led by that damn team leader."

  Lucas was silent for a few minutes twirling his cigar between his fingers.

  "Tomorrow I’ll go and see the mine, if the situation is as serious as you say, I won’t risk other men’s lives, even if this means losing everything I've got."

  At that moment, Yolanda poked her head out of the kitchen door.

  She coughed lightly, embarrassed.

  "Have you told them yet?" she asked, turning to Pablo.

  Pablo shook his head, apparently still too excited to speak. Everybody present turned to look at one then the other, intrigued.

  " What’s happened now?" Lucas demanded.

  Yolanda crossed the room and walked over to Pablo.

  " This may not be the right time, but we must tell you something, we’ve decided to get married!"

  " So suddenly?" Asked Lucas, amazed.

  For the first time, Pablo intervened.

  "All the time spent apart, me in Tampico and Yolanda here in Zacatecas made us realize how much we missed each other and so ... "

  "You’ve just returned and got down to business quickly!" Santos exclaimed, annoyed. "Without consulting me first! Remember I’m Yolanda’s older brother, you should have ask my permission!"

  " Finally some good news!" Said Aurora, lightening the atmosphere. She got up and ran to embrace Yolanda to congratulate her.

  "Congratulations Pablo," said Lucas, giving him a brotherly pat on the back looking happy and trying to hide his concern for the economic situation.

  The rest of the evening passed joyfully, celebrating Aurora and Lucas’ reconciliation, and Yolanda and Pablo’s future marriage.

  But Lucas continued to have a veil of sadness and worry in his eyes.

  Aurora saw it and walked over to him, stroking his silky black hair. Lucas responded, albeit in a distracted way, trying to smile.

  When they finally retired to their room, Aurora urged him to speak and express his fears.

  "It’s the mine. With the condition it is in, I can’t allow the silver extraction to start up again. It’s too risky. "

  Aurora, now in her dressing gown, came up to him and kissed him on the lips.

  "I'm sure that the decision that you take will be the right one," she whispered.

  Lucas sighed.

  " My decision may condemn us to poverty," he said sadly.

  "When I’m with you I'm not afraid of anything, not even poverty. The important thing is that we're together."

  Lucas hugged and kissed her passionately. Aurora felt a quiver of excitement in her chest, while Lucas’ hot lips ran down her throat. Aurora hurried to get rid of her dressing gown to hug naked Lucas’ strong manly body. Lucas took off his shirt and kicked off his pants while his lips continued to touch Aurora’s silky skin. They lay down on the bed and made love oblivious to the outside world and its problems.

  The next morning, they had breakfast together, then returned to their usual daily lives.

  Lucas confirmed his decision not to authorize the resumption of work which meant that the second loan installment could not be honored. But his resignation was accompanied by the fear that at any moment the bank would send the bailiffs to execute the foreclosure.

  In the evening, he shut himself in his study, trying to find a temporary solution to the financial problems.

  He was sitting at his desk, so immersed with his worries that he did not to hear Aurora enter. Aurora went up to him and kissed him on the head, making him jump.

  "I didn’t mean to scare you," she said softly.

  "I was lost in thought," he replied, taking her hands in his.

  "You're thinking of the loan? Why don’t you go to a lawyer to find a way out?"

  " To who?"

  " To Cristobal, for example, he’s a very good lawyer."

  He immediately let her hands go and jumped up.

  "I’d prefer to let them seize every penny rather than turn to him!"

  Aurora snorted, putting herself in front of his desk.

  "It’s time to put aside this stupid rivalry!" She rebuked him sternly.

  Lucas did not answer her.

  "Tomorrow I’ll go to Tampico to see if I can get a further respite from the bank."

  Aurora insisted.

  "What time do we leave?" She asked.

  " No, Aurora, you stay here, you’ve only just got here!"

  "No, I’ll come with you, I don’t want to risk them separating us again, moreover we can try to solve this problem together, we're married."

  "A great husband fate has given you, I thought that I could offer you a good, stable and prosperous future, instead look!" He said, spreading his arms out sadly.

  " Wealth is not everything, I feel like the richest woman in the world by the mere fact of having you next to me!" She exclaimed passionately.

  He smiled and pulled her into a hug.

  "I'm the luckiest man in the world," he said tenderly kissing her, his head resting on her breast.

  Chapter 25

  In Tampico the day started beautifully sunny, while a gentle breeze blowing from the calm sea cooled the air.

  Don José Pereira, impeccable as always in his uniform, went to visit Doña Viviana Vargas de Coronado.

  "I’m very happy to see you. It’s a long time since you’ve been to see me," said Viviana, inviting Don José into the living room.

  "I’ve been involved with the investigation of your late husband’s case... but I’ve still not been able to come up with anything. I’ve heard that Aurora is living with Lucas again, congratulations!"

  "Yes, they finally resolved their misunderstandings and I hope they manage to leave everything behind and move forward with their lives."

  They sat on the sofa, while Viviana ordered Carmen to serve two fresh lemonades.

  " You know Don José, I realized that I was very unfair to Lucas ... He was just a poor victim of Raquel Navarra y Reyes, just like all of us," said Viviana, while her voice trembling with irritation.

  " What do you mean?" asked Don José, resting his hands on his knees and leaning towards her.

  Viviana sighed, in the grip of anxiety.

  "I can talk honestly to you because you are a friend ... before a police officer," She said placing her delicate hand on his.

  "It’s no secret that I yearn to be something more than just a friend to you ... your beauty has bewitched me from the first day I saw you!" Don José whispered, taking her hand to his lips and kissing it tenderly.

  Viviana blushed, but she could not tear her eyes from his blue ones.

  Just then Marisol came down the stairs, dressed in a canary yellow dress. On hearing her footsteps, Viviana immediately withdrew her hand while Don José stood up to greet Marisol.

  "Good morning, Don José," said Marisol taking a seat in the chair next to Viviana.

  " Don José and I were talking about the investigation into Costantino’s murder.” Intervened Viviana without showing any embarrassment.

  " And is there any news?" Asked Marisol.

  " No, unfortunately we are at a dead end," replied Don José annoyed. "Who ever committed this terrible crime has completely vanished, without leaving any trace."

  Viviana coughed, tucking a bronze curl behind her ear.

  "I believe, as I was saying Don José, that behind it all there is Raquel Navarra y Reyes’ hand ... But I fear that we’ll never find the evidence."

  " Certainly, my mother-in-law is a snake and is undoubtedly very smart!" Commented Marisol arranging the folds of her wide skirt.

  " But why would she want to get rid of your husband or her brother-in-law?" Asked José. "The problem is this, we can’t find a valid motive for the murder! The only plausible one, and I regret to say this, was that provided by Doña Raquel herself that incriminated Lucas."

  " Lucas is innocent, Don José!" Exclaimed Marisol heatedly.

  "I believe that Raquel's hiding
something ... Lucas’ exclusion from his father’s legacy is a strange and unusual element... Maybe Hector was aware of something compromising and it was more convenient to silence him forever!" Suggested Viviana.

  " Unfortunately these are only speculations," responded Don José dejected. "Until we find useful evidence, we can’t accuse anyone."

  Don José sighed.

  " Well, it's time that for me to go," he said, standing up.

  " But you have been here such a short time!” Complained Marisol.

  "I have to go back to work," said Don José addressing Marisol. Viviana immediately stood up to accompany Don José to the door.

  As he left, Don José said goodbye to Viviana, staring at her admiringly.

  "Next time I’ll stay longer, if the hostess will allow me!" He said as he bowed to kiss Viviana’s hand, holding it perhaps longer than he should have.

  "It will be a pleasure to have you here with us again soon Don José," replied Viviana.

  As soon as he had gone, Marisol gave Viviana a mischievous smile.

  "I think he likes you aunt!" she exclaimed laughing.

  " Do not be silly Marisol!" Viviana said curtly, embarrassed.

  " What would be so strange? You’re a very beautiful widow and he is undoubtedly a very attractive man ... And don’t tell me you haven’t noticed this yourself!"

  "Marisol, you're being insolent!" Scolded Viviana pretending to arrange some flowers in a vase on the nearby shelf to avoid being seen smiling by Marisol. "Can’t you see I'm still wearing mourning? I’ve some other things to think about!"

  The light atmosphere, however, was soon interrupted.

  The doorbell rang and the maid went to open it. She entered the living room after a few seconds, followed by Don Miguel Vargas Rivera de Coronado.

  " Father," cried Marisol, frightened, jumping to her feet.

  "I came to speak to you," said Don Miguel surly, turning to Viviana, without even looking at Marisol.

  A flash of anger crossed Don Miguel’s stern gaze.

  "Marisol would you leave us alone, please?" ordered Viviana.

  " No, stay," said Don Miguel trying to keep impassive. "We need to talk about you and your intolerable behavior. You’ve disgraced our family’s good name. You abandoned your husband, you went to live with an adventurer, and when he left you to return to his wife, you came to take refuge here!"


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