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eldritch files 07 - elemental blood

Page 4

by weldon, phaedra

  All eyes turned to her. She blushed a bit and looked very, very guilty.

  "Arden?" Crwys took a step forward. "Did you put something in there?"

  "Well…" She smiled. "Not so much a something as a…someone."

  Son of— "Arden—"

  "Now, you keep your fiery temper intact. It's not my fault he showed up in my garden. He was bruised and beaten, and he'd been stabbed. He needed a place to hide"


  "I didn't get his name," Arden said. "But he's about my height with a long white silvery braid and pointed ears. Looked like an Elf of some kind. Said he was being hunted…I thought this was the best place for him to hide… Why is everyone staring at me?"

  Crwys sighed with his hands on his hips. "I think we just found the Risi King."


  I couldn't sleep. Not just because my Arcane had skipped town, but also because Bastien hadn't come back from wherever it was he went. The town was small, just a spot in the road. And the motel backed up to a national forest. I assumed he'd gone out for a run. He'd barely let his wolf run since he came on this…this whatever it was with me. I didn't know if not letting the wolf roam free was like bottling up emotions for a human. You just keep denying them and then BAM. Insta-bitch.

  I should know. I'd become the queen of insta these past months. But I was accustomed to Bastien being beside me. Not that we'd been romantic or had sex—I just couldn't do that. My heart, no matter how hard I tried to suppress it, belonged to Crwys. He permeated my dreams, my waking thoughts, my daydreams. I saw him no matter where I went. On the street, in a café, in the window of a store, looking back at me.

  The nightmares had lessened when Bastien slept beside me, always in wolf form. Lessened, but never went away. They became dreams of fire. These were new, and they terrified me. I hadn't dreamt of Crwys like that since the Faeries took him. After that first nightmare, I'd called the station in New Orleans just to check and make sure he wasn't missing.

  It was cowardly. The proper thing to do would be to call him. Talk to him. Explain myself.

  And yet, I couldn't silence that other voice that'd started nagging me. The one that showed up after he asked me to marry him. The one that grew even louder when I learned about the Dragon's Sleep. A deep sleep that could last two hundred to three hundred years. The Dragons hopped through time this way…the ones that survived.

  Always, my thoughts returned to Lethe and my mother dying in my arms. I tried not to hate Crwys for that because it wasn't his fault. Logically, I knew there wasn't anything he could have done to prevent it. Emotionally…I wasn't in control of that part of things yet.

  I craved Crwys during those cold nights, even with an overly-warm Wolf at my side. Bastien had so many opportunities to betray my trust in him, but he never did. He was kind, respectful, and very protective. I still worried about that poor guy we left in Idaho last week, the one whose nose Bastien had happily rearranged after the guy insulted my chastity.

  Crwys was immortal. Or at least, he would live a very, very long time. And he would always look the way he looked now. Beautiful, rugged, sexy. And me? Well, Witches don't age well in the movies. And age I would. There wasn't a damn thing I could do about that. And I didn't want to die in front of Crwys or be consumed by my own insecurities when other women flirted with him. I didn't doubt his heart. I just doubted me.

  After tossing around, I got up and looked out the window. Waxing moon. Yeah…I was pretty sure Bastien was out running down prey, enjoying the woods while I swam in my misery.

  I queried my Elementals, who all agreed I needed fresh air. But I wanted a shower first. The hot water woke me up instead of making me sleepy, so I put on clothing, summoned a protection shield and stepped out into the night, sending feels around to make sure I was alone and wouldn’t become the target of some idiot drunk with a hard on for taking lone women.

  This is America, you know. Land of the free. And the missing.

  The brisk mountain air made me wish I'd brought a thicker jacket, but Belenos sparked some heat and within seconds, I was warmer. I actually had to ask him to turn it down. They moved with me, invisible as we passed the trees. There was something very interesting about this particular wood. And after a good half hour of walking, I figured out what it was.

  I could actually hear the forest. The swamps and the nature preserves back home were okay, but there was always so much industrial noise nearby that made it almost impossible to really hear everything around us. I stood in a clearing, looking up at the half moon. Its light illuminated the whole area, and I spotted a few deer moving fast from my right to my left as they jumped into the shadows. I inhaled deep and closed my eyes. There was something very calming, very Zen about this spot. I inhaled again and let the breath out slow. Everything stilled, including me, and I sighed. Here, I believed I could actually hear my own voice.

  And it was telling me…

  I wasn't alone.

  I didn't move immediately as my feels moved like water along the ground in four directions. Whatever it was had tripped one of them, and they all converged on a spot to my left, maybe fifty feet away. Whatever it was, it was quiet. I hadn't heard it make a sound. And as I stilled my own breathing, thinking and moving, I strained to identify it.

  Nothing. Yet, my feels said it was there. I shoved my hands into my pockets and acted as if I were still just enjoying the night. I walked further into the illuminated glen and felt it shift position. I moved my right hand, making a pentagram in the air, and conjured my dex, a spell I used to identify what a possible friend or foe was. Many times a creature's actions depended on what they were and what types of alliances they adhered to.

  Five pentagrams in Elemental colors popped into the air at the five points of the pentagram. Earth, Air, Fire, Water, Spirit. Green, Yellow, Red, Blue, and Indigo. They spun in unison as the spell worked on its own Ethereal database, pulling from the Akashic Records until it said—


  I stared at the word as it floated in the air in front of me. Any hunters or passersby wouldn't see the light show. That was reserved for only the magic sensitive.

  What the hell is a Nisse?

  I dismissed it as my feels alerted me to this Nisse's movement as it came around on my left side. I have to admit I didn't see it. Whatever it was. Maybe it had an invisibility cloak. And that's about the moment my imagination went wild—that moment when you realize you're a woman. Alone. In the woods. And you suddenly don't know which way is back to the motel.

  Lady Darksome!

  I summoned my Elementals, who appeared around me, battle-ready. Whatever its purpose for following me, it was time to get some answers. I gave a nod to each of them just before all hell broke loose in the direction of where my feels said the Nisse was. And when I say all hell, I mean a serious light show. Flashes of yellow, bright purple, then a few blues, all of it accompanied by a very, very familiar growl.


  I took off at a run toward the commotion under the trees, my hands out, ready to send my Elementals into action. I might not have the added boost of Arcane, but I'd been a good fighter before I'd become infected. I still had it where it counted.

  As I neared I could make out Bastien's wolf's shadow in the lights…and there was something else. It looked like a man—

  -Samantha?- came Zephyros's voice. I loved the soft, wispy tones of my Air Elemental. -Should we attack?-

  "No—" I don't know why I hesitated. Might be because the show ended and I heard someone moaning. Anything we added would just be overkill. I swallowed, but didn't dismiss my buddies. "B-Bastien?" Oh, I sounded a bit disturbed.

  Who was I kidding? I was freaked out.

  The bushes parted with the darkness and a very, very naked Bastien LeBlanc stepped into the moonlight, dragging someone by their foot. Bastien muttered in French and dropped the man at my feet. I tried looking at him, this Nisse, but I was too distracted by Bastien's nakedness. You'd think I'd be used it by now,
but no one is used to Bastien's physique.

  No one.

  "You"—he pointed at me—"no more out alone at night, chérie. Not with such bon á rien Risi roaming these woods."

  "You know what he is?"

  "Oui. Wolves and Risi know each other very well. No mon ami."

  I looked down at the man and asked Belenos to summon a small sun. He did, and the grapefruit-sized sun floated above us, high enough to cast a wide circle of light and not blind us. I knelt down beside the Nisse. He was turned on his side and wearing… I wasn't sure what it was. Visually, it looked like some kind of costume made of silk leaves. When I touched it—

  Green sparks!

  I jumped back so fast I landed on my backside. "Lady Darksome…what the hell was that?"

  "Arcane. I believe the marmot over taxed his magic. He is not very good with it, no?"

  I nodded as I gingerly touched him again. This time the spark was pretty mild, and the body flinched and moaned. I touched his upper arm and gently pulled him on his back…and slapped my hand to my mouth.

  Elf! I was looking at a freak'n Elf! And it had horns!


  He was young, or young looking, with a pretty face. His hair was a light green or mint—I couldn't really tell with the combined moonlight and sunlight from Belenos. His ears were pointed but not very big, though they did stick out from beneath that hair. Just above the tip of his ears curled thin, delicate horns. They reminded me of a ram's, but were nowhere near as thick. They sprouted from his temples, parting his hair. I ran my gaze all the way down then back up again. "Rise…are Elves?"

  Bastien snorted. "Call him that. See what happens. This one's a Risi, part of the Nisse people."

  Neessay? Reesee? Who named these people? Five year olds?

  "But he's not an Elf."


  "And he was following me."



  Bastien shrugged. "No matter. I can finish the job and bury him in a tree."

  "Stop!" I put up my hand. "You will do no such thing." No one buries a horned Legolas!

  "Samantha—" Bastien turned his head to the side. "The Nisse are not kind. The Risi in particular. Races amid their own people…" He sighed. "He probably sensed your magic. Followed you to see? Ah, little Risi? I know you are awake."

  I looked from Bastien to the Elf—er, Risi—and watched as his eyes fluttered. He looked at me and the side of his mouth turned up in what looked like a smirk. "You have a tayhang for a protector," he said in heavily-accented English. At first, I thought he was Irish, but there was something else there. "Then you are the one I was searching for."

  Huh? I sat back on the damp grass, then shifted when my butt hit a rock. This Risi slowly sat up and kept glancing at Bastien. Bastien growled. The Risi winced.

  "Are you hurt?" I asked, not sure what to say. I had a naked wolf standing to my right, and for all intents and purposes, an Elf sitting in front of me. Now that he was sitting up, the sun moved around as I asked it to and I could see his face better. Soft, smooth skin, perfectly symmetrical features, and full lips. He was pretty to look at. I couldn't tell what color his eyes were because of the shadows cast by the sun globe.

  I decided his hair was white, and it hung disheveled around his face. I could see most of it was still pulled back in a cue, but the abrupt fight with Bastien had really messed it up. His clothing, when I looked at it, moved a bit and adjusted itself to him. It didn't look as leafy now. In fact, it looked more like…grass. "Is your clothing…changing?"

  He nodded and looked down at himself, then brushed at his chest and arms with long-fingered hands. "This is a delphynad."

  "A who?"

  "Delphynad," he pronounced again. "Dell-fi-nad."

  "Living cotton," Bastien volunteered.

  The Risi glared up at him. "It's not just living cotton. It's imbued with the purest essence of life before it's harvested by hand and massaged—"

  "Stop. Please." I held up my hand. "I got it. You're wearing living clothing." Creepy. "What's your name?"

  He moved around a bit until he was on his knees, then he knelt on one and bowed to me. "I am Brahms, First Lieutenant of the Black Shadow Army."

  "Army? There are more of you?"

  He settled back down. "There were. I was part of the escort of our King when we were attacked. I woke up close to a lake, alone. I was wounded, and it took me some time to heal."

  I looked him over. "Did your…suit heal too?"


  Uh huh. "Well, Brahms, since I don't know what the Nisse are, and Bastien here doesn't like you, care to tell me why you're following me?"

  Brahms looked stricken. "I feared for your life. I sensed you were a Witch—your Elementals are magnificent! But I also saw a wolf stalking you. I didn't want him to hurt you, or worse, un-maiden you."

  I actually giggle-snorted on that one. I glanced at Bastien. He pulled his mouth to the side in a smirk, but he didn't say anything. So I smiled pleasantly at the confused-looking Brahms. "I do appreciate that, Brahms. Since I had no idea I was being followed." I looked back at Bastien, who shrugged. "Will you put something on?"

  "I will not leave you alone with him, chérie. The Risi are known for luring humans, and Wolves, to their deaths."

  Brahms stumbled to his feet. I got up as well. The guy was perfectly proportioned with a nice, slim body, but he was a good half-foot shorter than me. "We do not, beast. Unlike the Wolves, who eat small, defenseless children."

  I winced. Ooh. He just hit a hot button with Bastien. If there was one thing the Wolf, and the man, was protective of, it was children. He'd shared with me his dream to have a family and his eternal love for Regine, the pack's only child.

  I slipped between Brahms and Bastien, with my hands on Bastien's chest. Eyes up, Sam! "Not now. Please?" When Bastien stopped, but continued to glare at Brahms, I turned to the Risi, again amazed at the stark difference between him and Bastien. I understood now how Elves—Risi—were always portrayed as beautiful. Not very masculine, but nice to look at.

  But then, so was a piece of chocolate cake. And if you eat too much of it, you gain weight.

  Man…I needed sleep.

  I noticed Brahms and Bastien eyeing one another and figured if I didn’t get Bastien to back off, Brahms would end up fertilizing a nearby tree.

  "Okay," I said with a short sigh and pointed to Bastien. "Go find a leaf, or a bush, or something while Brahms explains himself."

  And of course, Bastien didn't move to find covering, but instead crossed his powerful arms over his chest and stood his ground.

  Typical Wolf.

  “Fine.” I looked at Brahms. “Can you be more specific?”

  Brahms seemed more amused than worried at Bastien's continued presence. "My Lady, I am the King's Chevalier. His advisor and his Pathfinder, as well as his protector."

  I frowned. "Pathfinder?" I had the feeling that word didn't mean what I initially thought it meant.

  He pulled his hair back behind his ears.

  I arched a brow and glanced at Bastien. "And?"

  "He's showing you the size of his ears." Bastien sounded amused. I thought he should be feeling cold. It was long after midnight in Oregon, and damn…yeah, I was cold too.


  "My ears are not as large as a true Risi, but smaller. As is the nature of my breed."

  "Breed? You said you were Risi."

  "No, the tayhang said I was. There isn't a name for a half-breed like myself. I am only half Risi. My father was a Troll."

  "That explains those horns," Bastien said.

  "Do Risi not usually have horns?" I asked.

  "Not like those." Bastien pointed.

  Whoa. "So Trolls…" I edited myself there, of course I was thinking big monsters under the bridge or something very Tolkien-esque. "They have smaller ears and horns like a ram?"

  "Trolls don't have ears." Brahms smiled. "At least not in the places you'd think they would be. Y
ou really don't know about the Nisse races, do you?"

  And again, I was embarrassed at how lacking my education into the Other World, Supernatural World or, as I'd learned to call it, What-The-Hell-World, really was. "Afraid not."

  "Then I am honored to educate you, My Lady."

  "I will keep you honest." Bastien smiled. He looked at me. "Chérie."

  I shook my head. "Keep going, Brahms."

  "Half-breed children within the Nisse world are revered and not shunned. I am both Risi and Troll, which means I have some of the Trolls' magic."

  "You do?"

  "All offspring created by mating with Trolls are known as Pathfinders. As a Pathfinder, there are times I can see the future. My Risi blood prevents the path from being as clear as a true Troll could find it. As a Risis, I have the ability to create gates along ley lines."



  I figured he didn’t mean a gate to keep things in or out. "Do I take that to mean an opening into someplace else?"

  "Yes. A means of traveling—but just along the lines." He licked his lips. "We were traveling through the Greater Kingdom—"

  I interrupted, "Greater Kingdom?"

  "Oregon," Bastien said.


  "We were here bringing supplies to the Boggarts. They are nearly extinct now, and the King was very upset by this."

  I didn't say anything. I already knew about the plight of the Boggarts because I was there when a Ceremonial Magician destroyed over half of them. I also blamed myself for this disaster. They were trying to help me when they were caught up in the fight. Just lay on the guilt.

  "That's when we were ambushed near the outer edges. We are good fighters, My Lady, but the numbers overwhelmed us. When the King was injured, I called forth a gate so he could escape."

  "Did he?" Bastien asked.

  "Yes." Brahms dipped his head. "I planned to accompany him. I knew his wound was deep and needed my attention, but between my injuries and the amount of will it takes to create a gate… I lost consciousness. When I woke, it was beneath a loose pile of dirt and the bodies of the other soldiers."


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