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Stroke of Luck

Page 24

by Opal Carew

  “Mr. Austin Wright, will you be my second husband and live with Quinn and me as husband and wife and husband, for the rest of our lives?”

  “Oh, fuck.” He dashed at a tear springing from his eye and dropped to his knees in front of her. He grasped her shoulders, staring deeply into her lovely eyes. “Of course I will. I love you, too.”

  He pulled her to him tightly, taking her lips with a depth of passion that soared from his soul. When he finally released her, she giggled, and he saw the pure joy in her eyes. He laughed, too.

  His gaze shot to Quinn. “And you know that I love this guy, too.” He grinned. “As a brother. But I don’t mind getting down and dirty in the bedroom with him and the woman we both love.”

  He felt a tug on his shirt and realized that April was unfastening his buttons. She pulled his shirt open, then snuggled against his bare chest. The feel of her naked breasts against him made him groan happily.

  “Talking about getting down and dirty…” He stroked her soft breast, his thumb brushing over her nipple.

  She sighed contentedly. He drew her to her feet and cupped both breasts, lifting them in his palms. She turned in his arms so her back was to him and her delightful ass was tight against his erection. She wiggled it, causing his cock to grow and press tightly against his confining pants.

  She took his hands and placed them over her breasts. Quinn, who was standing in front of Austin, watched with a smile.

  Austin pinched her hard nipples between his fingertips, watching Quinn’s dark blue eyes grow darker. In the mirror across the room, Austin could see April’s hand slide down her taut stomach, then over the lace of her panties.

  Then she dipped inside.

  “Oh, my. I’m getting very wet.” She smiled coquettishly. “I wish someone would help me out.”

  Quinn’s hand was gliding over his thick bulge now. “Austin, I think it’s your play.”

  Austin chuckled, then tugged the back of April’s panties down. He unfastened his pants and let his cock spring free, then slid it between April’s thighs, gliding over the hot, slick flesh.

  “Damn, sweetheart, you are wet.”

  In the mirror, he could see his cockhead sprouting out from between her legs. Her fingers brushed his tip, sending sensual waves pulsing through him. He rocked his hips, his cock stroking over her.

  She rested her head against his shoulder. “I want you inside me,” she murmured, her voice full of need.

  On the next stroke forward, he pushed his tip upward and pressed into her intimate folds. He moaned when he felt her welcoming flesh open around him. His cock slipped into her in a slow, even stroke. When he was all the way inside, he held her tightly against him, his arm snug around her waist.

  Quinn stepped forward and cupped her breasts in his hands.

  * * *

  April moaned softly. Austin’s thick cock was deep inside her, and Quinn’s warm hands covered her breasts, his thumbs toying with her aching nipples.

  Quinn leaned in and kissed her, his mouth gentle and loving on hers.

  “Do you want Austin to fuck you now?” Quinn’s lips nuzzled against her ear. “To make you come?”

  “Yesss,” she breathed.

  Quinn smiled and slid her panties down her legs. Austin drew her backward a few steps, and then their bodies sank downward as he sat in a big, cozy armchair. He leaned back and wrapped his hands around her waist. The sight of them in the mirror, Austin fully clothed and her totally naked on top of him, his cock deep inside her, made her feel dirty. And exhilarated.

  She leaned forward and rested her hands on his thighs, then lifted herself, his cock gliding inside her. Then she lowered herself again.

  Quinn watched them, his midnight eyes simmering with desire. He was fully clothed, too, but he opened his shirt and cast it aside, then shoved down his pants and boxers. She watched Quinn wrap his hand around his thick erection and stroke it. She squeezed Austin’s inside her as it plunged deep into her again.

  She held out her hand to Quinn, and he stepped close. She wrapped her hand around his cock, then leaned down and took him in her mouth as Austin pumped into her from below. Her knees were shaking as pleasure quivered through her. She sucked on Quinn, moving her hand and mouth up and down on him to the same rhythm as Austin’s moving cock.

  Quinn knelt down in front of her, his cock escaping her hold.

  “Baby, just enjoy Austin fucking you. I don’t want to be distracted from watching your beautiful face as you come.”

  Then he stroked down her stomach and found her clit. Staggering delight rushed through her at the combination of a big, thick cock filling her vagina and swirling, intense sensations quivering through her bud.

  “Oh, God, I’m going to come.” Her voice was hoarse and deep with need.

  “Fuck, sweetheart, me, too,” Austin groaned.

  He pumped faster, and her head swirled as a flood of pleasure surged through her.

  “Ohhh,” she moaned.

  Quinn’s finger kept moving on her, driving the pleasure higher. As she wailed at the top of her lungs, Austin spiked deep, and she felt him erupt inside her with a groan. He continued rocking his hips. Between that and Quinn’s attention on her clit, she kept sailing on a wave of bliss.

  After a long time, the orgasm finally waned, and she slumped forward into Quinn’s arms. As he held her tightly, Austin sat up straight and kissed the back of her neck. Quinn drew her to her feet and led her to the bed, then perched her on the edge. He then pressed her knees wide apart, and his head swooped down.

  When she felt his mouth on her, licking, then pulsing deep, her fingers curled in his hair and she moaned. Austin sat down beside her, watching Quinn’s head between her legs.

  Quinn found her clit and teased it mercilessly, and she arched against his mouth. Pleasure spiked through her again, and she fell back on the bed, moaning as another orgasm exploded inside her.

  “Ah, fuck, you’re so beautiful when you come, baby.” Quinn surged onto the bed and pressed his hard cockhead to her opening, then drove inside. His thick shaft, so stiff and hard, pushed in deep.

  “Oh, yes, Quinn,” she wailed, flying high with the pleasure.

  He wrapped his arms around her and pulled her to him as he kept driving into her.

  As she soared to heaven, he groaned, and she felt a flood of hot liquid inside her. After a few more deep thrusts, he slowed, and she drifted back to earth. She sighed and snuggled in his arms. She could see Austin watching her from his perch on the bed beside her, and she smiled at him.

  “You two are amazing,” she murmured against Quinn’s skin.

  Quinn kissed the top of her head. “And you are an amazing woman.”

  He rolled to his side.

  She smiled. “Mmm. You know, I’m feeling really greedy tonight. I want both of you inside me at once. But sadly, you’re both spent.”

  Austin chuckled, then stood up. “That won’t take long to fix.”

  He walked to the audio system in the armoire and turned on some sultry music, then he held out his hand to her.

  “Would you like to dance?”

  She smiled as she and Quinn stood up. “Really?”

  Austin took her hand and drew her close to him, his arms curling around her. A second later, Quinn was pressed close to her back, and the three of them were moving in time to the slow music.

  It wasn’t long before she felt their cocks nudging into her. Austin slowed down their dance even more, then reached down and glided his cock between her thighs. With every movement, his shaft massaged her sensitive, slick flesh.

  Quinn laughed, then she felt his cock slide in above Austin’s, until both their cocks were between her legs, snug against each other’s. She couldn’t believe they didn’t mind their cocks touching like that, but she was glad. It opened so many more variations for them.

  Quinn’s hands glided over her breasts, cupping them. Austin slid one hand down her stomach and found her clit, teasing it in light strokes. />
  “Oh, God, you two are driving me insane.” Her words were barely coherent.

  “I don’t think she wants to dance anymore,” Quinn said nonchalantly.

  “I think you’re right, buddy.”

  They rocked their hips against her in unison, Quinn’s cock stroking her, driving her need higher.

  “I want you both inside me,” she insisted. “Please.”

  “I think she’s begging for us to fuck her,” Austin said.

  “You’re right. Do you think we should give her what she wants?” Quinn asked.

  “If you don’t…” She gasped for air when Austin flicked her clit. “I’m going to start without you.”

  Quinn’s deep chuckle rumbled through her. “She means business.”

  Her whole body started to tremble. “I do,” she squeaked.

  Quinn’s cock slid back, then she felt him position it against her back opening. Austin stepped back, holding her hands and bending her forward. Quinn pressed slowly against her, easing forward. Her passage opened reluctantly around him, but he coaxed it with a slow and steady pressure. When his cockhead finally pushed all the way inside, her canal hugged him tightly, and she rested her head against Austin’s stomach.

  Austin stroked her hair to one side and held it in his hand as Quinn pushed deeper into her.

  “Damn, I love watching Quinn’s cock push into your ass,” he said.

  She squeezed his hand, her head spinning at the intensity of the sensual onslaught of the thick shaft moving inside her tight passage. Finally, Quinn was all the way inside. Austin eased her up until she was standing. He moved closer with a smile, then his cockhead was pushing against her vagina. He slid inside easily, stroking up inside her next to Quinn’s already embedded cock.

  Both her passages were full of fat, hard cock. She squeezed, and both men groaned.

  “Oh, God, somebody do something or I think I’ll die,” she groaned.

  Both men took that as a cue and began to move. The thick shafts slid in and out, dragging along her sensitive passages. Triggering delightful sensations dancing through her entire body.

  “Ohhh, yes.” Pleasure pulsed through her with each slow, even stroke. She began to quiver, and her head spun.

  They thrust a little faster, and she clung to Austin’s shoulders as her heartbeat increased.

  “Ohhh.” Her moan was low and deep. “I’m going to come.”

  But just as she felt the orgasm start to blossom, rippling from deep inside, they slowed it down again. They pushed their big cocks deep inside her … stopped for a heartbeat … then pulled back again. She groaned as the thick cockheads stroked her insides.

  “I … need you … to go … faster,” she panted.

  They sped up, and her body quivered at the exquisite pleasure, but as soon as she felt that delightful stirring deep inside, they slowed again.

  She glanced up at Quinn’s face through her haze of pleasure, and his grin told her they were doing this on purpose.

  She squeezed them both tight, making them groan this time. And almost pushing her over the edge.

  “Please, I beg of you, make me come,” she pleaded.

  Their arms slid around each other, holding her tightly between them. Then they sped up in earnest. She felt like a buoy bobbing on the water, simply riding the movements of the ocean waves. They pulsed deep, their hard cocks boring all the way in, then pulled back, triggering a swirling storm of delight within her.

  “We want you to come, baby,” Quinn said in a desire-roughened voice, then he kissed the top of her head.

  Her body felt like it was shimmering, as if a magical spell had been cast on her and she was about to explode in a burst of stardust.

  They pumped deeper and faster, and her whole body quaked as electricity surged through every cell of her body. She sucked in a breath as sparks flickered across her nerve endings. Then it happened. When they drove inside her, an orgasm swelled up and careened through her in a blazing wave of crackling flames.

  She cried out as she was catapulted over the edge. The world dropped away as she floated in a total state of bliss, her body pulsing with pure joy.

  She felt the men continue to pump into her, keeping her in this rapturous state. Then they both drove deep and groaned, releasing their seed into her at the same time. She moaned again, flung into a higher state of ecstasy.

  They kept rocking their hips, keeping her in the delightful state of pleasure, but finally her moans diminished and she descended back to earth. She slumped in their arms, her eyelids fluttering closed.

  “I think she fainted,” Quinn said.

  “Mmm. No,” she murmured against his chest. “My knees just went weak.”

  Austin laughed and stepped back, his hands firmly around her waist, supporting her. Quinn scooped her up and carried her to the bed, then set her down.

  “I think we could all use a rest right now,” Quinn said as he climbed into bed and snuggled beside her, his arm around her waist.

  Austin got in the other side and slid close to her, too.

  “I love how our bride begs to be fucked,” Quinn said.

  Austin smiled. “And for us to make her come.”

  “Well, the two of you were torturing me.”

  Austin’s eyebrow rose. “So we shouldn’t do that again?”

  She grinned. “Oh, I didn’t say that.”

  Austin and Quinn both laughed, and she glanced from one to the other, delighted at the glow in both their eyes. How had she been so lucky as to wind up with both these wonderful men?

  Her whole life, no one had ever cared about her, but now both Quinn and Austin were in love with her. They cared about her and what happened to her. They would protect her if she needed it. And she was sure they would support her in whatever she wanted to do.

  “I love you both so much,” she said softly. “I can’t believe how lucky I am.”

  Quinn laughed, a joyous sound. “Austin and I went to Vegas to kick off our new life of leisure, each of us with hopes of finding the woman of our dreams, then you walked into my life again and turned everything upside down. I never would have believed we’d both fall in love with the same woman. And that it would be you, the woman I never stopped loving.”

  “Good thing you had me along,” Austin said, “to make sure you didn’t blow it.”

  She smiled and nodded. Then she yawned, feeling cozy and a bit sleepy nestled between their warm bodies.

  “Now I’d like to have a little nap with my two strapping big husbands.” She stroked down their taut stomachs and over their cocks, surprised to find them semi-erect. She giggled. “Then afterward, maybe we can find something fun to do.”

  “I’m all for that,” Quinn said, tightening his embrace around her waist.

  “Me, too.” Austin nuzzled her neck as he rocked against her hand.

  She wrapped her fingers around their thick shafts, and her eyelids fell closed. With a smile on her face, she drifted off to a deep slumber, content in the arms of the two men who loved her.


  With fond thanks to my editor, Rose, who believed in me right from the beginning and gave me my first big break. Thanks to Eileen and Tiffany who have continued the journey with me. I appreciate all you’ve done to bring this book together. Also, thanks to Emily, my wonderful agent, who has been my guiding light for many years.


  X Marks the Spot


  A Fare to Remember

  Big Package (e-novella)


  Meat (e-novella)

  My Best Friend’s Stepfather

  Stepbrother, Mine

  Hard Ride

  Riding Steele

  His to Claim

  His to Possess

  His to Command



  Secret Weapon

  Total Abandon

  Pleasure Bound

  Twin Fantasies

  Swing />


  Secret Ties

  Forbidden Heat


  Praise for the Novels of


  “With deft attention to detail … and a flirtation with the forbidden … this pleasing love story will satisfy romance fans.”

  —Publishers Weekly

  “A must-read … Carew definitely knows how to turn up the heat.”

  —RT Book Reviews

  “Carew brings erotic romance to a whole new level … she sets your senses on fire!”

  —Reader to Reader

  “You might find yourself needing to turn on the air conditioner because this book is HOT! Ms. Carew just keeps getting better.”

  —Romance Junkies

  “A dip in an icy pool in the winter is what I needed just to cool off a little once I finished this yummy tale!”

  —Night Owl Reviews (5 stars)

  “Whew! A curl-your-toes, hot and sweaty erotic romance. I didn’t put this book down until I read it from cover to cover.… I highly recommend this one.”

  —Fresh Fiction

  “Carew is truly a goddess of sensuality in her writing.”

  —Dark Angel Reviews

  “Carew pulls off another scorcher.… She knows how to write a love scene that takes her reader to dizzying heights of pleasure.”

  —My Romance Story

  About the Author

  OPAL CAREW is the New York Times bestselling author of more than twenty erotic romances for St. Martin’s Griffin. Visit her on the Web at, or sign up for email updates here.

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