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Laid 2 Rest: Two Halves of a Whole

Page 2

by Melanie Rose

  And just like I imagined I would. I lay cocooned in his muscular arms, stark naked and wrapped around him like a fresh baked pretzel.

  I love my dreams! They were so vivid and at times, felt amazingly real.

  Slave boy was running his long, warm fingers ever so softly up and down the slope of my spine. With my eyes still closed, I shifted my head from his hard chest to his ear. “I missed you my pet. You may service me now,” I whispered seductively as I nibbled away on his earlobe.

  “You haven’t had enough of me yet?” A deep penetrating voice answered me back.

  Hold up a minute, people! Usually I would get all warm and tingly when a sexy double meaning was in play, but instead I just froze. My breathing cut off as I rewound what he had just said in my mind.

  It wasn’t the comment that had brought me up short exactly… it was his voice! I would have known the sound of it anywhere. In fact, I had just heard it in the bathroom before crawling into bed tonight. Needless to say, that was so not the voice of whom I was expecting.

  “Are you alright, love? Cat got your tongue,” he said pressing his lips to the top of my long wavy, chocolate-brown hair.

  I had forgotten that he once called me that. My eyes opened slowly to find myself staring into big, beautiful chestnut colored orbs. Gently placing a hand upon his cheek, I caressed the contours of his high cheekbones… I knew every inch of this face; I’d stared at it thousands of times before. My eyes never left his as they started to water from the sheer joy of seeing it once more.

  I cannot remember the last time I had dreamt of him. It had been that long, but it was so good to see him again, even if he was just a fantasy.

  “I’m perfect,” I finally replied after my heart started pumping blood again, while he continued to gaze deep into my eyes for a few more moments as if he were searching for something.

  That look pierced right thru me, reaching my very core, melting some of the ice that my heart had been encased in.

  Man, I wanted him. My body started screaming at me, but his eyes had me locked in place. His hand slid around to the back of my neck and gently pulled me forward to close the two-inch space between our lips. I’d never tasted anything so sweet or felt lips so soft, I thought to myself as his warm tongue danced with mine.

  An unfamiliar feeling ignited somewhere deep down in me that I hadn’t felt in forever.


  Warm. Hot. Burning desire.

  I moaned from the heat of it as it consumed every inch me. This was the kind of kiss that should have set the whole damn bed on fire. I haven’t wanted a real man in Gods knows how long… but I sure did want him… BAD!

  Before I could even stop myself, I was straddling him. With our mouths still tongue-tied, I marveled at the sheer size of his manhood as I plunged it deep inside of myself. I gasped for air, finally breaking our kiss. Not wanting to lose the feel of his lips on my body altogether, I arched my back and leaned in close, allowing him to lick a trail down my throat, past my collarbone, where he attached himself firmly to my awaiting breast.

  Wow, this is even better than I remember, I shuddered as my pelvic pace quickened. Benefiting from my pleasure spike, he growled deep in his throat as I rode him hard into the mattress.

  Rocking backwards a little too far broke the suction to my nipple. He tried to sit up, but I couldn’t allow that… not when our current position felt so damn good!

  Leaning forward, I let my other breast dangle in his face like bait until he caught it with his teeth. When my pace quickened once more, I sensed his urgency start to build. My body melted into his as his melted into mine and together we clinched at each other, willing ourselves closer (as if that were even possible). Unable to deny what our bodies needed the most, we both exploded and rippled with pure, unsaturated bliss.

  Oh my God! Burn baby burn.

  Sleepily, I opened my eyes in the morning to the feel of someone’s arms wrapped around me. I was taken back since I don’t remotely let my husband physically touch me nowadays, let alone, sleep in his arms.


  It felt like he was actually twirling a strand of my hair around his finger. Why the hell is this dude even embracing me in the first place?

  It was just like him to ruin my mood after a perfect dream like that. About to say some smart-aleck remark about his ass not being at work, he admitted to me, “I don’t know what got into you last night, but I liked it. No, let me rephrase that… I loved it!”

  Before I could even comment back, he was literally laying on top of me. Those beautiful chestnut orbs held me locked in place again as I stared back at him dumbfounded.

  This was definitely not my husband.

  He smoothed out the eyebrow that I must have held up and then kissed my lips tenderly.

  This is one long ass dream I’m having. Oh well, it must be my body’s way of telling me that I’m sexual deprived.

  My hand, having a mind of its own, ran over the dark waves of his hair automatically as I kissed him back slowly, savoring every delicious inch of him I could reach. I absorbed him straight into my pores. His scent was so intoxicating that I found myself drunk from it. I had failed to realize how much I had missed him over the years.

  Jayden was his name. He had been my first love and never once did I regret losing my virginity to this boy. In fact, I actually compared all my lovers to him.

  You see, Jay was six-one (and growing), dark-skinned with huge hands and feet. Go ahead, take a moment, and just marinate on that for a sec… the boy was hung like a horse.

  I especially missed that part in particular.

  When I was younger, I foolishly believed that all men were relatively the same size down in that department. Boy was I wrong… way wrong!

  But last night was different from any other time I had been with him in the past. Somehow, I had brought into play all the sexual experience I had gained over the last nineteen years since I had lost my virginity to him, making the act intense.

  Do I regret breaking off my sixteen-year-old first love? Hell no. It is only a dream.

  I didn’t hesitate as I kissed him deeper, all the while wrapping my thick thighs around his mid-section. Jay responded just like any man would have. I hissed as he entered me again, feeling all the soreness from last nights lovemaking.

  Huh, that’s strange, I thought quickly to myself. I usually don’t feel any discomfort after hours of wild episodes with my pet love slave. Pushing that idea to the back of my brain for later, I refocused my attention, determined not to let such nonsense interfere with my current pleasure that was now in full swing.

  Jay’s thrusts were longer and deeper this time… much more controlled compared to yesterday. He wasn’t going to rush anything this morning. From the devilish expression on his face, it was obvious that he planned on take his time with me and I had no problem with that notion. I loved a man who was in control of the bedroom.

  Our playtime continued into to the afternoon. We would stop and start, stop and start. Did I mention before that I loved this dream?

  When I was finally able to tear myself away from him to go use the bathroom, my knees wobbled a little as I walked down the hall, which was always a good sign that the sex was AMAZING!

  Using the restroom never felt so good. My poor bladder was beyond full. I don’t think I have ever had to use the restroom in a dream before though.

  Weird right?

  Rinsing off my hands in the low-bearing sink, I was startled to see someone’s reflection in the mirror looking back at me. My reflection. My fifteen-year-old reflection.

  What in the hell. No freakin’ way.

  Wide-eyed, I looked down at myself in all my glory for the first time since this dream began. This was definitely not the body of a thirty-five year old woman.

  My milky white stomach was flat, my legs were lean and my breasts were big and perky. Now I know for sure that I’m imagining things. I only wished I looked this good again.

  Slowly but surely, my br
ain started processing some of the other fine details around me that were becoming all too familiar now.

  The small, cramped, light peach colored bathroom I was standing in had an outdated feel to it with a ridiculously shallow, off-white tub that barely held enough water to properly clean yourself in before my dad had remodeled it about a decade ago.

  I am not in New Mexico anymore, folks! This was my childhood bathroom, in the house that I grew up in, back in California. Shit!

  This wasn’t a dream. It was a bloody nightmare.

  How did I just manage to stroll butt-naked down the hall in my fifteen-year-old body after having sex all morning with my sixteen-year-old boyfriend in my old room, in my parent’s house? You have got to be kidding me. Shit! Shit! Shit!

  Time to go.

  Wake up already, I willed myself. Wake the hell up, I demanded, practically slapping myself silly out of sheer panic.

  Did I go into a coma? How long could this dream possibly last? This is ludicrous, I thought as I continued trying to force myself to wake up, splashing cold water onto my face to see if that would help… NOT!

  How could this be? This couldn’t possibly be real, could it? What to do, think girl think!

  Drawing in a deep breath, I tried to steady my irregular breathing. A massive tumor pressing against my brain would be an easy explanation, making all of this just a figment of my imagination.

  That’s it!

  Alright. First, I need some clothes to throw on… then more than likely, A CT SCAN. I’ll just go and sit in my room calmly and wait to wake up.

  Slowly cracking open the bathroom door, I peeked my head out first because who knows who else is in the house with me. This event may not be real, but running into either one of my parents right now would open up a world of hurt that I would rather keep sealed, thank you very much.

  Why couldn’t there have been a towel in the bathroom to wrap myself in? Was that really asking too much?

  It was easily a good thirty feet back to my room and unless I wanted to wrap myself up in the germ infested looking bath mat, I had to return the same way I came… in my birthday suit.

  I looked both ways down the hall and made a mad dash for my room, slamming and locking the door behind me.

  Breathless, I limped back to the canopy bed where Jayden laid, still waiting for me.

  That must have been the noisiest escape of all time… who didn’t hear my retreat? The hallway was lined with this awful clear, plastic runner that made more noise than humanly possible when you walked on it. I almost broke my freakin’ neck tripping over the stupid thing, only to discover pointy little spikes on the bottom that left huge red welts on the top of my foot.

  Man, I’m surprised I’m not bleeding. I hated that runner as a kid. What the hell was my mother thinking back then, lining the halls with that deathtrap?

  “Expecting someone?” Jay asked, unsure of what to make of my sudden odd behavior.

  “Where is everyone? Are others here?” I asked him as if he were a creature from another planet.

  He pulled me down onto the bed so I could lie next to him again. Well, the boy definitely feels real.

  “Love, are you okay?”

  “Just answer the question, Jay.” I told him, feeling somewhat silly. If he wasn’t real, then I was really just talking to myself and wasn’t it a little known fact that if you started answering yourself, then you’re insane!

  Great, that was all I needed… I’ve gone COMPLETELY MENTAL!

  “It’s Friday. Your parents are at work and your brothers are at school… why?”

  “We’re ditching?” I said appalled, as if it was beneath me to do such a thing.

  “No. We’re celebrating, remember?” He corrected while trying to smooth down some of my wild bed head.

  “Cel..e..brating what exactly?”

  “Your birthday silly!” he said while rolling his eyes at me playfully.

  My birthday... pleez… it’s nowhere near my damn birthday. “Wait. Hold up. What day is it?”

  “Uhhhhh, June, June 14th”

  “Right! And what year… is it… exactly?”

  “Are you sure you didn’t slip and hit your head while you were in the bathroom?” he teased.

  Therefore, I just stared at him cross-eyed like he was the one losing his darn mind instead of vice versa. After a moment or so of this stern look, he finally decided to humor me and answered the question with “1990”.

  “1990. Huh, that would make me what? Sixteen. I’m sixteen years old today?” I said talking more to myself than to him.

  Yup folks! Just like I thought… I’m trapped in a freakin’ nightmare.

  Ring, Ring, Ring the telephone wailed, interrupting my mental breakdown.

  “Aren’t you going to answer that?” Jay said when I didn’t move a muscle and ignoring the phone completely.

  It’s not for me, I thought sarcastically. Who the hell could possibly be calling me in 1990?

  Ring, Ring, Ring.

  I snatched up the phone, “HELLO!” I practically screamed into the receiver, which I almost dropped because there was a ridiculous, extra long, white spiraled cord attached to it that I hadn’t expected.

  Seriously! Do they even make phones with cords anymore?

  “Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday dear Jazzzzzzz, happy birthday to you,” sung a familiar girls voice.

  “Maya. Oh, there is a God. Maya, is that really you?” I blurted out, sitting straight up, relieved to recognize the sound of her voice.

  “You didn’t think I forgot your birthday now did you? When you and Jay didn’t show up for school today, I figured that he was giving you your present. Spill!” She flat-out demanded.

  “Girl, you don’t know how happy I am that you called. I really, really, really need to talk to you right now… Uh face-to-face if that’s okay with you. Where are you now?”

  “At school, remember?”

  “Oh right… what period is it?”

  “Girl that must have been one hell of a birthday gift he gave you… schools out. Can you come pick me up? I don’t have a ride home.”

  Pick her up. I don’t see why not. I guess I don’t exactly need to stay in the house until I wake my ass up. Maybe a little drive along with some fresh air will do the trick and end this dilemma. “Sure, I’ll be there as soon as I can.”

  Hanging up and turning my attention back to Jay, I sighed. Playtime was definitely over. If I was stuck here for a while, I had to talk to someone who wasn’t going to think I’d totally lost my marbles.

  Maya has been my best girlfriend since we were twelve years old. We met on our first day at junior high school, after I got lost and showed up late for my first period science class. The only unoccupied seat left was at the desk next to hers and we’ve been buddies ever since.

  We’ve been through thick and thin together. I’m the Godmother of both of her kids for crying out loud. She was even the Maid of Honor at my second wedding. Of course, none of that has happened yet since it was only 19 freakin’ 90, but if anyone was going to help me figure out this mess… it was her.


  I couldn’t help but watch as Jay got himself dressed. The boy was fine; I have to give him that. Not everyone looks good naked you know.

  I realized I was chewing on my bottom lip when he reached down and pulled me off the bed with ease, “Do you like what you see?”

  “Oh man do I… but you just covered up all my favorite parts,” I pouted, reaching around his waist to palm his butt.

  “Well, I thought you had someone to pick up?”

  “Shoot boy, you almost made me forget… later then,” I said smiling from ear to ear from just thinking about it like a moron.

  If he wasn’t real then how could he make me gush like this? Instantly, I was whittled down to a silly schoolgirl with her first crush all over again.

  My dreams never felt like this before, lasted this long and they’re usually not this eventful or so
detailed for that matter. What in the world has gotten into me, I thought as I tried to remember what I ate before going to sleep that night that would have caused my mind to lose it like this.

  “Your birthday isn’t over yet so I’ll call you after I pick up your real present, okay.” He leaned down to kissed me on the hollow behind my ear then walked out the door, leaving me alone, baffled.

  Maya, I have to get to Maya, I remembered suddenly coming out of my trance.

  Okay, next up…clothing! Where exactly are my clothes, people?

  After finding the first suitable thing to wear in the closet (you don’t even want to know), I located my purse which luckily contained a set of car keys that I’m guessing are mine. Heading out the door, I barely acknowledged the bright-colored birthday presents waiting for me to open on the kitchen counter just to come to an abrupt halt in the front yard as mass confusion took over.

  Where’s my car?

  Examining the set of keys in my hand more closely, I noticed that there was no door clicker attached, only a plain, brass house key and a much larger, silver car key hung from a tiger keychain.

  I guess I have no choice, but to manually unlock my own car door.

  Wow, I’m spoiled!

  The only vehicle left parked in the driveway was an old, beat up burgundy SUV. No way. It was my first car. I couldn’t even wrap my mind around it before panic began to set in... again!

  For the first time, I started to come to terms with the fact that this is no mere dream. I used to go everywhere in this beast. It wasn’t much to look at now compared to the brand new shiny, red convertible sitting in my real driveway back home, but back in 1990, I was one of the few people my age lucky enough to own their own car. Therefore, no one cared what it looked like, just as long as it had gas in it.

  Standing right in front of our old high school, I found a much younger version of Maya patiently waiting for me. I pulled over to the curb and she hopped right in, oblivious to the fact that I was an alien in my own body.


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