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Laid 2 Rest: Two Halves of a Whole

Page 22

by Melanie Rose

  “Tyce is more than welcome to join us anytime he wants. I don’t have an issue with it. He’s a large part of her world and I accepted that a long time ago. So, there’s no need to worry… I’m not,” Jay said calmly, trying to smooth things over. He knew I was a ticking time bomb just waiting for an excuse to explode onto her.

  Ding Dong.

  “Speak of the devil, mother… no one move. Please allow me to get that.” My bitchy-side said as I sashayed from the room. I had to get myself out of that kitchen before I completely lost it. The veins in my neck were starting to protrude from the strain of trying to retain control of my temper.

  Tyce stood there in the doorway in his Army uniform looking as dashing as ever. It suited him and hugged his well-built form in all the right places. This was the first time I had seen him since our reunion at the cemetery. His eyes shined brightly as he kissed me upon my cheek and held out a gallon size jug of light rum to me. “If I remember correctly, this used to be your favorite,” he said smiling widely, causing his cheekbones to protrude more than normal. He probably remembers as well as I do, all the trouble we got ourselves into once this stuff entered my system, which would explain his cocky grin and why I now found my face flush with heat.

  “I could use a stiff drink right now, in fact. You have perfect timing as always. How do you do that, I wonder. But never mind that,” I paused before stepping closer to whisper into his ear. “My mother’s here.”

  “Here, here. Now here? I’m really glad I came then. She didn’t happen to bring any of those little cinnamon roll thingy’s I like, did she?” He saw that I didn’t remotely find that funny, so he cleared his throat roughly and wiped that smile off his face before continuing. “Rain, let me introduce you to my team members.”

  First in line was a stocky, young man from the Navy named Tommy. He seemed nice, as he offered me a warm smile, flashing all of his perfect white teeth. Next to him was a girl from the Air Force that I recognize instantly. Nessa and I hugged each other happily; we haven’t seen each other since high school, but she looked exactly the same. Life had been kind to her. Sad images of the future she would have had if she continued to pursue Able ran thru my mind all of a sudden, making my teeth grind together. I was barely able to shake that off when Tyce moved on and introduced me to the last remaining person in the doorway… a Marine named Diego.

  Yes, that is correct, people. You sure did read that right. Diego, my old husband, now stood before me. Oh my Lord!

  I closed the door behind him rudely without even shaking his hand. All the little hairs on my neck had stood up and flared out as I immediately went on high alert. Diego had always fantasized about being man enough to become an elite part of the US Marine Core, but never had the drive or ambition to set it in motion. So believe me when I say that this was the last place on earth I thought he would ever turn up.

  Well at least he managed to do something productive with his life. Maybe he found his balls after all!

  “Welcome everyone. Please make yourselves at home. Tyce, I reeeeeeeally need that drink now!” I said, turning my attention back to him, practically snatching the liquor bottle out of his unsuspecting hands.

  I was in a full-blown panic mode. They all followed me back into the kitchen, where I rudely let Tyce introduce everyone to my family as I went to fish out a tall glass from the cabinet. Pouring in some ice, I drowned the bottom with the sparkling clear rum Tyce had given me, and then topped it off with a splash of diet cola. I chugged the whole thing in one shot before Tyce even finished the introductions.

  Man, I needed that!

  Diego didn’t know me from a hole in the wall, but I couldn’t help but be uncomfortable around him. Not to mention… it was kinda creepy! I kept refilling my glass until my nerves calmed and my mood mellowed. I wasn’t supposed to be drinking while I was breastfeeding, but I couldn’t help myself. My two worlds had just collided for Pete’s sake (three worlds, if you include Tyce).

  Thank God, I have bottles of breast milk stored up in the fridge so Jay could feed Bria too. I fixed my face once again and sucked it up. It was only for a couple of hour’s right and then Diego’s ass would be long gone and out of my life for good. My plan of attack was a simple one... AVOID HIM!

  Our new guests brought all the refreshments for the evening and then some. There were case of every kind of soda, bottled water, wine, vodka, tequila, brandy and a shit load of beer. Courtesy of the US government, they told us. Jay gave them a tour of the house while I finished up in the kitchen. I could feel the dizzying effects of the alcohol already; I was mellowing out nicely, when I heard the doorbell ring once more.

  Not expecting anyone else for dinner, I opened the door to find Vivian of all people standing behind it. I didn’t even question why she was there, because frankly, I was so happy to see her; I really needed a girlfriend right now. I hugged her tight. Man, her stomach was huge. She looked like she was ready to pop any day now.

  Pulling her out of the cold and ushering her inside, I was just about to shut the door… when her mom’s ghost walked in right after her.


  Hey, what party isn’t complete when you have a spiteful mother, an old husband, and a freakin’ ghost on the guest list.

  I lead her to the rest of the group, where the crowd swallowed her up. I, on the other hand, needed another drink and made my way back to the kitchen and the now half-empty bottle of rum.

  Tyce found me outside while I was drowning my sorrows. I was rattled like you couldn’t imagine. It felt like I was standing at the edge of a steep cliff waiting to be pushed off into some forsaken bottomless pit.

  “Rain, are you alright?” he whispered softly into the night.

  HELL NO… not by any stretch of the imagination. If I had any sense, I would have answered yes and then left it at that, but a part of me responded to him in ways I cannot describe.

  He got me!

  He was one of the few people I could be my true self with. Tyce was and always will be my guardian angel, my conscience… my voice of reason. He didn’t beat around the bush and was always straightforward and direct with me, no matter how much the truth hurt. He didn’t waste his time or mines by sugarcoating things just to make me feel better. He had a way of making me see things from a different perspective. If I was gloomy, he could wipe it away in an instant, making something major seem so small. He simply brought balance to my chaotic mind.

  The man had a gift.

  I stared at him, searching for a small hint of the love he once felt for me even though I had no right to. I kept my feelings for him locked up tight, but I always searched his eyes just in case. But they were the same as before. I could see concern and worry for a good friend, but not love. If he had any romantic feelings for me… they were locked away too.

  “I’m alright… I just needed some fresh air.”

  “Remember who you’re talking to, Rain,” he said with a smirk. I shook my head for even trying. He could read my face like a book. I couldn’t seem to be able to bend the truth with him whenever we were face to face, but what was I supposed to say. Tyce couldn’t help me with this… no one could.

  “Okay, you caught me. So this day just happens to be a lot harder for me than I care to admit to… you satisfied now?” I said, laughing with my eyes.

  “Well, I’ll take that answer over the first one. Can I do anything to help?”

  “Just you being here is enough. It’s all the unexpected visitors that lead to my sudden binge drinking. Are you ready to try my world-famous ham now?” I said, changing the subject entirely, wrapping an arm thru his, and pulling him back into the house to get warm.

  We sat family style at one big makeshift table that the guys pieced together in the dining room. The table was loaded down with food galore. I wasn’t able to pay attention to whoever said grace, considering I was damn near intoxicated by the time we got around to eating. No one else could see Vivian’s mom but me and it was really starting to freak me out.
  She just stood and watched over her daughter as folks walked right thru her. I had to force myself to eat as I held polite conversation with everyone since there was no way I would have been able to explain my discomfort to anyone, especially Jay. Tyce was probably the most open-minded person in this entire group, but I think it would have been a little too far-fetched for even him to accept, so I remained quiet.

  The food was a real hit, of course. They all stuffed themselves, barely leaving room for dessert. Diego was seated as far away from me as possible, but it didn’t stop him from staring at me throughout the course of the meal. I knew that he sensed that he knew me from somewhere, but couldn’t quite put his finger on it and I sure in the hell wasn’t about to help him figure it out.

  My mother, like always, didn’t like that I received all the credit or attention for tonight’s meal and had to let everyone know that she contributed in order to compete with me.

  Pleez, woman. As if peeling some blasted potatoes and putting some rice into the steamer is considered contributing, but…WHATEVER!

  By the end of the night, everyone was drunk off their asses except for Vivian and the guy from the Navy. He was their designated driver. They thanked me for the delicious food, called it a night, and returned to the air base some time in the wee hours of the morning.

  “Want me to take your mom with us?” Tyce asked me jokingly.

  “I wish it was that easy. We’ll be fine. Don’t you worry. Now get out of here, mister. Go protect the country and leave my mother to me.”

  And just like that, Tyce was gone again. If truth be told, a part of me wished that I could have gone with him. I was happy as hell to see Diego leave however. It was just too weird to have him anywhere near me.

  Vivian was going to stay at a hotel, but I wouldn’t hear of it. She was my family too. I didn’t like the idea of having a ghost in the house, but she didn’t seem to be bothering anyone, so I did my best to accept her presence as well.

  I was exhausted by the time I finally crawled into bed and snuggled up next to Jay. Today had been so hectic, that it felt like I didn’t get a chance to spend any real time with him. I was an emotional mess inside. Even the safety and comfort of Jay’s protective arms couldn’t fix that for me.

  “That was fun, love. We should do this again next year,” he whispered into my hair.

  HA! Is this man insane?

  Over my dead body, I thought to myself. Once was more than enough for me.



  I hadn’t had a drink since before I found out that I was pregnant and the way my body thanked me was not very pleasant. I rolled out of bed around 4:00am, knowing that Bria was waiting for me to nurse her.

  She was such a good baby and she hardly ever cried. My little angels face lit up when I appeared over the railing. Then only to add to her delight, I picked her up and blew against her pudgy neck, tickling her. Her laugh warmed my heart. She preferred to breastfeed rather than drink from a bottle, but I couldn’t chance it and end up getting her drunk with all the alcohol that was bound to be still in my system.

  Taking her with me to the kitchen to grab a bottle of milk, we crept silently thru the dark house, keeping all the lights off. We nuked her milk very quietly, so not to disturb Joel and Vivian sleeping in the living room.

  With warm bottle in hand, we headed back to my room, but not without noticing Viv’s glowing mom standing directly over her daughter’s peaceful body first. She just stared at her as if she were waiting for something to happen. She never looked up at me or acknowledged anyone else for that matter. She was completely focused on my friend, leaving me curious on if Viv ever felt like she was being watched.

  I left the two them alone; whatever was happening in there was far beyond my understanding. Since my traveling to the past began, I have learnt that there were things in this world that simply cannot be explained or revealed until I was ready to truly understand them.

  Which I am not!

  My only guess was that her mom’s presence led to her ultimate decision to keep the baby in the first place. She had to be here for some kind of added support or guidance so that Vivian didn’t end up making any hasty decisions that she would have regretted later on in life.

  I slid back into bed next to my husband and began feeding Bria her early morning snack. Jay woke up to kiss her on her little head and then positioned himself so he could cradle me in his arms, just like I was cradling our daughter. The twins appeared by magic and crawled into bed with us before Bria finished her bottle. They were summoned to our room by an unknown force, pulling us all together. With them curled up next to us, we all slept side by side for a few more hours.

  Later that morning, I woke up to the strong smell of coffee in the air. I eased myself out of the bed with a sleeping baby in hand and stumbled out to the kitchen. I could hear Viv and my mom talking in low whispers… their conversation stopping abruptly as soon as I entered the room. What could these two have to talk about? Me from the looks of it.

  “Good morning,” I told them. “Hope you guys slept okay.”

  “Good,” they both replied, bobbing their heads, but that was it.

  “Just let me know if you need any extra blankets.” I basically didn’t know what else to say and rattled off the first thing that came to my mind before turning around and leaving the room. It felt like I was intruding on something private. Something not meant for my delicate ears. My mother was probably trying to fill her mind with God knows what. Did she really believe that Viv wouldn’t be more than happy to repeat every last word she said, later?

  Bria was still sound asleep, so I returned her gently to her crib. Feeling anxious, I ran myself a bath instead of taking a shower. The water was hot and steamy and was already fogging up the mirror as I shut my eyes, allowing the warmth of the water to relax and sooth my cold winter bones.

  “Is there any room in there for me?” Jay asked sleepily, a few minutes later.

  “Always.” I responded with my eyes still closed.

  “Dang, woman! This water is hot. Are you trying to boil yourself?” he yelped after stepping in and trying to sit down, opposite of me.

  I cracked open one eye and giggled. He looked so funny trying to ease himself down into the tub. Once settled, he wrapped his legs around mine and let the water warm him through as well.

  We sat soaking, enjoying the silence until we heard little feet running around our room and jumping on the bed. Reluctantly, we stood up and immediately started shivering when the cool air hit us. He handed me a towel, but not before noticing that my nipples were poking straight out at him.

  “Let me warm these up for you, love,” he said, dipping his head to suck on them gently. “I wouldn’t want you to catch a cold or anything.” He explained his reasoning, sucking on them a little more. Needless to say, we didn’t leave the bathroom for a while since he kept finding things to stick in his mouth.

  Joel, Vivian, and my mom were in the living room dressed and ready to leave. They were going to brave the insane mall shoppers on Black Friday. There were some fantastic sales, but I wasn’t crazy enough to take the kids out in that frenzy. We sent them off and made plans to meet up to watch a movie after they were done. It was a long-standing family tradition of ours, reserved for the day after Thanksgiving and there was no way I was going to miss it... not this year!

  The mall was still a mad house even by late afternoon. The line of kids to take pictures with Santa was literally out the door and around the building. People were loaded down with Christmas packages galore. I loved this time of year though. There was always a certain magic in the air, as if wishes were just waiting to come true. The look of wonder on children’s faces as the rattled off their Christmas list to their parents always put me in the holiday spirit.

  We chose something festive and cartoony to watch. The theater was filled to capacity with other moviegoers that had the same bright idea as us so I was glad that we got her
e early. We all sat in one long row together, snacking on everything from popcorn, to nachos, to candy, and bite size chocolate ice cream balls. The show was funny, a real treat, and something I needed after yesterday’s trying events. Plus, it didn’t hurt that I was a total animation freak. I may be an adult, but I’m not the least bit ashamed to admit it.

  The movie was almost over when Viv doubled over, grabbed her stomach in agony.

  Shit, Shit, Shit. I knew she was ready to pop.

  My entire family stood up all at the same time, disrupting the jam-packed theater. People were shouting for us to sit back down, unaware of what was happening in their mists. “She’s having a baby, you idiots,” I shouted back at the crowd for their insensitivity. Helping her move out into the aisle and out-of-the-way, “Breathe,” I instructed Vivian. “Take nice deep breaths. It will help with the pain.”

  “I’m okay. I’m alright. I think it’s over,” she said breathless and sweaty. “Damn that hurt!”

  “Tell me about it. Let’s get you to the hospital,” I told her before addressing everyone else in our group. “You guys go back to the house or finish watching the movie. We don’t need everyone to go with us. I’ll call and keep you posted.”

  “Should I come with you?” Jay asked.

  “Thanks babe, but no. Stay with the kids. We’ll be fine; I’ll call you when I need you. We don’t know how long this is going to take.”

  He didn’t argue and allowed me to walk Viv out to my car alone. I was so focused on getting us to the emergency room in time that I didn’t even care that her mom was riding along in the back seat with us.

  Viv did not have another contraction anytime soon though. She was checked into the hospital and strapped to machines before the second one hit. She was even asked if she would like a freakin’ epidural.


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