ZetaTalk: Transformation

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by Nancy Lieder

  months ago.' [and from another source] This is DISINFO on the part of Mandeville, who is being

  used as a stooge or shill, as he is not actually looking at what the Earth is doing, but is taking the

  US establishment pronouncement, statistics via the IERS, as his sole baseline. A team measured a

  strong Figure 8 wobble that developed in early 2004 and I collected about 18 months of this for the

  Orbits section . The Figure 8 wobble had the globe wobbling up to 20 DEGREES, depending upon

  location around the globe taking the measure and time of day. Astronomical measures are 360

  degrees around the horizon. Each degree has 60 minutes, each minute 60 seconds. So if the

  Chandler Wobble is measured in SECONDS, then this is TINY compared to the wobble many people

  around the world have been measuring, in Scotland, Sweden, Italy, Hungary, New Zealand,

  Australia, Japan, Malaysia, Brazil, Chili, Canada, and parts of the US. The big news is the Earth

  wobble which is caused by the influence of Planet X. The Chandler Wobble is lost in this, and

  anyone actually looking and measuring can see this. Thus, a statement by Mandeville that the

  Chandler Wobble has stopped is naïve and confuses the issue, thus, disinformation either deliberate

  or inadvertent. [and from another] 'Scientists have had the Chandler wobble under observation for

  over a century. Its period is only around 433 days, or just 1.2 years, meaning that it takes that

  amount of time to complete one wobble. The wobble amounts to about 20 feet at the North Pole.'

  [and from another] http://science.howstuffworks.com/f 'This is the name given to the movement of

  the earth's pole by 0.7 arcseconds over a period of about 14 months.'

  http://www.zetatalk2.com/index/zeta262.htm[2/5/2012 11:12:58 AM]

  ZetaTalk: When Lies Fail

  http://www.zetatalk2.com/index/zeta262.htm[2/5/2012 11:12:58 AM]

  ZetaTalk: Facilitate Discussion

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  ZetaTalk: Facilitate Discussion

  written June 12, 2004

  If Venus did not appear to transit, all the amateur astronomers and viewers of the event would of been

  screaming what happened? It would of had a bigger impact than pretending that it did? This alone would

  have woken up the masses to what is going on. Imagine every amateur looking for the transit and not

  seeing it? Goodness, heads would roll and our officials would be scrambling to explain. Many would have

  doubted the explanation and really begin to believe. Why keep up the status quo?

  The major powers of the Earth, those dictating financial and thus economic directions, installing puppets as

  government heads and by their control of the majority of stock in corporations, corporate heads, are at a delicate

  juncture at the moment. In the past they anticipated an escape to Mars or elsewhere, away from the Earth during its

  pole shift spasms, but now realize no escape is possible. They have likewise come to realize, only of late, that

  underground caverns are not safe either, and thus stuck on the surface with the common man, they are seeking a

  stronger base there. Initially the plan was to form work camps, select out the best workers from the populace as slaves

  and eliminate the rest, but such a plan requires invoking Martial Law at the right moment, and without a firm date for

  the start of the cataclysms, this plan also was doomed to failure. Thus the establishment has been squeezed to the

  conclusion that the common man should be informed of the coming cataclysms, at least to the extent of preparing in a

  practical manner for survival and life afterwards, and that an awareness of countdown signs can reduce the state of

  panic in the populace.

  Changing a stance from a complete denial of the existence of Planet X to an open discussion of the possibility is

  radical, and for this discussion we relate it to the denial of the alien presence, similarly resisted until very recently.

  When ZetaTalk began in 1995, crop circles were discussed in the media only in the context of a hoax, made by men

  with boards, none of the characteristics such as node growth and lack of foot prints presented. Now crop circles have

  been mentioned in the media, photos shown, with an astonishing lack of debunking. When ZetaTalk began in 1995,

  sightings, even mass sightings, were suppressed from the media or were accompanied by harsh ridicule. Now a rash of

  sightings and photos is in the media, accompanied by substantial witnesses and almost no debunking follows. When

  ZetaTalk began in 1995, we stressed that a light handed approach to introducing concepts such as the alien presence or

  a pole shift had its value, in that an Element of Doubt allowed an escape, so that hard denial or escape into insanity or strong fear reactions could be avoided. One can see by the discussions on crop circles and mass sightings that this light

  handed method works.

  At the present time, those wanting more discussion on the possibility of Planet X in our inner solar system and the

  steps to be taken in the event history repeats itself are facing resistance. The Earth is tilting and shuddering regularly,

  and those interested in controlling panic want no delays before starting this process because they fear a sudden wobble

  or tilt that will make the situation obvious. Too late to reduce panic, it would be upon them. But anytime a cover-up

  erodes, there is anger, rage at being lied to, and to avoid this rage being directed at the real Puppet Masters, the

  wealthy elite, this rage is to be directed at chosen scapegoats. NASA and the Bush Administration are the obvious

  candidates, and are frantically resisting being dragged from their lofty perches and pummeled by enraged taxpayers.

  Disaster movies to the contrary, the public does not take being lied to on life threatening matters lightly. Imagine the

  rage of those who recently bought beach front property, put their savings into the Stock Market, or switched jobs to

  one that requires extensive travel away from home. Would their position be different had they known about the

  possibility of cataclysms earlier? Passive acceptance of a cover-up is not likely.

  Imagine, at a time when the establishment, the wealthy elite, are prying the fingers of resistance from the stranglehold

  it has on the media, and are positioned to begin an educational blitz in many countries and major media outlets, what

  effect sudden rage over a missing transit might have. Would this help or hinder? We, the Zetas, and our many

  http://www.zetatalk2.com/index/zeta111.htm[2/5/2012 11:12:59 AM]

  ZetaTalk: Facilitate Discussion

  counterparts, during many discussions at the Council of Worlds, concluded that a strong element of doubt at this time

  would be helpful. Had the discussions already been in the media, the public already alerted and thinking about safety and how to time their escape to safe locations, it would have been a different matter, proof, then, that Planet X is in the

  vicinity. But to allow hysterical anger to flood into NASA headquarters, bubble up to the White House, before the

  media campaign had begun, would have played into the hands of the cover-up, driven it further underground, raised

  the walls of resistance, hardened the resolve of those fearing retaliation, and been counter productive. We trust you

  will understand, as the Awakening stands as proof that the element of doubt can be a facilitator.

  The majority of the populace polled believes that the alien presence is real, intelligent life elsewhere

  possible, without any absolute proof in hand. This is what the Awakening desires, a gradual comfort level

  increase, without a
ny contactees being burned at the stake by hysterical religious leaders whose turf has

  been threatened.

  ZetaTalk: Element of Doubt

  Signs of the Times #886

  UFO Puts Portugal on Military Alert [Jun 4] ’ The Portuguese press has announced that the airforce

  is on alert since dozens of people saw a UFO on Tuesday. The Portuguese UFO is described as a

  silent, luminous object, giving off white smoke. Paulo Lagarto, of the national air traffic control

  authority, Navegacao Aerea de Portugal (NAV), says, ... Geologist José Fernando Monteiro says the

  UFO wasn't a meteorite, ... The European Space Agency says it wasn't a satellite. ’ [and from

  another country] ‘ In South Devon, in the U.K., the switchboard at the Herald Express was swamped

  with calls from people who saw a cigar- shaped UFO. Retired British Aerospace engineer Roy

  Dutton tracked the object for 20 minutes through a high-powered telescope. ' ...

  Signs of the Times #830

  Mexico Air Force Video Creates UFO Stir [May 11] ‘ The Mexican Air Force has released footage

  of what a UFO expert said were 11 invisible unidentified flying objects picked up by an infrared

  camera as they whizzed around a surveillance plane. The ministry confirmed to Reuters it had

  provided the video, filmed by the Air Force on March 5' ...

  Signs of the Times #829

  UFO in Scotland [May 12] ‘ Several people reported

  seeing a huge silver object in the area as they drove

  past at around 8.45am last Wednesday. Silver in

  appearance and looked like the dishes you see on the

  side of television transmitters'. ... [and from another]

  Glowing UFO Photographed In Poland [May 12] ‘ The

  photo below was over the city of Rzeszów, Poland' ...

  Signs of the Times #813

  Flying Saucer Fever Grips Iran, Theories Abound [Apr

  28] ‘ Flying saucer fever has gripped Iran after dozens

  of sightings in the last few days. Fanciful cartoons of

  alien spacecraft have adorned the front pages. State

  television on Wednesday showed a sparkling white disc

  it said was filmed over Tehran ... Newspapers and

  agencies reported people rushing out into the streets in eight towns on Tuesday night to watch a

  bright extraterrestrial light dipping in and out of the clouds. '

  http://www.zetatalk2.com/index/zeta111.htm[2/5/2012 11:12:59 AM]

  ZetaTalk: Which Way

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  ZetaTalk: Which Way

  Note: written by Jul 15, 1995

  During the Transformation, the administrators of your galaxy are concerned with the following issues. They must

  determine the overweening leaning of the planet's orientation. You will be pleased to learn that at the present time the

  Earth's populace is deemed overweeningly leaning toward the Service-to-Other orientation, as was expected.

  Consequently, the movement of entities toward the planet that will be their next home progresses along the following


  If an entity is a Service-to-Others entity, this entity will be supported in a desire to remain in their incarnation

  during and following the cataclysms. By this is meant, this entity will be lifted, however temporarily or

  unconsciously, during the cataclysms, so as not to be destroyed and thereby ending the incarnation. New births

  on Earth are increasingly being granted as an avenue to entities in the Service-to- Others orientation. This is not

  at this time entirely the case, as there are other dramas being played out. For instance, some entities are close to

  a decision on their orientation, and are granted an incarnation in order to complete their decision.

  If an entity is a Service-to-Self entity of a sufficient orientation to warrant inclusion in the Service-to-Self

  group, then upon termination of the incarnation the entity will migrate to a planetary home of the Service-to-Self

  orientation. If, however, the entity is close to a decision and is not yet of an inclination sufficient to warrant

  inclusion in the group, the entity may be granted yet another incarnation in order to further the decision making

  process. It is for this reason you find many of your young so very brutal. They have chosen.

  If an entity is nowhere near making a decision, and we must caution that there are many incarnations required

  for the entity to be armed with enough information to make this decision, then the entity is prepared for a new

  home planet. This is not a wrenching experience. The immature entity is given warm spiritual guidance, and this

  voyage is done in a cocoon of love. Likewise, as most of the immature entities on Earth will be making the same

  voyage, the entity is not alone nor without companions who share the same memories. At this present time, the

  greater number of your Earth's entities are making this voyage or would appear to be making this voyage in the

  future, as their incarnation ends.

  All rights reserved: [email protected]

  http://www.zetatalk2.com/transfor/t10.htm[2/5/2012 11:13:00 AM]

  ZetaTalk: Chupacabras

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  ZetaTalk: Chupacabras

  Note: written May 15, 1996.

  During former eras when the battle for men's souls raged hot and heavy, those in the Service-to-Self orientation at

  times tried to tip the balance by loosing their dogs on humans in an attempt to terrify them. Such was the case when

  dragons and a large bald faced vampire bat were brought to Earth and unleashed upon the hapless population. Not

  being native to the Earth and hunted to extinction by angry mobs, these episodes were short lived but live on in the

  legends about dragons and vampires. Such is now the case with the Chupacabras, an ape of low intelligence which

  feeds on bodily fluids in preference to meat. A few hundred have been loosed on the Earth, approximately the same

  number as the number of dragons and vampire bats loosed in the past. Today, other than the Chupacabras, there are no

  living alien dog packs about, and the Chupacabras are dwindling.

  As with other scourges, these creatures cannot attack humans unless the human gives permission, but terrified humans

  who have concluded they are helpless are giving permission by abandoning the fight. What holds the Chupacabras in

  check, and how can the Council of Worlds allow what appears to be a breach of the Rule of Non-Interference? Where

  we have stated that the Earth and her future are in the hands of humans, this is exactly why the Chupacabras have

  appeared - at the request of not just one, but many humans who are closely allied with aliens in the Service-to-Self. In

  essence, they hope to win a better place in their future home, to land higher in the pecking order than at the very

  bottom, but the joke will be on them. They are being used, but given the strength and size of their call to the Service-

  to-Self aliens in attendance, such a situation as the Chupacabras can occur.

  However, as the Chupacabras are of alien origin, restrictions still apply. Unless a human gives permission, in essence

  acquiescing, an attack against a human cannot occur. This ties up considerable Service-to-Self resources, as where the

  Chupacabras are residing in 3rd Density, their Service-to-Self alien handlers must likewise linger about to reign them

  in now and then, albeit with a leash invisible to humans. These handlers, most often the alien life form known as Dino,

  have also been sighted by humans during tense moments when the normal admonishments to leave alien sightings only

  in the s
ubconscious has taken second place to attending to the athletic Chupacabras. Were it not for these restrictions

  such ploys would be endlessly used by the Service-to-Self, who have no sense of fair play.

  The Chupacabras, when they die, are retrieved and removed, as a terrifying myth loses it's magic when a dead body

  can be kicked and dissected. But more importantly, a dead Chupacabras would be identified as not of this Earth,

  potentially, and this removes the Element of Doubt. Thus, the Council of Worlds has ruled that they are not to be left

  about, for this conclusion to be arrived at, as this would tip the balance of power potentially into the Service-to-Self

  camps. Like rumors of mass landings, which will not occur nor even be allowed to be staged, by aliens, such dead

  bodies and the implication of harm coming from alien hands would be greatly used by Service-to-Self aliens. Thus, in

  keeping the balance of influence equal, between Service-to-Self and Service-to-Other, for humans still making their

  3rd Density decision, this rule is enforced.

  They will eventually disappear, their sightings gradually diminishing, as the Service-to-Self attending Earth have their

  hands filled with other matters in their losing battle for the Continent of South America. We, the Service-to-Others

  Zetas are able to tell you about this ruse on the human population, as we are discussing here not the intentions of the

  Service-to-Self aliens, who have in any case been already sighted by humans, but the actions of the Chupacabras.

  Thus, we have not breached the Rules of Engagement.

  All rights reserved: [email protected]

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  ZetaTalk: Massing Troops

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  ZetaTalk: Massing Troops

  Note: written May 15, 1996.

  Humans assume, in any field of battle, that all else being equal the side with the larger army wins. For most of human


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