ZetaTalk: Transformation

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by Nancy Lieder

  history wars were won because one general had more troops to send into battle or hack and stab and bludgeon the

  other side. Whoever had men left standing when the dust settled - won. This concept gradually moved, during the last

  few centuries, to the concept of superior firepower. Whoever had bullets and guns left when the dust settled - won. But

  regardless of what was being counted, in human warfare, numbers mattered. Numbers are not as important in 4th

  Density as they are in 3rd Density, as the battle is not won or lost on the number of soldiers in the field but on the

  motivation and intensity of devotion to the cause that the sum of the numbers brings. Is it not true that a single

  individual can stand against many and turn the tide? Look at Mahatma Gandhi, or Joan of Arc, or Abraham Lincoln.

  Were they many? Take these individuals away and the battle might have had a different outcome.

  Just so, during the Earth's Transformation, the influence that any alien group or single alien entity may have cannot be

  measured in numbers. The issues are different, spiritual rather than physical. Which way the Earth goes will not be

  decided based on muscles or bullets or even who may or may not be left standing. All may die but still win, or all may

  live but still lose. The battle on Earth during the Transformation is for the focus, the orientation, of each formed entity.

  In this a single wise and massive entity in the Service-to-Others may, disincarnate, literally influence millions.

  Likewise, a thousand entities in the Service-to-Self, doing their best to sway a single human soul, may fail utterly.

  Numbers mean nothing.

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  ZetaTalk: Soul of a Continent

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  ZetaTalk: Soul of a Continent

  Note: written May 15, 1996.

  Where South American is a continent targeted by those in the Service-to-Self orientation, the battle is anything but

  lost. A pitched battle is in process, with a massive number of entities focused on responding to The Call from those

  living there. Needless to say, the majority of entities responding to this distressed situation are in the Service-to-

  Others, who are in the majority in the Universe and have the resources. This battle takes many forms, from quiet

  counsel to those who have given The Call to active engagement between alien groups. Due to the requirement that all

  alien encounters be recorded only in the subconscious, so as not to raise the level of anxiety on Earth at the current

  time, battles between aliens in the Service-to-Self and Service-to-Others are not a matter humans are aware of, except

  as they may be peripherally involved. By going head-to-head in a formal engagement, those in the Service-to- Other

  tie up the resources and energies of those in the Service-to-Self, while others of their numbers remain available for

  direct contact with humans giving The call.

  Note: text below added during the Jun 29, 2002 Live ZetaTalk IRC Session.

  South American has been won, for the Service-to-Other groups, but all resentment of this decision has not

  disappeared. Africa is now the focus of intense fighting, and appears to be moving nicely into the Service-to-Other

  camps too. Because all Service-to-Self alien groups interested in capturing at least a continent on Earth, to continue to

  attract converts until the Transformation is completed, are moving their troops to the front lines where they are most

  needed, South America is left to the humans who hoped otherwise. Many battles, even in the past, were a joint effort

  by humans and aliens. Examples of Service-to-Self teams are the Nazi’s, where Service-to-Self aliens conferred

  during visitation and suggested how the Jews and others considered undesirable by the arrogant elite might be pushed

  into hopelessness, the better to push them into Service-to-Self direction. Examples of Service-to-Other teams are the

  birth of the US as a democracy, as outlined in the book Oahspe, where it was reported that bullets were caught in

  alien/angel hands, so that those humans fighting to bring about the US as a democracy could succeed. Even today

  Service-to-Other aliens are meeting on ships with groups of human contactees, all of whom are working together,

  assisted by Service-to-Other aliens.

  Thus, lately, the Americas and Africa have seen these efforts of the Service-to-Self. Cattle mutilations in the US were

  in the main done by humans, in black helicopters, unmarked, purchased and organized by the wealthy elite who did not

  want the US public to embrace Service-to-Other aliens as space brothers. This failed, the campaign considered a

  failure by the Service-to-Self aliens, who left to South America and Africa, and without the assistance of the aliens,

  the humans could not create impressive mutilations so stopped likewise. Now, in South America, resentful humans are

  wanting to try their hand at this. South America has had its share of Service-to-Self countries, with the Nazi’s being

  welcomed there, and it is these strongholds that are trying to drive the public into hopelessness. What is the goal, if

  they are human, not alien, and are unaware of the afterlife on Service-to-Self worlds? In general, those who perpetrate

  these frauds want humans atremble, frightened, feeling they must cling to their human leadership. How dare their

  public feel happy, go about with hope in their hearts, and especially talk about aliens with interest? These human

  efforts will fail, as all establishments will soon have their hands full with more to worry about, and their minions

  increasingly make mistakes so it becomes obvious that humans are behind this.

  Note: below added during the Dec 21, 2002 Live ZetaTalk IRC Session.

  In the past, during the early days of MJ12, Service-to-Self aliens were the first to arrive and most influential. As with

  the Nazis in times past, they had their advocates who continued to give the Call to these aliens. This is an individual

  matter, but as a general guideline, the Service-to-Self aliens answering such a Call gauge how their time might best be

  spent. What is to be gained, what won, as their task masters are expecting a good return for their efforts, and

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  ZetaTalk: Soul of a Continent

  punishments are not light. The US was formerly the site of many cattle mutilations, now gone and only lingering in

  South America. Any hope of effecting an Service-to-Self victory in the North American continent was long ago lost,

  and South American continent is likewise considered a loss to the Service-to-Self. Thus, Bush Sr. and others who

  aligned tightly with the Service-to-Self aliens in the past have lost out, been abandoned, though they hardly agree to

  this and keep trying. It is not that they, the humans, have changed, it is just that their Call gets little attention, and no resources.

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  ZetaTalk: Brazilian Roswell

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  ZetaTalk: Brazilian Roswell

  Note: written Jul 15, 1996.

  The continent of South American is caught in a tug of war between visiting aliens in the Service-to-Self and Service-

  to-Other. These groups have engaged each other, and in some cases extreme measures are being taken. The psyche of

  the populace, having been influenced toward fear and self concern by false stories of blood-drained and weakened

  contactees, requi
red shock treatment. These false stories gave the impression of loss of blood in the contactees, who in fact were only symptomatic of this. These episodes were as a result of visits from the Service-to-Self, where these

  contactees, having given The Call, allowed themselves to be intimidated into compliance with such treatment. Without

  this compliance, any physical change in a contactee or even any visit is not possible. The human controls the situation.

  However, in keeping with the intent of the Service-to-Self aliens, rumors of blood drained and weakened contactees


  The shock treatment of choice was similar to the Roswell scenario, where the populace would be given the impression

  that aliens are vulnerable, can be in pain, and can require the ministration and pity of humans. Where such a situation

  does not directly counter the blood-drained and weakened contactee story, it has the effect of negating this story as the

  exact situation with the weakened contactees is not known. Their story could be taken many ways, including human

  altercations, lovers bites and the weakness that comes from excess, for instance. Thus rumors spread about vulnerable

  aliens would tend to lean the weight of public opinion into such directions, rather than domination by aliens. Thus, the

  Service-to-Other win the struggle for public perception, and pity and concern replace fear.

  Of course, to create a situation where pity and concern are called for there must be pain and injury and desperation. As

  in Roswell, several aliens in the Service-to-Other determined to sacrifice themselves and undergo terror and injury,

  pain and death, in order to achieve this end. As with Roswell, their ship was deliberately crashed, but unlike Roswell

  where all were supposed to die in the crash, most of the occupants were to live, and live in a pitiable situation. This

  they did, and their angst was not acting, as they were injured and terrified. Per plan, they met with talkative and

  impressionable children, who told their story to everyone they could, as expected. Open and innocent, these witnesses

  have never been doubted, and because UFOlogy nowadays is organized, tidbits of the story were snapped up before they could be drowned in a cover-up. Thus, the cover-up being effected according to tactics well-known in Brazil

  simply adds to the realism of the situation.

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  ZetaTalk: Chupacabra Remnants

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  ZetaTalk: Chupacabra Remnants

  written Oct 15, 2004

  We have stated when the Chupacabra reports first emerged that these creatures were Akin to the dragons or vampire bats of old, brought to Earth to terrify humans by those in the Service-to-Self, looking to increase their harvest of

  recruits. Fear, terror, increase a self focus, and thus is a tool used by those in the Service-to-Self to drive young souls

  in this direction. In the past dumb creatures used to this end, brought to Earth and unleashed on villages, eventually

  died out, as they are not native to the Earth and suffer from infections and inadequate nutrition. What does the recent

  discovery of dead Chupacabra, young and starving, in Maryland and Texas, mean? It means their handlers have fled,

  and are no longer attempting to capture the continent of S. America, as was the case when the Chupacabra episode began. The Council of Worlds required that the handlers, the Service-to-Self aliens unleashing them, ensure that

  humans not be harmed by the Chupacabra unless in essence giving permission, the human always in control of the

  situation. Thus, these aliens attended their dogs of war faithfully, as failure to do so would send them packing, forced

  to leave the Earth for failure to abide by the rules. But if leaving anyway, the Service-to-Self, not known for their

  concern for the environment or having any sense of responsibility, would scarcely scout about to collect all the young

  their charges might have spawned. Thus they show up, infected and suffering from malnutrition, unidentifiable as a

  known species on Earth, puzzling those who come upon their remains.

  Brazil, Aug. 3, 1997

  Curiously enough, all of the attacks took place in barns or sheds or pens that were securely locked.

  Puerto Rico, 1999

  The enigmatic creature can best be described as a cross between one of the"Grey" aliens and a

  terrestrial animal such as a porcupine or a kangaroo due to the presence of quill-like appendages

  running down its back and enormously powerful hind legs which enable it to leap over trees in a

  single bound.

  Chille, May 11, 2000

  It stood about 1.5 meters (four feet) tall, like a big monkey, with long clawed arms, enormous fangs

  protruding from its mouth, as well as a pair of wings.

  Nicaragua, 2000

  The dog-sized creature had a bull-like head and small feet. Gioconda Chevez, a zoologist who

  examined it, told the newspapers that the creature had smooth skin like that of a bat, long claws and

  a crocodile-like crest running down its back.

  Sign 1178

  Another Texas Chupacabra? [Oct 14] 'Local animal experts are having a hard time identifying a

  strange looking animal killed in Angelina County on Friday - an animal that looks eerily similar to

  the as yet unidentified Elmendorf Beast killed near San Antonio earlier this year. The animal's blue-

  grey skin is almost hairless and appears to be covered with mange. A closer look at the animal's jaw

  line reveals a serious overbite and four huge canine teeth, and a long, rat-like tail curls behind the

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  ZetaTalk: Chupacabra Remnants

  animal's emaciated frame. It had no hair, a severe overbite and its claws were entirely too long for a

  dog. The animal's front legs were much smaller than it's hind legs. WOAI-TV in San Antonio has

  aired several stories on the so-called "Elmendorf Beast" since a nearby rancher shot and killed one

  earlier this year. The animal depicted on the station's Web site, at www.woai.com, looks eerily

  similar to the one discovered in Pollok. The rancher from Elmendorf, located southeast of San

  Antonio, killed the animal after 35 of his chickens disappeared in one day. The animal was also

  almost hairless, with blue-grey coloring and four large "fangs." The station reported that tissue

  from the animal has been sent for DNA testing, and that it will be several more weeks before the

  tests are completed. Sightings of similar animals have been reported across the country, from

  California to Maryland.'

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  ZetaTalk: Science Fiction

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  ZetaTalk: Science Fiction

  Note: written Sep 15, 1995.

  The media - movies, books, and TV shows - often portray transformative aspects, but this is taken to be fiction by the

  audience. One such aspect is the definitive battles between good and evil, as portrayed in the Star Wars series, which

  quite accurately mirrors the determinations on spiritual orientation to be made during 3rd Density. In Star Wars the

  fictional portrayal shows this to be a physical battle, rather than a spiritual decision, but the battle is won at key points

  because of spiritual decisions - young Skywalker facing his fears and standing up to all manner of intimidation; Darth

  Vadar saving his soul at the last minute by following suit, concern for his son overpowering all concern for self; Hans

  Solo, uninvolved and sel
f protective, joining a cause in a heart-beat to save his friends, risking all; the moral slavery

  those serving the Empire live under and the terror tactics used by the Master to enforce subservience. Do these not

  exemplify the spiritual crossroads faced by humans in 3rd Density?

  Other such transformative aspects portrayed in the media are the variety of life forms in the Universe, the degree of

  habitability throughout the Universe, interdimensional or what we term differing density shifts, rapid space travel, and

  time travel. These aspects are skewed to show primarily hominoid life forms, primarily dry land planets, and free

  movement during time travel - all of which are incorrect assumptions. However, presentation of the concepts in

  general is transformative to the audience. How do the writers and the cinematographers come by concepts that mirror

  the world to come? Have they been inspired? Without a doubt. Select creative writers and artists, who give The Call

  and are sufficiently motivated and talented, are taken on tours of the Universe, presented directly with life forms,

  conditions on other planets and engagements between those in the Service-to-Self and Service-to-Other. They are

  portraying, in human terms, what they have seen.

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  ZetaTalk: The Dead

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  ZetaTalk: The Dead

  Note: written Dec 15, 1995.

  Increasingly, during the Awakening, humans will experience contacts with entities formerly incarnated as their family

  or friends - with the dead. Where visions of dead relatives or friends have been intrinsic during a Near Death

  Experience, or within minutes of the death of a loved one who would appear briefly to say good-by, these visions will

  begin to occur out of these contexts. These visions, a result of a spirit- to-spirit communication, are recorded in the

  subconscious and thence appear during recall in the conscious in a manner the human brain can grasp. These formerly


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