ZetaTalk: Transformation

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ZetaTalk: Transformation Page 24

by Nancy Lieder

  and are almost one and the same. Look to the Philippines and the Catholic church to see how closely allied they can

  be. Look to the Catholic church in Europe in the past to see how closely they can be allied. It is not uncommon in

  some Asian countries for Buddhism, for instance, to be so closely tied to a political structure that they almost appear to

  be one and the same. Therefore the religious institutions can be expected to be alerted, to have an inside track well

  ahead of what the general populace would hear. Consequently, the church has gotten wind that announcements are

  going to be made to the public.

  Hearing this, the church, not wanting to become completely irreverent and determined to skew itself ahead of any such

  announcements in such a way that it would be seen as a leader rather than something rigid dragged along at the rear of

  the buggy, in the dust, always pulled along and never at the fore. They want to create the illusion of leadership, and

  hopefully retain some of the respect they now hold. They want to forge ahead prior to any official announcements

  from governments, and make their own announcements. Thus, the public can anticipate the church to almost be a

  harbinger of future government announcements. When you see a frantic papacy come forth with pronouncements that

  seem totally out of keeping with its past, look behind it to what it is actually running from, which is the inside track on

  announcements that are to be made.

  For instance, the Catholic church is now alluding to the reality of aliens which certain portions of the US government

  has denied for years. Now the church comes, saying “Oh, by the way, aliens are real”. Are they leading, or are they

  coming in as a Johnny-come-lately hoping that the public will not notice how slow they have been with these

  statements. We hear from the Catholic church that Mary’s message is being decoded or being leaked to the public. Just

  why does the Catholic faithful have to wait until the Pope decides it is time for them to hear about these messages?

  Why should they be a secret? Why should they be retained only by the elite? If they come late with these messages,

  what does that say about the church’s respect for the faithful, those who send in their money and support the church

  and its hierarchy? Why are they now doing this? If the public finds they are the last to know, this will be highly


  You can anticipate that the Catholic church will come forth with announcements and revelations that have been known

  to the Catholic church for its entire history only after the governments of the world have become increasingly honest

  with their populace. They do this to gain enough respect to retain control and be maintained in their positions. As the

  church begins to see governments assume a trend that becomes more than just talk but become action, and information

  is being relayed to people increasingly such as the renewed discussion about Planet X coming out of Britain, the

  church will begin to bend and say “Oh, we’re giving you information because we are leading the flock”. They are not

  leading. They are frantically running ahead of the truth that is being revealed to people, to appear to be leaders. But in

  this regard they are revealing what the backroom discussions of those in the power positions, the establishment, are

  saying - the back room discussions the public is not privy to.

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  http://www.zetatalk2.com/transfor/t93.htm[2/5/2012 11:13:43 AM]

  ZetaTalk: Pope's Appology

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  ZetaTalk: Pope's Appology

  Dated March 23, 2000

  The church deems itself a leader, when in fact it is being dragged to this apology by many factors and forces. Given its

  own time schedule, and when in the driver’s seat, the church appreciates rigidity, consistency and structure. It’s very

  hierarchical. It’s members are drawn to it by the hope and the assurance that life when they enter the order will be the

  same in the order when they leave - consistency, things remaining the same, security - the ultimate social security

  system. Those entering the order expect that one’s title can bring prestige and honor or at least polite treatment.

  Therefore the Catholic church, like many religious institutions but in particular the Catholic church, is noted for

  rigidity. Even if a statement or a posture is absurd they adhere to it simply for the sake of rigidity and consistency until

  their faces are red and they must cease preaching on the issue. But nevertheless, in the back corridors and in the inner

  chambers, the rigid, ridiculous statements are adhered to.

  So why would such an institution come forth and say “We were wrong”? What is the impetus? For centuries they have

  taken the most absurd steps, assumed the most absurd postures, and never admitted fault. The illusion of being

  infallible is a cornerstone in the sense of security that those who go into the order achieve. Somehow they can do no

  wrong. Somehow there is a godliness that dribbles down over the members of the order so that they can never be held

  accountable and they can do no wrong. And thus they go to bed smug. How would such a group of people suddenly

  decide that they had blood on their hands, that they had erred, and that they needed to announce this in front of the

  people they are regularly posturing in front of as being infallible? It is a contradiction in and of itself.

  Look to the circumstances that would cause the Catholic church to make such an apology. They are, as we have stated,

  losing membership. They are no longer attracting people to the order, such that their priests and nuns are diminishing

  in number, growing old and not being replaced by young blood. They are losing respect in educated countries such as

  the US and in other countries not so educated, not through knowledge of any factors that would contradict the church’s

  statements, but just due to a general psychic awareness of the populace who then turn away from the church.

  Membership is diminishing. Funds are diminishing. The papal hierarchy in Rome is desperately concerned and has

  been for decades about the diminished power of the church, though they do not admit this situation at all. Nevertheless,

  they thrash about. What is to come during the next 3 years? What is to become of a church that does not lead and does

  not even shelter it’s populace going into horrendous changes in their lives where people will die and have desperate

  circumstances to deal with. The public will certainly not turn around and give to the church. They will certainly not

  cling to priests or sermons that not only do not lead, they do not even comfort.

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  http://www.zetatalk2.com/transfor/t94.htm[2/5/2012 11:13:44 AM]

  ZetaTalk: Lack of Leadership

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  ZetaTalk: Lack of Leadership

  Note: written August 26, 2001

  The populace has increasingly become aware that changes in the weather patterns, which affect storms and the ability

  of a country to harvest crops, are not temporary swings but moving in a direction, with no end in sight. The inability of

  their leaders to do anything other than huddle and discuss global warming corrections has stunned those who naively

  look to their government or church or international corporate giants for rescue. Can nothing be done? And where will

  this end? Contradictions such as the reluctance of the US to join the Kyoto Agreement on global warming and chirpy

  talk of economic recoveries in t
he face of a worldwide recession have likewise left the populace hollow. Is no one

  addressing the issues? Is there no intelligent hand at the helm? There are thresholds in the cooperation the populace

  grants their leaders, who most often are not chosen by the populace but foisted upon them, even in democracies where

  the leadership is chosen by election.

  When times are good, the populace ignores the leadership, in the main content to let things cook along as they

  are. The feeling is that the boat should not be rocked, let well enough alone, and let’s see how we can take

  advantage of the good times to prosper and develop our business interests. Debates among politicians are

  watched in the same manner as sports, as an entertainment rather than a tense outcome to be agonized over. It

  hardly matters who is at the helm, as things are going as well as can be expected.

  When economies are faltering, the populace wants action or change, knowing how quickly economic depressions

  can settle on a country or region like a dark blanket of gloom. Government tinkering with economic dials, such

  as lowering interest rates or lifting import/export restrictions, has likewise created an expectation that something

  can be done. If no action is taken, the mood changes from watchful worry to an angry sense that the leadership

  should be tossed out.

  When intractable disasters occur, such as massive earthquakes or hurricanes or floods, the populace affected is

  often too busy simply surviving to address leadership issues, but afterwards is left stunned with a pervading

  sense of abandonment if the expected steps are not taken. Where was the mustering of aid, given in the past

  during such times? Where is the offer of interest free loans, to rebuild? Why are the insurance companies

  allowed to stall, endlessly, or change their policies, where in the past this has resulted in government takeovers

  or the firm hand of the law insuring consistency?

  When the populace has noted that no one seems to be in control, and all leadership is avoiding issues and

  pretending that obvious problems don’t exist, they begin to emotionally dismiss their leadership. Heads of

  government are treated like noise in the background - irrelevant. Most importantly, people begin to make their

  own plans, which do not include meshing with any plans the government may have announced. In this

  environment, government and church leaders find no amount of pleading or fanfare brings about enthusiasm or

  attention from the populace, which has tuned them out. It is too late.

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  http://www.zetatalk2.com/transfor/t103.htm[2/5/2012 11:13:44 AM]

  ZetaTalk: Bush Administration

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  ZetaTalk: Bush Administration

  Note: written during the March 16, 2002 Live ZetaTalk IRC Session.

  Recently, the Bush Administration has gotten harsh, in their rhetoric, in their policy toward Palestinians vs. Israel

  support, in their intent to take on Iraq after all these years. They have imposed trade embargoes, in essence, on steel, an

  insult to their Russian partners. After providing barbecue to Putin, they pushed a mud pie in his face by announcing

  that Star Wars missile tests would continue, only throwing a bone Putin's way by agreeing to reduce nuclear war heads

  overall. One would think that the Bush Administration was on top, the economy going well, but lets look at the facts!

  Enron is so sticky close to the Bush Administration they will not scrape it away, as they are well aware.

  The economy, in spite of loud nightly news casts pronouncing a short recession on the wan, is floundering, as

  the little man knows looking about him and at his paycheck. To help shore up the US economy, trade embargoes

  will be put into place, an isolationist practice that comes naturally to the Bush Administration. This is another

  stop gap attempt to keep the inevitable from happening, a total economic crash, but will only go so far.

  The countries of the world are becoming desperate, so to keep those countries that might attempt to make a plea,

  a demand, or even threaten the US in some way to force a giving hand, the US is saber rattling with nuclear tests

  and missile tests. This is to keep other countries nervous, so they do not attempt to pressure the US toward truth

  or sharing precious resources such as food stuffs.

  The starving of the world are only fed when it is obvious to the US public that starvation is occurring, such as in

  Afghanistan. Here stick babies lying along the trails were in the news, so some meals were sent in. Of course,

  this starvation had been going on and will continue, henceforth, when the news stops.

  The War on Terrorism is a loss, Bin Laden not only not dead but his network hardly damaged, as renewed

  activity on the terrorists part will soon reveal.

  European allies are disgusted with the rhetoric against Iraq, so long left in place by the senior Bush President

  when Iraq could have been cleaned up at the time of the Gulf War. Allies will fail, increasingly, to cooperate

  with a US gone insane, in their view.

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  http://www.zetatalk2.com/transfor/t124.htm[2/5/2012 11:13:45 AM]

  ZetaTalk: Other Explanations

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  ZetaTalk: Other Explanations

  Note: written August 26, 2001

  Extremes in weather or periodic disasters are tolerated by the public when they can see that history is repeating itself.

  Being part of history, they can also anticipate good times to return. So much of life is taken as something one must

  bear, can do nothing about, and where grieving afterwards or bracing preparations are done, the fact that such disasters

  do descend is seldom given a thought. Aging, illness, and birth defects occur. Accidents and injury, loss of a spouse or partner, and infertility occur. Hurricanes and tornadoes are anticipated, occasional droughts or floods, and swarms of

  insects devouring crops are known to occur. But when weather patterns change, steadily, bringing deluges and

  droughts outside of the usual patterns, and the sea starts to rise, swallowing islands and coastlines without explanation

  - alarm sets in.

  The debate over global warming is confusing to the populace, as if this were truly the cause of the increasing disasters, then swift and firm action should be expected from the governments of the major powers in the world. Improvements

  are always expected to lag behind corrections, years and perhaps decades of time required for the trends to turn about

  and return to normal, and every day or month allowed to pass while the problem continues to build considered

  intolerable. Yet the US government waves its hand dismissively at the Kyoto Agreement and states that corporate

  rights take precedence, as though the taxpayer were not being drown or baked by the weather, forced into bankruptcy

  by job and crop losses, with no change in sight. The sense is that global warming, or any corrections ensuing, will not

  correct the increasing disasters, and the casual attitude of the US leadership means, in fact, that this is most likely not

  the cause of the disastrous trends.

  In primitive cultures, where concepts such as earthquake plates clashing and sliding against each other or a molten

  core forcing lava up through volcanoes or the Jet Stream affecting weather are not known, disasters are taken to be the

  hand of some irate god and sacrifices or steps taken to placate the god made accordingly. Where a wider view of the

  world is taught to the populace, in schools or via t
he availability of information, concepts of cause and effect supplant

  the religious. Germs cause infection and can be countered by antibiotics. Pesticides can counter plagues of insects and

  fungicides can make black mold disappear. There are reasons for disasters, and steps can be taken to counter them or

  at least prepare for them. Thus, the utter lack of reasons for the current weather trends, earthquake and volcano

  upticks, and rising seas have left the populace stunned, the more so because there does not appear to even be a debate

  on the matter.

  This results in a conclusion that the real reason is being withheld, that those in the know are not including the

  populace, and this message imparts a sense that a disaster of immense proportions is pending. It is the lack of

  discussion on cause and effect, the lack of concern expressed by the leadership, and the lack of rationale in any reason tossed to the increasingly frantic public that imparts this message. Thus, discussion on the record the Earth presents, the

  periodic cataclysms and wandering poles, gain credence, as at least this is an explanation.

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  ZetaTalk: Discomfiting

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  ZetaTalk: Discomfiting

  Note: written Jan 15, 2002

  Many humans are clearly aware of what is coming, in their subconscious, all the while denying this on the surface in

  their conscious. There is a great gap between what the common man senses, and sees about him, and what the

  government is willing to talk about. As the weather changes, there is less talk of the extreme nature of the weather

  patterns and where this might be leading. Summer in winter and winter in summer? There is only discussion about

  variations from the past, as though this were just another day, not an extreme pattern. The seas rising on the

  coastlines? There is no talk of how much property will shortly be swallowed up, and what the insurance companies

  will do when they go bankrupt. Melting poles and glaciers? This is talked about as though just another odd aspect in


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