SHIFTER ROMANCE: PARANORMAL ROMANCE: Claimed By The Wolf (Older Man Younger Woman Mail Order Bride Pregnancy Romance) (New Adult Wolf Shifter Romance)
Page 8
“Did it hurt?” I asked.
“What? The change?”
I nodded, tracing over his scars.
“The bite didn’t, no. But the draining of your blood and the nearness to death did. Vampire bites don’t change you, it’s the sucking your body dry just before death and injecting venom into your body that does.”
“So bites feel good?” I asked, causing him to lean closer
“Very much so. Feeding is always a pleasurable feeling.” He said before taking my lips. The sensation was soft and hard to discern from the warm water against my body but then his hands wrapped around my back and slid to cup my butt. I moaned into his mouth and he took the openness to explore with his tongue. He knew exactly what he was doing, our tongues danced together tasting and nudging. My arms wrapped around his neck and he hoisted me up onto his waist. His erection bit into my hot core and I didn’t care that we were in a pool or that I was looking for a story. I only cared about this moment and used my body to convey that. My arms pulled him closer and moans escaped my throat.
He pulled back abruptly, “shit” and set me down.
His eyes were controlled, but I’m sure mine were wild. “What’s wrong?” I asked panting.
“You,” He said scrutinizing me.
“You said you weren’t looking for a story, but that wasn’t true was it? This is what you want, right?”
His words felt like a slap in the face. “I told you I was looking for the truth. I wouldn’t write about this.” I said gesturing between us. “This wasn’t some ploy. This,” I exhaled, “whatever this is or was, was honest and not a ploy. It just happened. I was looking for a story, yes but I didn’t know I would get a connection. That’s rare and to be cherished. I wasn’t using you to make some big story. I only want the truth,” I backed away from him, injured, “I can’t believe you’d think that of me, but then again what did I expect? You don’t know me, you don’t even know my name.” I turned, intending to swim back to the entrance and leave. I never wanted to come to this stupid party but my boss insisted. He said it would be the story of the century and that if I wanted a lasting career, I’d better go. Little did he know, this story was about to be as dry as toast.
He grabbed my hand, halting my exit. “Wait. I’m sorry.” He said turning me to face him. “You’re right. What’s your name?”
“Candice Courtney. It was a pleasure your Majesty,” I said politely, “please excuse me.”
“No. don’t go.” He pleaded.
“Give me one reason.”
“Because I have never been myself with anyone else before and I like it.”
I was intrigued, “you can’t be yourself with anyone?” it sounded farfetched. “Not even your family?”
“No,” he exhaled. He pulled me back to our previous positions, me standing between his legs and him leaning against the pool wall. “Every word I speak can be used against me. I’m basically here against my will. I don’t want just an attachment. Trophies are for trophy cases, not to be on your arm beside you. I want a partner, someone I fell in love with. I want to be with someone I know wants me for me. Not wants me because my pedigree is rich or because my mother hired them too. I don’t want someone who lets me say and do whatever I want. I want someone to call me on my shit. I want someone who knows what my favorite color is and can tell when I’m lying. Everything here is a political battle. My mother wants me to hate humans. There is no love. There is control under the guise of love and I abhor the idea of someone controlling me.”
“To which question?
“Why does your mom hate humans?”
“Because one staked my father.”
“And do you?”
“No. Though I would never tell her that. My public stance on them in neutral, imperative to peace in the world. In truth, I envy them.”
“Envy us?” It sounded ridiculous, “why would you do that? You have everything, money, fame, power, eternal life.”
“And you have destiny, fate, and choices.”
“I cheated fate and living forever grows exhausting. There’s really nothing new to see. Once you’ve seen it once, you’ve seen it a thousand times. Women grow boring, they only want me to use me and truly the world turns on itself. Styles are recycled, politicians are corrupt and money is the name of the game. You never know what tomorrow will bring, I do and I’m tired of it.”
I could see he was tired, even without the bags under his eyes, he looked resigned. I hadn’t had the opportunity to meet many vampires. I heard about them and had seen them on the news but they seemed to stick to their corners of the world and until tonight I had never had an interest in meeting one or inquiring about their life. I was never one of those girls to fantasize about seducing one or ponder the merits of being bit. The grass always seems greener on the other side. I always assumed living forever and being invincible made a person cocky or enthused for life. David seemed overwhelmed and in some ways, depressed. I wanted to see a smile on his face.
“You’re right. What a sad fate, you can’t even drown your sorrows in ice cream.” I feigned a pout, “poor vampire,” and it worked. He laughed and confirmed my suspicious, his smile could light up a room.
“You are a breath of fresh air. Where have you been all my life?”
“I don’t know, but I apologize for the tardy entrance.”
He smiled, “you came right on time.”
“And why do you abhor the idea of someone controlling you?”
“Because true freedom is hard to find. I have been fighting for it all my life. I fought when I delayed my turning ceremony. I fought when I said no to taking the crown. Although, I do regret my father never saw the passing of the throne, it was my decision. I choose. This is my life, why should anyone get to tell me how to live it? The life of royalty is filled with sacrifices, constantly giving up what you want for the good of the people, for the good of your country, for the good of alliances and treaties. It drives me crazy. I fought to choose my bride, even if she be from a giggling group of geese my mother hired.” He spoke in a harsh tone and I could feel the emotional tension underneath.
“You should say how you feel. Would that be so bad? To say NO, more often.” I asked.
“I say no as often as I can but the truth is, more often than not, no one asks my opinion. They just do stuff. Like this damn ball, mother shows up with schematics, plans and proclaims she’s already sent out the invitations. No asking, just telling. It’s time for you to choose a bride, you will have the opportunity to do so here, at this time, don’t be late.” He mocked her, raising his voice several octaves and I laughed.
“So that means you haven’t been with anyone in a while.”
“Nope,” he said ending the word with an audible pop.
“Not even on dates?” I dug deeper.
“And raise some young delusional woman’s hopes and dreams for nothing? Nope.” He shook his head, his hair sprinkling me with water. “Hell no. I don’t want them problems. But if my mother even caught a whisper, one tiny rumored word that I was seen somewhere with a woman, she’d be planning our wedding right then. I will be so glad when this ball is over so she can go back to her mansion in Jersey. She’s staying in the guest wing until the ball and the inevitable wedding is over.” He looked so dejected and I wanted him to think of something, anything else.
“Well if you could veto one thing, right now, what would it be?”
“Us talking,” he said. Then he was kissing me again and I was drowning in his attraction. I regretted wearing the one piece as he had to completely undress me, pulling it a specific way to get it down my body. “I don’t have a condom,” he said in between kisses and future hickeys on my throat.
I threw caution to the wind, he couldn’t carry diseases. “I don’t care,” I said, arching into him, wanting more of him.
“You should,” he moaned as I pulled him free of his swimming trunks.
“But I don’t,” I whispered and fi
t him against my lips before forcing his bulbous head inside me. The head was thick, wider than his shaft and perfect. The water took most of the weight, causing me to bob softly and he held the rest. I laid back, suspended in air and joined at the hip. My eyes were closed and my legs trembled on his waist.
We sat still, growing used to each other until I couldn’t take it anymore. Using the leverage from the water, I rode him, grinding my hips into his, thankful I shaved this morning. He moaned, forcing my legs apart. Holding each leg with an iron grip, he slammed into me, splashing the water around us and giving me what I needed.
“More, more,” I panted greedily and knowing he was holding back.
“I don’t want to hurt you,” he whimpered, forcing me to sit up and bounced me on top of him.
“Then don’t,” I said opening my eyes to see his were blood red.
“Can I bite you?” he said. “Let me bite you, Candice,” his words were strangled by desire and withheld strength.
“Bite me” I cried, pulling closer to him and turning my head.
I felt hot pressure then nothing but pleasure traveling from my neck to my clit. It was too much and I exploded on him, shrieking and bouncing sound off the walls. The plants held some of the acoustics in but I feared had anyone been near the exterior pool they would hear us.
He had been holding back, speeding up and holding me closer, with one hand on my back and the other on my clit he forced another orgasm before spilling his seed inside of me. He came with an audible sigh as if he had been sexual deprived and had only just reached relief.
I felt him carry and lift me from the water’s edge. Through a secret door, we returned to the other side of the pool. I was somewhere between sleep and levitation. His bite had supercharged me, I could hear my blood rushing through my veins and I could feel a soreness throughout my entire body. I liked it. We ended up in a huge shower and he set me gently down on a bench. With running water, he washed me taking care to wash the chlorine from my hair and be gentle. He kissed the bruises forming on my waist.
I could tell he felt remorse.
“Don’t you dare say it,” I warned. He huffed. “Don't apologize for something that felt so good. If you do, I will think you regret being with me and if you do, that’s just humiliating.” I said.
He bent so he could look into my eyes. “That was one of the best nights of my existence. I will never regret that. I regret bruising you and I regret that it’s over, but never you.” He kissed me quickly on the lips before wrapping me in a huge towel. With the water off, he cradled me to his chest in silence that held no tension.
“It doesn’t have to be,” He said.
“What doesn’t have to be?” I asked in a drowsy tone.
“Candice, will you be my bride? I don’t want this to be over and I don’t want to choose another. I want you. If you’ll have me, I’ll announce it right now, and end this party.”
“What?” I startled and turned so I could see him clearly. His eyes had returned to a green color though they were still rimmed in red and he was breathing evenly. This was not a man under any influence or not thinking clearly, “Don't’ you want to talk to others to be sure?”
He shook his head no.
“I ran into you running away from them, all of them were vultures.”
“But your mother, you said she hated humans.” Even as I asked this, my heart was pumping with so many emotions, like excitement
“She has a prejudice, yes, but she isn’t looking for a bride, I am.” He spoke with confidence and I continued looking for excuses.
“Are you sure?” I asked with nervousness.
“I am. I know what I want. I do not wish to live eternity with someone petty, prejudice or in love with my money. I want someone for me.” He spoke in earnest and I knew I wanted to say yes. My heart soared in elation. I never imagined I’d end up with a King. Seriously, every girl eventually gets the memo that Disney sells a bunch of fake goods in those fairy tales. I was content in my small apartment, taking the subway and writing the best articles I could pen. But I wanted love, needed it and who knew it was just around the river bend, waiting for me.
“OK.” His smile was big and softened any resolve I had, “Yes David.”
He whooped and hurried us to our clothes.
“Come on, get dressed.”
“What’s the rush?”
“I want these people out of my house now. I have my bride and can’t wait to get to know more about her.” I blushed and redressed, wishing for once I had dressed to impress instead of in this plain romper.
Chapter 4
It is so hard to find someone who understands you. Out of the few years humans live, they aspire to find there one person, their soul mate, and few obtain it. But I had, of course, I had more time on my hands to look, but she fell right into my lap. I took a decent leap of faith and showed her who I truly was and she didn’t leer at me or make me feel ashamed. She let me know I wasn’t alone. She said yes! For the first time since this night started, I was excited. Dressed and ready to go she fiddled with her damp black hair. I slapped her hand away and kissed her forehead.
“You look beautiful. Don’t worry.”
“Well, it’s not every day you get announced as a bride and meet a queen all at once,” She said placing her hands on her hips.
I chuckled, “I can’t wait to spend forever with you.”
I speed walked, carrying us through the halls in haste. My mother met me in the hallway, throwing a disappointed look at our joined hands.
“There you are,” she had on her hostess smile, but I could see underneath she was livid. “Everyone has been looking for you. Where have you been?”
They could have looked as hard as they wanted, but I didn’t want to be found. “I was with my bride,” I said, enjoying the shock on her face. “Mother, meet Candice. Candice, Anastasia Elaine Hansen.”
My mother recovered quickly, shaking Candice’s hand. “Nice to meet you. Will you excuse us?” she said sweetly.
“No Mother. Whatever you want to say, say it in front of Candice. As I’ve said, she is my bride.”
My mother took a moment to pinch the top of her petite nose and take a deep breath. “Ok, I’m just going to say it. No offense dear,” she said to Candice before turning to me, “have you lost your mind? You leave a room filled with wonderful women to do God knows what with this one?” She gestured to Candice, scrutinizing her from head to toe.
“What you mean is a room full of vampire women.”
“That’s exactly what I mean. Is this because of the treaty? Our alliance with the humans is strong, there is no need for this. They do not doubt are loyalty. So why make the wrong choice?”
“I am not doing this as a political move and although I appreciate your advice, I will not take it. I cannot know for sure but I believe I will grow to love Candice. She is smart and funny and took the time to get to know the real me. I cannot say the same for those women who only have stars in their eyes.”
“But,” she shrieked.
“But nothing. Did you love my father?” she deflated, nodding, “and he picked you willingly, did he not?” she nodded again, “so why do you deny me the same opportunity?”
“I’m not. That’s why we have this ball.”
“This charade of a ball is not willingly. Where did these women come from? What are their credentials? I’m sure their resumes are long and their pedigree is high and for what? For me to spout off each bullet point as a means to prove we belong together?” I held my hand up, not allowing her to speak. “No, that is madness and I will not condone it. I have chosen and we are already half mated. If you love me mother, you will support my choice or so help me, I will renounce this thrown and let you rule it.”
She inhaled suddenly having never heard me speak of giving up my crown. “You would do all this for a human? A human girl you’ve just met?” she said disbelievingly.
“Try me,” I said, pulling Candice along and into the ballroom.<
br />
At my appearance, women converged on me and I had to tighten my grip on Candice’s hand. Once we were in the front of the room, I asked the band to stop playing music and took the mic.
“Good evening everybody. Thank you so much for coming tonight. I hope you have enjoyed yourself and if not, try the shrimp scampi. I heard it was like tasting heaven.” A few people laughed. “The time has come for me to announce I have chosen a bride and it is my pleasure to introduce my fiancée, Candice Courtney.”
The applause was slow and unenthused. “To all those I’ve met tonight, thank you for giving me a chance. Trust me when I say, I’m not all that.” I smiled, to lighten their moods. “Feel free to stay, enjoy the rest of the food and drink, but my bride and I are retiring to our beds. There will be an official wedding announcement at the end of the week.”
My mother, in the back, raised a glass of champagne, “to the King and Candice.” Everyone repeated after her and raised whatever glass they were holding. I smiled in gratitude to my mother and kissed Candice softly.
“See? The King always gets what he wants.” I said against her neck.
She shook her head and we made our way to the exit. There were several congratulations and compliments on my choice. In what seemed like hours, we were finally in my hall, entering my bedroom.
“What did you mean when you told your mom we were half mated already?”
“Oh, I meant what I said,” I pulled my shirt over my head. “We have completed half of the mating ritual.”
“Half?” she said, dropping her clothes on the floor.
“Yup. You must drink from me and I must drink from you. But I already have, so we’re halfway done. It’s better if it happens at once, though.” I said, climbing into the bed in my boxers.
“What happens when we do it together?” she asked, climbing into bed wearing one of my t-shirts.
“well, we become a part of a shared being. You become stronger, you will still be human but less likely to get sick, or break a bone. And I will be connected to you. I'll be able to taste food not laced in blood and if you hurt, I will too. We will become closer than ever, in mind and in body. Then once we come together, we will be mated for life. As long as you live, I will never want another.”