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SHIFTER ROMANCE: PARANORMAL ROMANCE: Claimed By The Wolf (Older Man Younger Woman Mail Order Bride Pregnancy Romance) (New Adult Wolf Shifter Romance)

Page 19

by Ava Frost

  Dear Erin,

  A nice boy named Cory keeps calling your phone. You may want to let him know you are not dead or dying. Once you are awake, join us for some lunch.

  Yours Always,

  The Denmark’s

  She couldn’t help but smile like a fool at the little note. Her heart was so full; it felt like it was going to burst. She was falling for both men, and they were bringing fantasies to life that she had never known that she had at all. Things that made her feel like a wild woman. Erin wondered if she needed to join them in the dining room or if instead one of them would like to join her in the bedroom, maybe both if she was lucky.

  With a dramatic sigh, she decided she would need to get up and face the world eventually. She put on the same clothing she had the day before, noticing that they had been cleaned and folded into a neat stack on the large bed. She smiled as she got dressed, feeling the sore spots all over her body from their vigorous lovemaking. As she walked into the dining room, she smiled when she saw Cal.

  “Good afternoon beautiful,” he said with a smile.

  “Hello. I can’t believe you guys let me sleep that long. How is Oden doing?” She asked as she sat down at the large table.

  “Well, he’s doing well enough that he’s in full-on party mode. We are having a little get-together tonight, and I begged him to cancel, but he refused.” Said Cal, returning to his paper.

  “Oh, a party, have a good time,” she said, a little disappointed that they didn’t want her to stay.

  “Jeremy has the car all ready to go, whenever you are ready of course,” said Cal.

  Erin was taken aback. For some reason she had expected the night before to buy her a little loyalty to the brother’s, not to be cast aside by them. Oden hadn’t even stayed around to tell her goodbye. She felt like a fool, a used fool. She stood from her seat and started to walk back to the front door.

  “Erin,” said Cal.

  “What?” She snapped at him, spinning around.

  “Here,” he said smiling and handing her a credit card with her name on it, “Oden had it made this afternoon.”

  “Why would I need a bank card?” She shot at him.

  “Well, your storming out of here to go shopping to get clothes and whatever else your heart desires to keep here and for the party tonight, I assumed you would let us take care of it,” he said looking at her.

  She raised an eyebrow, “so you’re not just kicking me to the curb and sending me home?”

  He looked at her in shock, “Lord woman! No! You are one of us now; I am never going to let you go.”

  Cal pulled her into a tender embrace, and she let him. As they stood there, she could feel his manhood growing hard. When she looked to the bedroom door, he laughed wholeheartedly.

  “Woman you will be the death of me!” He said with joy in his voice.

  “Go shopping while Oden and I plan for this party, and please love, it’s a casual event again,” he said, pulling away from her.

  “Uh-oh, another casual event,” she said with her eyebrow raised.

  He laughed, “not that causal, I promise. I share with my brother but no one else.”

  She saw in his eyes that he meant what he said. She had stumbled into a relationship with two very protective shifters, and she couldn’t be happier. She kissed him softly on the cheek before greeting Jeremy and climbing into the back of the car once again. She knew she was going to have to tell Cory what was going on. He was becoming frantic with worry. She dialed her friends number and listened while he berated her for falling off the face of the earth. That was until he heard the story that she told him about the brothers and their lifestyle. She, of course, left out the part about them turning into giant wolves.

  For the first time in all the years she had known Cory, he was stunned into silence. The bliss didn’t last long, though, and he berated her with questions. She laughed and promised to fill him in the next day. It was going to be there last day of filming, and she was ready for it to be over. The car stopped, and Erin stepped out onto a street that was lined with high-end stores. She giggled like a little girl and spent the next several hours shopping. When she and Jeremy returned to the house, she was weighed down with bags from all over the town. Oden met them at the door; a smile covered his face as he embraced her warmly.

  “I am so happy you decided to be a part of our family, my love,” he said warmly.

  “I feel like this is all part of a dream,” she responded.

  “I think I can speak for me and Cal both when I say the feeling is mutual, you are the most beautiful creature in the world,” He whispered as he kissed her once again tenderly.

  He led her inside as he started to talk while holding her hand, “listen, about this party tonight. There’s something you need to know about all the people on the guest list. Something very important. Tonight could change all of our lives, forever.”

  She looked at him with a worried expression, was she ready for her world to be changed anymore?

  Chapter 7

  He smiled down at her as he continued, “the people who are coming over today are the wolves in our pack.”

  “Oh, okay, that’s fine,” She said she had expected heads of state or the like.

  “It’s very important that you understand this, you can change your mind at any time if you like. You see, in the world of shifters, twins are rare. So rare in fact that my brother and I are the first ones who have been born to the pack in over three hundred years. We are destined to lead the pack in anything that we may face. It's why we protect them at all costs and guide them to make the best decisions in their lives.

  It can also be very difficult, when a pack member must be punished. That is for another time, though. Normally, when someone in the pack chooses a mate from outside the shifter community, a party is held, and they are judged, to see if that person is capable of mating for life. With Cal and I though, we are the ones who make that decision. We cannot be separated; it's actually impossible for us. We did try once to have separate relationships, and the result was horrible and depressing.

  What I am saying Erin, is that we want you to be our mate, for life. Please know though that this is not a request that is made lightly. In a pack, once you mate for life, there is no going back. You would be treated like a goddess. Any woman that can capture the love of an alpha is regarded as such, and you have captured the love of not one alpha, but two.”

  Erin looked at him in stunned silence, she looked over his shoulder and saw Cal standing near them, smiling like a fool too. She felt the tears prickling at her eyes. How did she get so lucky to catch the eyes of the famous Denmark brothers?

  “Are you telling me that, that you love me?” She said quietly.

  Oden looked behind him to Cal, who nodded to him, “we are Erin.”

  “Yes, a thousand times yes!” She said as she jumped to her feet.

  Oden rose with her and wrapped her in his arms, kissing her passionately. No sooner was she set down than Cal was swooping her up into another passionate embrace.

  “Do we have any time before the party?” She asked Oden with Cal’s arms wrapped around her.

  Oden laughed with joy, “we do not, but I promise you, tonight you will be taken care of a thousand times.”

  “Oden,” said Cal. Prompting his brother to keep speaking.

  Erin could tell there was something else that he needed to tell her, but that he was holding inside of him.

  “What is it,” she said, pulling away from Cal and looking at both men.

  Oden looked to the ground, “there is one other thing. Please understand, it is an old formality. As the leaders of the pack, we can decide not to participate in it, but it would be breaking tradition.”

  “What?” She asked, a little concerned.

  Oden looked to Cal, who began to speak, “as shifters, we are a very protective group. I’m sure you can understand that exposure would ruin us; we would be hunted as our ancestors were so many generations ago. When
a shifter takes a mate from outside of our world, its tradition for their coupling to be witnessed by the pack. It’s one of those old habits; the idea was that if you could allow so many to watch you, to suffer so much for love, then it was truly pure.”

  Erin was shocked, “so what you're telling me, no what you’re asking me, is to have sex with you while a bunch of people watch?”

  Oden spoke up and went to her, “you don’t have too my love. We can say no. It was an old tradition anyways.”

  Erin looked at both men and thought to herself. She had never made love with anyone watching her until last night when Oden came into the bathroom while she and Cal were together. Seeing him get excited while they had sex, it had doubled her desire. She had loved being watched. It was a huge turn on; she realized that she was very much okay with others watching.

  “They won’t be able to participate will they? That’s where I draw the line,” she said.

  Cal laughed, “no! I will warn you though, when the pack watches, it’s like it’s an aphrodisiac and many of them will shift to their wolf forms and have sex with their mates while they watch. Will this be a problem?”

  Erin smiled, “that sounds amazing.”

  She embraced Cal and felt Oden come up behind her and kiss her neck. She could feel his manhood had grown hard while they were talking about that night. She wanted to embrace both of them. Oden started to protest as she led them both to the bedroom.

  “No sex, I promise,” She said coyly as the door shut behind them.

  She dropped to her knees as soon as it was closed and unzipped both men’s pants and began to rotate. First she would take one’s member in her mouth; then she would use her hand while pleasuring the other. This went on for a few moments until she felt Oden grow hard and release, which she swallowed gladly before turning to do the same to Cal.

  She smiled as they looked at her in stunned passion, “now, if you’ll excuse me, I have a party to get ready for.”

  Erin jogged to the waiting shower and began to prepare for the start of the rest of her wonderful life.

  Chapter 8

  When she emerged from the bathroom, she could hear music coming softly from the dining room. She also heard the doorbell ring and more voices than normal in the modest house. The guest were starting to arrive. She looked at herself nervously in the mirror once more. It was going to have to do. She had picked out clothing that was casual but still very flattering for her full figure. Her hair and makeup were done perfectly. She sighed dramatically and opened the door.

  She walked into a scene that she wasn’t entirely prepared for. People and wolves both were walking around the dining room. When the bedroom door opened, they all looked at her. The wolves shifted back into their human form. She saw Oden and Cal standing in a far corner, talking with an older looking man. When the men saw her, they both smiled, and it eased her tension to see them. Right away, Cal excused himself and walked over to her.

  “I speak for both of us when I say this; you look amazing.” He said as he kissed her on the cheek.

  Oden joined them and smiled, also kissing her and moving to her other side. “So, are you ready for all of this?”

  She nodded her head and listened as they explained what was going to happen. She was relieved to find out that she would be able to leave shortly to change into whatever would make her most comfortable while they prepared the room. First, though, they had to make it official. Oden let out a loud growl at her side.

  “Family, thank you for joining us at our home today,” he said and was met with a round of clapping.

  “We have asked you here today to witness a moment that we never thought would happen. We have found a mate!” He exclaimed with joy.

  This declaration was met with loud cheers and howls from the group.

  “This wonderful woman, Erin has made my brother and I the happiest alphas in the worlds. Join us in celebration!” he finished dramatically.

  The group went wild, transforming and howling. She kissed both men passionately before Cal let her know that she could go change, he and Oden would take care of everything else. She went into the bedroom and stripped down to nothing. She decided to go out with nothing but a sheet.

  The room had been transformed into a wonderful scene. Tall candelabras were lit in a circle. Where the table had been, it was now empty except for a pile of blankets. She could make out the people and wolves in the dark but not enough to tell which ones were which. To her surprise, Cal stood in the center of the room, naked and erect, waiting for her. Next to him stood Oden. She was instantly turned on at the thought of being taken again by them, and it gave her courage.

  She let the thin sheet fall from her body as walked into the middle and the waiting pair. As she walked, she heard low growls coming from the circle. She didn’t even glance at them, she had heard those same noises coming from Cal the night before when they made love, it meant that they were turned on, and it gave her pride. Cal met her in the middle with outstretched hands.

  “Are you ready my love?” He asked her, smiling.

  She wasted no time with modesty, and she grabbed his hand and moved it to her already slickened garden. The sensation made her moan as she spoke, “I am always ready for my men.”

  His member jumped in response, and he smiled at her brazenness.

  He held her hands as he laid down on the bedding and she climbed on top of him. His shaft, waiting to penetrate her, now found her entrance and slowly he let himself be guided by her. For several moments, she moved on top of him passionately with her eyes locked onto his. When she felt him growing harder, she tightened her grip on him, but he pulled away.

  “Not yet,” he whispered and smiled.

  She looked at him in surprise; she was not dripping onto the blankets, she needed a Denmark inside of her. He guided her once more onto the blankets but this time, she understood when he pushed her onto her hands and knees. Her breath quickened with anticipation. She first felt large, strong hands wrapping around her waist, then she felt a long and hard member probing at her entrance before it found its mark and penetrated her hard.

  She screamed out in pain and pleasure, as she did so, her mouth was filled with Cal’s throbbing member. She sucked and grasped his buttocks for stability as Oden vigorously pumped inside of her. Once more she felt his shaft start to grow and bulge inside of her already swollen garden, it was almost more than she could take and she screamed out as she climaxed in a mixture of pain and pleasure once again. She felt Cal’s release come into her mouth and Oden coming from behind her. He exploded into her, and she felt him dripping from her.

  They all collapsed into a pile on the floor, spent. She could hear the other shifters around her making love to their mates also, but she didn’t care. She had never been so happy in all of her life. She knew at that moment that she would love the Denmark brothers forever, as long as they would have her at least.

  Like he was reading her mind, Cal turned to her and spoke, “Erin, I love you more than I have ever loved another woman in my life.”

  She felt the tears starting to rise. She started to speak, but Oden spoke first.

  He looked at her and said, “And I too Erin, I love you now and I will forever.”

  It was more than she could take, she embraced both men and started to cry as she spoke, “I love you too, and I always will.”

  They kissed passionately. They knew that their love was unique and that they would spend forever together as a pack and as mates.


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