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Forsaking All Others (From This Day Forward Book 2)

Page 13

by Shannon Myers

  She doesn’t break eye contact with the screen, “Doesn’t it look delicious?”

  I can’t take my eyes off of her, “Yeah.”

  She turns to me, “You’re not even looking at the television.”

  I smile, “I know. I saw something better that I’d like to eat.”

  The blush instantly creeps up her neck and face as she looks away. I’ve tried to keep myself in check since moving back in. Alan didn’t feel that either of us was quite ready to jump back in with both feet. I admit that I didn’t agree with him, but I want her forever this time. I don’t want anything coming between us again. Watching her react to me like she does makes me second guess that decision though.

  I’m going to need a cold shower.

  Not like I haven’t taken about a thousand of those recently.

  I’ve got an idea though that I wanna run by her. “Beth, what if I took you to Galveston this weekend? We could see my mom…just get away from it all, yeah?”

  She blinks as if she’s still trying to clear her head from my previous comment and it takes everything in me to keep my face blank.

  “Like where we got married?”

  I place my hand on her knee and run my thumb lightly across her skin, the room is crackling with the electricity between us.

  “Yeah, thought it might be good for us.” And I secretly hope that once we’re there, you see how perfect we are together and call off the divorce.

  She smiles so big her eyes crinkle, “I’d love that. When can we leave?”

  I kiss her forehead, “How about Friday morning?”

  She agrees and my heart could burst with everything I feel for her. I’m going to need some ice cubes to add to my cold shower. My attraction to her was increasing with every day, so why did I continue to feel that it wouldn’t last?

  I can’t believe we’re doing this. We are taking a road trip to the place that could potentially hold even more memories for me, the place where I became Elizabeth Greene. It’ll also be the place where I tell him that he’s going to be a father…again (possibly).

  What if he runs?

  I mean, the man could potentially be the father of two kids soon. That’s the kind of news you get right before you go to the store for milk, only to never be seen or heard from again.

  I close my eyes and rest my head against the window of his truck, the sunlight beating through onto my face. I wonder how different our lives would be right now if we’d just kept our vows to each other.

  David’s voice pulls me from my thoughts, “You comfortable?” He gestures to the thermostat.

  I nod, “I’m good. Um…I do need to pee again though.”

  He laughs, “Again? Has your bladder always been this small or do I have memory loss now?”

  I chuckle nervously. We’ve had to stop every couple of hours since we got on the road at six this morning. I can’t help it that this baby insists upon tap dancing on my bladder.

  “Sorry. I drank a lot of water.”

  He laughs and taps the navigation screen to look for a nearby gas station. I pull my empire waist dress away from my body in an effort to hide the little bump that seems to be hell bent on making its presence known.

  David finds a gas station to refuel at while I relieve my bladder and purchase more snacks. If anything, he’ll probably attribute the belly bump to my recent eating habits. I found that eating often helped a lot with the nausea that is somehow still hanging on.

  We drive a couple more hours before reaching Louisa’s house mid-afternoon. My eyes are barely staying open at this point, so she gives me a warm hug and sends me upstairs to rest in David’s old room. I wrap myself up in the navy plaid comforter and fall easily into a deep sleep.

  When I wake, I can tell that it’s early evening by the way the sun is coming in through the bedroom window. I roll over and look at the clock—six thirty? I can’t believe I slept that long. I stretch out my limbs and enjoy the moment until I hear a quiet knock at the door.

  “Beth? Dear, are you doing okay?”

  I prop myself up on a pillow just as she comes in. “I’m sorry to sleep so late—I guess my early morning caught up with me.”

  She smiles and her gaze drifts down to my stomach where my bump is out in full force. I quickly pull the comforter up, but not before she sees.

  “I was a lot like that when I was carrying David. If I wasn’t throwing up, I was sleeping. That may explain why he’s an only child.” She laughs warmly until she sees my look of shock.

  “Louisa, it’s not—you can’t—he doesn’t know.” My eyes plead with her to understand what I’m asking here.

  She climbs onto the full-sized bed next to me and takes me into her arms. “I know you two have had your problems, but I’ve seen the way you look at each other. It’s not all that different from how my John looked at me. You’ll figure it out, I just know it.”

  I start weeping openly at her words and she rocks me in her arms as though I’m a child. It’s exactly what I’ve needed since discovering the truth. When I received condemnation from my own mother, I needed someone to help shoulder this burden. I try to compose myself in fear of David hearing me.

  “Shhhh…let it all out, sweet girl. I sent David to the store so I’d have some time alone with you. I made sure to add a few items that are always impossible to find so he should be gone a while yet.”

  I smile up at her through my tears, “How did you know? About the pregnancy, I mean.”

  She cups her hand under my chin and looks right into my eyes, “I suspected when David told me you ended up in the hospital a while back. The minute I saw your face though, it confirmed everything. You’ve got this glow about you—I know people always say that, but it’s true.”

  I wipe my eyes and hug her tightly, “I’m so scared to tell him. How much did he tell you about what happened?”

  She sighs, “I know everything—including what Jess is now claiming. I don’t want to believe it’s true though. How could he have made a child with her when he’s so over the moon for you?”

  I start crying again and can’t answer her question. It’s too cruel to think about it. Why didn’t we see how much we loved each other before it came to this?

  She continues to cradle me in her arms, “This is my fault, Beth. I relied on David too much after John passed.”

  “No! That’s not true.”

  She hushes me, “It is. I took him away from you. John was so worried about you two. He felt that David worked too much and he was concerned with how you were handling everything on your own. I knew that and I selfishly wanted him here. It’s not right.”

  She chokes up and I grip her tighter in my arms, wanting to take her pain away. I try to think of the words I could say to try and fix the situation.

  There aren’t any.

  We sit in silence, letting our pain mingle with the tears.

  “Do you know what it is yet?”

  She gestures to my belly.

  “No, it was still a little too soon. I do have some pictures in the pocket of my purse. I’ll grab them.” I push the comforter back and climb out of bed. Louisa watches my every move, her eyes still bright with tears.

  I pull them out of the hidden pocket in my purse and hand them over. Her hand goes to her mouth as she studies each one and more tears begin to fall.

  “Beth, don’t you think the profile looks—”

  “Like David’s?” I finish for her.

  She nods and goes back to admiring them before looking over at me again, “Would it be okay to, I mean would you mind if…”

  She trails off as she searches for the right words and I grab her hand, placing it firmly on my abdomen. She nods again as if to let me know that’s what she was trying to communicate. She places the pictures back on the bed and adds her other hand to my stomach.

  “What a precious gift this is, Beth.” She continues to stare reverently.

  I place my hands on top of hers, “You’re not going to tell him are you?”r />
  She breaks eye contact with the bump and looks up at me, “Never. You’ll tell him when you’re ready. And Beth? He is going to be thrilled.”

  I smile.

  I hope you’re right, Louisa. I hope you’re right.

  I finally make it back to the house after hours spent in the grocery store. She had the most obscure things on that damn list and I spent most of my time trying to track down employees to help me.

  I carry the bags into the kitchen where the two of them are looking through photo albums together.

  “There’s my two favorite girls.” I set the bags down and go over to them. I give my mom a kiss on the cheek and surprise Beth when I lift her up into my arms. My lips connect with hers and it’s the first time since I moved home that I’ve kissed her like this.

  My mom playfully swats at my arm, “Oh you two need to get a room!” I know that secretly she loves it though. The problems in my marriage broke her heart just as much as mine.

  “Mom, was it really necessary for you to have brown rice flour and arrowroot powder? What in the hell are you making?”

  She smiles innocently, “I found a recipe for gluten free bread that I want to try.”

  I massage the back of my neck, paying extra attention to the fact that Beth is standing in front of me, shell-shocked by our kiss. Her eyes are homed in on my lips and I’m pretty damn proud of the effect I have on her.

  My mom clears her throat and I tear my gaze away from Beth. “Mom, you don’t have a gluten allergy. Why are you going to all this trouble?”

  She rolls her eyes at me, “David, there are a lot of people at church who have dietary restrictions. I’m just accommodating them.”

  She goes back to putting up the groceries when I stop her.

  “Mom, when are you cooking for the people at church?”

  She turns her back to me and places the flour up in the cabinet, “You never know when there will be a church potluck and I want to be prepared.”

  I sigh, “So, you had me get all of these ingredients on the off-chance that the church has a potluck?”

  She smiles, “Exactly. Now help me put all of this away. Beth, is there anything that sounds good to you for dinner?”

  I look over at Beth and smile. She’s got a hand still pressed to her mouth and she jumps when my mom says her name.

  “Sorry! I got lost in thought over here. Um, would it be awful if I said pizza sounds amazing right now?”

  My mom chimes in, “Pizza sounds fabulous. We can order one in and make a salad to go with it.”

  I hold my hands up, “Why did I need to go to the store then?”

  Beth and my mom exchange a look and start laughing. It’s a damn good thing I love them as much as I do.

  I wake when the sky begins to lighten. This old bed of mine is nothing like our king back home, but it definitely has its perks.

  Beth is nestled in my arms, her breathing deep and even, and I find that this is the perfect opportunity to study her beautiful features.

  Her blonde hair is lying across her face and I gently brush the strands back, before pressing my lips to her temple.

  I know I shouldn’t, but I pull the sheets back away from her body, needing to see all of her. She’s wearing nothing more than a tank top and a pair of black cotton shorts and her nipples harden once the air conditioning kicks on. Her body seems different than I remember even from just a month ago, she’s curvier. The stomach that seemed concave before, is now slightly rounded and I find that it makes me happy.

  She lost so much weight right after everything, maybe this is a sign that she’s content again. I place my hand on her lower abdomen and immediately pull it back. Where I expected her to be soft, she’s not. Her body feels firm beneath my hand.

  I place my hand back and begin gently moving it back and forth while my brain scrambles to come up with an answer.

  Her breasts are bigger.

  She is constantly taking naps.

  She’s been throwing up a lot.


  I do the math in my head and then when that doesn’t give me a clear answer, I slide out of bed and grab my phone.

  I sit in the floor and type in, “due date calculator.” My screen fills with results and I click on one at random.

  Date of last menstrual cycle

  Yeah, I have no idea. I scroll down a little further.

  Date of conception

  I pinch the bridge of my nose while I try to remember the exact date. After narrowing it down, I type in June sixteenth. My heart is like a jackhammer in my chest.

  The screen changes to confetti falling around a sign that reads: Congratulations! Your baby is due March 9, 2015.

  According to this, she’s about to be fifteen weeks along. Beth stirs in bed and I damn near drop the phone when she mumbles my name. I freeze until I realize she’s still asleep. I look back down at the screen.

  Our baby is four inches long and weighs two and a half ounces.

  Our baby.

  It’s only the size of an apple. I don’t need a pregnancy test to confirm what I already know.

  Beth is pregnant.

  She’s pregnant with my baby, but didn’t tell me.

  I think back to that doctor’s appointment I went to with Jess. I asked her if she was pregnant and she told me no.

  I grab a pair of sweats and quietly pull them on before heading downstairs. It looks like I’m the only one up, which is perfect for what I’m about to do. I step out onto the patio and look up Beth’s doctor. I know it’s Saturday, but maybe someone will be there. A call center nurse answers on the third ring. “Good Morning, this is Cynthia.”

  I clear my throat, “Good Morning, Cynthia, this is David Greene. My wife, Elizabeth, is a patient of Dr. Harper’s and she is having a lot of trouble with um…”

  Think, David, think

  “She’s having trouble with throwing up still. Is that normal?”

  “What is her date of birth?”

  “December 5, 1983.”

  “And Mr. Greene, how far along is she?”

  I swallow, “I think fourteen weeks. Is there any way I could get Dr. Harper to call me? We’re out of town and I just want to make sure I don’t need to take her in to a hospital.”

  “Yes sir, I can page her. What is a good number for you?”

  I give her my number and then pace the patio, waiting for the call that will give me all the confirmation I need. I sink into a patio chair that is damp with dew, my head in my hands.

  Please don’t let Jess’s baby be mine…

  Please let Beth be pregnant.

  I don’t know if I’m praying or wishing at this point. All I know is that I feel like a bow string, pulled taut and ready to snap.

  I jump when I hear the sliding door open and I guiltily stumble out of the chair.

  Beth opens the door and then steps back inside to grab something. She comes back out carrying two cups of hot tea and I’m overtaken by a memory.

  Beth comes into the kitchen and immediately wrinkles her nose. “What is that smell? It smells like something is burning.”

  She sniffs the air and I hold up her coffee. “I got you coffee. Is that what you’re smelling?”

  She looks at the cup like it contains poison and begins gagging. I’m still trying to process what the hell is wrong with her when she calmly walks over to the sink and vomits.

  She hands me a cup and then sits in the chair opposite me. “Morning. I woke up when I realized you weren’t in bed anymore. How long have you been up?” Her smile is still sleepy and I feel like an ass.

  “I couldn’t sleep so I thought I’d sit out here and enjoy the morning.”

  She takes in the humidity and grey skies before quirking a brow at me, “Really?”

  I take a sip of the tea to avoid answering her, scalding my tongue in the process, before nodding vigorously.

  She laughs at me, “It’s hot. I would’ve warned you, but I thought the steam coming off the top would be enough.
You sure you’re okay?”

  I set my tea down, “I’m fine—you still not drinking coffee?”

  She shakes her head, “I’m kind of on a tea kick right now.”

  I reach my arms out to her, “C’mere.”

  She grins and sets her tea on the patio table before climbing into my lap and laying her head on my chest. I hope she can’t feel how fast my heart is beating or she’ll worry I’m about to have a heart attack.

  She’s sitting sideways which makes it easier. I bring my hand up and rest it on her stomach.

  Her entire body stiffens and I see fear in her eyes. If I didn’t know, I doubt I would’ve noticed the change, but it’s definitely there.

  I want to shout to the entire neighborhood that my wife is pregnant, but I want her to be the one to tell me. I can’t force this or she’ll run.

  My phone rings in my pocket and I try to stand quickly without dumping her onto the patio. “I need to take this. It’s about a job.”

  “Okay—you’re working this weekend?”

  I kiss her cheek before moving toward the front yard, “I’ll be quick—I promise. Then I’m all yours.”

  She blows me a kiss and sits back down.


  “Hello, this is Dr. Harper. Is this David Greene?”

  I unlock my truck and climb in. “Yes, it is. I called about Beth.”

  “I had to double check her records to make sure, but she does have you listed. What seems to be going on with her?”

  “She’s still throwing up. Is that normal?”

  I’m holding my breath, waiting for her next words.

  “Hmm…well she’s about to be fifteen weeks so that should be subsiding soon. Is it like the episode before where she had to be hospitalized?”

  I can no longer feel my arms.

  She’s pregnant.

  My wife is pregnant.

  In the midst of the chaos, we created life.

  I hastily wipe at my eyes as tears form.

  “Mr. Greene?”


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