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Ditching The Dream (Dream Series)

Page 13

by Isabelle Peterson

  Good lord, I was in trouble. “Colorado is a big state,” I offered. Shelby shot me a look that said ‘Riiiiight’ “Well, Monday night we had drinks and thank god my sister called because things were about to take a turn to beyond steamy.”


  Do I say? “His place.”

  “Ohmigod! I bet his place is amazing. It’s a fab townhouse in Murray Hill, right?”

  “That’s your take away?”

  “What? I like real estate. It’s a hobby,” she shrugged. “So, you were hot and heavy at his place. In private, huh? Is he as ripped as it seems? As ripped as he was when he was modeling skivvies twenty years ago?”

  I gulped. “Good God almighty… he is.”

  Shelby groaned.

  “But that’s not my biggest dilemma right now,” I continued.

  “Really? Tell,” she pushed, leaning in.

  I took a deep breath and spilled. “Last night I went out with a neighbor and things kinda… well… got out of hand. So now, it seems I’m ‘involved’ with two men.” I decided to leave the third man, ‘husband,’ out of this chat.

  “Tell me more about this neighbor.”

  “Southern gentleman. Middle school Spanish teacher. Oh, and sex-on-legs. Young-sex-on-legs. He has to be at least ten years younger than me.”

  “Which would make you a Cougar! Hot mama!”

  “He has gorgeous hair, and warm eyes and…” I dropped my head back. “What am I doing?”

  “Is his hair dark and thick?”

  “And feels like silk when you run your fingers through it,” I mused.

  “Luscious lashes on dark green eyes?”

  “The most luscious.” A flash of last night, his eyes peering at me from between my legs. I felt my cheeks grow hot and heat pool between my legs.

  “Olive toned skin?” she continued to grill. I looked at her questioningly. How did she know all that? When I looked at her, I saw that she wasn’t looking at me, but behind me.

  “He’s here, isn’t he?” I asked her hesitantly.

  “Well, someone has their eyes on you. I’m just guessing it’s Mr. Spanish Teacher Neighbor Guy,” she said with a smirk. “We’ll talk later.”

  I grabbed a coaster and turned.

  Shit! It was Kevin. And as gorgeous as ever. A nice light blue shirt that set off his brown hair, top button undone. Man, I wanted to kiss that little hollow at the base of his neck. I mentally pulled up my, now wet, panties and walked over.

  “Kevin. So good to see you.” Did I tell him that this was where I worked? “Can I get you something?”

  “Good to see you too. Got any sweet tea?”

  “Actually, no. I can make some hot tea, sweeten it and cool it for you,” I suggested.

  “Nah. It’s fine. Can I just get a Coke?”

  “Sure!” I turned and grabbed a glass.

  He continued, “I just wanted to make sure you were okay after last night.”

  “Of course, why wouldn’t I be?” I tried, forcing my best this-isn’t-at-all-awkward smile.

  “Well, you fell asleep when I ran back to my apartment for… well, I just wanted to make sure you weren’t too badly hung over,” he said, pushing a hand through that glorious hair. Was he blushing? Omigod. He was blushing. How adorable! And it suddenly came back to me. He’d gone back to his apartment for condoms, and if he came back and I was asleep, he’s too much a gentleman for… which means – phew!

  “I’m doing great. Thanks for checking in,” I said, grinning ear-to-ear.

  “And Mrs. Hanlon said you rushed out of your apartment like a hot knife through butter this mornin’.”

  Great, he’s talking to Mrs. Hanlon about me?

  “So, what are you doin’ tonight? Wanna go catch a movie or something?” he asked.

  “Oh, that sounds great, but I already have plans,” I said, glancing at Shelby. “But, thanks.” I added.

  “It’s all good.” He smiled. “Maybe we can do something this weekend.”

  “Yeah, sounds good.”

  What? Why did I say that? Oh, hell. I know why I said that. Because his tongue was so talented, and I wanted to lick those tattoos.

  He started to chuckle, startling me out of my musings. “What’s so funny?” I challenged.

  “You’re even prettier when you blush,” he replied calmly, staring deeply into my eyes.

  Breathe… Breathe…

  “So, can I get you any lunch?”

  “Nah, just the Coke. Besides, I have to get goin’. Still have a stack of grading before school resumes next week.” He pulled out his wallet.

  “Nope, the soda’s on the house. Put your wallet away. Your money’s no good here.” I smiled at him.

  He winked one of those big green eyes and flashed me his brilliant smile with those perfect teeth. “See ya,” he waved, then turned and walked out, giving a fine view of his tight behind.

  “See ya,” I waved back, feeling like a high school girl all over.

  “Oh. My. God. Teach me how to snag a guy like that!” Shelby purred, sliding up next to me. “You could bounce a quarter off that ass!”

  “What am I doing, Shel?” I asked her.

  “I don’t see the problem. You’ve not decided to be exclusive with either one, have you?”

  Well, I am supposed to be exclusive with someone else…

  “Not with either of these guys…” I started.

  “So you are exclusive with someone? Who?” she asked, raising a curious eyebrow.

  I took a deep breath. I’d told her so much already, might as well give it all up. “My husband…” I whispered.

  “Sorry?” she asked. Yup. Shocked her. “More. Out with it.”

  So, I regaled her with a ten minute recap of my last twenty-five years with Greg, and how we’ve drifted into a virtually platonic relationship, and my lacking in sense-of-self, up to today’s predicament of two men a-la-mode.

  “Honey, when you jump, you jump in all the way, don’t ya?” Shelby said with a sigh.

  “I didn’t come here to get involved with any men, let alone two. I just wanted to prove to myself that I was a strong woman who could stand on her own.”

  “So, that if you leave Greg – fully, you’d do fine as a single woman.”

  “I hadn’t thought of it that way. I really wasn’t planning on leaving him. I just wanted to prove something to myself.”

  “Six of one, half dozen of the other.”

  “No, not really. Really? God, I don’t know. What am I doing?”

  “You married young. Really young. It’s understandable.”

  “Greg said something along the same lines.”

  “I can’t believe he’s even talking to you, let alone giving you permission to sow those wild oats. I imagine most men would do all their talking through a lawyer.”

  I dropped my head down. I felt weighted with so much shame.

  “For what it’s worth,” Shelby continued. “I’m with Greg and your best friend. I say enjoy the ride. Learn about who you are… all aspects. I think Jack will push you in ways that will open your eyes.”

  “What do you mean by that?”

  “Just rumors, but I hear he’s really skilled.”

  Yes. I’ve experienced some of his skill. I was hungry to experience more of it.

  “So, Jack’s picking you up at seven? I guess you should get going.” I glanced at the clock, it was already after four. I should have clocked out five minutes ago.


  Over the next couple of hours, I resigned myself to giving this whole dating thing a try. Three people were telling me to do it, and my body was screaming for me to. My conscience was still having some issues, but I wasn’t sure how to quiet that, yet.

  Inspecting myself in the mirror, I was mostly satisfied with what I saw. I wore a pale pink, silk button down blouse with black, wide leg trousers. Peeking out at the bottom of the trousers were my patent leather, peep toe heels. I loved that I could wear my taller shoes si
nce Jack was so tall. Greg always wrinkled his nose when I wore anything other than flats on my feet because then we were almost the same height, or I was taller than him. It didn’t bother me, but it was a bone of contention with him.

  My jewelry was simple, Jackie O would be proud. Just a simple silver necklace and a pair of white gold and diamond studs that my mother gave me. I decided to leave the rings in the damn shower.

  My make-up was definitely going-out make-up. The eye liner in a sleek black line with a slight upturn at the outside corners. My eye shadow was in a lavender color wave. A slight dash of pink on the apples of my cheeks and a sheer pink lip gloss.

  Glancing at the clock, I saw I only had ten minutes left. I was debating on how to do my hair when my cellphone sprang to life. I almost didn’t look at the screen, afraid it would be my mother, whom I had yet to call, or Greg. I sighed with relief when I saw Jessica’s name on the screen. I answered the call in speaker mode while I fussed with my hair.

  “Hey Jess, should I style my hair in the tailored look or the spiky?” We almost never answered the phone with pleasantries with one another. We always started our calls right out of the gate.

  “Um – one, I L-O-V-E your hair cut. Two, where are you going?”

  I paused. “Actually, I don’t know. He’s picking me up in ten minutes and I still haven’t decided how I’m going to style my hair.”

  “Ooooh. So are you going out with the baby cub? Or the older man?”

  “You wouldn’t believe it if I told you,” I said.

  “Um, you’re telling me this instant or I’ll give Greg your address.”

  “You wouldn’t!”

  “I would. Now dish!” she demanded.

  “Are you sitting down?”


  “Jack Stevens.”


  “Jack Stevens.”

  “Wait a minute. ‘Jack-ass Jack’?”

  “Hmm-hmmm,” I hummed back.

  “Billboard-underwear-model-who-somehow-screwed-over-your-sister-and-her-best-friend-from-bumble-fuck-Charter-Oaks-Colorado, Jack Stevens.”

  “That would be the one.”

  “You are fucking kidding me! How in the hell did you guys cross paths?”

  “He’s the regular at the bar I was telling you about last time.”

  “Oh. My. God. Was he like ‘Hey Lizzie, wanna get all smarmy with me Wednesday night?”

  “No, actually he doesn’t recognize me.”

  “Well, it has been about thirty years, and he is like ten years older than you. We were, what? Twelve when he broke up with Jenny?”

  “About. So, quick. He’s going to be here any minute. Spiky or tailored?”

  “Is he still as sexy? And famous?”

  “More. And yes.”

  “Oh my god. Call me the instant you get in with details. Take pictures. Go with the spiky hair so it doesn’t look messed up when he’s screwing you in the coat closet or whatever he did to get the name Jack-ass Jack.”

  Just then the other line beeped. Checking the screen, JACK was blinking back at me. I was very grateful for the interruption or she would have had me spilling about my night with Kevin last night.

  “Listen, Jess, that’s him on the other line. I’ll talk to you tomorrow.”

  “Good luck! And practice safe sex! And tell me EVERY DETAIL.”

  I shook my head, laughing, and answered the other call.

  “Your doorman won’t tell me which apartment is yours, or let me up to collect you,” he growled through the phone line. I hadn’t realized just how sexy his voice was until it wasn’t connected to the rest of the package.

  “I’m almost ready, I’ll be down in three minutes.”

  “Aww, can’t I come up?” I heard him pout.

  Scanning my apartment, clothes piled on the bed and the kitchen not exactly clean, “No. I’ll be down in three. Keep your pants on, Mr. Stevens.” He laughed as I ended the call.

  I decided to take Jess’ advice. I quickly gooped up my hands with some pomade, pulled it through my hair, and gave my short tresses the mussed up, spiky treatment the way Bobbie showed me. Satisfied with the result, I washed my hands, spritzed on some Acqua di Gioia perfume and made my way to the elevator.

  I was just about to turn back to my apartment with nerves getting to me and cancel this whole thing all together when the elevator doors opened. I stepped in, pressed the button for the Lobby and the doors were almost closed when a large hand stopped them from closing, and the doors bounced back open. Kevin.

  “Hey, Lizzie, fancy meeting you here. You look incredible.” He inhaled deeply, his eyes with those amazing lashes, fluttering closed. “And, it’s definitely not Eau-du-Steak,” he drawled. Shaking his head, he opened his eyes and they looked me up and down, practically undressing my elegant outfit. He didn’t look bad himself, dressed in all black. Black button-down, black jeans, black cowboy boots. And he smelled divine, too, all musky and manly. God, I wanted his hands on me. “So, headed out on those plans?” he continued, snapping me out of my wayward thoughts.

  “Yup,” I managed, trying to get my hormones in check. “Looks like you have some plans lined up yourself.”

  He shrugged. “Yeah, same group as last night. We teachers use every possible minute of spring break that we can get. We’re going to some new club that Peter was talking about last night.”

  “Have a great time,” I sputtered as we neared the lobby where Jack would be standing waiting for me. Oh God, this wasn’t going to be awkward at all! Why didn’t I just let Jack upstairs?

  Ding! We reached the lobby and the doors opened.

  “Ladies first,” Kevin said with a flourish and placing his hand on my lower back ushered me out, his touch sending those now familiar electric currents up my spine. As I turned toward the lobby my knees almost buckled from the contact, and Kevin caught me since his hand was already on my back.

  Jack rushed over to help, possessively shooting daggers at Kevin for having his hands on me.

  “Beth, honey, are you okay?” Jack exclaimed as he helped me back on my feet.

  “Yeah, I’m fine. Must have just caught my heel on something. Just a klutz I guess. Thank you.” I got a good look at Jack. My mouth watered. He was dressed in a gorgeous dark blue suit with a light blue shirt, no tie, unbuttoned at the top. The blues added a delicious depth to his brown eyes and his silvering hair.

  “Do you need me to get you an ice pack for your ankle or anything, Liz?” Kevin asked.

  I gasped and turned my head to him.

  “Oh, I’m fine, really. Thanks.” The two men took sized each other up. Both standing over six-feet, eye-to-eye really. And I actually felt a little short, even in the heels that had caused so much commotion. I should’ve just worn flats. But then I would have felt down-right short.

  “Hi, Jack Stevens,” he said sticking his hand out toward Kevin.

  “Oh, I’m sorry. Where are my manners? Jack, this is my neighbor, Kevin Parker. Kevin, this is Jack Stevens, an old friend,” I said with a wink at Jack. The ‘old friend’ reference startled Jack slightly, which was just the reaction I was hoping for.

  Kevin stuck out his hand giving a stiff shake. “Nice to meet you, Jack. Well, Lizzie, don’t stay out too late. Too many late nights aren’t healthy.” He leaned in and gave me a quick kiss on the cheek then made his way out the front door that Dominic held for him.

  “Friendly neighbor,” Jack said, rolling his jaw. “And what’s with calling me an ‘old friend?”

  “What? You’re older and you’re a friend,” I replied hoping he’d find it funny, and not catching on that I actually knew who he was.

  “Hmm-hmm,” he replied. “We’ll have to see about that.” He narrowed his eyes and wagged his eyebrows, and I was suddenly somewhere between incredibly scared and extremely turned on.

  The limo ride to the restaurant, a small place in the trendy “Greenwich Village” area of New York City, with Anand driving, was fairly quick. The
whole ride there down Park Avenue, Jack played tour guide pointing out the neighborhoods, Upper East Side, which was where I was living, Midtown East, Murray Hill, where he lived, Gramercy and the East Village, then Greenwich Village. He rattled off some of the famous people who lived in each part of town and exciting things that happened there, including the building his company was in, only a few blocks from Ed Scott’s.

  After we were seated in a quiet corner of a very tiny restaurant, we were alone for the first time since I ran from his home the other night. Not knowing what to say, I picked up my menu and busied myself in an exploration of the extravagant choices.

  “I’m sorry I made you run the other night,” he started. “But I’m glad you were still good for tonight.”

  I peeked up at him to see a genuinely happy face. Not one with an agenda. I finally let out my breath and started to relax. “Me too,” I smiled back. “How am I supposed to choose from this menu? It all looks so good.”

  “Do you trust me?”

  “I guess,” I replied. And I did. I trusted him.

  “I take it you’re not a vegetarian seeing as how you work in a steak house?”

  I laughed. “Definitely a carnivore. Thank you.”

  Jack waved the server down and ordered drinks to start with and several courses. I wondered if we’d need wheelchairs to make our way out of here.

  Over the next two hours, Jack was a merciless flirt, his eyes undressing me, but the overall mood was light and fun. We talked about our travels, charities, our hobbies, and sports, which was thankfully limited for the both of us. Although I was tempted to ask him about what he did and what his back story was, but I didn’t because if I asked him, he’d ask me. I didn’t feel like jumping in those waters. And since he wasn’t asking me any of those questions either, it was an easy topic to avoid.

  The only truly personal question we tackled was our birthdays, not the year, just the month and day. He seemed delighted that my birthday was in less than a week.

  After we enjoyed several food courses covering ceviche, lobster bisque, spinach salad, and duck, I had to draw the line and decline on dessert. Alas, we did go with a nightcap; Jack ordered his eighteen year Macallan, I chose a sweet limoncello. Jack paid the check and, with his hand running up and down my back, we made our way to the street where Anand stood waiting with the limo. Yeah, a girl could definitely get used to this.


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