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Ditching The Dream (Dream Series)

Page 16

by Isabelle Peterson

  Maybe I should just go along? But I said I’d give Elizabeth space. A month. I had to stick to my word. I was always a man of my word. I missed her terribly. I didn’t know what about her I missed exactly, just that things felt empty with her gone.


  I stretched and registered the soreness all over my body. I felt an aching between my legs, my nipples were tender, and my backside still tingled. And it was all delicious. I was alive.

  I inhaled deeply, keeping my eyes closed to the morning light. I smelled cologne and sex. I peeked open an eye and looked around. This was not my apartment. This was Jack’s place. I spent the night! How could I have done that? But then the four orgasms came to mind and I knew why. I was too tired to move after that last one. And too confused to go anywhere.

  Now I was going to have to do the walk of shame back to my apartment. I cursed myself for being so stupid. For caving to hormones. That’s what this had to be, right?

  Gradually the smell of coffee reached my senses. I looked around for something to wear, and couldn’t find my bra and panties. Where had they gone? I did see Jack’s blue shirt on the floor and decided that would have to do.

  I ambled through the house, taking it in by day light. The browns and creams that seemed so brooding at night, now lent a warm and calming mood. I made my way to the kitchen to find Jack sitting at the table reading the paper with a steaming cup of coffee in front of him.

  I just watched from around the corner for a moment, the sun lighting his features perfectly – but I guess that’s what made him a model – any lighting was good lighting. He was wearing a white T-shirt that clung to every muscle his torso boasted. I stepped a little further into the doorway which caught his attention. He set the paper down instantly and a dazzling smile spread across his face, his eyes giving me a once over.

  “Good morning,” he said. “I think that shirt fits you better than it does than me.”

  “Oh, I think it suits you just as well,” I laughed.

  “Come, have a seat. Coffee? Breakfast?”

  “Coffee, please,” I moaned.

  “I take it you like coffee.”

  I nodded, yawning and trying to shake off the sleepies.

  “How do you take it?” he asked.

  “Sweet and light,” I replied.

  “Do eggs and toast sound good to you? I was going to make that for myself.”

  “Sounds delicious. Can I help?”

  “Nope. I’ve got it all under control,” he cooed, setting a hot cup of coffee before me with a small pitcher with cream and a sugar bowl.

  I fixed my mug, and sat, sipping on the glorious coffee and watched Jack gather the things to make us breakfast. Glancing at the paper sitting on the table, I noticed a large ad for the opera Carmen playing at the Met.

  “That’s one thing I want to do while I’m in town,” I mused.

  “What’s that?” he asked.

  “The theatre. Broadway. Opera. The symphony. I love it all.”

  “Well, I’m definitely taking you to the theatre then,” he offered. “Carmen is playing at The Met. One of my favorites.” Really? He loved opera? That was a pleasant surprise. “You said your birthday is next week? Tuesday?”

  “Good memory. Yes.”

  “Done, then. We’re going to Carmen.” He peeked over at me, his eyes twinkling.


  “I love that you enjoy opera.”

  “I’m surprised that you do,” I replied, a smile curling on my lips. The only thing Greg ever took me to was a baseball game. Correction: many baseball games. I dreaded them. I dreaded his reaction when his team wasn’t winning. I dreaded his reaction when his team was winning. I’d asked for years early on to go to the theatre and he’d take me, then make fun of it, or fall asleep during the performance. Eventually I stopped asking to go.

  “So, what’s the plan for today?” he asked, turning his attention full, and dazzling smile, on me while setting a plate of perfectly cooked, sunny side up eggs and lightly buttered whole wheat toast in front of me.

  “Well, I have the dinner shift tonight. I was planning on doing my laundry today. How about you?”

  “Just a few meetings,” he muttered. “Nothing big.”

  Why wouldn’t he just spill about his job already? I guess it was all a part of his power play.

  Three hours later, I was making my way to my apartment sans bra and panties. I asked Jack about them, but he played innocent and pretended he didn’t know what I was talking about. Two can play at that game, so I didn’t press it and dressed without.

  As the elevator opened on my floor, I planned to make every effort to slink down the hallway as quietly as possible, not wanting to be spotted by Kevin or Mrs. Hanlon. No sooner had I stepped into the hallway and the elevator doors close behind me, did Kevin step out of his place dressed for a run in running pants and a long sleeved shirt under a short sleeved Jimmy Buffet shirt. Even with two layers of shirts, his chest still looked hard and cut. Shit!

  I held my head high and started toward my apartment, but I felt my body wake up as his sexy figure walked toward me. Worse than that, my nipples were betraying me as they puckered under my shirt. And without my bra on, I was terrified that Kevin would notice.

  “Hi, Kevin,” I chirped, figuring I would be better off on the offense. To keep sneaking by would only draw attention to my discomfort.

  “G’mornin,’ Lizzie,” he replied. “You’re out and about early,” he said, running his eyes down my wardrobe. I flushed, knowing that he recognized my wardrobe as that from last night.

  I laughed as casually as I could manage. “Oh, my old friend, Jack, and I talked until the early hours and it was just too late to make my way back. I slept in his guest room.” Yeah, that would work, I convinced myself. Why I felt I needed to lie to Kevin, I had no idea.

  “I see,” he said, clearly not buying it. “If you’re up for a run, I can wait if you want to get dressed.”

  As tempting as that sounded, I shook my head. “I really have to get laundry done today, and I have to work tonight, but thanks.”

  “No problem, I’ll see you later,” he said, searching my face for… something.

  What was he looking for? Was he reading in my eyes what I’d done last night? Was he looking for recognition of what we’d done the other night? I was so not the kind of person that dated two guys at once, and here I was a married woman doing just that. I really needed to sort my shit out.

  “Yeah, later. That would be great,” I said. I don’t know why I said it. Truth was I’d love to see him later. He was fun to hang out with. He didn’t know my age, but clearly thought I wasn’t too old to be around. That felt great, and to be fully honest, a part of me wanted to see those tattoos again and see what other talents he had bottled up in his hard body.

  Man, oh man. I was in so much trouble.

  He tossed a goodbye and hit the stairs to go and run. I went to my apartment and crawled into the shower and tried to sort out the road I was walking down.

  I was folding the warm clothes out of the dryer when Kevin sauntered in the building’s laundry room. He was wearing a pair of track pants and no shirt. Good God, Almighty, I breathed to myself.

  “Fancy meeting you here,” he said with a smirk. He knew I’d be here. Nothing ‘fancy’ about it. The air in the laundry room changed. It started to tingle as much as I was tingling between my legs. His hair was still damp, freshly showered from after his run, I presumed.

  “Did you have a good run?” I asked making what I hoped was casual conversation.

  “I did, thank you. Probably one of my best times.”

  “Excellent,” I said. Why was this conversation so strained? When we went out the other day, conversation was natural and easy. I was ashamed at how I had practically gone to bed with him, then getting caught going out with someone else.

  I continued to fold my laundry.

  “I had a great time the other night,” he said. “My friends all
liked you, too. They were a little bummed that you didn’t come out with us last night.”

  “You’re friends are great. I really liked getting to know them,” I replied. “And I had a great time Tuesday night.”

  I finished folding my clothes, then pulled my last load from the washer and put it in the dryer. I loaded the tray with quarters and started the dry cycle.

  I turned and Kevin’s eyes were on me.

  “I want a chance,” he blurted, and he started to walk toward me. My heart caught in my throat, as he neared me, his spicy scent washing over me. He leaned up against my dryer, his hard body screaming out to me to be touched. My eyes followed the lines of his tattoos, then the lines of his etched abs, and that V. Involuntarily I licked my lips.

  “I know you’re also seeing that guy, but I want a chance. There’s something about you… something between you and me that I think needs exploring. Will you give me a chance?”

  Wow! Really? Slowly, I peered up and tried to swallow the lump in my throat, but could barely focus on anything as I looked into his pleading green eyes. And suddenly I needed to see him again. Jack who? Greg who?

  “How about tonight after my shift?” I said.

  He lowered his head and softly, sweetly pressed his lips to mine. A soft moan slipped out of my lips as I felt myself slipping into dangerous territory. I was married. Yet here I was getting seriously involved with two men. What was I doing? This was beyond ‘sowing wild oats.’ I was out of control.

  And despite what my mind was telling me, I kissed Kevin back. My tongue licked gently at the seam of his lips which yielded in an instant.

  That was the invitation he was seeking. Kevin’s kiss deepened and he walked us to the wall, sandwiching my body between his hot skin and the cold concrete wall. Against my belly, his arousal was evident, and I wanted it. I plunged my hands through his gorgeous thick hair. He moaned into the kiss which spurred me onward.

  I ground my hips into his to let him know exactly what I was feeling. Our kiss grew almost desperate, full of need. The room no longer smelled of detergent or dryer sheets. All I could smell was sex.

  His lips dropped to my chin then my neck. I sighed loudly.

  Suddenly my phone’s alarm sounded from my pocket, letting me know I had to leave for work, pulling us back to where we were.

  “Sorry,” I muttered, catching my breath. “I have to go or I’m going to be late to work.”

  He took a cleansing breath himself, and nodded, then went to leaning against the wall.

  I scooped up my laundry basket, sensing Kevin’s eyes on me, and headed for the door.

  “After your shift?” he said with a shaky breath.

  I glanced over my shoulder and smiled. “I get off at eleven,” I said, laughing inwardly at the double entendre.


  I quickly learned that Thursday nights in New York City were as busy as any Friday or Saturday night. As soon as I was on the clock at four, I had a full section. Taking and filling drink and dinner orders, the hours flew by. But then again, the hours also seemed to drag. Checking my watch, I saw that I still had twenty minutes for my shift.

  I was eager, yet nervous, to get back home and meet up with Kevin. What were we going to do? Do we go out? Or stay in? Watch the eleven o’clock news? Do I invite him over to my place? Or do we hang at his?

  Turned out I didn’t have to worry about that because in walked the man in question. He sat down at the bar with his blazing white smile, thick brown hair, and wicked green eyes pinning me down. I smiled and walked over to his seat.

  “This is a nice surprise. What can I get for you?”

  “You said you get off at eleven. Thought I’d come watch,” he said with a wink.

  I blushed so quickly I thought I’d pass out. “You’re terrible!” I said throwing my bar towel at him.

  “Oh come on, you started it in the laundry room. ‘I get off at eleven.’” Okay, yeah. I’d started it.

  “Can I get you somethin’?” I asked.

  “How about a Southern Comfort on the rocks.”

  “You got it.” I turned and made his drink. After bringing it to him, I continued. “I’ve gotta do some clean up things then I can get going, okay?”

  I went to the wash basin behind the bar and started to wash the piled up wine glasses. I took a quick glance around the bar, suddenly worried that Jack was there. He always seemed to be there.

  Crack! I snapped off a stem on a wine glass, my nerves had gotten to me so badly. I was so out of my league here. I didn’t know what I was doing. Yes, I did. I was dating two men. And I was still a married woman! What the hell? Who does that? I didn’t even date multiple guys in high school – hell, I barely dated anyone in high school. College was much the same.

  And I hadn’t come all this way to get involved with any men. I just wanted to stand on my own two feet. Something I should have done twenty-some years ago instead of upping and marrying the first guy who asked me. And right now, I couldn’t even decide if I was going to play this game or turn in my cards.

  But this was all trying to close the barn doors too late, wasn’t it? I did get married straight out of college. I was involved with two guys. I had to end this. I should quit right now, pack my bags and head home. Clearly I can’t stand on my own two feet. I was messing everything up!

  Suddenly I heard a laugh. A familiar laugh. One that heated me up inside. I looked over at the door and I froze. My blood literally ran cold. My hands started to shake. There at the end of the bar sat Kevin. And Jack only a few feet behind him.

  Jack sauntered in wearing black slacks and a white shirt. No tie. No jacket. And he wasn’t alone. He was with another guy and four young women hanging onto every word Jack was saying. One woman pawing at him and trying to crawl onto his lap as they sat at the table Jack always sat at.

  Quickly, I cast an eye over at Kevin. He saw them, too. And I could tell that Kevin recognized Jack. There was a knowing smirk on Kevin’s face. Like he felt he’d won. Jack wasn’t a faithful kind of guy. But neither was I. Right? Oh hell, I didn’t know anymore.

  I could hardly breathe. I was flooded with raging jealousy! And incensed that this six-foot floozy would just grope Jack. What was she thinking? Did she think that coming onto him like that was going to get her a modeling contract, or at least into his bed? Well, maybe the latter, I didn’t really know much about Jack at all, did I?

  Jack’s eye caught mine and I turned back to the sink and wine glasses. I tried to wrap up the wine glasses as quickly as I could to get out of this hell I created. After breaking another wine stem, Tom shouldered up to me. “What’s got you all wound up?”

  “Nothing,” I muttered.

  “Same nothing as the other night when a particular customer was sitting at the same table?”

  Was I really that transparent?

  “Hey, Tom! Can we get a round over here?” Jack called out from his table.

  “I’ll be back,” he nudged me. “Don’t break anymore glasses, okay? I’ll wash ‘em later if you think you’ll break another.”

  I tried to manage a smile.

  “Oh shit!” Shelby exclaimed from behind me as I finished the last wine glass.

  “I know. I know. Jack and Kevin are both here,” I said dryly.

  “This should be interesting,” Shelby sang.

  “What do I do, Shel?” I was really starting to panic.

  “Look, you’re here to learn about yourself. Right? Here you are. Between a real rock and hard place – if you know what I mean.” Her innuendo had me smiling. “There are just five more minutes on the clock. Close out and go home. I assume you’re heading out with Kevin tonight? I’ll go distract Jack.”

  I could only nod as Shelby sauntered over to Jack’s table to just be friendly. I closed out and walked up to Kevin.

  “Shall we?” I asked in my most chipper voice.

  He smiled then smoothly pushed up from the barstool and we headed out the door.

outside, I let out the air I’d sequestered in my lungs.

  “So, what do you want to do?” he asked, wrapping an arm possessively around my shoulders.

  “I don’t know. What is there to do in New York City at eleven o’clock on a Thursday night?”

  He stepped back and looked at me, eyes wide open with shock. “You know that this is the city that never sleeps, right?”

  “I think I’ve heard that before,” I smiled back.

  “Have you seen Times Square at night yet?” he asked.

  I shook my head. I actually hadn’t. How had I been in New York for nearly two weeks already and not made it to one of the most popular spots in the city?

  Kevin quickly grabbed my hand and we raced off like a couple of kids headed to the carnival. He ducked us into the subway system. Two trains and thirteen minutes later, we were walking up from the subway into the blinding bright lights of Times Square – the proverbial Crossroads of America.

  We walked around, gawking at all the commotion, well, I was gawking, and Kevin was delighting in my reaction. Most of the street up Seventh Avenue was just a pedestrian way, and was shoulder-to-shoulder with people. We saw every imaginable cartoon character and super hero, The Naked Cowboy and his rival The Naked Indian. Guys trying to sell us Peddle-rickshaw rides, comedy shows and views from the Empire State Building. Every language was being spoken around us.

  We talked about where we came from. He asked me about my life back in California. I casually waved my hand and, not wanting to lie, I wistfully replied, “Oh, married for twenty some years, three kids, a beautiful home in the suburbs of Northern California.”

  He threw his head back and, clearly jokingly, replied “Three kids! Woman, you have to catch up. I’ve got myself six and one on the way with my li’l lady down on the ranch.”

  Making it back to our building around a quarter to one, I was completely wiped out, until we stepped into the elevator. Damn smut books, I thought to myself. Recalling all of the books I’d been reading where the girl and the guy are in an elevator getting all hot and heavy made my heart start racing. The books and the last time we were in the elevator — before Kevin’s southern feast.


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