Holding Tight [The Exiled 4] (Siren Publishing: The Lynn Hagen ManLove Collection)

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Holding Tight [The Exiled 4] (Siren Publishing: The Lynn Hagen ManLove Collection) Page 5

by Lynn Hagen

  “Ages,” Harley said. He glanced at Kyle. “And who’s the good-looking shifter with you?”

  “My zaterio.” Nikoli threw his arm around Kyle’s neck and gave a light squeeze. “He’s looking to let his hair down for a night.”

  Harley leaned in and lowered his voice, but Kyle heard every word. “Just school him on the backrooms. Had one too many mates mistakenly go back there. Don’t need the drama.”

  Nikoli gave a nod, but Kyle was now curious to know about the backrooms. He waited until they stepped inside, weaved their way through the crowd, and wedged into the space in front of the bar before he asked. “What happens in the backrooms?”

  God, the air was hot and stuffy. Kyle had already begun to perspire as the odors of sweat, cologne, body spray, fruity drinks, and a whole host of other aromas assaulted him. Sometimes being a shifter wasn’t an advantage, not when his sense of smell was heightened inside such a crowded place.

  Laser lights cut across the expansive interior. The dance floor was packed, and dark techno music was playing. The wall behind the bar was made of glass and had tons of bottles lining the shelves. There were booths to one side, and when Kyle glanced up, he saw there was a second floor, complete with a balcony.

  “The backrooms cater to a different blend of life,” Nikoli answered, but Kyle was still clueless.


  “BDSM,” Renato said as he joined them at the bar. Kyle looked over his shoulder to a lit hallway and wondered if the backrooms were located there. The thought of going back there to be hit made Kyle shudder. No thanks.

  Nikoli pushed against Kyle, his erection poking Kyle in his side. His mate pressed his lips to Kyle’s ear. “Do you want to go play in one of the rooms?”

  Kyle’s breath hitched at Nikoli’s guttural tone, along with the dark, smoky scent of his mate. “D-do you?”

  Nikoli’s hand slid around Kyle’s side. His hand moved up and down Kyle’s stomach, and then the tips of his fingers dipped beneath the waistband. “Nah, if I wanted to play, I’d tie you down in my bedroom.”

  For some weird reason, Kyle’s wrists throbbed. “How about a drink instead?” He wasn’t comfortable with the idea of being tied down. Been there, done that, and had the awful memories to prove it.

  “Sounds good.” Nikoli waved at one of the bartenders. A guy in faded T-shirt, jeans, and a toothpick sticking out of his mouth sauntered their way.

  “Hey, Nikoli.” Kyle’s mate and the bartender bumped fists. “Haven’t seen you here in a while.” The guy looked at Renato and simply gave a quick nod of acknowledgment.

  Nikoli turned to Kyle. “What’ll you have?”

  “Captain Morgan?”

  Morgan burst out laughing. “That was my drink of choice. Try something different.”

  “How about I pick something for you?” Nikoli asked. Kyle shrugged. He wasn’t that big a drinker and hadn’t a clue what to order.

  “Give me a Red Spanking and my mate’ll have a double shot of Patrón.”

  Morgan whistled. “Going for the top shelf.”

  Kyle didn’t like the fact that Nikoli was paying for tonight, but he’d been the one to ask to go out, and he was also the one who was flat broke. When the bartender gave him his drink, Kyle downed it in one swallow.

  Nikoli’s brow rose. “It’s like that?”


  His mate ordered him another one. “Put our drinks on my tab and I’ll settle it later.”

  The bartender nodded as he poured Kyle another drink. When the guy gave Nikoli his order, Kyle stared at the glass. “Why didn’t you order me one of those?”

  Kyle took the drink the bartender set in front of him but sipped it this time.

  Leaning in close, Nikoli said, “Because this drink is made for nonhumans. Although you’re a shifter, one glass and you’d be useless for the rest of the night. Stuff’s pretty damn potent.”

  Kyle’s gaze shot to the glass in Nikoli’s hand. The human drink wouldn’t get him drunk, but the one Nikoli had would. Kyle didn’t want to be drunk off his ass. He liked being clear-headed. “I think I’ll stick to what I’m drinking.”

  “Wise choice.” Nikoli nipped his ear. “Because I plan on doing some very wicked things with your body later.”

  Kyle was panting by the time Nikoli leaned back. The thought of having sex with his mate turned him on, but his words also evoked some memories Kyle didn’t want to think about.

  He swallowed his drink down and then grabbed Nikoli’s hand. “Let’s dance.”

  They stumbled out of the club, laughing as they made their way to Nikoli’s hog. Nikoli tossed his arm over Kyle’s shoulder. “I had a good time, Kyle.”

  “Me too.”

  Kyle smiled up at him, and Nikoli couldn’t believe just how lucky he’d gotten. He gently tapped their foreheads together as they walked. When they reached his bike, Nikoli sat sideways, pulling Kyle between his legs. He brushed a stray hair from his mate’s eyes, appreciating just how beautiful Kyle was.

  “I think you’re a bit tipsy.” He chuckled when Kyle slumped in his arms. He’d told Kyle not to, but his mate had taken a shot of Red Spanking.

  “I think you might be right.” Kyle licked his lips. “Now give me a kiss.”

  Nikoli’s grin grew. “You’re adorable when you’re skunked.”

  Kyle’s head hung back as he stared up at the sky. He stayed that way for a minute before he looked at Nikoli. “Why aren’t you drunk?”

  “I’m better at holding my liquor. You, on the other hand”—Nikoli squeezed Kyle’s ass—“can’t. Now what am I supposed to do with you?”

  Kyle wiped a hand down his face and then laid his head against Nikoli’s chest. “Love me.”

  Warmth spread through Nikoli at Kyle’s words. “I think that’s a given, my little impala.” Nikoli waited for Kyle to say something else, and when he didn’t, Nikoli looked down to see his zaterio’s eyes closed. The little impala had fallen asleep.

  “Lightweight.” Nikoli shook his head. He opened the door to the truck Wolf had driven, slid Kyle into the passenger’s seat, and then shut it. He didn’t think anyone would mess with his mate while he went to go find Wolf and exchanged keys. He reached the club door and stopped.

  “Mind watching the Hummer while I go find Wolf?” Nikoli asked, pointing to the vehicle he was referring to.

  “I got it,” Harley said.

  “Thanks.” Nikoli stepped through the door and saw Wolf at the bar. He had his mate pinned to the wood counter, grinding on him.

  “Get a room,” Nikoli teased as he wedged his way toward them. “Here’s my motorcycle keys. I need your truck keys. Kyle passed out.”

  “Lightweight,” Wolf said with a smile as he handed them over.

  “Same thing I said.” Nikoli went back to the Hummer and got in, twisting the seat belt around Kyle to keep him safe. His mate was lying down, so Nikoli had to use some fancy skills, but he made it work.

  As he drove, he placed a hand on Kyle’s head, running his fingers through the soft strands. Nikoli had never been in love before. He knew he was because the thought of spending a single day without Kyle made his chest hurt. The thought of anyone hurting his zaterio made him want to shred skin from bone.

  Yep. He was definitely falling in love.

  Kyle jackknifed in the dark room, his body covered in sweat. “Turn the lights on!”

  Strong hands grabbed him, and Kyle screamed. He fought against the hold, sobs racking his body.

  “I promise I’ll be good. I promise. Please, not the closet,” he pleaded. Kyle tried to crawl away, but the strong hands held him firmly in place like the devil trying to keep its prey in hell. Kyle kicked and fought to get away, but the hands wouldn’t let him go.

  “Baby, it’s me, Nikoli. You’re safe. You have to wake up.”

  The husky voice vibrated in Kyle’s head. His breathing came out in hard, shallow pants as he blinked a few times. “Turn the lights on, please.” This time his
begging was nothing more than a whisper. “I-I hate the dark.”

  The hands let him go, and a minute later, the room was lit. Nikoli crawled back on the pillows and pulled Kyle into his arms. Kyle was on the ragged edge, feeling as if he’d fall over at any second.

  “I’m right here, kitten. No one is going to hurt you.”

  He rocked Kyle gently as the nightmare slowly released its horrifying grip. Kyle turned and buried his face in Nikoli’s chest, hating how pitiful he must appear. He cleared his throat and tried to pull away, but Nikoli wasn’t having it. His grip tightened on Kyle.

  “I’m sorry.”

  “Sorry for what?” Nikoli eased his hand down Kyle’s lean back. “Having a nightmare? You can’t control that.”

  By small degrees, Nikoli slowly lowered them back onto the pillows. Kyle curled into his mate, soaking up his warmth and strength. He didn’t want to go back to sleep. Kyle was terrified the nightmares would return. There was no way he could stay awake forever, but he could fight against sleep for as long as possible.

  “Feeling any better?” Nikoli stroked his hand down Kyle’s back.

  “No,” Kyle answered honestly. He moved the tips of his fingers over his mate’s chest hairs, taking in a deep breath and letting it out slowly.

  His eyelids grew heavy, sliding down slightly. Kyle struggled to keep them open. With Nikoli wrapped around him, sharing the warmth of his lean, muscled body, Kyle was being lulled to sleep.

  “It’s okay.” Nikoli’s deep voice sounded distant. “You can sleep. I’ll protect you from the monsters.”

  With a yawn, Kyle shook his head. “You can’t slay my dragons if they’re in my dreams.”

  “Sure I can.” Nikoli continued to stroke Kyle’s back, the soothing touch making it harder and harder for Kyle to stay awake. “Just take me into your dreams when you fall asleep.”

  “That sounds so ridiculous, yet logical.” The drinks he’d had at the club must still have his brain sloshing around in his head because it did make sense. Kyle knew it didn’t happen like that, but the thought gave him a measure of comfort.

  As Nikoli’s hand glided over his back, Kyle’s cock started to awaken. His mate’s hold started to become more of an embrace than something for comfort. Kyle arched his back, moaning softly. As he made those quiet noises, he noticed that Nikoli was becoming just as aroused. His cock jabbed Kyle in his stomach.

  With a twist of their bodies, Nikoli had Kyle on his back, sucking at his nipple. His mate’s hand wrapped around Kyle’s full-blown erection as Kyle grabbed for Nikoli’s.

  They started to stroke each other as Nikoli’s lips descended on Kyle’s. This was good. This was the perfect way to make Kyle forget. Touching Nikoli, kissing him, being stroked by his mate had Kyle so turned on that he didn’t have time to think about his nightmare.

  Nikoli broke the kiss and then spat on his palm, Kyle doing the same before they grabbed each other’s cocks again.

  Kyle was the first to fall over the edge. He whimpered into Nikoli’s mouth as his cock pulsed in his mate’s hand. Nikoli let go of a low growl, joining Kyle seconds later.

  Dropping down next to him, Nikoli reached to the side and grabbed his shirt that he’d tossed to the floor before going to bed. He used it to clean them up and then threw it behind him. He spooned Kyle, nuzzling him as he closed his eyes.

  Kyle lay there, his heart still galloping as he fought against sleep. The quick rub-off had been great, but now that his orgasm had faded, he was right back to refusing to close his eyes.

  He’d stay awake if it was the last thing he did.

  Chapter Six

  It had been two nights since Kyle had gotten any shuteye, and he felt the lack of sleep down to his toes. He was currently sitting at Theo’s, Nikoli across the table from him. The man looked worried, but every time he said something about Kyle getting sleep, Kyle would say he was fine.

  Something had to give. Kyle couldn’t keep missing sleep. His head pounded heavily with a migraine, and his body moved so slowly that a tortoise would have beaten him in a race. He’d glanced at himself in the mirror this morning and seen the deep, dark circles under his eyes.

  “You have to eat,” Nikoli encouraged. “At least eat your burger.”

  Kyle had no appetite. He hadn’t told Nikoli that his nightmares had started haunting him in his waking hours. He swore he saw Kirk a few times in town, but when he glanced back to where the man had stood, Kirk had been gone.

  He was losing his damn mind.

  Scooting from the booth, Kyle stood. “I’m gonna splash some water on my face.”

  He saw the concern in Nikoli’s eyes, and it killed him to see his mate so worried, but that was better than the alternative. Kyle refused to fall asleep and be tormented by those nightmares again.

  When Kyle looked up, he saw Palmino staring through the small glass window on the door that led into the kitchen. He’d thought the fairy would’ve taken off by now. He was curious as to why the man was still there.

  Instead of heading toward the bathroom, Kyle made a beeline straight for the kitchen, hoping he wouldn’t get into too much trouble for going in there. Palmino disappeared from the window as Kyle approached. He swung the door open and stepped inside, but the kitchen was empty. “Hello?”

  Kyle heard thumping footsteps by the door that led upstairs. He shouldn’t be so nosy. He should turn back around, go to the bathroom, and then rejoin Nikoli, but his curiosity got the better of him.

  Opening the door, Kyle took the steps two at a time. They led to a small hallway, and Kyle had no clue which door belonged to the fairy. “Palmino,” he called out. “I know you’re up here.”

  One of the doors squeaked open. Kyle headed that way. The door was ajar, as if in invitation to come in. So he did.

  Standing by the window was Palmino. “What do you want?”

  Kyle ignored the man’s bristly tone. “I thought you’d be long gone by now.”

  Taking a seat on the chair behind him, Palmino shrugged. “Hard to leave when you have a demon after you.”

  “Was the attack personal?”

  “I don’t think so.”

  “Then I’m pretty sure he’s moved on to his next meal,” Kyle said. “Though I don’t know anything about soul-suckers. I could be wrong, but I have a feeling I’m not, and you know this, too.”

  Palmino’s shoulder sagged. He gazed out the window as he spoke. “You look like hell. You have dark circles under your eyes that weren’t there before.”

  “I didn’t come up here to talk about me.” Kyle knew his appearance was ragged. He felt ragged. It took everything in him not to fall asleep while standing there. When his eyes started to burn, Kyle rubbed his palms against them.

  “Ever since our king was taken away, things have pretty much gone to hell. There’s nothing for me to really go back to. I’m a big disappointment to my parents, and they don’t even want to be bothered with me,” Palmino said, and Kyle heard the sadness in the man’s voice.

  “Don’t you live on your own, or is it some kind of fairy custom to live with them until a certain something happens?” Kyle invited himself onto the sofa. He sat and clasped his hands in his lap. He didn’t dare get more comfortable for fear the soft cushions would lull him to sleep, so he kept to the edge.

  “No, I should’ve been out on my own a long time ago. That’s one of their problems. My parents think I’m lazy and have no ambition.”

  Kyle had had plenty of goals and ambitions before he’d met Kirk. It was amazing how one’s life could turn so quickly when meeting the wrong person. Kyle had plans to attend college and, after that, open his own business. He thought of all the bridges he’d burned because of his ex.

  Kirk had been a sadist in the worst sense of the word. Everything had been a life lesson instead of the two of them just enjoying each other. Whenever Kyle screwed up, he was severely punished. Most of his punishments, whatever they were, involved the dark. Kirk had said sensory deprivation wou
ld teach Kyle to better appreciate the things around him.

  All it had done was make him terrified of the dark.

  “So make this town your home,” Kyle said.

  Palmino looked at him as if he had a few screws loose. “Have you noticed how I look? I can’t let humans see me. I have wings.”

  “But I’ve seen you tuck them in. You can arrange your hair so the tips of your ears don’t show, as well. Aside from that, everything else can be explained by youthful rebellion.”

  “Youthful rebellion? I don’t understand.”

  Kyle waved to Palmino’s green hair. “You hair, tattoos, and the way you dress.”

  Glancing down his body, Palmino frowned. “What’s wrong with the way I dress?”

  “Nothing,” Kyle quickly amended. “You have the grunge look down pat. I like it.”

  “You’re a very strange ducky,” Palmino said.

  “Impala,” Kyle corrected and then laughed. “You’d fit in here. I promise you.” He sobered. “But you have to stop acting all bitchy. Nobody likes being around someone with your mouth. It’s irritating, and I was five seconds away from slapping you a few times when we first met.”

  “That’s another thing my parents said was wrong with me.” Palmino sighed as he played with the chains hanging from his belt loop. “They said I was too abrasive, too honest, and…” The fairy glanced away from Kyle.

  “And what?”

  “Not beautiful enough.”

  Kyle’s jaw dropped. “Your folks actually said that to you?”

  What kind of parents would tell their child that they were ugly? They must’ve been smoking something because Kyle thought the guy was flat-out gorgeous. He had a certain young angst look about him, with pouty lips, thick, seductive lashes, and his brown skin was flawless. Grant it, he was kinda on the short side, but that only added to his great looks.

  “In the fairy world, looks are everything,” Palmino said. He waved a hand at his arm. “They said I destroyed my body by inking it.”

  “What exactly is that?” Kyle asked as he stared at the intricate designs.


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