Holding Tight [The Exiled 4] (Siren Publishing: The Lynn Hagen ManLove Collection)

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Holding Tight [The Exiled 4] (Siren Publishing: The Lynn Hagen ManLove Collection) Page 6

by Lynn Hagen

  “Fairy protection spells.”

  “You have them tattooed on you?”

  “They work,” he pointed out. “When that demon attacked me, your mate saved me.”

  Kyle didn’t think that had anything to do with the tattoo, but he kept his opinion to himself. Palmino already seemed depressed enough. “Why don’t you fix your hair to hide your ears and come have lunch with me and Nikoli?”

  “Thanks, but I think I’ll pass. I’ve already managed to have every nonhuman who works here hate me. I don’t think your mate likes me much either.”

  Kyle didn’t argue. He’d been gone long enough and no doubt Nikoli would be worried. “Just remember the invitation is open anytime you see me here.”

  Making his way back downstairs, Kyle found Nikoli standing at the bar, his nostrils flared, looking as if he was ready to slay the entire establishment. When he spotted Kyle, the look of relief was tangible. “Where the hell were you?”

  Nikoli pulled Kyle into his arms, hugging him a little too tightly. Kyle found it hard to breathe until his mate finally let him go.

  “Upstairs talking with Palmino.”

  Nikoli frowned. “Why?”

  Kyle rolled his eyes. “Because he’s not the big asshole he makes himself out to be. He’s just a bit lost right now and could really use a friend.”

  “You really are something else,” Nikoli said as he kissed the side of Kyle’s head. “You have a big heart.”

  It was true, but Kyle had stopped being so helpful when he’d run from Kirk. He’d kept to himself mostly, and it was only by chance that he’d befriended Morgan.

  “I think I’m hungry now.”

  His mate led him back to their booth. “I’ll order you some fresh food.”

  Kyle wasn’t sure what he would do without Nikoli. The guy was a steady rock, an anchor for Kyle to lean on. His mate was the one who had the big heart. Nikoli seemed to go out of his way to try and make Kyle happy.

  The winged beast had no idea just how much Kyle had come to depend on him. As he watched his mate at the bar, Kyle looked the man over. His heart skipped a beat as he realized there wasn’t anything he wouldn’t do for Nikoli. He was falling for the guy, hard.

  Nikoli kept his anger reeled in. How could he be mad at Kyle for trying to help someone? Still, his zaterio’s disappearance had shaken him to his core. Nikoli had thought Kyle’s ex had gotten ahold of him, and the panic he’d felt? He never wanted to feel that crazed again.

  Nikoli had been ready to tear Theo’s tavern apart. He took in several deep breaths and let them out slowly as he waited at the counter for Bryck to come over. It gave him time to calm his shattered nerves.

  “I’m sorry,” Kyle said when he moved in next to Nikoli. “I didn’t mean to worry you. I just saw Palmino in the kitchen window and wondered why he was still here.”

  “Please don’t take off like that again.” Nikoli kept most of the anger out of his voice, but some managed to slip through. “If something had happened to you…”

  They let the subject drop when Bryck finally made it over to them. “Can you whip up another burger and fries for Kyle?”

  “No problem.” Bryck called Lucas over and gave him Nikoli’s order. “Want a drink until it’s ready?”

  Nikoli needed one. Human alcohol wouldn’t get him drunk, but the taste went a long way in soothing his frazzled nerves. He sucked the beer down and ordered another.

  “I’ll just have another soda,” Kyle said as he eyed Nikoli. “That bad?”

  “How would feel if the shoe were on the other foot?” Nikoli asked. “If someone was after me and I up and disappeared for fifteen minutes without a word?”

  Kyle took his drink back to their booth and slid in. Nikoli wanted to curse. He hated seeing his mate look so unhappy, but damn it, the guy had scared ten decades off of him.

  “He’s fine,” Bryck said as handed Nikoli another beer.

  “Did I know he was fine when he was gone?” Nikoli took the bottle, said thanks, and joined his mate.

  “Maybe we should get my food to go,” Kyle said, refusing to look at Nikoli.

  Nikoli noticed that Kyle’s hands shook. He slipped from his side of the booth and scooted into Kyle’s side. He pulled his mate into his arms.

  “Are you afraid of my anger?” That was a dumb question. Considering what Kyle had gone through—the small glimpses Nikoli had caught—of course the man was scared. He’d heard the things Kyle cried out in his sleep, and Nikoli wanted to find that no-good ex and skin him alive. “You know I would never hurt you, right?”

  “It’s just a trigger,” Kyle explained. He took a drink of his soda, but his voice remained level, low. “It’s not that I think you’ll hurt me. That’s not it. Your anger reminds me of what I went through whenever I didn’t please my ex.”

  The last place Nikoli wanted to discuss this was in a tavern, but Kyle was finally opening up to him, and Nikoli was afraid that if he made Kyle hush the man would never start talking again. “You had public arguments?”

  “No.” Kyle shook his head. “Arguing involves both parties. Kirk publically yelled while I publically took the abuse. He even criticized my looks, the way I walked, the way I talked, and even the way I dressed. To this day it’s real hard for me to take a compliment.”

  That was truly fucked up. Kyle was sex on two legs, and Nikoli felt fortunate for the mate given to him. Kirk had to be a fool to ruin anything with Kyle, but if he hadn’t, Nikoli would have never found his chosen one.

  Still, he hated what Kyle had gone through in order for the two to find each other. “We can get it to go if you like, but I can promise you that I’d never embarrass you in public. It’s not my thing.”

  Kyle gave him a waffling smile. “Thanks.”

  Nikoli rubbed his hand along Kyle’s thigh. “Never thank me for using good manners. I think public arguments are the worst.”

  “Me too.” Kyle’s smile turned more genuine.

  Nikoli nuzzled his mate’s neck, kissing him along his soft skin. “Would it be too soon if I said that I loved you?”

  Kyle’s eyes widened slightly as his grip on his glass made his knuckles turn white. Nikoli started to think that he’d jumped the gun, that he should’ve waited a while longer before professing his love, but then Kyle threw his arms around Nikoli’s neck.

  “Nice reaction,” he said.

  “You’re the first person, besides my family, who ever said that to me.” Kyle pulled back, and there were tears brimming in his beautiful blue eyes.

  That statement broke Nikoli’s heart. No person should go without being told they’re loved by at least one being on the earth. Family didn’t count.

  “I love you,” he said again. “Get used to hearing it.”

  “I don’t think I’ll ever hear it enough,” Kyle said. He tapped his chest. “I love you, too, but it could be simple heartburn.”

  Nikoli grabbed Kyle around the waist and playfully bit at his chin. “You and that damn heartburn.”

  Kyle laughed as Nikoli continued to play. He loved the sound and knew he never wanted to stop hearing it. Kyle would get some sleep. Nikoli would make sure of it.

  And if his nightmares came, Nikoli would slay Kyle’s dragons.

  Sheriff Jesse Dekalb pulled his patrol car behind a sedan sitting on the side of the road. The driver was still in the car. Climbing out, Jesse walked to the driver’s door and tapped on the window.

  The stranger let his window down and stared up at him. “Can I help you, officer?”

  “I was going to ask the same thing,” Jesse said. “Are you broke down?”

  The guy gave a charming smile as he held up his phone. Jesse had to admit the man was handsome. “Trying to call my friend. He said he was heading this way, but his phone must have died. I don’t know if he’s still here, but I’m bushed and need to find out.”

  “What’s his name?”

  “Kyle Crawford.”

  Jesse’s defenses went up. Kyle h
ad stayed at Zeus’s long enough for Jesse to get the impression that the impala shifter was running from someone. It was just gut instinct, but his gut hadn’t steered him wrong yet. Could this be the man Kyle was running from?

  “Sorry, don’t know him. We have a motel on the other side of town that you can check into, but I can’t have you parked on the side of the road.” He kept his hand loose at his side, ready to grab his gun if this guy tried anything. Jesse smelled wolf, and the stranger wasn’t small in stature.

  “I think I’ll do that,” the man said. “Like I said, I’m bushed and need some rest. I’ll just keep trying to call him after I check in.”

  Jesse gave a short nod before he headed back to his car and then pulled out his cell phone. He tried calling Nikoli, but the call went straight to voice mail. Jesse cursed and then called his alpha, telling Zeus what had just happened and his gut feeling.

  “Follow the guy and see if he really checks in.”

  “You got it,” Jesse said before he hung up and got into his car, turning it around to follow after the stranger.

  Chapter Seven

  Kyle had fought like hell not to fall asleep, but his body had other plans. It had shut down on him after midnight, and Kyle had finally closed his eyes.

  “I told you about smiling in public. Are you trying to attract other men?” Kirk backhanded Kyle so hard that Kyle saw stars. “Wipe that damn smile off your face.”

  As soon as they got home, Kirk grabbed the back of Kyle’s collar and shoved him in the closet. Kyle begged him not to, but Kirk slammed the door.

  “While you’re in there, think about your lesson.”

  Two hours later, Kirk opened the door, belt in hand. Kyle cringed, trying to scoot as far back in the closet at he could. He’d known his lesson wasn’t over. It never was. He had to find a way to get away from Kirk before the wolf shifter ended up killing him.

  Kirk yanked Kyle from the closet. Kyle kicked and screamed as the first lash of the belt hit his thigh.

  “Please, stop!” Kyle shot up as he squirmed around. “No more. I’ll behave, I promise!”

  “Kyle.” Nikoli pulled Kyle into his arms, shushing him as he gently rocked him. “I’ve got you, kitten. I’m right here. It was just a nightmare. It’s not real.”

  Kyle shook as tears fell down his cheeks. “I’m fine.” He tried to push Nikoli away, but his mate wouldn’t let him. He hated the fact that he looked so weak and helpless in front of Nikoli.

  “You’re not fine and stop struggling. Let me help you, Kyle.” Nikoli stroked his hand down Kyle’s back. “There’s no shame in what you’re going through.”

  “The nightmares weren’t this constant until you claimed me.” Kyle regretted the words as soon as he’d said them.

  “You’re blaming me for this?” Nikoli loosened his grip to stare at Kyle.

  “No.” Kyle shook his head. “I know it wasn’t you. You weren’t the one who did this to me.” He slid his palm over his cheek to rid it of tears. “I just hate this. I hate that he still holds sway over me, and he’s not even here. It’s been five years since I took off. When will the nightmares end?”

  “Maybe by telling someone what happened,” Nikoli said. “You’ve kept it bottled up for so long that it’s eating away at you.”

  Those memories were eating him alive. Although Nikoli had gotten glimpses of what had happened, he didn’t know it all. Taking in a deep breath, Kyle sat there and told Nikoli everything.

  “I want to feel his bones breaking underneath my hands,” Nikoli said as he paced Nazaryth’s bedroom. The things Kyle had told him the night before still haunted Nikoli.

  “We don’t even know where he is,” Nazaryth pointed out. “He could be anywhere in the world.”

  “No.” Nikoli shook his head. He wasn’t going to tell his commander what Kyle had told him, but after what he’d heard, he knew Kirk wouldn’t give up on Kyle so easily. “He’ll come for Kyle. I’m positive.”

  “Then we set a trap,” Nazaryth said. He pushed from the chair he’d been sitting in, setting his book aside. “We find out what he looks like, and then we have our brethren keep an eye on all roads that led into town.”

  Nikoli already knew what the son of a bitch looked like. He’d seen Kirk when Nikoli was bonding with Kyle. The man’s face was permanently etched in his mind. “Thanks.”

  Nazaryth squeezed Nikoli’s shoulder. “We look out for our own, Nik. We’ll do whatever it takes to keep your zaterio safe.”

  Nikoli’s phone rang. He pulled it free and answered it. It was Bryck from the tavern. “Palmino is upstairs freaking out, and he’s asking for Kyle.”

  “I’m on my way.” If it had been up to Nikoli, he would have told Bryck to handle the fairy himself. But he knew his mate had formed a strange sort of friendship with the fairy.

  “Trouble?” Nazaryth asked.

  “A bit, but nothing I can’t handle.” Nikoli left his commander’s bedroom to go find his mate.

  Kyle hurried up the back stairs and down the hallway, bursting into Palmino’s apartment. The fairy was pacing frantically, biting his nails. His eyes were puffy, which told Kyle the man had been crying.

  “What’s going on?” Kyle asked as he stopped Palmino from pacing. “Bryck called and said you were flipping out.”

  “I don’t think I was that bad,” Palmino said. “I was crying. How is that flipping out?”

  Kyle growled. He would have to thank Bryck for making it seem as if Palmino had been having a nuclear meltdown

  “Then tell me why you were crying.” Kyle took a seat on the couch and patted the spot next to him.

  Palmino took a seat. “I called my father to let him know I was coming home, and he told me not to bother. He said he no longer had a son and that I could forget his phone number.” Palmino started to cry again. “I’m homeless.”

  Kyle felt Nikoli in the hallway and appreciated that his mate was close by in case he needed the man. Kyle wrapped his arms around the fairy and patted his back. “How can you be homeless if you have an apartment?”

  Palmino looked up at him, his green so pretty that Kyle almost got lost in them. “This isn’t my apartment. Bryck said I could stay until I find a place of my own. I don’t even have a job. How am I supposed to find a place to move to?”

  The man started crying again.

  “Okay, suck it up, buttercup.” Kyle gave Palmino’s back another pat before he pulled away. “You don’t have time to fall apart. You have to find a job, and I think you should live in this apartment. You’re already here, and it’s furnished. I don’t think you’ll find a better place right now, anyway. I’ll have my mate talk to Bryck about the rent until you find work.”

  Sniffling, Palmino wiped at his eyes and then sucked in a deep breath, letting it out slowly. “Thank you. I’ve never had a friend like you before.”

  “You think of me as a friend?”

  Palmino snorted. “Why do you think I asked for you? It sure wasn’t because of your wit and charm.”

  Kyle grinned. “Bitch, please. Your attitude needs an overhaul worse than mine does.”

  Palmino stared at him for a moment. Kyle wasn’t going to apologize for calling the fairy a bitch. He was who he was and wouldn’t change for anyone.

  Seconds later, Palmino burst out laughing. “I really like you.”

  Kyle chuckled. “Same here.”

  After standing, Kyle promised to check in on the fairy. He gave Palmino a quick hug and headed into the hallway. Sure enough, Nikoli stood there, but he wasn’t alone. He was talking with Dog.

  Kyle still remembered the first time he’d met Dog. It was at The Lucky Clover, and Dog had hit on both Kyle and Morgan. That was before anyone knew Morgan was Renato’s mate. It was also before Kyle knew Nikoli existed.

  The winged beast was sexy and witty, but no one compared to Nikoli.

  “Everything okay?” Nikoli asked as if he hadn’t heard every word spoken. Kyle smiled as his mate pulled him into his arms.
God, he loved everything about Nikoli.

  “I’m gonna head downstairs,” Dog said. “Holler if you need me.”

  “Can you ask Bryck—”

  “Way ahead of you,” Nikoli said. “I’ll ask him when we get downstairs. I don’t see a problem with it.”

  Kyle kissed his mate on the cheek. “I knew there was a reason I kept you.”

  Nikoli chuckled as they entered the kitchen. “While we’re here, we might as well eat,” Kyle said. “I just need to grab something from the Hummer.”

  “I’ll order our drinks,” Nikoli said.

  Kyle gave Nikoli a hug, rubbing himself against his mate. “Maybe after lunch, we can go home and snuggle together.”

  “As long as we’re naked, zaterio, you’re on.” Nikoli squeezed Kyle’s ass before letting him go.

  With a wide grin, Kyle stepped outside. He’d started toward the Hummer when someone grabbed his shoulder.

  As Nikoli waited for Kyle to return, his phone rang. He saw that it was Zeus calling him. Sliding his finger across the smooth glass, he answered. “Hey, Zeus.”

  “You got troubles,” Zeus said, doing away with the preliminary hello and getting straight to the point. “Sheriff Dekalb came across a guy who was parked on the side of the road. Stranger says he’s looking for Kyle. Told my sheriff that he was checking into the local motel.”

  Nikoli’s head snapped to the door before he weaved around the tables. It felt as if it took a thousand years before he finally made it to the exit.

  Stepping out with his heart in his throat, Nikoli saw Kyle standing there talking with Jasper. “He’s right here in front of me talking with your troublemaker mate.”

  Zeus gave a short chuckle. “You leave Jasper alone. He might have his faults, but he and Toby are everything to me.”

  Nikoli knew what the man meant. Kyle was Nikoli’s entire world. “Thanks for the heads-up,” he said before hanging up.

  “Sorry,” Kyle said. “I did it again, didn’t I?”

  Nikoli slid his arm around Kyle’s waist and pulled his mate close, his heart still thundering after that scare. He scanned the street for Kirk but didn’t see the man anywhere. “Did what?”


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