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Page 5

by Dee Carney

  After a brief lunch of burgers and potato chips, which included a salad for him, Anna began to complain she could feel the muscles in her arms, legs and back starting to tighten. She groaned at the thought of having to go back outside to attach the boards to the posts.

  "We have to start now. It looks as though the rain is coming soon.” He took a chance and walked up behind her, his hands resting gently on her neck. When she didn't move away or show any sign of distress, he massaged lightly, eliciting a low moan from her. He felt the sound in his heart, his chest contracting in response. Reluctantly, after several minutes, his hands dropped away and he walked past her to go outside.

  It was a few more hours before the raindrops did start to fall. They had finished about a third of the fence. Anna stared up into the light drizzle, willing it to stop since they had finally found a rhythm that worked well for the task. Following her lead, Nicholas continued to work through the large drops. A loud thunder clap echoed in the sky and Anna shuddered at the sound. The rain started to fall heavier now and they both started to gather supplies that needed to be sheltered. Allowing the rain to sneak up on them resulted in a frenetic scurry from the backyard into the house, twice for each of them to bring in all of the tools. By the time they reached the house for the last time, Anna was laughing as they were both soaked through to the skin.

  "What's the point of running? We're already drenched!” She stepped back just outside of the door and opened her arms in a welcome embrace to the elements. He crossed his arms and stood inside the shelter, shaking his head at her antics.

  As Anna stood in the rain, she watched him watching her. All day he had been patient with her, explaining each task as they did them. She'd peppered him with questions on what they were doing and why. His answers were calm and instructive. Even now, he watched with a serenity that was enviable, especially in light of their brief history together. She closed her eyes against conflicting feelings and, when she opened them, they were looking directly into his.

  Screw it.

  She shimmied out of her wet shorts, allowing them to land to the ground with a soft thud. Inside the house, Nicholas's folded arms dropped to his sides and he took a step backwards. His eyes were so round that even from the distance she could see the distinction between them.

  "Ask me again,” she called.

  He stood transfixed, as if not knowing how to respond. “Ask you what?” he gulped.

  "What you asked me this morning. Ask me again.” She let her voice drop low and he cocked his head at her. A brief flicker of confusion crossed his face and she wondered if he had heard her. Unhurriedly she waited for him to understand and the wait was not long.

  "Are you naked under there?” he challenged, his voice low.

  Anna could see his breathing quicken. “No!” she called back.

  "Would you like to be?” He was almost whispering now.


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  Chapter Seven

  In three strides, Nicholas crossed the yard and stood before her. He waited as if transfixed, as if he wanted to allow her the opportunity to rethink her decision, but Anna needed to touch her skin to his. When she tilted her head up to him, he needed no additional prompting. Gently and tentatively, he brought his lips to hers in a whisper of a kiss. She brought her arms around his neck and pulled him closer, deepening the contact between them. Opening his mouth, his tongue touched her lips, and she could taste him through the rain that continued to fall around them.

  She shivered and opened herself to him. His tender kisses became a craving that could not be satiated. He pressed himself harder against her mouth and moaned when the gentle dance with her tongue became frantic. He pulled away and gazed into her burning face.

  "Look at me,” he commanded.

  Anna did so, blinking against the raindrops. When she finally glanced at him, her throat tightened. His mouth crashed down on hers and his arms wrapped around her waist so tightly he threatened to crush the breath from her. His grip was fierce as if wanted to consume her with his desire. Instead, Nicholas gently backed away his kisses. He took one of her hands in his and walked inside the house. Grateful, Anna followed with unsteady legs. She had in mind how their first time together should be and in the middle of a drowning rain was not it.

  When they crossed the threshold, she stopped long enough to remove the clinging shirt. Anna did so with her back to him, not quite ready for him to see her in a state of undress. He quickly stripped of the wet shirt he was wearing but also seemed reluctant to remove anything additional. He took her into his arms again, pressing her against his body. She could feel the evidence of his passion against her belly and she trembled. She broke away, stopping long enough to place a soft kiss against his bare chest. Anna inclined her head towards her bedroom and walked towards it, certain that he would be following closely behind.

  The room was shadowy, the sun long since hidden by the clouds. She walked to the bedside lamp, turning it on and opening the drawer to the nightstand. A brief search revealed the foil packets she had been expecting to find and she placed them on top of the furniture. Nicholas stood at the entrance to the room, watching her every move, saying nothing. Turning her back to him, she removed the beige bra clinging to her skin. She could hear him walk towards her and then felt his warm hands rest on her shoulders.

  Not wanting to turn yet, she mellowed as his hands ran over back and arms. Feather-light kisses followed the trail his hands established. Slowly she broke the contact to turn to face him and his mouth found hers again. He stopped long enough to gaze down at her and sucked in his breath at the sight. She proudly held herself still for his inspection.

  She was not model-thin, but she'd always felt good about her body. It was a woman's body. She had full hips, a slight curve inward at the waist, a pooch at her belly, and breasts that hadn't yet succumbed to gravity. Closing her eyes against the wave of euphoria, she could feel his eyes burning a hot trail. When she felt his warm breath against her face, she opened her eyes and stared into his. The odd colored eyes still made her look twice. One of his eyebrows rose slightly and he grinned at her.

  He brought his face closer to hers and she lowered herself onto the bed, forcing him to lean forward to kiss her prone body. One hand brushed against her abdomen and she gasped as she felt the tickle of his flesh against her naked stomach. His mouth crashed into hers as she gasped and, for a brief moment, she felt suffocated, her head swimming from a sudden lack of oxygen. He pulled his lips away from her for a split second before rushing back in for a fierce kiss. His tongue tentatively touched her lips and she opened her lips to allow him entrance. Anna was surprised to hear moaning in the air. Surprise turned into a rush as she realized the sound was coming from her. Her breasts were bared to the air and his warm palm kneading her flesh made her breath quicken.

  Pulling his head away from hers again, he unbuttoned his pants. He glanced quickly again towards her face and smiled. Nicholas stopped the removal of his own clothing and placed one hand on her stomach, the other moving below her abdomen, quickly finding the moist area of her panties. She thought her heart wound burst when he slipped a finger underneath the cloth and touched her hot nakedness. Her skinned flushed and she moaned again, unable to contain it.

  Her thoughts scattered as he brought his head down towards her body again, stopping to place his mouth over her breast, sucking gently at her nipple. She arched her back towards him, forcing herself into his mouth. Frustration mounted as he took his mouth away and trailed scorching kisses down her abdomen. She held her breath as she felt him kissing further down still. When his mouth covered her moist panties, she felt her hips involuntarily leave the bed towards him.

  As his mouth created suction, she felt the stirring of long-forgotten memories awaken from within. Quickly, his fingers raked the panties away from her body, leaving her fully exposed before him. He looked into her eyes before lowering his head once more, and resting his lips on her trembling w
etness. She cried out and his arms wrapped around her legs, forcing her in place to endure an agonizing ecstasy.

  His tongue flattened against her clitoris and, as he licked, wickedly passionate pressure swiftly began to rise from deep within. Her hands raked through his hair as he tortured her with his mouth. Her cries were coming faster and shallower as her emotions tumbled. It wasn't long before her hips thrust forward, pressure exploded and she called out, crying, cursing and moaning in the same breath.

  He gradually eased his nibbling and planted a chaste kiss on the inside of her thigh. Looking down at her, his face hardened; his self-satisfaction clearly evident. He kissed her lightly on the lips again and she smelled and tasted herself on him. It was heady and rich and she delighted in it. She opened her mouth to him and explored his with her tongue, reveling in behavior that was foreign. She tugged at his almost undone pants and he looked down at himself. He lithely stood up and slowly peeled the clothing away from his body. She marveled at his body as his skin was exposed.

  Her eyes were half-closed, but she did not miss one inch of his firm abdomen and the thin wisps of hair trailing along it, leading to a chest that was broad and able. The dark hair fanned out across his chest, barely able to conceal the flat brown disks of his nipples. His shoulders were broader still and, had his chest not done so already, gave her prelude to strong muscular arms. When his pants slipped down over narrow hips, the view of his naked erection caused her to shiver again. The pants hit the floor and he stepped forward, bringing his lean body against hers again on the bed.

  She closed her eyes again and felt the electricity between their bodies, close but not yet in full contact. His finger traced over her eyelids, nose and mouth. She allowed the finger into her mouth, sucking on it lightly. He removed his damp finger and used it to trace around a nipple, pinching it lightly after making small circles. Lightning slid through her body at the gentle pain. She was wet and very ready for him.

  "Open your eyes,” he commanded. She complied.

  "Show yourself to me."

  Momentarily confused, she paused.

  "Show yourself to me.” This time he whispered, raking her body with eyes that danced from area to area, unable to land in one place for more than a moment.

  She flushed, but seeming to understand his request, she started at her breasts and ran her fingers and palms over them. She cupped herself, giving him full exposure to their fullness. His eyes darkened in response and she felt herself immediately moisten. She didn't think it was possible to become wetter. She brought a finger to her lips and sucked on it. The finger followed its predecessor and traced a circle around her nipple, but then snaked further down her body. The finger dipped inside of her sex and almost as quickly came back up to her lips. Defiantly, she stared directly into his eyes and sucked on her twice wet finger. With glorious gratification, she heard him inhale sharply and then groan.

  With growing impatience, he reached over for a foil packet and placed the contents over his thick penis. With one hand on his shaft, and the other holding her moist hand, he slid inside her as he slipped her moistened fingers into his mouth. The sensation was dizzying and if ever in her life she felt the need to lose consciousness, this was it. He pushed himself slowly inside of her, not stopping until her pelvis was crushed against his. As slowly, he withdrew and she ached from the emptiness. Sliding in again, she brought her legs around his waist, drawing him as close to her body as she could, his chest covering hers.

  Apparently unsatisfied, he forced his weight onto his side, rolling them both over until she was seated astride him. The act forced him so deep inside of her that she let out a long, low moan, feeling stretched completely. Repositioning her legs for comfort, she realized how exposed her sex was to him. His head resting against a pillow, he looked down at where his body went inside of hers and this time, he trembled at the sight of it. His finger flicked at the exposed clitoris and her back arched and her hips thrust in response.

  He grinned as she slowly began grinding, allowing his fingers to assault her. She moved against him with increasing tempo, her body wanting more of him, needing more of him. He rubbed against her with more speed and he could feel her clenching him tighter, her body responsive to his manipulations. He watched as she flushed again, her breasts and face darkening. Her mouth ground out small moans and, again, she cried out against the onslaught as it reached crescendo. Slowly he removed his fingers from her sensitive nub and rolled them onto their side, allowing her a few moments for the feelings to subside.

  Still achingly hard, he slowly began thrusting inside of her. At first, she appeared ready to protest, but within seconds was groaning in pleasure from him. One leg rose high onto his hip to allow him better access and he quietly accepted the gift. He let one hand rest on her breast and he could feel her heart quickening. His own heart felt as if it would come through his chest from the pounding it was doing.

  He took one last look at her flushed face before closing his eyes, no longer able to focus his vision. He felt the familiar pressure rising within and growled as he exploded within her with one final thrust. When the pulsing subsided, he pulled out, kissing her long and deep. She curled against his chest and sighed contentedly while their racing hearts slowed. Nicholas placed a soft kiss against her forehead when she closed her eyes and he watched her drift to sleep.

  He couldn't focus his thoughts on any one thing. The passion they had just shared was too fresh. Anna started to snore softly and he smiled down at her. He was feeling an incredible sense of satisfaction knowing that their first time together had been so good, so right. His eyes fluttered against growing fatigue, but he forced them open again. He wanted to look on her as long as he was able to and the possibility of having to leave her side was crushing.

  At that moment, she started in her sleep and he ran his hand over her bare shoulder, murmuring sounds of comfort. She opened her eyes and smiled lazily at him. Nicholas brought his mouth down against hers again and she welcomed him. They made love again, gently and timelessly. Their earlier driving hunger satisfied, the second time was methodical. Each took the time to review the other's body, memorizing small details and reveling in the larger ones.

  When Anna awoke again to hunger pangs later in the night, she found Nicholas standing by the window in the nude. Surprised that he had been unable to sleep, she quietly joined his side where he was staring into the night sky. She marveled at the brilliance of the stars but said nothing, enjoying the stillness of the night with him. He reached out his hand for hers and clasped it gently. He did not turn but spoke into the warm air.

  "My name is Nicholas Charles Reardon. I am told that I am thirty-three years old and I know that I am a Soldier."

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  Chapter Eight

  Nicholas Charles Reardon. Anna echoed the name in her mind and waited patiently for him to continue. One of the greatest things she had learned as a nurse was how to listen to people when they spoke. She searched his face, willing him to tell her more. Reflecting on the oddness of the statement about being told his age, her curiosity had begun to grow.

  "Two days ago, I lay dying, knowing that I had no other chance. Knowing I was experiencing my last moments on earth. Then I awoke here. And I barely know where here is, but I know that it is not my home. As crazy as this will sound, I am certain that here is not during my time."

  "Whoa,” Anna interrupted. “What is all of this?"

  She removed her hand from his, not caring about the message it sent him. He turned to face her, trying to read her expression in the dark room. Unable to face his prying eyes, she turned away, walking to the bed where her legs collapsed underneath her. She folded them under her body and wrapped her arms around her middle. Anna's only thoughts now were of how much she had hated psych nursing in school.

  Nicholas walked to the light switch and flipped it on. She watched him, dismayed by the action. The light would help them communicate a little better but she knew that her face was
set into a look of disbelief; eyes narrowed and lips pressed firmly together. He smiled at her expression but it disappeared as soon as she wrapped the sheet around her body. Her body language screamed her withdrawal from him, but Anna couldn't care less. Now she felt like the consummate fool after having been so demonstrative during the night.

  "Please,” he held a hand out towards her. “Just allow me to tell you what I know before you pass judgment."

  She ignored his outstretched hand. Not trusting the conflagration of anger, disappointment and sadness to be evidenced in her voice if she spoke, Anna simply nodded. She leaned against a pillow and tried to reconcile her carnal knowledge of the man standing before her with the incredible information he wanted her to believe.

  He let out a loud breath and continued. “What I do know from what I have been able to see and understand with you is that I am not from now."

  He stopped and tried to determine where he should begin so that his tale was brief but also conveyed his point.

  "Although there are many things about your home and mine that are similar, in fact, most are, the differences are vast and ultimately mean the difference between life and death. In my home you live in fear for your life on a daily basis. Every second of each day is a gift that is not to be taken for granted, especially for a Soldier. I am a Solider, Anna, and what that means is that most of my life has been spent defending our home from its enemies. But I am afraid that, despite many small battles being won, we are losing the war. We are being slowly overrun and there are simply not enough Soldiers being born to make up for our losses."


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