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Page 7

by Dee Carney

  He crouched in the doorway and peered outside. Again, he found only stillness in the night air. Ignoring the throbbing that was crawling from his head into his neck, he dashed outside, eyes furtively darting from side to side. Hoping against the odds that Anna would get her proof, he turned in the direction he needed. The tree was a few kilometers from his current position. In order to make it there in one piece, he needed to secure a weapon.

  Nearby were three abandoned cars. The first car was unlocked and a quick search yielded him nothing useful. Pausing to listen around him, he moved to the second car. One of the back doors was unlocked and hidden in the padding of the two front seats were two Japanese sais. Testing the weight of each, he brought the three pronged instruments about in a graceful arc. Breathing a sigh of relief, he muttered a word of thanks. The hiding of weapons was an old, but effective, Soldier tactic. Hand weapons were often left in the field for someone who might need them. On occasion a few fell to the Once-men, but most were overlooked by them.

  Now armed, he felt more comfortable with being in the open. Nicholas started trotting, warming his muscles to ritual exercise he had not felt in a few days. The headache was subsiding and he could feel tension ebbing with each motion. Soon, he had eased into a slow run. He had only traveled about fifty yards when a stabbing pain in his side forced him to slow again. When he looked down, he saw and remembered his injury. It had stopped bleeding while he was unconscious, but his motion had aggravated it open again.

  Relieved that it was not openly seeping, he removed his tattered and bloody shirt and ripped it into shreds. A small amount of cloth was reserved and folded into a tight wad. The shreds were wrapped around his abdomen, with the wad pressed directly against the open wound. Satisfied with his work, he began a slow trot again. He was more cautious of being caught in the open than bleeding to death before he reached his destination.

  It was slow going, but eventually he found what he was looking for. The old tree stood where he knew it would. Stopping, he stood with his hands on his hips. His breathing was coming easier now and he squinted around the area. Anna's house would be a hundred yards in a southern direction from the tree. He trotted the distance, trying to suppress excitement. There was a building there. Almost running now, he went to the back. Be there, be there he repeated to himself. Turning the corner, his heart sank when the fence that he had counted on did not appear.

  He walked to where the fence he had helped build for the past two days should have stood. Nicholas walked the perimeter, cursing. He was certain he would be right. Now, he did not know what his next steps should be. How he had made it to Anna's time remained a mystery. Walking again towards the front, a pile of rubbish to the side of the house caught his attention. He might have missed it had the blue tarpaulin covering it not flapped in the wind at that moment. Curiosity turned to elation when, as he walked closer, he realized it was not a pile of rubbish. Underneath the cloth was a pile of old wood. Excited again, he pulled the cloth away and started sifting through the rubble. The third post he found was the one he sought. Faded, but still there, were the letters he had carved with a rock. A. N. N. A.

  Grinning to himself, he took a smaller piece of wood and started carving on it with a handy rock. It was slow going, but he was not in a hurry. Once-men did not appear to be in the area and he wanted to make certain this was done correctly. Finally satisfied with his work, he went to the back corner of the lot and using a sturdy piece of plywood, started to dig into the soft earth. Almost an hour later, his task was accomplished. Nicholas stretched and grimaced as his back popped uncomfortably.

  Now he only had to get back.

  * * * *

  Anna had to admit to herself that the talk with Lucy, once again, had made her feel better. Nicholas's story was far-fetched, but once upon a time, so did the idea seem of traveling to the moon. While she wasn't quite ready to believe all of it, she could at least wrap her mind around the small possibility.

  She walked out of her bedroom and went into the spare bedroom where she expected to find him. When he was not there and, after a quick look, ascertained he was not in the bathroom, she walked directly into the kitchen. The room was also empty. A nagging feeling beckoned at the back of her head, but she chose to ignore it. The rain outside was coming down heavily now. At first, she became concerned that he had left, but when she went into the room he was using again, she noted that the items she had purchased for him were still there.

  Perplexed, she walked to the kitchen again and opened the back door. The completed fence was the first thing she saw and it gave her a small thrill. Surveying its length, the hair on the back of her arms raised when she spied Nicholas sitting against the fence, not moving.

  Running out into the rain, she called out to him. Reaching his side, she dropped to both knees and tried to shake him awake. When he did not respond, she checked his breathing and pulse. Satisfied that both were unremarkable, she waited impatiently, not knowing how else to proceed. He was too heavy for her to move by herself and she couldn't leave his side for a blanket in fear of missing a change in his status.

  Again, there was no obvious sign of injury. For a split second, she wondered about the possibility of a lightning strike. Florida was the lightning capital of the United States. She puzzled for a minute over whether to call for help when he started to rouse.

  This time when he awoke, he looked into her eyes and pulled her head against his, their lips locking. Lucy's words echoed in her mind. Sometimes it's nothing but faith. She gave in to the kiss, tasting him with each inhalation. Wanting more with every exhalation. Anna leaned into him, her tongue frantically searching for his. Nicholas wrapped his arms around her, pulling her closer, threatening to squeeze the breath out of her and not wanting to let her go. The rain poured down around them and they were oblivious to it.

  She pulled back, looked into his mismatched eyes and again brought her lips hard against his. His hands explored her back, her sides, her breasts and abdomen. He could not seem stop touching her. The tension of the day had driven a wedge between them and, in moments, was broken. Reluctantly, she pulled away again and looked at him.

  "Hi there,” she smiled. “Are you ok?"

  He grinned back at her. “You have no idea."

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  Chapter Ten

  Nicholas groaned openly when he stood. Guarding his side, he lifted his shirt to determine the source of the pain. Anna gasped when she looked with him. His entire side was the ugly blue-purple of a massive trauma. She ran her hands across the bruise, wincing with him when he drew away from her touch. It spanned almost his entire left side, starting just an inch to the side of his navel and going around to almost reach his spine.

  "When did you do this?” she questioned. “You need to see a doctor. This is bad."

  He shook his head, dismissing her concern. “Later. Do you have a shovel?"

  Anna started to argue, but she must have seen the determination in his face, nodded and turned to get it. He pulled her back to him first, stealing another kiss. When he released her, he hoped she could see his feelings for her in his eyes. The narrowing of her own eyes was concerning, but just as quickly was followed by something that looked like optimism. This gave him a small measure of comfort and he offered another quick grin before she went in search of the shovel.

  When she returned, he was in the back corner of the lot. From the back post, he took five measured steps forward and then stopped. Reaching out for the shovel, he dug his toe into the ground where he stood. Grunting, he stuck the tip of the shovel in the earth and started to dig.

  Anna stood in the rain watching him work before it dawned on her to go get an umbrella. She walked back inside and located the spare in the garage. So intent on his task was Nicholas that he did not seem to notice that she had left. He did not even look up when she stood by his side, the shelter proffered. The only sounds were his soft grunts as he toiled and the sound of the drops hitting the umbrella's cloth.

  She wanted to speak. Anna wanted to know more about his home. She wanted to ask why he had been unconscious in the rain—again. She was itching to know what he was looking for in the inclement weather.

  Sometimes it's nothing but faith.

  The minutes passed slowly and she started to shiver. The umbrella was not large enough to cover them both sufficiently. There was a small urge to angle it so that she had the lion's share, but Anna resisted. Goose bumps traveled her arms and she started to fantasize about a warm shower. Thoughts of the warm water also brought fleeting thoughts of Nicholas's tongue. Anna shivered hard.

  Nicholas became more frustrated each time the shovel failed to yield what he was looking for. The markings he had left on her post had shown up in his time. He reflected that an item left in his time would therefore appear here. Slowing down, he turned back to gauge the distance between the hole and the fence. He was certain he had used the exact same measurement. Why wasn't he finding it?

  Wanting to throw the shovel, he watched with mounting anger as mud slid into the hole he was creating. He glanced in Anna's direction and was taken aback at her willingness to stand next to him while he dug. When he perused her patient stance, the small goose bumps on her arms and legs became obvious and were enough to make him drop the shovel.

  "Oh, honey,” he mumbled sheepishly.

  Stepping closer to her, he ran his hands over her arms briskly. With the rain falling in hard rivers around them, the action was moot. He took the umbrella from her cold hands and leaned her against him. Anna complied willingly, not uttering the slightest complaint.

  By the time they stood inside the back door, she was shivering violently. Nicholas cursed his own thoughtlessness and began to strip her of the wet clothing. Anna obediently let him manage the task. Seeing her blue lips, Nicholas quickly stripped nude and pressed his naked body against hers. Arms continuously rubbing her body, he walked them both to the bathroom where the shower was turned on to almost scalding.

  He eased them both under the water, using his body to shield her from the spray in case it was too hot. The drops felt like stabbing needles against his cold flesh, so Nicholas allowed only a tiny stream to reach Anna. When he thought she might have thawed sufficiently, he repositioned and allowed her to get more of the hot water. Relief coursing through him, he watched the color come back into her skin, the blue tint to her lips also fading.

  "Why would you stand there like that?” He glared at her, frowning.

  Her lower lip trembled and she returned his glare. “I just did. I don't know. I'm fine."

  Despite the pink hue to her skin now, she looked fragile, as if ready to collapse at any moment. His gaze did not waver and he could not decide which emotion to act upon. Anger, relief, and love coursed through his veins. Realization of the latter emotion surprised and pleased him. Yes, he decided, he did love her. Eyes softening, he leaned in closer and kissed her gently. When he pulled away, he opened his eyes to see her smiling.

  "What is it?” he said.

  "I guess water turns you on,” she giggled shyly. “We're always kissing in a downpour."

  He smiled back but the smile did not reach his eyes. Instead what Anna found there was a smoldering fire, each passing second a fan to the flame. His gaze searched her face and then traveled her body, taking in each detail. Her heart pounded beneath his look and she began to ache for his body to be inside of hers. She brought her hand up to trace the blue outline on his torso.

  "You really need to have this looked at,” she murmured.

  "Later,” he countered. Nicholas reached for the faucet handle and turned off the cooling water. His arms wrapped around her body and pressed it close against his. She nestled against his chest, sighing contentment at the perfect fit. His desire pressed against her abdomen and trembling, she reached to touch him tentatively. Abdomen tightening, Nicholas groaned at the sensation.

  They stepped out of the shower and hastily dried. She walked out of the bathroom before him, a towel loosely tucked around her body like a dress. With each step she took however, she let him watch it drop down her back. When it finally slid completely off to the ground, Nicholas sucked in his breath. Anna turned at the sound and gave him her most sultry pout.

  "You minx,” he muttered.

  She returned a devilish grin and squealed when he rushed at her, playfully knocking her onto the handy green couch. Starting to protest, her words became intelligible as he fell on top of her and started to nip at her collarbone. The nibbling, with its mix of pain and pleasure, trailed across her neck and along her jaw line. Meanwhile, his hands kneaded her warm flesh and writhing, she groaned, wanting to feel more of him. Raising himself onto his forearms, he lowered his head to a breast, the nipple forming into a hardened peak under his touch. Gently tugging on it with his teeth, she curled her back in response, needing him to take more of her into his mouth. Her nails scratched lightly at his chest, leaving behind a wake of pink streaks.

  When his nibble became the hungry grip of a starving man, her fingers curled tightly against him, leaving harsh, red marks. Taking her hand in his, he led her to his hard flesh, encouraging the possession of what was hers. Gingerly, he lowered himself, his arms straining and Anna's legs involuntarily opened for their mutual comfort. When she felt him nudging at her opening, her hands shot out against his chest.


  Wriggling out from underneath him, she hurried into the bedroom to return with a condom. She held out the package and he grasped her hand in his. After ripping the package open with his teeth, he put the contents in her hand and sat back leisurely on his haunches. Feeling naughty, Anna unrolled the contents onto his shaft and crawled forward, straddling his thighs with her own. His fingers grasped her waist and he gritted his teeth as she lowered herself onto him. Sighing, she closed her eyes at the intrusion.

  "Anna,” he whispered.

  His voice rose to a gentle murmur in the hushed room. She looked at him and his eyes bore into hers. Unhurriedly, he gyrated his hips, the pressure causing pulsating heat to rise within her.

  "We are going to take this as slowly as you need to, but I need you to know something.” Nicholas increased his tempo, sending waves of pleasure rippling through her body, instigating a series of low moans.

  "I want to be by your side forever.” She felt her eyes widen at his proclamation, but then soften again as her body began to vibrate with liquid fire.

  "I want to make lots of babies with you,” he said.

  Her body involuntarily tightened around him and it was his turn to moan. Anna's heart pounded an erratic rhythm and she bit her lip to stifle an outcry of pure pleasure.

  "Be with me,” he demanded.

  And she was.

  * * * *

  When they walked outside later, Anna remained mutely stunned. When did Nicholas begin to have feelings of forever? She debated internally at the seriousness of his words and his sincerity. True enough, she hadn't received an actual proposal, but he came as close as you got. Babies? Wow.

  Despite her protests, they were back outside, the rain having subsided for the day. Nicholas had gone back to the same corner as before and recounted his steps. He shook his head as he landed in the same spot where he had been digging previously. The hole was now partially filled with water and he glowered at it. Methodically, he began working on the hole with the shovel, sending mud flying over its edges. This time, not consumed as before, he periodically took the time to look at her.

  Anna's cheeks felt flushed from the efforts of the afternoon and he carried himself as if beaming with pride. She had tried to get him to retract his statements made during the heat of passion. Nicholas had resolutely refused, stating that he had no intention of taking them back and that she held his heart. It was up to her to decide what to do with it.

  Lost in their thoughts, they almost didn't hear the change in noise when the shovel struck an object. When it struck a second time, he looked up at her and smiled. He got down on his han
ds and knees and started moving the earth with his hands. Farther down, a piece of wood lay wedged into the dirt. He grasped its edges and brought the piece up for her to see. They both stared down at it and he turned it around so that she could read what it said. Anna's hand covered her mouth when she saw the words. Jaggedly etched, they were faded but readable.

  Believe in me. Always yours, Nicholas.

  * * * *

  Later that night when they crawled in bed together, Anna tried for the last time of the day to convince him that he needed to see a physician to no avail. The afternoon had been spent discussing the significance of the wood buried in the yard and how Nicholas had gotten it there. While she could not admit to believing all of the story yet, she did admit that the wood gave her a reason to pause and think. However, lying in bed, weariness overtook her and she soon settled into a comfortable sleep.

  By her side, Nicholas draped his arm across her waist, spooning her against his body. His eyes were heavy with fatigue but he was so grateful at having proved himself to her. She was stubbornly resisting the idea, he thought, but he could sense that her disbelief was breaking down. Becoming in tune to the hypnotic rhythm of her easy breathing, he closed his eyes too.

  A few minutes later, Anna jolted upright, not certain what had disturbed her. Not wanting to awaken him, she looked down at Nicholas's prone body and her mind again went back to his words. I want to be by your side forever. That was enough to keep someone up at night. She chuckled softly and wedged herself next to him.

  That was when she noticed the stillness in the air. In a neighborhood of yard dogs and meandering cats, no sounds could be heard from the outside. Even inside the house, she could not hear the familiar hum of the refrigerator or a simple clock tick. The hair on the back of her neck stood. Anna did not even hear Nicholas breathing.


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