Barbie B*tch: A Dark High School Bully Romance (Rejects Paradise Book 3)

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Barbie B*tch: A Dark High School Bully Romance (Rejects Paradise Book 3) Page 8

by Sheridan Anne

  Chapter 8

  My feet dangle in the warmth of the heated pool as the afternoon sun shines down on my face. It’s so damn relaxing out here. Any other time, I’d be loving it, but the emotions welling inside of me from tearing open the fresh scars is all too much to deal with.

  It’s as though I was on some kind of emotional roller coaster ride. I went up and hit it hard when the adrenaline started pumping and now I’m coming down the other side, crashing and burning into a pile of nothingness.

  I lean back against the polished concrete flooring and swirl my legs through the water. I’ve been sitting out here for nearly an hour. I was hoping that the peace and quiet in the fresh air would help me to store the memories away again, and lock the box, never to be looked at again, but it hasn’t. If anything, it’s only reminded me just how many fucked up issues I have right now, but what’s worse, I miss Nic.

  I miss all my boys and I hate being apart from them. I hate that I can’t just call them and tell them to suck my dick. I hate that there’s a dark cloud that hovers above my head every time I think of them. I hate the secrets. I hate the lies.

  I want to hate them … but I can’t.

  “You look like you’re thinking too much,” Colton says from behind me. I crane my neck to look up at him and see nothing but concern etched across his handsome face.

  He drops down behind me with a leg on either side of mine. My back rests against his chest as his arms circles my waist, holding me close. I don’t know how it’s possible to fit so perfectly with someone, but when it comes to me and Colton, it just works.

  “Is it that obvious?”

  Colton scoffs and spreads his fingers wide on my stomach, claiming as much of me as he possibly can. “Melissa hadn’t even cleared the bottom step before you ran out of there like your ass was on fire. Spence and I figured you wanted to be alone, but I can’t take it anymore. I tried to give you some space …”

  I relax into his chest and close my eyes, soaking up every last bit of sunlight. “It’s okay. It’s actually better now that you’re here. I was starting to work myself up yet somehow you show up and my brain goes to mush.”

  “Of course it does,” he laughs. “Because I’m fucking awesome. Irri-fucking-sistable.”

  “And not at all cocky.”

  “Not at all,” he agrees. “I don’t know where you’d ever get that idea.”

  I can’t help but laugh as I nudge my elbow back into his stomach. His lips come down on my forehead, so soft and gentle. “In all seriousness, Jade. How are you? Do you want me to go and leave you alone?”

  I shake my head. “No, please don’t go. I’m just … processing.”

  “Do I need to be worried?”

  “No, I’m good,” I tell him. “I guess I just wasn’t expecting to have to talk about it today, especially in front of those two. I wasn’t mentally prepared, but it’s over and I think I feel better for letting it out.”



  “Okay,” he murmurs, running his fingers through my hair. “But you know now that they both know, word is going to spread and eventually the rumors will get twisted?”

  “I know,” I tell him. “I can handle rumors.”

  “Can you though? It’s one thing when someone is spreading lies about you, but what about when it’s the truth? What are you going to do when someone gets in your face and calls you a liar, saying exactly what Melissa just said to you?”

  I shake my head and let out a heavy sigh. “I … I honestly don’t know. Up until now, when shit like this has gone down, I've had the Widows at my back and no one was brave enough to say a damn word. As much as I want to say that I’ll be fine, I just … I don’t know. This place is forcing me to stand on my own two feet. It’s one thing acting tough when you have a wall of muscle at your back, but now it’s just me.”

  “It’s never just you,” he whispers. “I’m right fucking here, Jade. I won’t let them touch you.”

  I look up to meet his eyes and see the intense honesty staring back at me, it’s nearly enough to cripple me. “I know,” I tell him. “I like you there, but I don’t want you having to fight my battles. I want to stand at your side, not cower behind you. I want to be your equal. Hell, if I’m going to be sticking around in this town, I’m going to have to learn how to protect myself.”

  “I don’t think you need protection,” he says with a soft smile. “After seeing you handle my mom and Melissa, you can take down a fucking army. You never needed the Widows to handle things for you, you handle shit perfectly on your own.”

  “You know,” I say. “You didn’t have to defend me like that to your mom. I don’t want to be the reason shit goes south between you.”

  “Shit went south between us a long time ago,” he explains. “Mom left and she took my sisters with her. She didn’t care about fighting for me, she just gave me up to my dad so as far as I’m concerned, there’s no relationship between us worth saving. I’m allowing them to stay because they’re the only family I have left, and at the end of the day, that has to mean something. But my mother … she’s a complicated one. She doesn’t like to lose and she sure as hell doesn’t like it when a seventeen-year-old nobody from the wrong side of the tracks is making a dent in her carefully sculptured world. If I didn’t defend you and put a stop to her shit, she’s going to keep coming for you, and each time, it’ll get worse. She’s like the twins on steroids, so despite knowing that you can handle her with ease, I had to say something and I'll say it again and again if I have to.”

  “You know, you’re kinda amazing.”

  “And you’re kinda sexy as hell. Watching you dominate that back there … fuck, babe. I was struggling to control myself. I could have fucked you right then and there. Fuck them all, they could have watched.”

  “Really?” I say, my tone dropping as my eyelids grow far too heavy for their own good. My hand falls to Colton’s thigh at my side. “Just how bad did you want it?”

  His hand at my stomach slides down and I suck in a breath filled with anticipation. His fingers flirt with the waistband of my sweatpants until they’re slipping down beneath my panties, so strong, large, and calloused.

  “Let me show you.”

  I bite down on my lip and sink further into him, feeling his growing hardness pressing against my back. “Did Spencer leave?”


  “Your mom? Sisters?”


  “What about my mom and Harrison?”

  “I gave them the afternoon off. We’re alone.”

  My breath comes in short, needy pants. Holy shit, I need him so bad.

  His long, thick fingers find my center and as they brush over my clit, I feel every single one of my troubles fading away. “We’re really alone?”

  “Uh-huh. I could fuck you right here by the pool and no one would ever know. Hell, I’ll take that sweet pussy in the pool if that’s what you want.”

  Shivers sweep over my skin at his soft tone in my ear. “Right here? Out in the open?”

  Two thick fingers push up into me and I let out a low moan, hearing his soft breathy chuckle against my shoulder, getting off to the sound of my pleasure. “Mmhmm. I’ll fuck you on every surface of this house if you want me too.”

  “This house is pretty fucking big,” I remind him, grinding down against his hand. “That could take days.”

  “I’m down if you are.”

  “I’m down for everything you’ve got.”

  His fingers slam deeper within me just as his thumb presses down over my clit. I groan as my head falls back against his shoulder. Colton’s free hand comes around my body, slipping up under my tank and grabbing hold of my tit, squeezing it tight and giving me exactly what I need.

  He tortures me with his touch—rough, ruthless, and relentless and it’s all I need to forget about the horrors of this morning.

  I focus solely on him, on his touch, the feel of his hands so hypnotic on my body.
He claims me. There’s no other way to describe it. The way he takes me and makes it so that no one else exists is intoxicating. Colton Carrington is all I will ever need.

  Colton’s lips drop to my neck as he continues working my body, but it’s not nearly enough. I need more, so much more. I need to feel his skin upon mine. I need his taste in my mouth, and I need his hard cock plunging deep inside me.

  I peel my tank over my head and as I do, Colton moves out from behind me. I watch him eagerly as he drops down into the pool between my legs, putting him at just the right height. He grabs hold of my sweatpants and tears them down my legs, discarding them in the pool and letting them sink to the bottom.

  I bite down on my lip as I watch him. His eyes heat with need and as he looks up and meets my gaze, everything inside of me clenches.

  He licks his lips and I just about die.

  The anticipation builds within me. I need him more than I need my next breath.

  Colton takes my knees and slowly peels them apart. “Open up, Jade. Show me that pretty pussy.”

  Holy fuck. I’m definitely going to hell.

  I keep my eyes on him, watching as I slowly open my legs wide, showing him exactly what he wants. His eyes flare with desire. He’s like a kid in a candy store, too excited to wait.

  He takes my legs and yanks me right to the edge before moving in closer and hooking both of my legs over his shoulders. “That’s right, baby. Come to Daddy.”

  Damn. I never thought I’d get into the whole daddy thing but fuck me, I like it. In fact, I fucking love it. I need to hear it again and again.

  I’m panting before he’s even touched me, but he doesn’t make me wait long before his lips are closing down over me with his tongue roaming freely over my clit. Up and down and around and around. It's like a torturous game.

  His hair tickles my inner thighs and I tighten my fingers into it, feeling as though I can somehow control his wild pleasure, but there’s just no way. No one controls Colton Carrington, not even me.

  I groan loud, needing so much more and he doesn’t hesitate slipping those two thick fingers back inside me, plunging deep and exploring every little bit of my pussy. His tongue presses down harder against my clit and I scream out, no longer capable of holding it in.

  My free hand comes up and cups my tit, squeezing, pinching, playing. God, I’d do anything to feel him bite my nipples right now and suck them into his mouth but I won’t dare distract him from what he’s already doing.

  He sucks hard on my clit as his fingers work away and his tongue rolls over it, my orgasm quickly building. How is it possible for a man to be this good? I’ve never met a guy who could get me off like this. It’s incredible. He’s opened me up to a whole new level of fuckery and I won’t ever go back. Screw just fucking in a bed, there’s something so thrilling about being out in the open.

  Colton fucks me with his fingers and doesn’t relent on my clit until I scream out his name, for once not caring about how fucking loud I can get. “FUCK, COLTON,” I groan. “I’M GOING TO COME.”

  He plunges his fingers deeper and rolls his tongue over me one more time and it’s all it takes for my orgasm to tear through me. My legs squeeze around his head as my fingers ball into a tight fist in his hair. “FUCK,” I scream. “YESSSS.”

  I feel his smile against my pussy and just when I think he’s done, he grabs my legs and pulls me into the pool. My arms fall around his neck and within seconds, my lips are on his, tasting myself as my legs lock around his waist.

  Not once removing his lips from mine, he walks us toward the shallow end of the pool and puts me down. The water barely reaches my knees and he turns me until I’m facing the house with my back against his warm chest. “Get down on your knees.”

  A thrill sweeps through me and I don’t hesitate to drop down. He comes down behind me and I feel his cock heavy against my back, but it’s not the only thing there. “Spread your knees.”

  Well, damn.

  I spread them as wide as they’ll go and only then does his hand at my back start pushing me down. My tits brush against the floor of the pool with the shallow water hitting my shoulders. I have to put my arms under my face to keep my head out of the water but I don’t give a fuck because the anticipation of having my ass up and every little piece of me exposed to Colton like this is the most thrilling thing I’ve ever done.

  His hands roam over my ass and my pussy clenches with need. “Do it,” I beg.

  His hand slaps down hard over my ass and the sting makes me groan. “Patience,” he warns.

  I all but wave my ass at him, enticing him, desperately needing him to give me whatever he’s got while silently begging for him to spank me again, harder and harder.

  His fingers trail between my ass cheeks and start heading south, teasing my hole as he goes. His fingers gently press into me and I push back against him, letting him know just how down I am. “You like this?” he questions.

  The only response I’m physically capable of is a low groaned, “Mmhmm.”

  His other hand slips under me and starts teasing my clit all over again and I’m left completely dumbfounded by how he can get me so worked up so soon after just coming. “Please,” I beg. “I need you.”

  Colton’s hand falls away from my clit and before I get a chance to complain, his hard cock is there, slowly rubbing up and down, and without a doubt, if my hands weren’t the only things keeping my head out of the water and drowning myself, they’d be down between my legs, grabbing hold of him and guiding his impressive length home.

  He continues teasing my ass while finally taking pity on me and sliding his cock deep inside of me, the angle having him plunging deeper than ever before. “Holy fuck,” I moan as he hits just the right spot.

  “That’s right, Jade. Take all of me.”

  He pushes harder against my ass and in return, I push back against him, taking him deeper as he slams into me over and over again.

  Hell, there’s no way I’m going to last long before I come, and I’m fucking positive that he won’t either. This is too good, too tight, too fucking delicious.

  Colton’s other hand grabs my waist, his fingers digging deep into my hips, his only sign that he’s about to lose control. “Fuck, Jade. You’re so fucking perfect.”

  “I don’t think,” thrust, “I can hold,” thrust, “on much longer.”

  “Then we’ll make it quick.”

  True to his word, Colton’s fingers squeeze on my hip and he fucks me like a fucking pornstar, hitting me in just the right spot, over and over again, showing my pussy the time of its life. My orgasm sneaks up on me and just as I come, Colton groans low.

  His body stiffens but he keeps his hips moving as I ride it out, unable to catch my breath. “Holy shit,” I pant as Colton finally relaxes behind me. His hand spanks down on my ass and I squeal out just as he comes crashing down in the shallow water beside me.

  “Fuck, I’ll never get tired of your sweet pussy.”

  “I’ll hold you to that,” I laugh before looking his strong body up and down. “So, you want me to start calling you ‘daddy’ now, huh? I didn’t realize you were into that.”

  Colton’s face splits into a beaming grin and he grabs my waist before hauling me onto his chest but instead of curling in like he’s expecting, I splash water up over his somehow still dry face and dive deep into the water.

  Within seconds he dives after me and I’m instantly reminded of the time I graffitied his back wall and then dumped the dirtied water all over him. I’d thrown myself into this same pool and while it was only a few weeks ago, I feel like so much has changed since then.

  We fuck around in the pool for a while before the sun disappears behind a cloud and the heat is sucked away. “Come on,” Colton says, grabbing my naked body and hauling me out of the pool. “Let’s get you dried up so I can take you out for dinner.”

  I suck in a gasp as he throws me over his shoulder and starts heading for the pool house. “Is this your twisted way o
f asking me out on a date?”

  My ass is spanked and with the chill running through my body, the sting hits just a little harder than before. Though, that could entirely be due to the fact that my boyfriend was in the middle of rocking my world. “Shut up. It’s just dinner. If I was asking you on a date, you’d know.”

  I scoff. “Yeah right. That was it, wasn’t it?”

  “Do you want to go out for dinner or not?”

  “I mean, I’m not going to say no.”

  “Good,” he laughs, squeezing my ass cheek. “Wear something sexy so I can show you off.”

  “My sweatpants aren’t sexy enough for you?”

  “By all means, wear your sweatpants,” he tells me, eyeing them as they sit heavily in the bottom of the pool, “But you’re going to have to go and get them.”

  Without a second of warning, Colton tosses me through the sky and I go crashing down into the water with a high-pitched squeal, and just as my head goes under, I catch the back of Colton as he darts away, terrified of my version of revenge.

  That’s right fucker. You better run.

  Chapter 9

  Light filters through the massive windows of the living room and I groan as it hits my face just as Colton’s arm tightens around my waist. We’d spent the afternoon getting all too familiar with each other’s bodies on as many surfaces of this house as possible and reluctantly put clothes back on when our stomachs started to grumble and we remembered that he’d promised dinner that was apparently not a date.

  It was nice actually being alone for once. No staff members walking around, no friends popping by, no threat of my mom or Harrison accidentally walking in to find us. Just us.

  I curled up with Colton on the couch and feeling somewhat normal for the first time in weeks, we crashed in each other’s arms with nothing but the throw blanket hanging over the back of the couch to keep us warm. It was the most perfect night … that is until the sun had to rise and ruin it.

  It’s way too early to be waking up, especially considering that we only fell asleep at four.


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