Barbie B*tch: A Dark High School Bully Romance (Rejects Paradise Book 3)

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Barbie B*tch: A Dark High School Bully Romance (Rejects Paradise Book 3) Page 9

by Sheridan Anne

  I peel Colton’s arm off me and somehow detach his hand from my left tit. How is it that guys always manage to find their hands on a set of tits? Even in their sleep.

  I slide across the couch, being careful not to wake him and adjust the throw blanket over him to keep him warm. He works so damn hard. He deserves to sleep in. Most days he’s up at the crack of dawn getting a good workout in before spending the next ten hours locked in an office signing a shitload of paperwork and somehow making sense of it. Charles really was an ass, especially to his kids but I can’t deny that he taught them well. The way Colton has been able to effortlessly slip straight into his role and not skip a beat is the most impressive thing that I’ve ever witnessed.

  Leaving him to sleep, I push up from the couch and cringe at the deep ache within me. I guess that’s what happens when you spend hours being well and truly fucked by a man like Colton Carrington. My pussy is fucking raw and I love it.

  I creep across the living room and up the two steps into his massive kitchen, taking each step carefully and adjusting to the pain within. I’ve never been so glad for the weekend. If I was heading to school today and had to spend hours sitting on the stiff chairs, I’d be in trouble, but as it is, I have the whole day to recover. Unless Colton gets his hands on me again and I have a feeling that could be a very strong possibility. In fact, I’m willing to make bets on it.

  I get busy making breakfast and coffee and by the time I have everything I need, I take it all back down to the couch and sit by Colton’s head as he rests peacefully. I put his breakfast and coffee down on the table, knowing he’s bound to be hungry when he wakes. After all, he used a lot of energy yesterday.

  Getting comfortable beside him, I cut off a piece of my pancake, making sure to get a bit of cream and a strawberry on my fork before delivering to my mouth with a groan. I’ve never claimed to be a good cook, but damn, I’m the fucking queen of pancakes.

  Grabbing the remote, I turn on the TV and after flicking through and deciding there’s nothing holding my interest, I settle on the morning news. I watch a story on some guy who was held at gunpoint during a daylight robbery of his gas station in the town across from Breakers Flats followed immediately by a story of some big-time developer who is attempting to tear down the old mall and replace it with a new fancy one, complete with designer stores that the residents of that town won’t be able to afford to shop in.

  I find myself rolling my eyes and zone out, focusing on my pancakes and knowing damn well that if Colton doesn't wake up soon, I’m going to end up eating his as well. Hell, I’m just about finished with my coffee and was eyeing his plate the whole way through that last news story.

  After finishing off my plate and waiting a whole five long, impatient minutes, I reach forward and slip my plate onto the coffee table before switching it out for his. I'll make him a new batch when he wakes. I can’t have him eating cold pancakes. He’s Colton Fucking Carrington, he deserves the best. You know what, I’ll go ahead and make him another coffee too.

  I get halfway through his breakfast when an arm shoots out and grabs hold of my ankle. Colton starts dragging me down the couch and I laugh as the stack of pancakes topples from my lap. “What are you doing?” I screech as he pulls me towards him.

  “Breakfast,” he grumbles, his eyes blazing with need.

  He doesn’t stop pulling me until his head is right between my legs and without warning his other hand shoots out and he throws me down until my back is crashing against the soft cushions of the couch.

  My sweatpants are ripped down my legs and my panties all but torn straight off my body. Colton props himself up on his elbows just as I do the same, intent on watching the show. His eyes meet mine and seeing the thrilling sparkle in his, everything clenches.

  My legs are tossed over his shoulders. “You wanna watch, Jade?” he questions, his tone low and grumbly, still thick with sleep but it only makes it that much better.

  I bite down on my lip and slowly nod and my pussy starts pulsing. It’s as though his words have the ability to open the flood gates. I just can’t help myself around him.

  He grins and keeps his eyes locked on mine as his head dips closer to my promised land. I feel his hot breath against my skin and a shudder ripples through me. He licks his lips as his fingers softly tease my pussy, starting from the top and making their way down. I suck in a breath, watching as he brings his finger to his mouth, glistening with my arousal.

  He sucks them dry, his eyes somehow darkening even further. “You ate without me,” he accuses.

  My tongue runs over my lips, mimicking his movements as his fingers drop back to my pussy, rubbing slow, teasing circles over my clit. “I might have eaten a little,” I whisper. “But I left dessert for you.”

  “Good,” he says, his voice raspy with need. “Because I’m fucking starving.”

  His head finally drops to my pussy and I squirm under his hold as his mouth closes over my clit. My eyes close and despite how badly I want to watch, my head drops down to the couch and I soak up every last ounce of pleasure until he’s throwing me right over the edge.

  I come on his fingers with his skilled tongue expertly rolling over my clit while I bite down on my lip to force myself not to scream out his name. His mom and ratty sisters are home and judging from the sound of the vacuum in the dining hall adjacent from the living room, I'd dare say my mom is also too close for comfort.

  Colton grins and I feel it against my skin and then all too soon, his head pops back up from between my legs, his lips shimmering with my arousal. He crawls up between my legs until his lips are pressing down on mine and his heavy cock is resting against my pussy.

  He reaches down between us and keeping his lips on mine, he guides himself inside of me, taking it slow as though he already knows that yesterday’s wildness has left me sore.

  His fingers tangle with mine, squeezing them tight as he leisurely slides in and out, taking me deeper with each thrust. He doesn’t dare stop kissing me until we come together, keeping as quiet as we can.

  Colton pulls back ever so slightly so he can look down and meet my eyes. “I hope you know what you’re getting into,” he tells me with confidence, a beaming smile tearing across his face. “I plan on waking up like that every fucking day of my life.”

  “With your lips on my pussy or cock deep inside of me?”

  His eyes shimmer with elation. “Both,” he grins.

  “Promise that you’ll make it that fucking good every single day and you’ll have yourself a deal.”

  Colton grabs my waist and flips us so that I hover above him, my hair dancing down around us like a thick curtain concealing us from the rest of the world. “Interesting,” he says, his eyes still shimmering and making everything inside of me swell with happiness. “I took you for the kind to drive a hard bargain.”

  “Good point,” I laugh. “I should remember not to make deals with you while I’m in a post-orgasm fog.”

  “Sorry, Jade,” he grins, pushing my hair back behind my ear to see me better. “It’s a done deal, but it won’t just be good, it’ll be fucking incredible.”

  “Is that a promise?”

  “When it comes to you and me, it’s a guarantee.”

  My swollen lips drop back to his and just as the idea sparks to return the favor and I start crawling down his body towards his very hard dick, the massive TV screen steals the spotlight.

  Both our heads whip toward it as the breaking news hits the screen with the too-pretty for her own good reporter standing outside a massive estate in the bright morning sun. “It was only minutes ago that the police raided the DeCarlo estate and son of Vincent DeCarlo, 28-year-old, Lorenzo DeCarlo was arrested. The details are still unclear but from what little information we’ve been able to gather, Lorenzo is being questioned as the mastermind behind one of the biggest crime syndicates the Northern Hemisphere has ever seen.”

  I suck in a gasp and climb off Colton as our attention becomes solely glued to the s

  The reporter continues. “At this point in time, it is believed that Lorenzo DeCarlo was involved in gun-trafficking and illicit drug manufacturing. More details to come.”

  The camera pans to the estate to where cops are flooding through the doors of the property and bringing out boxes upon boxes of evidence while I sit here with my mouth hanging open.

  An amused chuckle has my gaze flicking toward Colton. “Did you know he was involved in this shit?”

  His eyes sparkle and the way his lips pull up into a devilish smirk tells me that he knows a shitload more than he’ll ever let on. “I might have heard a few things along the grapevine.”

  I narrow my eyes at the man I’m very quickly falling in love with. “Did you have something to do with this?” I question, hooking my thumb toward the screen and recalling the exact moment Colton stood in this very room with Vincent DeCarlo and vowed to take down each of his sons and then leave the old man for last.

  He shrugs his shoulders. “Don’t know what you’re talking about,” he says, his smirk not budging one bit. “The cops have been looking into Lorenzo for years now, they just lacked a little … proof. What can I say? It’s not my fault that video footage from their break in just happened to land on one of the only good cop’s in Bellevue Springs’ computer showing exactly what they needed to put him away for the rest of his life.”

  My mouth drops as I stare at him in awe. “Hmm, strange,” I say, taking on the same devilish smirk. “I wonder how that could have happened.”

  “Like I said, it’s a mystery to me.”

  I stare at him in awe. “You know you’re kinda incredible?”

  “Just kinda?”

  “Yeah,” I laugh. “Now, if you were the guy who actually handed that footage over and sealed his fate, then I’d be a little more impressed, but like you said, it’s a mystery to you.”

  Colton grabs my arm and yanks me back to him. I go crashing down onto his wide chest and his hand spanks down on my ass as I fall. “Watch it, Jade. I won’t hesitate to show you exactly how I feel about that.”

  I laugh and find myself staring down at him, the seriousness of it all instantly sobering our moods. “Maryne would be proud of you,” I whisper. “You did good.”

  His eyes flare with love and he watches me for a long, drawn-out second and it’s almost as though he needed to hear those very words, that my support has some kind of weight lifting from his shoulders. “Including Vincent, there’s still five more of those bastards to go,” he tells me. “I promised Harrison that I’d take each and every one of those fuckers down and I intend to keep my word.”

  “I know you will,” I tell him. “They won’t get away with this. You’re Colton Fucking Carrington, and they’re going to learn the hard way that you can’t be fucked with, and not only that, it’s sending a message to every other douchebag who wants to take you down that you can’t be beaten. Never have, never will.”

  Colton’s hand slips up my back until it’s wrapping around the back of my neck. He pulls me down to him and seals my words with a deep kiss, conveying everything that he’s not ready to say out loud.

  “Come on,” I tell him when we finally break apart. “You must actually be hungry. What do you want? I can make pancakes or bacon and eggs.”

  “You know I have staff that does that for me.”

  “Ha,” I scoff. “You’re looking at her.”

  “Babe,” he says with a low groan as I grab his hand and pull him up from the couch. “You know I don’t actually look at you as one of my staff, right? You’re my girlfriend who just happens to clean my place in the sexiest little outfits.”

  I raise my brow as I search around for my sweatpants. “The fuck are you talking about?” I question. “It’s not like I’m getting around in those tiny little maid outfits with my ass showing and hooker heels. I’ve only ever worn sweatpants and whatever tank I can find that has the least stains on it.”

  “I know, but it’s fucking sexy. The way you dance around with your earphones in, forgetting that everyone can see you. It’s you and it’s real. It’s not like the others who wear those ridiculous uniforms. They look so robotic, but if you wanted to get one of those sexy maid outfits and wear it for me, I’m down for that ...”

  “Careful,” I tell him, dragging him into the kitchen and trying to ignore his last comment before I allow him to bend me over the kitchen counter and fuck me senseless. “You’re drooling.”

  He rolls his eyes. “Is it that hard for you to just accept a compliment when you hear one?”

  “Yeah,” I laugh. “It really is.”

  He shakes his head as I go about the kitchen, grabbing all the things that I’d only just put away an hour ago. “Actually, I think I'll get rid of the uniforms. It’s so formal—too fucking formal. That’s not the vibe I want when walking around my home. That’s one of those bullshit rules Dad brought in after he fucked one of his maids and she claimed sexual harassment in the workplace. It was probably his way of punishing her and enjoyed making everyone else suffer right along with her.”

  I stare at him with my mouth hanging wide. “Your dad really was a creep.”

  He laughs, coming to stand by me. “Trust me, you haven’t heard the half of it.”

  “I can’t wait,” I tell him, reaching across him to grab the large mixing bowl and looking over everything I have before me, trying to figure out what I’ve forgotten. Eggs, butter, milk, baking powder ... “Ahh,” I say, grabbing the eggs and cracking them against the side of the bowl. “Could you grab the flour and vanilla extract?”

  He gives me a blank stare as I put the broken eggshells aside. “The what?”

  I raise a brow and look back at him. “You don’t know what flour is?”

  He rolls his eyes. “I’m not fucking stupid. I know what flour is,” he says, darting across to the pantry and quickly scanning the shelves before grabbing the packet. “What’s the other shit you need?”

  I roll my eyes and step across to the pantry to join him, realizing it’s going to be a hell of a lot quicker to get it myself than have to explain it to a guy like Colton. He’s so fucking smart and business-minded but shove him in a kitchen and he’s a lost little boy.

  I measure up all my ingredients from memory while ignoring the way Colton stares at me dumbfounded. “How do you know how to do this?”

  “Make pancakes?” I question, dumping in all the ingredients and grabbing my whisk.

  “Cook in general,” he says. “Did your mom teach you?”

  I press my lips together and look down at the mixing bowl, making sure to get all the lumps. “She taught me a little but truth be told, she was always out working and I was left at home to figure it out. It wasn't until Nic started hanging around that I really started to learn. He's a bit of a whiz in the kitchen,” I say, feeling the heaviness of all the amazing memories come rushing in. “He didn’t like the idea of me cooking the same three meals over and over again. He taught me that just because you have to eat cheap, doesn't mean you have to eat like shit. Best lesson I ever learned. All the boys kinda taught me a little something when it comes to cooking, except Kai. He can’t cook to save his life which is why he’s fucking around all the time, hoping the girl will feed him before he fucks her off in the morning. That kid has eaten way too much take out for his own good. If the grilled chicken place wasn’t down the road from him, he’d probably starve.”

  Colton drops his elbow onto the counter and he brushes my hair back over my shoulder. “You really miss them, don’t you?”

  My whole world comes crashing down as the emotions begin to overwhelm me and I find myself unable to meet his eyes, afraid that my truth will hurt him in some sort of way.

  Seeing the mess his question put me in, he steps into me and pulls me deep into his arms. “I hate that you’re hurting, Jade,” he whispers, resting his chin above my head. “I’m not going to lie to you and say that I love that they’re such a big part of your life, because I don’t. I don�
�t like them, but I’ll tolerate them for you. I hate the way Nic put his hands on you and left you bruised and I hate the way you’re always so hurt every time you come back from seeing them, but if making things right with them and learning to forgive and forget is going to bring back your smile, then go to them and talk it out.”

  “I …” A heavy breath escapes me and I force myself to hold back my tears. “I’m not ready to forgive them and I sure as hell will never forget.”

  “You don’t have to forgive them, Ocean, not if they haven’t done anything to earn it, but you can talk to them and make your pain go away. I hate seeing you so down about this.”

  I step out of his arms and meet his eyes. “You really think so?”

  “Don’t get me wrong, I’d prefer to spend my day buried deep inside of you, but you need to do this. You need those dickheads in your life. Just go and talk. You don’t have to come to any conclusions, but let them know where you stand, and hell, maybe give Sebastian a fucking hug or something … anything to get that fucker to stop calling every phone in my fucking house.”

  I raise a brow. “He’s been calling the house?”

  Colton doesn’t reply but his unimpressed scoff is answer enough. “Here,” he says, stepping across the kitchen and pressing his hand against the small screen that’s been built into the marble countertop. His hand is scanned and a second later, a small drawer pops out, displaying an impressive array of car keys. He picks up a small key and places it in my hand. “Take the Audi and go see them. Make it right or don’t, it doesn’t matter. Just go and see them and heal whatever part of your heart it is that’s been aching for them.”

  I raise my chin and meet his eyes, curling my hand around the keys. “Are you sure?”

  He dips his head and gently brushes his lips over mine. “I'm sure, but if I don’t hear from you throughout the day, I’m coming down there and bringing your stubborn ass home.”

  Excitement begins filling me as well as fear. Am I really going to go back home and meet with my boys? The idea of seeing them again fills my heart with warmth, but the constant reminder of how we left things kills me.


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