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Barbie B*tch: A Dark High School Bully Romance (Rejects Paradise Book 3)

Page 18

by Sheridan Anne

  He pulls me in until my back is flush against his wide chest and dips his head until I feel his breath tickling the sensitive skin of my neck. “Do you have any idea how fucking good you look?” he murmurs into my ear as his hand curls around the front of my bare stomach, lowering into the front of my sweatpants.

  My eyes roll into the back of my head and I encourage his touch by grinding my ass against his hard cock. “We shouldn’t,” I murmur, my voice far too breathy for my own good but with the loud music and the partiers oblivious to anything going on around them, I’m all good.

  His lips press down on my neck and as his tongue brushes against my skin, his hand dips lower until I feel his fingers at my clit. I suck in a desperate groan. “Just tell me to stop, Jade, and I will.”

  Stop? Fuck no. That’d be a tragedy.

  We stay right where we are, knowing damn well that someone would have to walk around this side of the counter to see what we’re doing. That's a risk I'm more than willing to take. After all, the lights have been dimmed and the main part of the party is hovering out around the pool. We should be good to fuck around for as long as we want, but I can’t deny that the risk of being caught has me wetter than I’ve ever been before.

  I reach behind me as he pushes two thick fingers into me and drives me in-fucking-sane. My hand slips into the front of his pants and my fingers curl around his thick, veiny cock. I pump my hand up and down, rubbing my thumb over that sweet bead of moisture at his tip, wanting nothing more than to drop down to my knees and suck him dry right here for the world to see.

  Actually … it’s not a bad idea at all.

  I turn in his arms and the movement forces his hand out of my pants. Colton meets my eyes and confusion shadows his beautiful face until I lick my lips and lower myself down to the ground between him and the counter, spreading my knees wide just to tease him.

  Colton props his hands against the counter and to anyone looking his way, all they’d see is Colton standing in the kitchen, watching over his party. They’d have absolutely no idea that I was here about to help myself to the best meal I’ll ever taste.

  His eyes flame with need as I loosen his shorts and pull them down just enough to free his cock. It bounces out in front of my face and I bite down on my lip, loving how fucking perfect it is.

  I take him in my mouth, still needing to use both hands to take exactly what I want, sucking up and down while exploring every inch of him with my tongue. I feel him at the back of my throat and I push myself further, truly believing with every ounce of my heart that Colton Carrington deserves the best there is.

  Colton’s hand drops from the counter and he buries it into the back of my hair, telling me that he’s close but before I can taste him on my tongue, he tears himself out of my mouth. In a flash, he grabs me around the waist and barges his way through to the private bar hidden in the kitchen.

  The door is slammed behind us and before my feet have a chance to hit the ground, I’m bent over the bar and he tears my sweatpants down my legs. His hand slaps across my ass and then his warm mouth is on my pussy, his tongue lapping up my arousal.

  “YES,” I scream out, needing so much more.

  I feel him groan against me as he strokes his cock, desperately needing that release and after bringing me close to the edge, he stands up and buries himself deep within me in one hard thrust.

  “Fuck, Jade,” he says through a clenched jaw, slamming into me over and over again.

  “More,” I cry out. “I need more.”

  He gives me exactly what I’m begging for, building me up until we both come hard and fast on the bar.

  “Holy shit, Jade,” he murmurs, breathless, bending over me to find my lips. He kisses me deeply with his cock still buried in my pussy, right where I like it. Only when we’ve both regained enough energy does he pull himself out of me and release me from his kiss.

  I clean myself up and after straightening my bikini top and watching Colton put himself back inside his shorts, we emerge from the private bar with grins far too big not to be obvious.

  As we walk back into the kitchen, we find Spencer making his way toward us from the living space with a grim look on his face. We both watch him as he makes his way over to us, stealing a grape off the counter and popping it into his mouth before finally reaching us.

  “What’s up?” Colton asks, slapping his arm around my waist and holding me tight.

  Spencer moves in right beside us and looks out at the party, making sure no one is in hearing range or watching us over here. “Nothing,” he finally says. “I just checked on Jude. He looked like shit.”

  A low, chilling voice comes from behind us. “The fuck are you talking about?”

  We all whip around to find Charlie standing right there, hearing every fucking word Spencer just said. My eyes go big as my heart starts beating wildly in my chest.

  “Charlie,” Colton starts, a low warning tone in his voice.

  Charlie steps into us and focuses all his attention on Colton, seeing him as the ring-leader here. “Don’t fucking bullshit me,” he says through a clenched jaw. “Where the fuck is Jude?”

  Colton lets out a heavy sigh and looks to Spencer before finally glancing back at Charlie and releasing a broken sigh. “He’s in my father’s wine cellar.”

  Charlie shakes his head. “You’re keeping one of your fucking brothers locked up? You’re all fucking dead to me.” Within seconds, he spins on his heel and starts stalking out of the kitchen.

  “Fuck,” I curse under my breath before taking off after him with both Colton and Spencer keeping right on my ass. We break out into the hall to find Charlie heading straight for the wine cellar. “Charlie, wait. You don’t understand.”

  Charlie forges ahead, his anger getting the best of him. “Come on, bro,” Spencer says. “Give us a fucking chance to explain.”

  Just as he reaches the wine cellar door, Charlie spins around, fixing a sick glare on each of us. “What the fuck is this? I’ve been asking for fucking weeks where the hell he went and you’ve all been fucking lying to me. Has he been down here the whole fucking time?”

  Colton sighs and nods and within a split second, Charlie’s fist swings out and slams hard against Colton’s jaw. I suck in a sharp breath and throw myself in front of Colton. “Calm the fuck down,” I demand, giving Charlie a hard shove and forcing him back from Colton. “You have no fucking idea what’s going on. Just give us a chance to explain.”

  “A chance to explain?” he scoffs. “You’ve had weeks to explain where he is. How many times did I bring it up?” He glances back at Spencer. “How many fucking times did I ask if you’d heard from him?”

  “I know,” Spencer growls. “But it’s not my fucking story to tell.”

  “Then whose is it?”

  Spencer looks down at me and Charlie’s heavy glare follows right along. He steps into me, clenching his jaw and the hatred in his eyes puts me on edge. I’ve never seen this side of Charlie. He’s always been sweet, loving, and kind, but right now, he’s anything but. “What did you do?”

  Colton reaches around me and pushes Charlie back a step. “Back the fuck off, man. Don’t talk to her like that.”

  Charlie scoffs. “This chick came in and divided us from the beginning and now she’s fucking gone as far as to have you two fuckers keeping shit from me? You have Jude locked in a fucking dungeon. We don’t do that, we never have. What is so fucking bad that you didn’t trust me? What could he have done to you?”

  Tears grow in my eyes but I won’t allow Charlie to keep going like this. He has to know and right now, I don’t give a shit if it means that he’ll look at me differently. His words are hurting and if my truth hurts him right the fuck back, then so be it.

  I step into him, slamming my hands against his shoulders and forcing him back with a strength I didn’t know I possessed. I slam him against the wall, right beside the wine cellar door. “That friend of yours, that brother, raped me. He spiked my drink, tore my fucking dre
ss off my body, and as I cried for help, he fucked me like I was his to destroy. That’s why that motherfucker is locked in a fucking dungeon, and the look you’re giving me right now, that’s why I didn’t say a goddamn thing.”

  Colton’s hand finds my waist and he pulls me back a step, knowing I need a moment to calm down. “No,” Charlie says. “I know him. He wouldn’t do that.”

  Spencer scoffs. “Come on, man. You can’t be that fucking naive. He raped that girl two years ago and she fucking disappeared.”

  “He didn’t. He gave me his word.”

  “Charlie, come on. You always want to see the best in people but he fucking lied to you. He hurt that girl and now she’s gone. He’s admitted it time and time again, and now he did the same to Ocean and I won’t let him get away with it.”

  Charlie continues shaking his head as his horrified gaze comes back to mine. “Surely you saw the signs,” I whisper, hating that I have to open this old scar but the blank expression on his broken face has me going on. “He hated me from the beginning. He came into my room on my first night here and tried something, then the Black Widows beat him up. He cornered me on Colton’s boat to try again, he cornered me in the school pool. It was only a matter of time before he finally got to me, and the night of the Masquerade party, he did. He broke me, Charlie. He hurt me and I’m sorry that this was kept from you but I couldn’t bear the thought of you looking at me like I was used goods. You have such a sweet innocence about you and I love that because when I’m around you, I feel it. Your goodness is contagious and I needed it so damn bad. I couldn’t risk it.”

  His gaze sweeps past Colton and Spencer before coming back to mine. “You told them.”

  I shake my head. “I didn’t. Colton found me while Jude was … you know. I didn’t tell either of them.”

  Charlie glances up at Colton. “You saw it.”

  Colton silently nods, not packing on any more details for Charlie to have to work through later. They hold each other’s stare for a moment longer than necessary and the hurt spilling out of Charlie is enough to have me feeling like the world’s worst friend. He trusted us and we lied to him. We kept a secret that would change the way he looked at us and just like that, we became just as bad as the Widows.

  Who am I becoming? I don’t like this dishonest, murderous version of myself that I’m turning into. I’ve always prided myself on being a loyal person but that’s not who I am at all. I’m weak. I'm a liar.

  Charlie looks toward Spencer and with a heavy breath, he moves over to the wine cellar and peels the door open. He looks back at the three of us and knowing exactly what he’s about to walk in to see, a single tear tracks down my cheek and splashes against my black bikini top.

  Charlie tears his gaze away and disappears into the wine cellar, closing the door behind him and I swallow back fear, not knowing what’s going to come from this. Is he going to free him? Give him help? Or is he going to find that same darkness in his soul that I found? Who knows, maybe it’ll completely take over him and he’ll take all his hurt and frustration out on Jude just like I did. Maybe he’ll go too far or maybe it’ll have him throwing up. Charlie is a sweet guy. He wasn’t cut out for torture and murder and now we’ve exposed him to this ugliness.

  Charlie will never be the same again.

  “Come on,” Colton finally says, pulling on my arm. “We need to give him his space. He’s hurting right now and he hates that he didn’t know you were going through that, but our methods of dealing with it … he won’t accept that easily. It might take some time, but he’ll come around.”

  I let Colton pull me along and I find myself staring at the shiny marble beneath my feet. “Are you sure?”

  “Yeah,” Spencer says, stepping into my other side. “He’ll be alright.”

  I nod, not convinced by either of them in the least, especially as they don’t believe the words themselves. All I know is that this could be a game-changer. Charlie is either with us or against us and right now, I have no idea which way he’s going to go.

  Chapter 19

  Four days down and not a word from Charlie.

  My heart aches for him. He hasn’t come around in the mornings before school, he hasn’t texted stupid memes, he hasn’t even sent a sexually suggestive text message.

  He’s hurting and that’s on us.

  We should have been upfront with him. He spent weeks worried about his friend, completely in the dark, and not knowing what happened to him. The boys should have been honest with Charlie about the girl Jude hurt two years ago and I should have been honest about him hurting me now.

  What kind of friends are we?

  I walk from my last class and meet Drix and Jess by their lockers while giving fake smiles to everyone who demands my attention. I’m not in the mood today. Sunday was easy to pretend that nothing was wrong, but the days after that just sucked.

  Colton had gone down to see Jude after Charlie had left to get some kind of indication of what had gone down in there. From the way Charlie left him, I’d dare say that our secret is safe. Charlie isn’t the violent type though—no matter how much he talks it up—and that kind of shit would have left a scar.

  I dart across the hallway and grab my stuff out of my locker before slamming the door closed with a sigh. I really hate this. I’ve been against my boys for weeks now and that doesn’t hurt nearly as much as knowing that Charlie is hurting. Maybe it’s because, with my boys, I was the one who was wronged, but with Charlie, I’m the one doing the hurting.

  I have to find a way to make it up to him. This isn’t fair to him. He shouldn’t have been left in the dark, just as Colton shouldn’t have left me in the dark with the same damn thing.

  Why can’t things be simple for a week or two? I just need a break from all the constant bullshit. I need to go away and forget everything that’s been going on. I don’t know, maybe Colton will sweep me away to a deserted beach resort and show me the time of my life where I can pretend the rest of the world doesn’t exist.

  Damn it. I can’t even suggest that to him because he will and then I’ll be stuck on a beach wishing I was back home so I can handle my shit and stop running away like a little bitch.

  I make my way back over to the girls when my phone buzzes in my bra. I fish it out of its little hiding spot that it lives in during school hours and glance down at the screen to find a text from Milo.

  Milo - You need a ride home today? I need to be somewhere but can swing by and get you first.

  Ocean - Nah, don’t worry. I can find my own way home.

  Milo - Cool, thanks. Call me tonight. I’ve got to spill some tea.

  I roll my eyes at my phone while hashing out a response. Milo’s idea of spilling the tea is gushing over the boys at school and telling me all about what he saw in the locker room. Last time it was a full breakdown on how some kid got his dick pierced and was showing it off at every chance he got which then went into me convincing Milo that he really didn’t need to get one himself.

  Ocean - Okay, but it better be worth it!

  Milo - It is.

  I look up at Drix and am just about to ask her to drive my ass home when I find the words crumbling and disappearing in my throat. “You good?” she asks, seeing the weird look on my face.

  “Oh, umm, yeah. I’m fine. I have to go. I’ll see you guys tomorrow.”

  “Yeah, no problem,” she says. “Do you need a ride?”

  “Nah, I’m good. I think I’m going to walk.”

  Her face scrunches up in distaste. “You’re fucking with me, right?”

  “No,” I laugh. “I could really use the walk to clear my head. It’s been a shitty few days.”

  “Yeah, I’ve noticed,” she says, leaning back against her locker. “What’s going on with you guys? Charlie’s been super quiet. I thought he was into me but he practically ghosted me.”

  “Nah, he’s just going through some things. Maybe he could use the distraction. Why don’t you go and chill with him this afterno
on? He could use a friend or two.”

  Drix presses her lips into a tight line while thinking it over. “Maybe. I don’t know. I’ll think about it.”

  “Okay,” I say, adjusting my things in my arms and getting comfortable for my walk home. “I’ll see you guys tomorrow.”

  Jess gives me a small smile and focuses back down at her phone in her hands. She’s still hurting after finding out about Milo’s love of dick but at the same time, she understands it. It doesn’t change that she’s been really quiet though. She’ll move past it eventually and realize that having Milo around as one of the girls is a million times better than having him there as one of the guys.

  “Kay,” Drix grumbles, giving me an odd look. “Call me if you change your mind and I’ll come and grab you.”

  “Thanks,” I say before turning my back and walking out of the school. I step out into the afternoon sun and take a deep breath. I rarely get time to myself and even though I hate my reasons for needing this time, I can’t deny that the peace and quiet is one of the sweetest things I've ever experienced.

  Realizing that it’s going to be a very long walk if I keep overthinking everything, I try my best to zone out and focus on the good times, focus on Colton, and the way I've been making some incredible new friends. I focus on Mom and her need to find happiness, hell I even spare a thought for Nic and try to forget the shitty things he’s done while remembering his apology and his need to always keep me protected.

  It's been just over a week since I went into Breakers Flats and spent the morning with him. The time we had together was incredible before it all went to shit. I finally felt like I was finding something important to me, something that I'd lost along the way. I was going to have it all. Turns out I was fooled.

  I get halfway home when my legs start giving out and I cut through the mall before shooting out the back. The first half of my walk was good but turns out that’s all I needed to clear my head and now I’m stuck having to walk the rest of the way back.


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