Barbie B*tch: A Dark High School Bully Romance (Rejects Paradise Book 3)

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Barbie B*tch: A Dark High School Bully Romance (Rejects Paradise Book 3) Page 33

by Sheridan Anne

  “No, no, no, honey,” Mom says, throwing her arms around me and crushing me into her chest. “How could you have known? You did nothing wrong. You discovered the truth and you came to me right away.”

  She rocks me back and forth like she used to do when I was a kid and we sit there for nearly an hour, lost in our tortured thoughts.

  Only when her tears have finally dried, does she ask about the finer details and I tell her everything I know, hating that I have to be the one to break this news to her. If the cops cared about people like us, they would have found this out months ago and this could have been a wound that was already beginning to heal, but it seems more like one that continues to get torn wide open time and time again.

  After talking it through and Mom calling it quits for the day, she settles in the pool house with a bottle of Charles’ most expensive wine, suddenly not giving a shit about the man that she used to see as charming, especially after learning that I was bought and that’s the only reason why we ended up here.

  As all the truths came spilling out of my mouth, the weight of their ugliness lifted off my shoulders until I finally felt like I could breathe.

  I find myself in Colton’s shower, turning the heat right up and allowing the hot water to wash away the pain of the last few days. Colton’s words in the parking garage went a long way to helping heal what was broken inside of me, but they won’t do anything to take away the sting of Nic’s betrayal.

  I wash my hair and scrub my body clean as though I’m somehow able to cleanse myself of all of the bullshit.

  Nothing will take it away, nothing except time. The sooner I accept that the sooner I’ll be able to move on. I just have to figure out how I’m going to get by without having Nic in my life. It's one thing hating him for lying and knowing that deep down I’ll eventually forgive him, but this is the end of the chapter for the Nic and Ocean love affair. We’re officially done. I’m closing the book. There is not a damn thing that Nic could say or do that will make any of this okay.

  The minutes tick by and I find myself staring at the expensive marble tiles of the shower wall before realizing that my whole body is beginning to prune. I step out of the shower and pull the white towel around my body, soaking in its warmth and admiring its soft brush as it drapes over my skin. I’ll never get used to how amazing these towels are. I would have loved to have this kind of luxury growing up, but on the other hand, if I had become accustomed to this as a child, I wouldn’t consider it so damn special now.

  It’s the little things, I guess.

  I fold the towel around my body and stand in front of the mirror brushing through my long hair. My eyes grow heavy and despite it being the middle of the day, the emotional roller coaster of the last twenty-four hours has me more than ready to call it a day. I could seriously get in bed right now and not wake until this time next week.

  With my hair still damp from my shower, I twist it up into a bun before stepping out of the bathroom and into Colton’s bedroom. I find his eyes already on me, studying the natural curves of my body and I can't help but make my way over to him.

  I missed him more than I could ever admit. I’ve never known pain like that before and it just proves how right this is. I was meant to be here with him and no matter what, I feel like all roads would have led right back to him.

  Colton is my guy, my man, and my heart. I don’t know how it took me so damn long to realize it. I felt the connection right from the very start but I was confused about what it meant. Not anymore. I’ve never been so certain.

  I stand before him, staring down at his hooded eyes as they rake over my body. His hand is propped behind his head, showing off the strong bicep, bulging from his arm. He’s so deliciously perfect.

  I haven’t felt his touch in so long. I guess catching some z’s can wait just a little while longer. After all, it wouldn’t be right for me not to prove to him just how much I’ve been missing him.

  I reach for the top of my towel and with a quick flick of my fingers, the world’s softest material falls in a heap at my feet. The low, needy growl that rumbles through Colton’s chest is all the satisfaction a woman could ever need and has me stepping out of the towel and climbing into his lap.

  I straddle his waist, feeling him already hardening beneath me as his warm hand falls to my hip. His fingers spread, claiming as much skin as possible and sending goosebumps flying across my body.

  My nipples instantly begin to harden, already begging for his attention.

  Colton reaches up, scanning his soft gaze over my face with awe shining brightly in his eyes. I don’t think anyone has ever looked at me this way. It sends butterflies soaring as my heart explodes with love.

  His fingers play in my hair until the bun comes undone and my hair spirals down over my back, landing in soft curls over my shoulders. “Mmmm,” he groans, his lips so damn soft as they curve into a satisfied smile. “That’s better.”

  I brush my hair back over my shoulder wondering how that could possibly be better. My hair is heavy as hell and there’s no way that it just dropped from the bun like a shampoo commercial. I can guarantee it would have dropped down more like a sack of shit, but if he liked it, then I'm cool with that.

  I rock my hips back and forth, grinding against him and feeling his hard length right where I need it as his heated gaze roams over my body. His hand slides up my side, leaving a wake of shivers spreading over my skin.

  I need so much more.

  Colton sits up and instantly takes my lips in his, kissing me deeply but not even touching the surface of giving me what I need.

  I reach down over his wide back and scrunch his shirt up in my hands before pulling it over his head and finally feeling his bare skin against mine. I never want to fight with him again, but if it means getting this in return, I’ll scream and walk out every day of the week.

  His fingertips trail down my skin like the softest silk and I crave their touch, their power, and domination. They skim over my hip and I muffle a gasp at the sweet tickle but it’s gone before I really have a chance to register it.

  His fingers drop down between my legs and my eyes instantly roll in my head as he finds exactly what he’s looking for. His fingers rub intoxicating circles over my clit, pulling a groan from deep within my chest.

  My hand weaves into his hair, keeping him close, and just when I thought I couldn’t take it anymore, two thick fingers slide deep within.

  “Holy fuck, Colton,” I moan against his lips as his fingers explore everything I have on offer.

  “That’s right, Jade.”

  Fuck, I love those words on his lips.

  I tip my head back and he doesn’t miss a single opportunity, dropping his lips to my neck and instantly hitting the sweet spot under my ear. Everything clenches deep within me and I can’t wait a second longer. My hand dives down between us and slips inside the front of his sweatpants, desperate to feel his velvety skin.

  He’s rock hard and I don’t waste a second curling my fist around his impressive length. I pull him out of his sweatpants and put that monster on full display. My mouth instantly waters. All the pleasure I could give him … damn. I want it so bad.

  My body is set alight and his lips trail down to my breasts and he sucks my pert nipple into his warm mouth, electricity burns throughout my body.

  I can’t wait.

  There will be plenty of time for all the other stuff later. I need to feel him inside me. I need to take all his pleasure and I need to scream his name, only then once our bodies are thoroughly exhausted will I start all over again, this time with his heavy cock in my mouth and my tongue working up and down his length, tasting everything he has on offer.

  My thumb circles over his tip and I don’t waste a second, raising up on my knees. Reading my body, Colton reluctantly pulls his hand away as I line him up with my entrance. I bite down on my bottom lip and then ever so slowly, I sink down onto him, feeling inch by inch as he completely fills me.

  I groan low and
in response, his cock twitches, sending fire burning within me. “Fuck, Jade,” he groans, his eyes hooded as he takes my waist. “I need you to start moving.”

  My arms hook over his shoulders and I drop my face into the crook of his neck, nowhere near ready to move as I soak up the feel of him seated deep within me. My lips begin moving over the sensitive skin of his neck and only then do I allow us the slightest bit of relief.

  I rock my hips, feeling him move within me like the most sensual massage. I hardly even moved but just that slight feel of his cock slipping within me holds all the fucking power in the world.

  It's intoxicating and I need it all.

  Not holding back, I rock my hips again, feeling my clit grind down against him. I do it again, and again, and again.

  My eyes clench and as his hands slide around and take hold of my ass, giving it a firm, encouraging squeeze, I can't hold back any longer. I pick up my pace and fuck my man the way he deserves to be fucked. I give my all, taking everything while giving it all right back.

  Colton groans, his hand continually roaming over my skin while his lips find mine with an intense urgency. Our bodies grow sweaty but we’re not stopping. Nothing will hold us back from getting exactly what we’re looking for, what we’re craving, and desperately needing.

  His hands find mine, lacing our fingers and giving a tight squeeze. He curls our joined hands around my waist and raises his ever so slightly, using his momentum to flip me onto my back. He hovers over me, somehow managing to do it without once slipping out of me.

  He picks up my rhythm without skipping a beat, only in this position, he’s somehow able to push so much deeper that I practically feel him in the back of my throat. His lips come down on mine and he worships my body like I’m the goddess of all things pure.

  “Fuck, I love you,” he murmurs against my lips, sending my heart into overdrive. Those words are so sweet on his lips, so full of passion, fire, and honesty. I can feel his love pulsing through my veins, and I know I will never get enough.

  “I love you too,” I whisper before capturing his lips and kissing him deeply.

  He sinks into me, grinding against me as he moves in and out, making me hyper-aware of the places deep within my body that I didn't even know I had. My body quickly burns with his touch and the familiar pull of my orgasm begins to build within me. “I’m going to come,” I pant.

  Colton grins against my lips, loving the knowledge that the way he worships my body has me coming so completely undone. “Fuck yeah, baby. I want to hear you scream my name.”

  He instantly picks up his pace and I throw my head back, unable to handle the intensity but I stay along for the ride, knowing that when I come, I'm going to do so much more than just scream his name.

  It builds higher and higher, and as he grunts holding out, I know that it’s going to be absolutely mind-blowing. He thrusts deep into me one more time and I cry out as my orgasm finally tears through me, so intense and full of power. I clench down on him and scream his name as my nails dig into his strong muscles.

  He doesn’t stop moving as my pussy pulses around him, squeezing as tight as humanly possible. I feel him come hard, spurting his warm seed into me, and only once I’ve finished riding out my orgasm does he still within me, dropping down and gently brushing his lips over mine. “I will never get tired of you.”

  I lift my chin and brush my lips over his again. “I’m counting on that,” I tell him, feeling his love burning brightly within me, completely encompassing my heart and holding it hostage.

  His body drops down on top of mine while keeping himself propped up as to not squish me beneath his impressive size. “You’re amazing,” he whispers. “I don’t ever want to be without you again.”

  “Me too,” I murmur, my lips stretching wide across my face. “But we need to work on your email skills. Even in writing, you’re an egotistic, demanding asshat.”

  Colton laughs. “Tell me that you wouldn’t have done the same after being blocked from everything, which by the way, I’d appreciate it if you unblocked me now, thot.”

  My mouth drops open. “You did not just call me a thot.”

  He laughs and flinches within me, his cock still hard and ready for more. His eyes sparkle with mirth and as that familiar, teasing grin twists across his face, I know that it’s on. “What are you going to do about it?”

  Well, well … if that’s the game he wants to play, then that's the game he’s going to get.

  Chapter 36

  I wake in the early hours of Friday morning to the sound of my phone’s familiar buzz somewhere in Colton’s room. I pull myself out of his arms and prop myself up onto my elbow, feeling the welcoming, raw burn from my lady bits. It was a big day with Colton yesterday and it was hours before we finally dropped into bed and crashed.

  Usually, that wouldn’t be an issue but after the exhaustion of the day that I’m probably going to refer to as hell day, I probably could have used those extra few hours of sleep. I don’t regret it though, being back here in his arms just feels so right. I should never have walked out the way that I did. It’s as though I didn’t have a hold of my emotions at the moment. Everything is setting me off, every small conversation has me in tears, every normal reaction is intensified.

  We skipped right over dinner and it shows in the way that my stomach instantly grumbles but it feels far too early to even consider getting out of bed and making myself breakfast. Especially when I have this warm bed right here with Colton’s welcoming arms wrapping around me. Who could resist?

  My phone dings again and my head whips around in the dark room, searching it out. In the thirty seconds that I've been awake, I’d already forgotten the reason that I woke in the first place.

  I drag myself out of bed, hating the feeling of the cool night air brushing against my skin as I slip out from beneath the warm blankets. Colton groans, feeling around the bed. “Where are you going?” he grumbles in a sleep-filled tone, opening one eye and watching as I traipse across his room.

  “I’m just grabbing my phone,” I say on a yawn, scooping the offending item up from the floor, just where I left it when I came upstairs after talking to Mom and instantly pulled my clothes off in favor of a scalding hot shower. My phone had been in the back pocket of my jeans and that’s exactly where it stayed.

  With my phone in hand, I trudge back to bed and slip in the blankets beside Colton where he instantly falls back into a deep sleep, more than content having me in his arms. I curl into his side and as I unlock the screen of my phone, my eyes begin squinting against the harsh light. There’s nothing quite like staring at a phone in a dark room. It’s one of the worst feelings, it’s right up there with stepping on a lone lego.

  My eyes slowly adjust to the brightness and as I look over my notifications, I find that my phone must have been going insane all night. There are missed calls and texts from all the boys sure enough having heard of my betrayal against Nic but I can guarantee that they haven’t heard the full story. Milo has been checking in, bored in his small hospital room, and even the girls have been wondering if I’m back, but what woke me was the familiar sound of incoming emails.

  I hardly ever get emails unless it’s bullshit spam and promotional stuff that I accidentally signed up for while trying to win a competition, so the fact that I heard that same ping at least four times had my curiosity peaking. Who would even be emailing me now anyway? That's insane. I don’t think I’ve even given my email address out to anyone. I’m pretty sure that the last email I got, that wasn’t Colton demanding I unblock him and wasn’t from Bed, Bath, and Beyond’s latest catalog, was when Colton’s account sent out a notification that I’d gotten a pay rise, and even then, I haven't actually read it. It still sits in my inbox waiting for me to do something with it.

  I press on the little email icon and open the app to find the usual mess that is otherwise known as my inbox. There are four new emails, all from unknown senders but the subject titles more than have my attention. The
se are my student loan applications. I applied to as many as I could that fit my criteria and staring at them now, my stomach sinks.

  Why would all four applications come back at the same time? That doesn’t seem normal.

  My tongue pokes out and rolls over my suddenly very dry lips as my thumb hovers over the first email, absolutely terrified of reading what’s inside.

  If this isn’t what I need it to say … I’m fucked. What am I going to do? I have to get this. I can’t be that girl who doesn’t go to college and doesn’t get my life together. Going back to Breakers Flats isn’t an option for me, especially now. I need to make something of myself. I need to make myself, my mom, and my father proud. Besides, my only other option is to have Mikhail Russo come and claim me as his own. I'm sure that would make my father ecstatic.

  Letting out a sigh, I remember that I like to brag about having balls of steel and I suck up the courage to figure out if I’m doomed or not.

  I click on the first email and my world stops.

  Your application for a student loan has been rejected.


  I fly through the emails, checking over the other three, my body freezing with the panic pulsing through my veins.

  Your application for a student loan has been rejected.

  Your application for a student loan has been rejected.

  Your application for a student loan has been rejected.

  No. No, no, no. This can’t be happening. How did I get rejected? I fit the criteria for every application. I ticked all the little boxes as I went. I shouldn’t have been denied. I should be reading over four congratulatory emails and trying to figure out which option was the best to accept.

  This isn’t right.

  What am I supposed to do? I need college. It's the only road in my mind that takes me to where I want to go. I refuse to be some girl who lives off her boyfriend's generosity for the rest of my life. I have to make my own way in the world. I just have to. Not affording college isn’t an option.


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