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I Am Gamer II

Page 19

by Gabriel Rathweg

  All the Riders were in a line on the wall, with the last of the Chief’s warriors, fending off each and every Nirumbee that scaled the mass of dead bodies and attacked. Their poor stability, dead bodies, and our height advantage made it more butchery then fighting. Every time a monster came in range, swing, strike, and kill. Over, and over, and over again.

  The night was ending, and light was just beginning to shine from the newly coming sun as the last Nirumbee fell to our weapons. The Skin-walker had stayed out of the fray and watched as his entire army was killed upon our walls. I wiped my sword, it’s blade’s fire long since extinguished, along with mine, and everyone’s magic, on the filthy hide of the closest dead Nirumbee. Ugh, blood was everywhere I looked, it covered every surface, I felt like I had taken a bath in the black monster blood. I didn’t know which parts of me were hurt or not, what blood was mine.

  “This is not over human!” The Skin-walker shrieked.

  Every Rider had survived, each was covered in cuts and bruises, some had broken limbs, others had bite marks, and looked as exhausted as I felt.

  “Then get your ugly fucking ass over here!” Ice Blossom jeered, waving her sword tiredly, from a seated position on a mound of dead Nirumbee. “Let me stick this thing so far up it you’ll be wishing it was over!”

  A chorus of laughter rang out along the wall. I sighed, then stood up and pointed my swords at the monster.

  “You are right monster, but you are too cowardly to fight us. Run back to your other witches, run back coward, let them know I am coming. Let them know Moon Flower, First Rider of the Riders of Earth and Sky is here. There is nowhere to run. I am coming. I am death, hear me.” I intoned the last with a finality of a sentence passing.

  “We will see human!” The Skin-walker snarled, then with a turn, his aura flared, and the monster turned into a full gigantic mountain lion, and sprang away into the newly dawning morning mist.

  The wall burst into cheers, with the last of the monsters defeated, and the leader run away, the beleaguered defenders, the people of the Crow village cheered and wept. They had fought and won. Of course, quite a few had died, but we would bury them, mourn them, and move on. It was the way of The People. The Crow were now of The People, they had earned it, they had paid in blood. I turned and raised my sword high.

  “We have done it! You are The Crow! You are The People! You are Warriors!” I screamed into the dawns new light.

  More cheering erupted at my call and the day was greeted with by the cries of hundreds of old, women, children, and my Riders, screaming their defiance at death and their joy at being alive.


  The next morning, I was up hours before dawn. I was so excited to implement my new plan. When I had explained it to Cunning Wolf and Billy the night before, they had voiced vociferous complaints. Even after I had explained what Navy Seals were, that they were the best of the best fighters of my people. That they could fight in any terrain, could function with little to no food or water. That they were the elite of the elite. Then I told Cunning Wolf he didn’t have to do the training and he was on board.

  Billy still tried to argue, but with two against one it was over quickly. To mollify him, I explained what a DI, or Drill Instructor was, and that he’d be one of mine. He was still participating in training, he harrumphed but I could see the idea of yelling at people and cussing all day was intriguing. We went to bed quickly after that, Billy grumbling, Cunning Wolf laughing, and me with thoughts of training. When I was younger my father had loved the movie Navy Seals. It had Charlie Sheen, Michael Biehn, and the Allstate guy. They were badass, and I still remember that film, one of the last great guy flicks.

  Anyway, after seeing it, I went on a rampage and learned everything I could about the Navy Seals, that included their training regimen. I had watched so many YouTube videos on it, I felt like an armchair expert, which I was then, but now with my new body and abilities I could do more than watch. My plan was simple, crash course Navy Seal training, and I’d do that with what the Seals call Hell Week.

  Hell Week is called that, because it is five and half days of cold, wet, brutally difficult operational training on fewer than four hours of sleep. It tests physical endurance, mental toughness, pain, cold tolerance, teamwork, attitude, and the ability to perform under high physical and mental stress, sleep deprivation, and above all one’s determination and desire. During this week, trainees are constantly in motion; running, swimming, paddling, doing exercise, fighting, basically, always doing something, from wake to sleep, even while eating.

  Today was day one, the sun hadn’t risen yet and not counting those on guard duty, everyone was deep in slumber. I knew everyone would be tired as fuck, from the happenings yesterday, so it was a good way to test how they would react. I quietly walked to the center of camp, Freak was still sleeping by the fire, and opened one eye as I approached, then shut it and resumed his slumber.

  Good, he could participate as well. It was time. I raised the shield I had retrieved from the ship and heft the hatchet in my right. Flipping the weapon around so the hammer side was facing the shield, I took a deep breath and stretched my arm out and up, then brought it down against the shield in a loud banging crash, over, and over again, screaming at the top of my lungs.

  “Yi, yi, yi, yi, yi, yi, yi!” I screamed, head tilted back, smashing my makeshift gong over, and over, and over again, crashing and clanging like a madman.

  The camp erupted like an ant’s nest kicked over by a child. I kept screaming and banging my shield as I stifled laughter, as I watched the men, and Dawn scrambling. Shadow Bear burst out of his tent with only his pants half on, and hatchet in hand, Silent Mouse did better, coming out fully dressed, with bow drawn and arrow nocked, looking around calmly.

  “The fucking, bloody, gods, damned, arseling, mother fucker!” Patty screamed, as he thrashed around in the mass of hides that had once been his tent.

  Freak jumped almost five feet in the air, his fur standing on end, as he yelped in surprise. He landed on his feet by the fire giving me a look, like what the fuck are you doing you crazy mother fucker! Then growled low and shook his head while he walked away from my banging. That was the hardest thing not to laugh at.

  Dawn leapt out of her tent, both weapons in hand, and looking around for an attack, she was on point. Thunder Foot, Dusk, and Lightning Fist stared at me slack jawed, from their spots on their guard patrol.

  Cunning Wolf left his tent and calmly walked to the embers of the fire and began stoking it for breakfast, he gave me a nod as he passed by. Billy came over, glowering at everything and everyone around him, stopping next to me and crossing his arms, while spitting into the fire. He gave me a look and I nodded for him to begin.

  “Alright, you lackwit fucktard arselings! It’s clear to Captain Wrath and myself that none of you are ready for the battles to come. All of you are out of shape, weak, and terrible fighters!” Billy roared. Shocked faces stared back at him, as everyone was at a loss, he grinned and continued. “That’s why starting today, and everyday after, until Captain Wrath decides you lot are good enough, don’t fucking count on it you pricks! Where was I? Oh yes, starting today, right now, we are going to start training. Now, breakdown your tents, and stow your gear on the ship, you have two minutes! Move! Move! Move!”

  Six faces stared at him incredulously, no one moving a muscle.

  “I said move!” Billy screamed.

  That did the trick and they all burst into action. I went to Cunning Wolf and smelled the stew he was making, it smelled great.

  “You can Freak can handle guard duty?” I asked.

  “Go teach your grandma to suck eggs.” He replied. “I really like that expression, but seriously, yes, the giant cat and I can handle it, train the warriors, it is important.

  I nodded, clapping him on the back and going off to assuage my butt hurt battle tiger. He had burrowed himself under the furs in my tent. I walked in and
sat beside him, patting him on the side.

  “Hey buddy, sorry about that but you have to admit it was kind of funny.” I joked.

  He growled low and mean. Now, most people when confronted by a giant tiger giving them a menacing growl, they would probably back the fuck up. Not me, I knew this big guy since he was a tiny kitten, and I knew exactly where to get him. I pounced on my pal and began tickling him and scratching him in his favorite places, in a few moments he was purring, and all was right with the world.

  “I need you to play guard duty, can you do that, it’s important.” I asked.

  “Rowr!” Freak growled in response, which was his yes.

  I patted him some more and left the tent Freak right behind me, springing off to start patrol, best cat ever! Two minutes had gone by and Billy was screaming obscenities at the crew, who most of had just finished breaking their tents down. I stopped next to him and crossed my arms, adopting his position.

  “How’s it going?” I asked rhetorically.

  “You can see Captain, like shite! It’s been two minutes and they haven’t even finished their tents.” Billy said disgusted.

  “Hopefully, they will get better. By the way, is your tent broken down and your gear stowed?” I asked, giving him a raised eyebrow.

  “No but…” He started to say.

  “Get on it, arseling.” I said, winking at him. “You’re the Drill Instructor, you have to be better then everyone else. Hop to it.”

  He looked at me quietly and blinked once. Then he turned and sprinted off, heading towards his tent. I followed my own advice and broke my tent down, I had already stowed all my gear, so I was done in a minute and waiting for the rest of the crew back at the firepit.

  Another ten minutes went by and finally the last straggler was standing in front of me. Shadow Bear gave me a chagrined look as he joined the group.

  “Ok, we are going to start, follow me and do everything I do.” I commanded, then took off at a run, the crew falling in behind me.

  That first day I pushed us all to the limit. Even with my improved strength and stamina, I was hard pressed. We started with a three-mile sprint around the camp, then without resting moved right into pushups, sit-ups, jumping jacks, mountain climbers, burpees, star squats, jumping squats, ski squats, then finished it all with another three-mile run, but this time back and forth in foot high water, along the beach.

  By the time I led them back to the campfire, Cunning Wolf had finished making breakfast and the sun was up, all the crew crumpled to the ground around the fire, wheezing and groaning. I wanted to join them, but as the Captain I had to keep myself above, show that I wasn’t fazed, but damn, did I want to gulp down lungful after lungful of sweet air. I turned around, so I wasn’t facing anyone and took deep breaths, feeling better every second. This new body was so amazing, I was already getting my wind back.

  “Foods ready!” Cunning Wolf called out.

  The groaning continued, but each one of the crew got up and went to get food and immediately began wolfing it down. Billy came over and handed me a bowl of stew, I thanked him and began eating. I was starving as well. We at in companionable silence. Then when we were done, I looked at Billy.

  “Ready for round two?” I asked, grinning.

  “Nope, not at fucking all, but let’s do it.” He replied.

  The next part of training was rowing. Instead of using the sail, we’d operate under oar power as much as possible. Not only would it increase our skill at rowing, but the muscle mass we’d build would be amazing. Rowing was one of the best full body exercises there is. Everyone had finished eating and were lying around the campfire resting their tired bodies, Billy strode to the middle and began his tirade.

  “Let’s go! Let’s go you pillow biting tossers! Get the boat loaded, and get it back on the water, we have to move!” He yelled.

  More groans, and more yelling but everyone got up and moving. About ten minutes later the boat was finished being loaded, and we were back out on the river. Once we were there, the oars were placed, and the crew began rowing. Silent Mouse was up in the Crow’s Nest and we were off. We made good time, and the day was beautiful. Every hour I’d switch Dawn, Dusk, and Silent Mouse in the Crow’s Nest, giving them each a stint up there, the rest of the time they were on the oars, if anyone needed the strength training it was those three.

  Cunning Wolf kept a steady hand on the tiller, all he had to do was keep us in the center of the river, and I manned the oars with the rest of the crew. That was how our days went. Every afternoon we’d find a good camping area, beach the boat, build a wall, collect supplies, train, eat, sleep, up in the morning, more training, back on the boat, and repeat.

  The first week went by with no interruptions. I had to give everyone credit, no one quit, no one whined, and no one gave up. By the end of our first Hell Week we had made it up the river to the place I hoped was where the Gunnison river would connect to the Platte. We hadn’t had any interaction with any natives, no one was on the water, which was weird, as I was told that a lot of tribes traveled and traded by canoe, we should have seen at least one person.

  It was evening and I decided we had two days off before starting Hell Week again, so the crew, the ones not on guard, were resting, eating, and just relaxing. I was looking at my mini-map and planning our route, we had camped where the two rivers met, I was right, and they connected, with a small lake, a perfect place for camping and setting up our fort.

  All of us were tired from the training but the hard work had paid off and the crew were in high spirits. Something about doing hard exercise and completing it, the endorphins that were released just made you feel good, if they could grab that feeling, bottle it, and sell it, it’d be the best drug ever. I checked my messages for the day.


  I pulled up the next screen.


  Due to the increased training, physical, and mental toughness has been increased. You are able to push your body and mind to levels you have never been able to before. As you continue your training, level, and fighting, your toughness will increase.

  Nice, I went to the next screen.


  SKILLS – Toughness (lvl-1)

  By training intensely with a small group of individuals, their bonding has increased and their ability to act as a unit has increased. Continuous training and life or death situations will increase bond and skill levels. All members of Seal Team 1 gain the skill Toughness.

  I closed the screen and smiled in satisfaction. The training was already paying off. Hopefully, we’d get more time to train before we got to the Great Lakes. I closed the last window and turned in for the night, tomorrow was coming early, tomorrow we were sailing up the Platte and closer to our goal.



  The rest of the day was spent clearing the massive amounts of dead piled up along the wall. We had lost people as well, over a hundred of the Crow were dead, more than two hundred injured to varying degrees. Half of the Chief’s guard had died, the other half wounded. I had lost no Riders but every single one was hurt in some way. I myself had been wounded, but my new magical abilities helped me heal faster then normal.

  It seemed my Riders had the same ability but to a less degree, as all of them were on the mend quite well. Almost five thousand of the monsters had died against our wall. I was helping carry away the dead to a huge funeral pit we had dug a short distance from the village. Already, it was full, and workers were throwing kindling and wood on the pit to prepare for burning.

  A large funeral pyre was being erected for our fallen and was almost complete. Clouds had blown in and covered the sky, casting a shadow over all of us, and a light rain began, as if the gods and goddesses were crying for our losses as well. The water was soft, slightly warm, and helpe
d start washing the blood off me. Blood was everywhere, and no one was not covered in the gore and filth of the fallen, enemy and friend alike.

  I paused and stood up straight, stretching languidly and looking around. The work was progressing well, and while no one was cheerful, everyone was determined and working with a voracity that impressed me. Riders were repairing the walls, adding improvements as they did so, their wounds already almost healed.

  The horses were out grazing around the village, Winston was leading them so there was no reason to worry, they had been restless and stressed during the battle, as they could only sit in their corral and wait for the outcome. Winston had expressed his displeasure by bumping me repeatedly in the chest with his head until I apologized and stroked his mane for a while.

  One of the Crow children came up and handed me a water skin, I drank deeply, and sighed in satisfaction after the drink. Then I noticed my periphery blinking and accessed the new messages.


  I selected yes, excited as this was the first time, I would be leveling up alone.

  NAME – Moon Flower

  RACE – Human

  ALIGNMENT – Neutral Good

  CLASS – Fiancé

  EXPERIENCE – 1714/2500

  LEVEL – 3

  HIT POINTS – 36/36

  MAGIC POINTS – 36/36

  The Companions to Jack-of-all-Trades are their own entities but gain bonuses from being a companion. The Fiancé class lets both fiancés share skills and all other aspects of life. The amount increases with level. Class gets own experience and upgrades different than Jack-of-all-Trades.

  I closed the screen and pulled up the next.



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