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BLAZE: Enemies to Lovers College Hockey Romance

Page 14

by Eddie Cleveland

“Thanks for getting us back here.” Rookie watches Prissy. “I promise I won’t cause anymore issues. I’m going to bed.”

  “Alright,” Prissy answers. He darts for the elevators, eager to escape.

  Canuck sort of wobbles in one spot. “I can’t go to bed.”

  “Yes you can. Elevators are that way. Let’s go.” I put my hand on his back and try to guide him, but Canuck won’t budge.

  “No, I can’t,” he argues.

  Prissy sighs. “Why not?”

  “Because, I’m bunking with Player.” He’s so dejected.

  “And?” I’m getting annoyed.

  “Man, I don’t want more drama. It never used to be this way. You and Player, you guys were buds. You were friends.” Canuck lays his hand on my shoulder.

  “What does this have to do with…”

  “Listen.” He presses his finger onto my lips.

  “Man, what are you doing?” I step back, and he sways a bit.

  “Listen. You’re a dick. I love ya man. You’re like my badass American brother. Like, don’t fuck with my brother, you know?”

  “Canuck…” Prissy tries to cut him off, but he’s not having it.

  “Anyway, Player already knows you’re a dick. But now, tonight, I’m the dick, right? Because I’m ‘pulling a Blaze,’ and she’s going to tell Player.” He nods at Prissy. “And now I’m gonna be the new you.” He flings his hand at me. “You know?”

  I’ve been drunk enough times that I speak the language well. I know what he’s saying. This rift between Player and I isn’t just affecting us. It’s affecting the whole house. Or at least Canuck.

  “I miss how it was before Prissy showed up. No offence.”

  “None taken.” Prissy looks tired.

  “I know it’s not your fault,” he rambles at her. “I’m just saying that when you showed up, things got shitty. Like, through no fault of your own, but we got all these shitty rules. Player got angrier. It just sucks now.”

  “I get it.” Her brows wrinkle.

  For a moment, everyone is staring in different directions. Prissy chews her bottom lip and studies the floor, deep in thought. Canuck watches her closely. I look past both of them to the elevator doors, willing us to move toward them with my mind.

  “Everyone makes mistakes. I just wish you guys wouldn’t put me in such an awkward spot in the first place. Look, if you go straight to bed, I don’t see why Player needs to hear about tonight. I won’t tell him. Or Coach Wilson.”

  “Really? No drama? Oh, thank fuck!” Canuck reanimates like someone just plugged him in. He throws his hands in the air. He rushes over to the elevators and jumps in the air, whooping. When the doors pop open, he doesn’t even wait for us. They slowly slide closed in front of his big, drunk grin, and the elevator takes him away.

  “Now what?” Prissy’s eyes twinkle. It’s just us in the hotel lobby. I wrap my hand around hers and lead her to the elevators.

  “Now, we finish our date.”




  I’m quick to open my door so we can stay hidden in the privacy of my room. Even though the Warriors are staying on a different floor of the hotel, I don’t want to take it for granted that no one will see us.

  “Whoa, are you fucking kidding? This is your room?” Blaze turns around, soaking it all in. “Do you have any idea what kind of rank-ass rooms they’ve got us sharing? You’ve got a queen sized bed and a sofa? What is all this stuff?” He points to the creams, sewing kit, bath cap and other extras the cleaners left stocked up in a basket on the counter.

  “I don’t know. I never use any of it. I think there’s a shoe shine kit in there, if you want it.”

  Blaze rummages through the basket, pulling out the sewing kit. “What is this for? In case you want to darn some socks?” He shakes his head. “Oh, wait a second.” He slips something into his pocket, but I don’t see what.

  “Are you here to check out the room?” I lift an eyebrow, and Blaze snaps out of it. His eyes narrow, making me their entire focus.

  “Good point. It’s just more furniture for me to fuck you on.” His voice deepens. Now I’m the one checking out my room, imagining how it would feel if he fucked me over that sofa, or perched on that table.

  Blaze walks me to the edge of the bed and sits me down. He pulls his shirt off, and my eyes slide over the collage of tattoos and muscle.

  He leans over me, sliding his hands down my back until his fingers reach the bottom of my shirt. Blaze bunches the fabric in his hands as he slips it off me.

  “Take the bra off too,” he demands.

  He watches as I reach around my back and undo it, his eyes never wavering. His nostrils flare, and the ridge in the front of his jeans becomes more prominent as I remove it. Blaze guides me down until my head is on a pillow and the weight of his body is covering me. He curls over me, bringing his mouth to my nipple, and slowly licks the tip before rolling the hard nub between his lips.

  “Mmmm.” I run my fingers through his dark hair and let my eyelids flutter closed. He cups my other breast and licks and sucks on my nipples until I’m dying for him to find out how wet he’s made me.

  Blaze reaches into his pocket. “You know, I don’t think I can trust that you won’t sneak out on me tonight.” His lips twitch up in the corner mischievously. He out pulls a measuring tape that he pilfered from the sewing kit in the basket, and it unrolls in a long ribbon. “I think I’m going to have to tie you down.” He meets my eyes, and I never realized the devil himself would be so sexy.

  I can feel a wet spot spreading across the fabric of my underwear. Biting my lip, I nod up at him wordlessly. Blaze grabs my wrists in one hand and wraps the measuring tape around them four or five times. I try to pull them back apart, but there is no wiggle room. He holds them up above my head and lifts me up to the corner of the headboard. Blaze wraps the loose tail of the tape around the sturdy wood edge of the board and secures it by tucking it under.

  With my back arched and my tits pressed up toward the ceiling, I roll my head back and look at his handiwork. I gaze back down my body as Blaze kisses and teases my nipples again. This time it feels more intense.

  “Oh God, that feels… ohhh!” I moan

  “I’m just getting started,” he murmurs. His lips kiss a trail down my belly and he unbuttons my pants slowly, knowing full well how much this is killing me. Blaze tugs my jeans down over my hips and slips them over my ass, but leaves my underwear on. He runs the backs of his fingers down to the growing wet spot.

  “I think you enjoy being tied up, Prissy,” he muses. “Does it turn you on? That I can do whatever I fucking want with you?” I can’t admit out loud what this does to me. I’ve spent so much of my adult life showing restraint that I never imagined I would love being restrained like this. Blaze suddenly yanks my underwear to the side and slides his tongue into my wetness until he meets my clit.

  “Mmmm.” I buck my hips and the restraint tightens around my wrists, pinching my skin. “I do,” I admit.

  Blaze grabs onto each side of my underwear and pulls them down to my pants. He rips both off my body and snatches a pillow from beside me and quickly stuffs it under my ass. My hips are lifted from the bed, and my back is stretched back a bit. The tension of the measuring tape tightens even more.

  “You’re gonna lay right there, and I’m going to eat your pussy,” Blaze slides his hands up the insides of my legs and holds them open. The heat of his breath sends a shiver through me. His tongue softly rolls over my clit. I squirm against the bed. I push my legs up a bit, but Blaze pins them to the bed and sucks on my clit, making me buck wildly. It pushes me close.

  “You know, you never did get punished for sneaking out on me last time.” Blaze looks up my body at me briefly, but his eyes fall back on my pussy. He snaps his hand against it quickly, sending a stinging slap through my sensitive mound.

  “Hey, oh my…” I can’t finish. His mouth is back on my clit and the sting turned
into a rush of adrenaline that somehow amplifies the pleasure of his tongue. He slips a finger inside me and thrusts it deep. I clench around him, craving so much more than his finger. Blaze pulls my clit in with his lips, his tongue flickering against it until I can’t stop myself from getting lost in the powerful waves of my orgasm. My hips pulse, I grind my pussy into his hand, and I cry out.

  “Oh, fuck, Blaze!”

  He slides up my body with a satisfied smile on his face.

  “I want to suck your cock.” I’m almost as surprised as he looks about the words coming out of my mouth.

  “Well, let’s see what we can do about that.” He recovers quickly, and starts to move me back toward the headboard so he can untie the restraint.

  “No. Leave it,” I whimper. “I want to do it like this.”

  Blaze freezes and looks down at me, his eyes locking on mine. “Are you sure?”

  “Yes.” My pussy clenches tight with excitement.

  Blaze tugs the pillow out from under my ass and tosses it to the side. This is so far beyond my experience. Every inch of my skin is tingling with anticipation as Blaze gets off the bed and opens his jeans. He pulls them down with his underwear, and I lick my lips when I spot the precum dew drops at the tip of his cock.

  He joins me on the bed, but this time he lifts my head and rakes my hair back with his fingers, until it’s all piled above my head. Then he firmly places one knee over my shoulder, next to my cheek. When the bed moves under the weight of his other knee moving down, I barely notice. All I can focus on is his thick shaft.

  “Lick it,” he demands, leaning forward. He steadies himself on the headboard with one hand as he guides the tip of his cock to my lips with the other.

  I dart my tongue over the head, swallowing the drops. “Good, now open your mouth,” Blaze’s voice is commanding and firm, and at any other time if he used this tone, I’d tell him to go get fucked, but right now, it’s just making me wetter.

  With my arms still restrained over my head, and Blaze pinning me between his legs, I’m completely helpless, but I’ve never felt more powerful. Especially not in bed. I know that I’m the one really calling the shots here, but sometimes it’s just nice to let go. I open my lips wider and my mouth waters in anticipation as he guides his cock in between my lips. I swallow hard around the tip, and he moans, pushing it in a bit faster. Lifting my head off the pillow, I open my jaw as wide as I can, and I try to take him as deep as possible.

  His cock fills my mouth, but he doesn’t push it back too far. I suck down on him, and he groans, pulling it back out.

  “Where do you want me to cum?” His eyes are on mine.

  “In my mouth,” I answer.

  That seems to do something to him. I watch a jolt travel through him, and he clenches his jaw. Blaze slips his cock between my wet lips again, and I lift my head a bit, trying to angle myself to take more, but I can’t. He thrusts his hips shallowly, sliding it over my tongue. I can feel it pulse in my mouth and he stiffens on top of me.

  “Fuck, Prissy. I’m gonna cum,” he warns. His cum fills my mouth in spurts, and I do my best to swallow it all down, even though it’s a lot more than I was expecting. A shiver runs the length of him and even makes his cock vibrate in my mouth. When every drop of cum has been swallowed and licked off him, he pulls back and moves off of me, freeing me from being locked between his thighs.

  “That was something else,” he murmurs, he leans over to the headboard and undoes the measuring tape knot. It starts to unwind from my wrists before he even tries to pull it off. My hands feel slightly tingly as I pull them back down and rub my hands together.

  “Was it too tight?” Concern flashes in his eyes as he grabs my wrist taking a closer look at the dents turning pink in my skin.

  “No, don’t worry.” I get under the blankets, and he does the same. Blaze holds me against his chest. I like just laying here with one ear listening to his voice and the other listening to his heart. “I liked it,” I reassure him.

  “Yeah? I didn’t realize you have such a naughty side.”

  “With you,” I confess.

  “Yeah, well, it better only be with me.” He runs his hand down my back, and I snuggle into him closer. “That pussy is mine.” He tilts my chin up and kisses me slowly. I can’t believe how much I want him again. I’m not sure what Blaze is doing to me. I think he’s turning me into a nympho or some kind of fiend. Or, maybe this is what it’s supposed to feel like? The fire in his eyes. The electricity in his touch.

  “It is,” I murmur, settling my head into him. Our legs are tangled beneath the blanket. He has his arms around me. I feel like we kind of melt together. My pussy can be Blaze’s if he’s going to treat it like that. “So that means your cock is just mine then, right?”

  Blaze lifts his head to lock his eyes on mine. “It is completely and only yours.” I can see the honesty in his eyes. He lays back down and a smile kisses my lips, but as my mind starts spinning, it fades.

  So, Blaze has my pussy, and I’ve got his cock. But what about our hearts?

  I climb on the bus and make my way down the aisle to an open seat. Settling in, I pull off my wool winter hat and gloves, stuffing them in my bag. The peripheral shadow of his figure is what catches my eye. I press my cheek against the cool window and can’t hide my smile. Blaze is outside, laughing with his co-conspirators, Rookie and Canuck. Our co-conspirators, actually.

  We busted our asses to get them back to the hotel. If I was following my own rules, all of them would be suspended. Their careers in hockey could get ruined. Certainly, their school year would be. A rule that used to seem perfectly fair makes me cringe. That’s a lot of punishment for one mistake. I’m not sure why I didn’t realize that before. I lost my last job because of someone else’s mistake. I think I lost perspective.

  The brush of Rookie’s arm against mine as he sits in the seat next to me snaps me out of my thoughts.

  “Looks like we’re travel buddies again.” He gets comfortable, leaning his head back into the seat.

  “It does.” I nod.

  The seat in front of me shudders as Blaze flops into it. He turns around, and before I can read his face, he turns back in his seat.

  “You must be looking forward to getting home and getting away from all these guys.” Rookie keeps talking.

  “Uh, I guess.”

  “I have three sisters,” he rambles, but I stop listening because Blaze gets out of his seat and plants himself in the aisle next to Rookie.

  “Move,” he says plainly.

  “What? Why?”

  “Because, man. You don’t try to date your parole officer.”

  “More like I’m trying to date your parole officer.” Rookie smiles, but Blaze doesn’t.

  “Move,” he repeats, and this time Rookie listens.

  “Fine, man.”

  The edges of Rookie’s ears burn red as he and Blaze do a square dance in the aisle to switch seats.

  Blaze plants himself next to me, and Rookie pulls out some earbuds and his phone.

  “Whatever,” he mumbles under his breath, sticking the distinctive white plastic in his ears.

  Tilting my head, I raise my eyebrow at Blaze, hoping to say “Really?” without speaking a word.

  Blaze shrugs.

  There are way too many potential listening ears on this bus. I can’t really say anything without revealing his dirty little secret and confessing my ultimate broken rule. Pressing my lips together, I pull my phone out of my bag and wiggle it in the air at him, my eyebrows arched high. I type my message out to him: Jealous?

  His screen lights up, and luckily his phone is on silent. We’d be a couple of amateurs to be texting back and forth with the notification bell alerting every person on this bus.

  Blaze: I don’t do jealous. Just protecting what’s mine.

  Fuck. It’s hard to act calm and cool when he can see my lips twitching up.

  Me: Who said I’m yours?

  I know I can’t back my
words up with my face, so I keep it hidden. Staring down at my screen, I avoid his eyes but can still feel the intensity of them burning into me. He slips his hand, discreetly, over my thigh. His fingertips squeeze into my sensitive skin, and he types the shortest text message ever with his other hand.

  I fight the feelings swirling up inside my belly. I ignore the flash of heat that climbs my skin. My eyes focus on my lit-up screen.

  Blaze: Me

  It’s two little letters. One measly word. And it’s enough. The bus ride drifts by in meaningless conversations, half-watched videos, and dozed-off dreams. When we finally get back to Westbury, the campus lights sparkle against the inky darkness. Arriving in the parking lot beside the arena forces us from our bubble. It rudely ejects us from the comfort of our cocoon and separates us in the frosty night.

  Kaylee and Hattie and Etta are all waiting with a bunch of other girls. I say hello, but their attention isn’t on me. They’re happy to see the men they missed. The men they love. I walk to my cold car and pretend I’m not jealous. I pretend I don’t already miss him. I pretend that home is the place I’m still going to and not the place I just left behind.


  Actions & Words


  Prissy walks across the parking lot to her car, and I watch her take every step. Not just because of the way her ass fits in those jeans, but, fuck yeah, it’s for that too. It’s also because I wish I could go with her, or that she could come home with me. Maybe loneliness isn’t about being alone, because I’ve never felt lonelier than I do watching her walk away.

  I reach into my inside coat pocket, pulling out a fatty I’ve been saving the entire drive home. I pinch my lips around it and start to spark up my lighter when Canuck pulls it out of my hand.

  “What the fuck, man?” I yank it back from him.

  “Not here, not now. I know you were just waiting for Prissy to leave, but this isn’t the time or place, man.”


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