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Wedding Hells (Schooled in Magic Book 8)

Page 32

by Christopher Nuttall

  “Lord Barrows,” King Randor said. He didn’t bother with a list of titles. Emily suspected that meant Lord Barrows was a landless younger son. “Do you understand the obligations of a Baron Consort?”

  “I do,” Lord Barrows said.

  “Do you pledge to support her in all her endeavours, to advise her and guide her, to defend her right to her title and protect the claims of her children, should she die before her time?”

  “I do,” Lord Barrows said, again.

  “Baroness Alicia,” King Randor said. “Do you accept the suit brought by Lord Barrows?”

  “I do,” Alicia said.

  “Do you understand the rights and duties you will have towards him, as well as the rights and duties he will have towards you?”

  “I do,” Alicia said.

  Caleb is going to hate going through this, Emily thought. King Randor would be furious if she had a quick wedding in Whitehall, but she found it hard to care what the king thought any longer. Hell, Jade is going to hate going through the private ceremony tomorrow.

  “Join hands,” Randor ordered.

  He waited for them to link hands, then turned to Nightingale and took the golden cord from the cushion. Alicia shivered, very slightly, as he knelt down and wrapped the cord around their wrists, binding them together. Emily watched as Randor stepped back and rose to his feet.

  “Arise, husband and wife,” he ordered.

  Alicia and Lord Barrows, still tied together, rose to their feet. Emily shook her head tiredly as they kissed once, a bare peck that had all the emotion of a tap on the forehead. Maybe it was a good solution, but she couldn’t see either of them being very happy in the future, even if there were advantages to the match. And yet, if nothing else, Alicia was confirmed in her lands and titles. She would have that to console her as she gave birth to a bastard child.

  And the king may hope to keep visiting her, Emily thought, darkly. Or will he simply move on to someone else?

  “Lady Emily,” the king said. “Do you bear witness to this match?”

  “I do,” Emily said.

  King Randor stepped back, then waved to a waiter. The man advanced, carrying a tray loaded with wine glasses. Emily took one and worked a quick spell to remove the alcohol before the king called for a toast. Beside her, Alassa held her glass, but refused to drink. If the king noticed the unsubtle insult, he gave no sign.

  “I congratulate you on your wedding,” he said, addressing the couple. Listening to him, Emily would never have known he’d just married his lover off to another man. “I would merely offer one piece of advice to two youngsters who have yet to discover the joys of married life. Your partner is your equal, at least in private. Treat one another with respect; try to learn from one another. You will not have a more trusted advisor than your partner.”

  And how often, Emily asked silently, do you consult Queen Marlena?

  She looked around. There was no sign of the queen, even though Marlena had to be just as relieved as Alassa that Alicia was getting married off, rather than trying to marry the king herself. Emily hoped - prayed - that Marlena would get well soon, now the affair was over and the bastard child safely passed to another father. She would have liked a chance to talk to the older woman in private before she had to go back to Whitehall.

  “Your coach has already been prepared,” King Randor added, after a moment. “You will be free to depart for your castle at any moment. My daughter has already formally excused you from attending her wedding.”

  Emily kept her face impassive as she sensed a flicker of angry magic boiling around Alassa, although her friend kept it under tight control. She would have bet her entire barony that Alassa hadn’t been consulted before her father had made that declaration. But then, Alassa would probably be glad to see Alicia safely away from the castle. Excusing her from the wedding, thus ensuring there was no insult, was a small price to pay.

  “And good riddance,” Alassa muttered, as Alicia and Lord Barrows made their way from the room, their wrists still bound together. By tradition, they were meant to stay tied up until the wedding night. “May she stay well away from court.”

  King Randor threw her a sharp look, but said nothing.

  “I’m sure she will,” Emily reassured her friend. She leaned closer to whisper in Alassa’s ear. “She’ll start showing signs of pregnancy soon.”

  She sensed someone looking at her and glanced up. King Randor was studying her, an amused smile playing around his lips. Emily felt a hot flash of anger she rapidly suppressed; Randor had seduced a young girl, married her off to a stranger when the affair had become politically dangerous and then forced answers out of his daughter, answers that threatened everything Emily had worked for over the years. Suddenly, she couldn’t wait to leave the castle after the wedding. She was tired of the king’s meddling.

  Frieda would understand if we left as soon as the wedding was over, she thought, as she looked back at Alassa. And Alassa will be busy starting a new life with Jade...

  “Come on,” she said, quietly. “Let’s go find Imaiqah.”

  “She’ll be busy making the final preparations for the ceremony tomorrow,” Alassa said, crossly. She didn’t seem to be aware of her father’s watchful eye, but Emily knew better than to take that for granted. “Do you have your dress yet?”

  “I do,” Emily said, hastily. The last thing she wanted was more fittings, let alone more dresses. “What are you planning for the afternoon?”

  “Nothing,” Alassa said. She sighed, dramatically. “I wasn’t planning anything after a night of fun and...well, you know.”

  Emily considered it for a long moment, weighing their options. “We go find Frieda, and Caleb, and go play a game in the spellchamber,” she said. She would have preferred to go out of the castle, but Alassa would never be allowed to accompany her without a proper bodyguard. “We could certainly play a round of Freeze Tag.”

  “Jade would be mad if we accidentally broke his wards,” Alassa said. She smiled, brightly, as a thought struck her. “He could come play too, of course. No one would care as long as you were there to chaperone...”

  “Come on,” Emily said. She looked up. King Randor was speaking to Nightingale in a low voice. She wasn’t sure she wanted to know what they were talking about. “Let’s go.”

  “Before my father has another bright idea,” Alassa finished. “And the next one will probably be bad.”

  Chapter Thirty-Two

  “YOU LOOK LOVELY, MY LADY,” THE maid said.

  “Thank you,” Emily replied. It wasn’t enough to overcome the dull sense of foreboding that had been hanging over her since breakfast, since the realization that today was Alassa’s wedding day. “It’s all due to you.”

  The maid looked flustered. Emily smiled, and looked into the mirror. She’d been in the maid’s tender clutches for hours, ever since breakfast, but even she had to admit it was worthwhile. She wore a long white dress that flattered her curves without revealing too much, a golden necklace that stood out against her pale skin and - thankfully - a pair of normal shoes. They’d washed her hair, and bunched it up against her ears in a manner that struck her as oddly familiar.

  She had to smile when she placed it. “I look like Princess Leia.”

  “Oh, I don’t think so, My Lady,” the maid said. “Princess Leia has blonde hair.”

  Emily blinked in surprise, then realized that there must be a real Princess Leia somewhere on the Nameless World. She shrugged, dismissing the thought, and turned to face the door as someone knocked. The maid opened it, revealing Nightingale. Emily groaned inwardly as he bowed low, and held out an arm. She took it, reluctantly, and allowed him to lead her through the corridors and into the king’s private audience chamber.

  “My Lady,” he said, gravely. “You do know the protocol?”

  “We’ve rehearsed it,” Emily said, tartly. She could see why the king used Nightingale, but his fawning gave her the creeps. “This isn’t the public ceremony anyway.”

  “It is regarded as bad luck if something goes wrong at any point during the wedding,” Nightingale said. Emily glared daggers at him. Too much could go wrong, even in private, where it could be covered up. He let go of her arm as Caleb entered the room. “The princess will be along shortly.”

  Caleb glanced after Nightingale as he retreated. “Is he always like that?”

  “He’s often worse,” Emily said, quietly. She looked him up and down, then smiled. They’d pushed Caleb into a uniform that looked too grand to be practical, complete with gold braid and a pair of medals she didn’t recognize. But he looked good in it. “What did you do to earn a medal?”

  “Survived the first year at Stronghold, I think,” Caleb said, glancing down at one of the medals. “The other is a sign of the king’s personal favor.”

  “Oh,” Emily said.

  She took his hand and stepped backwards as King Randor entered the room and walked up to the throne. Instead of sitting, however, he turned to face the room and waited as the door opened again, revealing a small line of guests. Emily smiled as she saw the Gorgon, wearing a silver dress that showed off her greenish skin, and Aloha, wearing a long white dress very much like Emily’s. Aloha gave her a sharp look when Emily waved, then followed the Gorgon as she hurried over to Emily’s side. Clearly, she still bore a grudge.

  “I’m glad you made it,” Emily said. Frieda joined them, wearing a red dress and a hairstyle very like Emily’s. “I was afraid you wouldn’t be able to come.”

  “Alassa cleared my way through the gates,” the Gorgon said. She sounded tired and worn. “I still had to wear a glamor in the city.”

  “I’m sure there’s a room for you in the castle,” Caleb offered. “Imaiqah could have arranged one...”

  “I don’t like the castle,” the Gorgon said, shaking her head. Her snakes hissed in unison. “It’s too human for me. As long as I keep the door in the inn locked and warded, I should be fine.”

  Emily winced. The human population was terrified of gorgons. If someone realized what she was, the Gorgon would find herself the target of an angry mob and, as powerful as she was, she might not be able to protect herself indefinitely. But, at the same time, she understood the Gorgon’s feelings. King Randor’s castle would be far too crowded for the Gorgon to endure for long.

  She looked past her, at Aloha. “And you? Where are you staying?”

  “I have a room in the same inn,” Aloha said, curtly. “There were some interesting pieces of literature under the pillowcase too.”

  Emily shivered. “Interesting?”

  “About how overthrowing the monarchy would lead to a land of milk and honey,” Aloha said. “They were very interesting.”

  “Don’t mention those here,” Emily said. “The king would not be happy.”

  Aloha snorted, but held her peace. Emily sighed and turned to watch as the final guests entered the chamber. Queen Marlena, looking better than she’d been two weeks ago, strode up and stood next to her husband, wearing a long yellow dress. King Randor gave her a smile that Emily would have thought was affectionate, if she hadn’t known he’d been sleeping with Alicia and dozens of other girls. But then, maybe he did like her. He’d just been forced to share his bed with others for reasons of state.

  And I’m sure he hated every minute, she thought, sarcastically. She glanced across at Sir Hawker and Galina, both wearing fancy clothes that seemed ill-suited even though they fitted perfectly, and did her best to give them a reassuring smile. At least Jade won’t be sleeping with every pretty girl that catches his eye.

  King Randor nodded to a trumpeter, who blew a single long note as the doors swung open again. Alassa, wearing a green dress that set off her long golden hair, strode into the chamber, accompanied by Imaiqah and an older man dressed all in black. Emily couldn’t help wondering if he was a sorcerer, but she couldn’t sense even a hint of magic surrounding him. Alassa looked utterly composed, so much so that it had to be a mask. But then, she’d been attending formal ceremonies before she could walk.

  But none like this, Emily thought, as Alassa stopped in front of her father. This is the most important day of her life.

  The black-clad man bowed to the king, then turned and stepped to one side. Imaiqah remained standing beside Alassa, serving as her Maid of Honor. Being there was a reward, Emily knew, for all her hard work during the wedding preparations. Imaiqah might not know it, but hundreds of society butterflies would be killing themselves with envy. A newcomer, someone who’d been born a commoner, had earned the social honor of the decade.

  King Randor smiled at his daughter - it looked genuine, Emily noted - and then gave the trumpeter another signal. Jade entered the chamber as the final echoes of the note faded away, wearing a white uniform topped with gold braid. Emily glanced at Caleb, silently comparing the two outfits, and realized that Caleb was designated as a member of Jade’s party. At least they knew each other, she noted. They certainly had more in common than the aristocratic nincompoops who’d ruined Jade’s stag nights.

  “Kneel,” King Randor ordered.

  Alassa and Jade lowered themselves to their knees, slowly and carefully. King Randor looked down at them for a long moment, then took a step backwards. His voice, when he spoke, was calm.

  “We are gathered today, in the sight of the gods, to join the hands of two young people in marriage,” he said. They will live together, they will serve together, they will raise children together and they will die together. Their souls will remain together forever when they go on to the next world.”

  Emily shivered, remembering the vision the demon had shown her...

  ...It is Alassa’s wedding day. Blood stains the altar, her white dress is ripped and torn; in one hand, she holds a wand, in the other a staff. And she stares at Emily with accusation in her eyes...

  ...She pushed her fear aside. Holding the real ceremony in private would ensure that nothing could go wrong.

  Randor paused for a long, chilling moment. “But there will come a time when they come to the throne of this kingdom,” he added. “Their union will shape the future of the entire country; their children, eventually, will come to rule in their turn. We call now upon the blessings of the gods for this union.”

  “We call upon the blessings,” the crowd echoed.

  King Randor smiled, rather tightly. “Jade, Son of Hawker. You will be my daughter’s protector and defender, the father of her children, the first amongst her advisors, but you will wield no power of your own. If she dies before her children are ready to take the throne, you will be their regent. You will never be able to rule in your own name.

  “Do you understand the rights and obligations of a Royal Consort?”

  “I do,” Jade said.

  And hope to hell you can have children, Emily thought. If Randor had managed to sire a second child, maybe it would be easier for Alassa to get pregnant. But if they couldn’t have children, the kingdom would be doomed. And if you can’t, you may need to come up with something else before it’s too late.

  King Randor studied Jade for a long moment. “Do you, Jade, Son of Hawker, willingly pledge your hand to my daughter?”

  “I do,” Jade said.

  The king nodded and turned to Alassa. “Alassa, Daughter of Randor, Princess of Zangaria, Duchess of Iron, Marchioness of the Midlands and Patron of Steam. Do you understand the obligations and duties you are assuming towards your consort?”

  “I do,” Alassa said.

  “To accept him as your husband,” the king continued, “as the father of your children, as your protector, defender and advisor?”

  “I do,” Alassa said, again.

  “But always to remember that you are the Princess and will be the Queen of Zangaria,” King Randor warned. “Will you keep power in your hands and accept the responsibility that comes with it?”

  “I will,” Alassa said.

  Emily winced, inwardly. She’d known men who would have bitterly resented any reminder of their
own powerlessness. But Jade had a different kind of power.

  “Join hands,” the King ordered.

  He produced a golden cord from his belt and carefully bound their wrists together, as he’d done for Alicia and Lord Barrows. “In the sight of the gods, you are united together as one,” he said, simply. “I call upon their blessings for this union.”

  “We call upon their blessings,” the witnesses echoed.

  “From this moment forth, you are husband and wife,” King Randor said. “Rise.”

  Alassa and Jade rose. “You may now kiss,” King Randor said. “And be one.”

  Emily smiled, feeling an odd lump in her throat, as Alassa and Jade kissed. There was something touching about it, even though it was surprisingly demure. But then, they couldn’t kiss passionately in front of both sets of parents. Emily squeezed Caleb’s hand tightly as Alassa and Jade broke apart, their wrists still bound together. They’d be joined at the wrist until they entered their quarters for the wedding night.

  And hopefully it will be more satisfactory than poor Alicia’s, she thought as Alassa accepted a hug from her new mother-in-law. At least they love each other.

  She pushed the morbid thought aside as she watched the happy couple’s parents. Galina looked to be wiping away tears; beside her, her husband looked pleased, but stoic. Jade had done well for himself, yet it was clear that Sir Hawker didn’t like the Royal Court. Emily couldn’t really blame him. Queen Marlena was smiling broadly, her eyes brimming with unshed tears, while King Randor’s face was almost completely expressionless. Emily honestly wasn’t sure if he was pleased for his daughter or worried about the future.

  But the future never stops, Emily thought. And the story doesn’t end just because they’re married.

  The doors opened, revealing the king’s private dining chamber. Emily - still holding Caleb’s hand - followed the rest of the guests into the room, smiling to herself when she noted that there were two High Tables, one clearly intended for the happy couple alone. Alassa and Jade sat down, waited for the servants to begin serving food and then started to feed each other. Emily shook her head, and glanced at Imaiqah. Her friend was grinning from ear to ear.


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