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Titus (Big Cats Book 2)

Page 11

by Crystal Dawn

  Maybe they just wanted to add a policeman since the population was growing so quickly. Once she was clean and dressed, they met up with Seb and Andi at the flower shop and headed to the meeting. It was being held in the old historic school building. It was immediately obvious that Bob Bakersfield, a transplant from California about ten years ago, was the one that had called for the meeting and that he’d not wanted any of the new people here.

  “We have some uninvited guests.” Bob said in his nasal tone.

  “Is this a town meeting?” Andi asked.

  “Yes, but only real citizens of the town are allowed.” Bob snarked.

  “Do you know who I am?” Andi asked.

  “The little florist who moved here a couple years ago.” Bob observed and a few old timers gasped.

  “I’m probably the only person here who was born in the city limits. There was a snow storm and Mom couldn’t make it to the hospital. I am also the three time great granddaughter of Boris Elmsworth of the founding fathers of this little town. My family has owned property inside the city limits consecutively since the town was founded. I have also lived here more often than not, all my life, Mr. California.” Andi said proudly.

  “I’m also related to founding fathers on two sides of my family and have lived in the area all my life.” Beth added.

  “But do either of you live in town?”

  “Actually, the city limits were extended several years ago so that both our homes are considered in the city.” Andi explained. “So what is this meeting about?”

  “We’re concerned about the rapid rate our population is growing.” Maddie Hawkins said.

  “A valid concern.” Andi said with a smile for the old lady. “What do you think we should do about it?”

  “I’d like to see us hire a policeman. With all the new people, there should be enough money to pay a salary.” Maddie observed.

  “Actually, the state will often help if someone does the research and applies for assistance. I agree with your suggestion, but we should have some kind of committee look into this.” Andi suggested. Maddie graced them with a rare smile.

  “We don’t need any law enforcement and if we did, I should chose who we get.” Bob argued.

  “Why should a Johnny come lately run our town? Maddie should be offered a chance to sit on the committee. Her great grandfather was a founder too. Her family and mine lived here when it wasn’t the cool place to live.” Andi said.

  “So only founding families get a say?” Bob derided.

  “I didn’t say that either. A mix of old and new people is fair. Five is a good number so there shouldn’t be a tie as far as decision goes. I’d like to be considered as well as Maddie. Titus also is interested and you, both newcomers. Anyone else want in? No? How about you Seb? Okay. We have five if no one else wants to jump in?” Andi observed.

  “That’s not fair.” Bob said.

  “Why not? Everyone was given a chance and only five volunteered.” Andi said.

  “It’s just not. You two are married.” Bob accused.

  “We’re not, but we are dating. If you don’t want him, Beth will step in.”

  “That’s not any better. You’re related.”

  “Yeah, we’re like fifteenth cousins.” Beth said and everyone laughed. “I live in town and I’m setting up a business. Seb is in the same boat as is Titus and Andi. Maddie ran a store in town for many years. You’re the only being included that has no knowledge or concern of the town from a business standpoint. Talk about unfair.”

  “Fine. We’ll meet in the morning to get this started.” Bob said. It was clear he was going to cause trouble if he could.

  “Fine.” Andi said. “See you at nine in the morning.”

  “Fine.” Bob said before stomping off.

  The meeting was over and whatever Bob had intended to stir up, hadn’t worked out. He’d probably try working on individuals now. That was a man that needed a keeper. Unfortunately, none of them had the time to bother with him. This would be an opportunity for the cats to get a man on as a policeman for the city. Maybe this bad meeting would be the start of something good.

  “Thanks for supporting me. That man drives me crazy.” Maddie admitted.

  “It’s a good thing he doesn’t know we’re related too.” Andi observed.

  Maddie cackled. “It is a good thing, although your grandma being my cousin isn’t something most people even count.”

  “Maybe not, but you still get those invitations to the family reunion that you ignore, don’t you?” Beth asked.

  “I do. A bunch of young people don’t need an old hen to mess things up.” Maddie declared.

  “Young people these days need wisdom even more than ever before.” Beth observed.

  “I don’t have any wisdom, only a boat load of trouble.” Maddie suggested.

  “Are you still trying to get a historical society set up?” Beth asked.

  Maddie blinked looking confused at the change of subject. “Yes.”

  “This might be a good chance to get some of the space upstairs in this building assigned to it.” Beth pointed out.

  “You’re right, but I still need money and help to keep things going.” Maddie observed.

  “One thing at a time, Cuz. Get the space and I might be able to help you with some of the other things.” Beth replied.

  “I’d like to see you in action. You and Andi knocked the air out of that old blow hard.” Maddie cackled some more.

  “Would you like to go to Sara’s with us?” Andi asked.

  “I could eat something. I walked down here so you’d have to wait while I walk back to get my car.” Maddie explained.

  “You can ride with us.” Beth invited.

  “I can’t sit in back. I get car sick and it gets worse every year.” Maddie said.

  Titus shot her a look. “I’m sure Titus will let you have the front seat since he’s a gentleman.” Beth said. She was in for it once they got home.

  Chapter 8

  Things Come Together

  Titus felt like things might be coming together. His brother Tez was on his way and he had experience as a New York City cop and he was a veteran of the Army. There might be an adjustment, but he’d be good in the position of city cop and as a beta. His brother Ricardo, the player, was also headed this way though why was hard to say. The tiger played with a rock band under an assumed name and moved from rich female to richer female. He’d be bored to tears down here. Sabian hadn’t given an arrival date yet, but he had sent a message that he would be there soon.

  Lyon, another child his mother had been allowed to name, was also headed this way, but he was taking a circuitous route. Who knew when he’d be here? It was best if they weren’t slammed with everyone at once anyway. Even Beth and Ariel could only do so much. Even though the lions had made a major land grab when they’d gotten here first, they were still looking for houses and land. The panthers would soon be searching too. No other brothers had answered the invitation.

  It was accepted that the jaguars and the leopards would also be joining them at some point. The cheetahs and lynx were still undecided. They were the smallest two groups and if they decided not to join, their lands which were being held in wait, would be up for grabs. As much as Titus wanted more land, he wanted allies more.

  Right now, in the shifter world, wolves ruled. If they got the numbers of allied cats high enough, they’d be forced to offer them some seats on what they had begun calling the shifter council even though only wolves had say and the few bears allowed on it, had no votes. A large allied group of cats could be a force to reckon with. Mate the leaders to white wolves and they were that much stronger.

  That wasn’t why he wanted Beth, but he couldn’t deny her blood would help his people. He wondered if Saria had figured it out yet. Probably not since she was so busy thinking she already knew everything. She’d moved into her home and seemed happy with everything. If she wasn’t, she hadn’t bothered him.

  It was a reli
ef when he arrived home with Beth. They were both exhausted so sex had to be put on hold. He felt good just holding her as they went to sleep. When they woke, they rushed around to get their day started. “Don’t forget your meeting at nine.” Beth said with a grin.

  “Won’t you take it for me?”

  “I like the idea of Bob unwittingly surrounded by predators.”

  “What about poor Maddie?”

  “She may be the worst one of all.”

  “Very funny.”

  “Don’t underestimate her. She knows how to get what she wants. We made it easy for her, but she would have pushed if we hadn’t.” Beth confided.

  Beth would head to the apartment house that was well on its way to being completed. Once it was done, another would be built. His female had also admitted she was checking into land and houses at several nearby towns. Titus knew it was not just for his people she was acquiring them. Her business needed options for the new customers that would be arriving. Once the panther leader arrived, the others would come in like a tidal wave. Tyne and Seb were about to get some more competition.

  To start with, the panthers would set up the security for all the cats. In the past they had worked for Seb, but Ciaro would want them to own a company of their own. There might be room for it especially if they all extended their reach to the large towns nearby. Panthers were exceptional security males. They had a natural aptitude to that kind of work.

  He and Beth parted ways to each go where they needed to. Titus missed her when they weren’t together. Even though he arrived early and met Seb and Andi at the door, Bob and Maddie were already having an argument that sounded as if it had been going on for a while.

  “Thank goodness you all have arrived. This asshole wants to be in charge of everything.” Maddie explained.

  “Why would we do that?” Andi asked. “We’ve already established you’re the least qualified person in this group.”

  “I resent that.” Bob said.

  “Doesn’t make it wrong.” Maddie said. “You’re lucky they arrived. I was about to stick my size six boot up your ass.” Titus caught himself before he laughed. He’d assumed it was a joke, but Maddie looked serious.

  “Why don’t we decide what we need to do and assign people to do it?” Andi suggested.

  “All we need is to hire a cop and I know one we can get cheap.” Bob said.

  “We’re not just hiring the first guy someone suggests. I’m pretty sure we’re required by law to take applications and pick the most qualified person.” Seb mentioned. “We also need to see if we can get the state or even the federal government to help pay our policeman. His duties need to be determined and that will be a job all of its own. His hours and what days or nights he’ll work. Not only will we set pay, but he’ll have to have benefits.”

  “You’re making this complicated on purpose. My brother Benny will work for donuts. He was a security guard for ten years so he’s qualified.” Bob said.

  “Have him apply and he’ll be considered, just realize that veterans get preference and former police officers with actual experience are more likely to get hired.” Maddie said.

  “Who wants to check into ways for us to get some help with the expenses?” Andi asked.

  “I’ll do that.” Titus offered.

  “Who wants to take applications?” Andi asked.

  “I’ll do that.” Bob said.

  “You know if they aren’t all sent to the committee you could face criminal charges?” Maddie asked.

  “Fine, let someone else do it.” Bob said.

  “I’ll set up the computer to take the applications. I’ll download them all so everyone can check them out.” Andi said. “Who wants to check into benefits and pay so it’s appropriate to the job?”

  Bob started to say something but when they all looked at him, he shut up. “I’ll do it.” Seb said.

  “That leaves deciding duties and schedule.” Andi said.

  “Me and Bob will do that together.” Maddie said with a predatory grin. Bob paled, but didn’t refuse. Maybe Beth knew something he didn’t after all.

  It was a relief when the meeting was over. He made a quick call. “Tez.”

  “This is your favorite brother, Titus. We have an opening for a policeman coming up. It’s a one man job right now and you have to apply right away. I want you to send you application to my girlfriend, Beth. She’s good with these kind of things.”

  “Okay. That sounds good. I’ll get right on it.”

  They hung up and Titus felt like things were headed in the right direction. Lyon had applied for a county job, inspecting buildings. They would take their time selecting someone since the guy doing it wouldn’t retire for another two months. Beth had helped him and he had received notice that he was qualified and would be considered. He’d never done a job like that before, but Beth had found useful experience in Lyon’s background.

  Ricardo had asked about jobs in the area so he had given him Beth’s number reluctantly. He didn’t want his brother sniffing around his woman. Not before they mated, that was for sure. Titus didn’t know if she had found him something. If things worked out, he would have a brother in law enforcement and one in county government. There was also a tiger who’d applied for the state police, but been rejected. Beth helped him reapply and they were waiting to see what happened.

  This weekend Titus had big plans. He was going to seduce his woman and get her to agree to their mating. Waiting was getting old and he needed her by his side as his mate. Before large groups of tigers arrived, he wanted the deed done. Callie would be there in a week and he was concerned she would act as Saria had. In truth, he’d not been around his sisters in a long while and he no longer had any insight into their behavior. As far as Saria went, the sweet girl he’d known was either gone, or hiding somewhere deep inside. Callie was yet to be seen, so he had no idea how she’d be. He’d spoken to her last night only to find she already had a job and a place to live. One less worry for him.

  School had begun, but it was mainly a registration process and the children would be given a packet of rules. Beth wouldn’t go in until ten and only to meet the kids and their parents. Many of the students would be assigned a laptop and be allowed to do much of their work at home. He didn’t understand how that would work, but he was glad. Otherwise they would already be adding on with two hundred students signed up, even though some would arrive as late as Christmas.

  A clinic was also being built even though the group that would take charge of it wasn’t here yet. Seb had a couple lions that were medics in the army prepared to divide duties as best they could and Ariel or Mac’s doctors would be available for emergencies. Things were beginning to work out and settle down. If only he could convince Beth to settle down with him.

  Beth would be his everything if only he could convince her. He called Andi who happened to be at the flower shop talking to her manager. “Andi.”

  “It’s Titus.”

  “Oh, hi. What can I do for you?”

  “I want to send Beth flowers Friday. I’m not sure if she’ll be home, at school, or on the job site. I want something that says be mine.”

  “I know just the thing. I’ll track her and run her down if I have to. Talk to Sheila, she’s on the cash register and she’ll take your money and your message.”

  He heard the phone being moved. “Hello. I’m Sheila and I need your card info.”

  Giving it to her, he felt better. His plan was now underway. Once he was done, he called Sara at the diner about a special order. She was more than happy to accommodate him and assured him she knew all Beth’s favorites. He let out a heavy sigh since he was well on his way to completing the plan. Would it work? Hard to say, but if it didn’t, it wouldn’t be for lack of trying.

  A few days passed with everything on target and going well. The panther leader would arrive soon and Titus would no longer have to deal with security. In all fairness, it hadn’t been too bad. The one Beth called Pretty had been the bigges
t problem and Beth had dealt with taking him down and Ariel had judged him. He’d not heard a thing out of him or about him. Good riddance.

  Tomorrow night he planned to woo his woman. Dale would be going to Ariel’s for the weekend. He’d been only too happy to visit there. Who could blame him with the wonderful food and the rec center right behind the house? The kid was doing well at work and at home so he deserved a reward. His whole body tingled as he thought about how tomorrow night might go.

  The day went slowly, but he was happy when he met Beth at the school and took her home. They fixed a meal together as they did most days. Titus discovered cooking with his female was relaxing. Spending any time with her was always enjoyable. When they were finally ready for bed, they were both exhausted. Their schedules were busy, so tonight they would just sleep in each other’s arms building anticipation for the next night and what it would bring.

  They had breakfast at Ariel’s since they both needed to bring her up to speed on what was going on. Even though Seb had mated into her family, Titus was the one that most often met with her. Titus didn’t mind because the food and the company were good. As they ate, he listened to Beth talk with half his attention.

  He caught that her manager would be starting within two weeks and the business already had more business than it could handle. She had a waiting list with a hundred names on it. Some people were even accepting properties in as is condition. Beth didn’t like that.

  “That’s unfortunate, but when you have this many people moving in in a short time, it’s unavoidable. I have the same issue. Do you have the hotel usable?” Ariel asked.

  “It was usable when I bought it. Right now the only empty cottage is the one being renovated.” Beth admitted.

  “Is it all tigers?” Ariel wondered.

  “No, a few panthers that came early to prepare for Ciaro, a lion, and the rest are tigers. There are fifteen cottages, a house, and a shed I converted into an office with a bathroom.” Beth explained.

  “How are you managing that?” Titus questioned.

  “Cam is living in one cottage and managing the place. He’s also helping remodel the cottages. He has some skills.” Beth admitted.


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