Absolute Sin (Forbidden Older Men: Taboo Erotica Box Set)
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Brandon clenched his jaw and squeezed his eyes shut as she felt him twitch in his pants. “Ditto, sweetheart,” he whispered through teeth that grinded together. “Are you sure you want this?”
She smiled and bit her lip to keep from laughing out loud. She knew she was acting like a wanton maniac right now, and she couldn’t care less. “I’ve never wanted anything so much in my life.” She bent to kiss him again, but he turned his head, and she pulled back, staring at him in amazement.
“Really think about it, Mandy. You’re a virgin, aren’t you?”
She brushed her fingers over his forehead, pushing back a stray lock of hair that was already damp with his sweat. “Brandon, I’ve been waiting for someone who cared about me, for someone I could trust. I’ve always trusted you. And you care about me. Don’t you? You do love me, don’t you?”
His eyes sparked, and he nodded. “I do love you. I don’t think I knew how much until just now.”
This time, she held his face as she kissed him with all the longing and desire she’d never released before, that had been pent up in her for years now. It was her answer, but she knew he needed to hear the words, so she whispered against his lips, “I want this, Brandon. Take me to my room.”
He needed no further prodding, and still holding Mandy wrapped around his body, she walked swiftly toward her bedroom, pushing the cracked door open with his toe and resting her gently on the bed. He slipped her shirt off, and he stood to remove his pants so there were only her panties and his boxers left between them when he rested his body on top of hers. Mandy would have thought he would be heavy enough to crush her, being so much taller and solidly built, but his mass was actually delicious on top of her as their mouths came together again.
Pushing a hand between them, Brandon slid his fingers between her legs, touching her ever so gently but still making her cry out as the moisture flowed from her body and soaked the thin material. “Oh my God!” she breathed, her whole body buzzing as if someone had connected her to a light socket.
“It just gets better,” he whispered against the skin of her cheek, his lips sliding down to her jaw, over her throat, and to her breast, where he took her nipple into his mouth and teased and flicked it over and over. She convulsed, the absolute ecstasy flowing through her foreign and incredible. “That was an orgasm,” he told her as he kissed his way over to the other nipple, making her arch her back and beg for the same treatment again. “It’s like a drug, only pure and clean and natural.” His lips closed over the nipple, and she moaned, rolling her head from side to side, barely able to keep her mind from floating away.
She hardly noticed when he removed her panties, at least, until he kicked his boxers to the ground and his erection stood tall and strong in front of her. She stared at it, intrigued, and she couldn’t stop herself as her hand seemed to have a mind of its own, reaching out to tickle her fingers over his length. He shuddered over her with an incredible smile. “You, sweetheart, are a natural.” More courageous and enthusiastic, she closed her fist around him and drew her entire hand down over his head, his shaft, and to his base, her knuckles brushing his sack as he grunted with his pleasure.
“We’ll have plenty of time for all of that later, and trust me, I am looking forward to it. But I can’t wait anymore,” he told her, his face and voice strained. “I need to be inside you.”
His words sent shivers through Mandy’s body, and she nodded, spreading her legs so he could move between them. He showed her how to wrap her legs around his waist. His head touched her center, and she cried out as every nerve ending in her body seemed to feel that connection. He pressed, ever so slowly, and as he entered her, inch by slow inch, he nibbled at her shoulder and neck. She turned her head to give him better access, trembling from head to toe with anticipation and excitement.
He came to a stop, and she felt a pressure inside that wasn’t as pleasant. But as he pushed harder, he also bit harder, and the distraction lessened the pain as he broke the barrier and took her innocence. She would have thought she would cry, but instead, she laughed, and pleasure poured over her like a cool wave. Now, Brandon was less tender, his aggression building, and she welcomed it, finding his rhythm and rocking with him. It only increased the amount of friction and the wild sensations that moved through her vigorously.
Brandon covered her lips as she screamed with the most intense orgasm she’d had yet, and his body shook. She realized he, too, had found release as she felt the warm fluid filling her. She could barely lie still, and she clawed at his back as everything around her spun and lit up with bright colors. She felt like she was in the middle of a spray of fireworks on a rotating platform, and it took several long minutes to come back to earth, feeling the dead weight of Brandon’s spent body on top of her.
Now, instead of clawing, she ran her fingers lightly over the smooth expanse of his back, helping him relax and get his breathing under control. Eventually, he lifted his head and looked at her, and Mandy couldn’t comprehend the expression on his face. She didn’t speak, afraid to break the spell, even as he pulled out of her and rolled to the side, still pressed against her.
“You’re amazing,” he mused, brushing back the mess of hair from her face. She closed her eyes and basked in the attention, her skin tingling in every spot his fingers touched. “You don’t have any regrets, do you?”
She thought about it. “Only that we didn’t find each other sooner.”
He chuckled and raised up on one elbow to look down at her. “Listen, Mandy, I’m not sure where we’re going with this, but I would suggest that, if we’re going anywhere at all aside from a one-night-stand, we can’t keep this a secret.”
She frowned. “Why not?”
“You’re a virgin. I assume that means you aren’t on birth control.” She shook her head. “I thought so. I didn’t wear a condom, and honestly, that was a conscious decision. I had one in my pocket but…” He trailed off and looked away.
But Mandy wanted to know and she pressed, “But what, Brandon? After what we just shared, I can’t see why it would be any harder to tell me whatever you’re thinking. Why didn’t you use the condom?”
He took a deep breath. “Because I do love you. And I don’t have any children. I want a child, and I can’t think of a better mother than you.”
Mandy stiffened. “You want me to get pregnant?”
“Yes.” The word almost sounded like an apology. “Does that bother you?”
She didn’t have a good answer for that. Everything was relative. “That depends, Brandon. You say you love me. Are we going to be together, or are you just going to use me like a surrogate mother?”
He sat up quickly and gave her an offended look. “Mandy, I’ve slept with my share of women. Have I ever brought any of them to the dinner table? Do you ever remember a time when I told your father about someone I was dating or sleeping with?”
She ran back through her memory bank. “No, I don’t.”
He nodded. “And I believe I just told you that I want to tell your mother and my brother – your stepfather – about us. Do you think I’d want to put myself into a position like that, where I told them I’d slept with you and then I just walked away? It would literally be suicide. One of the two of them would hunt me down and kill me.” He took her hand and drew her up to sit in front of him, brushing his fingertips over her cheek. “I want to stay with you, Mandy. I want to have a child with you and build a life. I know it’s asking a lot because you’re young and have a long life ahead of you. I’m not so young myself. But I’ve known you for the better part of your life, and I’m closer to you than anyone I’ve ever met before. It just makes sense to me.”
This time, Mandy’s head spun with his devotion. She remembered all the times she’d thought about Brandon, all the times she’d compared other men to his example. She considered all her fantasies and idealistic plans she’d had for the future. Maybe this didn’t quite fit the exact image she’d built, but it was close, and in some ways, it was better. Smiling, s
he told him, “No, it doesn’t bother me. In fact, I can’t wait.”
Mandy stood in the hallway of the hospital, Brandon’s arm around her shoulders, as they looked down at their newborn son in the nursery. He was beautiful, a perfect blend of their DNA, with dark hair and brilliant green eyes. Little Tyler weighed in at seven pounds, four ounces and measured twenty inches, and he was the epitome of perfection, much as the last year had been.
“We did it,” she said in a tired voice. “It’s too bad Mom and Neil aren’t here to see him.” They hadn’t approved of her relationship with Brandon, and she’d moved to Brandon’s shortly after the dinner where they’d expressed their love for each other. She missed them, but she was happy in her life and figured they would eventually come around. After all, her mother had always wanted grandchildren.
“At least your brother came,” Brandon replied, his eyes locked on the baby, a smile plastered on his face that she thought might never fade. And he was right. Her brother had hitched a ride with a friend from school to be there. She didn’t regret any of her decisions. Soon, she would talk Brandon into the idea that marriage was a proper way to live, convince him that the institution wasn’t a bad omen. And then, they would really be a family, one she could cling to for the rest of her life.
His Secret Baby
by Honey Harper
“Emma, go down to Brad’s and tell your brother to get his butt back over here! We have a soccer game tonight, and he’s not even dressed.”
Emma jumped at the sound of her mother’s voice, and she scowled over her shoulder at the closed and locked door to her room. Weeks, she thought. In just weeks, she’d be eighteen and wouldn’t have to put up with her mother’s demands anymore. She was tired of having to run errands, take care of her brother, and, most of all, hide the most important aspect of her life.
“Emma, did you hear me? Whatever you’re doing, it can wait. I want you and your brother at the dinner table in five minutes!”
She rolled her eyes. Her mother was such a dictator, and her OCD pissed everyone off, even her new husband. Emma wasn’t stupid. There had been a time that Steve liked her mother, and he’d courted her like a gentleman. Emma had paid close attention to their relationship, mostly because the man’s salt and pepper hair and mature, toned body were excellent eye candy.
Then again, in the beginning, her mother had put on a mask, pretending to be some sweet, gentle woman who’d been wronged by Emma’s dad. It was only after the engagement party that she’d started showing her true colors, and though Steve had gone through with the wedding, he’d backed away from the evil woman, just like Emma’s dad had finally done years ago.
As Emma stormed through the house and down the street, cursing her little brother for not following directions, she smiled to herself. Revenge was sweet, and when her mother learned the truth about who had been there to care for Steve and fill in the holes where the older woman lacked in kindness and gentleness, it would destroy her mother.
Emma and Steve both knew it was wrong. She didn’t expect anyone to understand. He was twenty-three years older than her, married to her mother. People would look at them as if they were a plague on society. But for Emma, her relationship had turned into something far more than just a convenient opportunity to punish her mother. She loved Steve, and he loved her back. She wanted to bear his child, the idea of being filled with his seed and her belly swelling with his heir making her rub her stomach as she reached Brad’s door in anticipation.
She collected her brother, boxing his ears, and sent him running ahead. She lagged behind, wishing she was already pregnant. She could imagine their son – with her dark blond hair and Steve’s honey-brown eyes, he’d be such a little doll. The only reason she hadn’t conceived yet was because Steve had convinced her to wait for the right moment, told her he’d pay for her apartment near the college and, once she was out of the house, they would confront her mother.
They could be together and start a family as soon as the divorce was final.
But Emma was tired of waiting, her urge to be a mother too strong. It weighed on her even more than the hatred of her mother and the need to betray the woman who’d pushed the father Emma had loved away. Emma had decided she would do anything to get pregnant, now, with no more waiting.
So, two months ago, she’d stopped taking her birth control pills, instead shoving them into a plastic bag under her bed because she knew her mother checked them regularly. And after dinner, she’d finish what she’d been working on when she was so rudely interrupted. Until then, she’d play the good daughter, smiling at her mother and talking excitedly about her day at school.
She cast furtive glances at Steve whenever her mother wasn’t watching, and Steve’s eyes glittered with anticipation. Emma had made plans for tonight, and she knew Steve looked forward to it as much as she did.
“Alright, Tim, Emma, go brush your teeth, and let’s get going,” her mother demanded the instant their plates were empty.
Emma feigned disappointment. “Mom, I’m trying to finish a big paper that’s due Friday, and I’m having a really hard time with it. I don’t want to miss Tim’s game, but I think it would be more responsible to buckle down and do everything I can to finish it.”
Her mother sighed. “I swear, I don’t know why you always wait till the last minute to do your homework. Fine, but no television or games or phone or anything until after I get home.”
Emma nodded, winking at Steve as she walked by to rinse her dishes and put them in the dishwasher. She heard her mother talking to Steve. “I suppose you can’t go. You never can.”
Emma pictured the look of regret Steve would give her as she heard him say, “Honey, you know I would love to join you, but I have international calls to take, and I can’t be at a soccer field with screaming fans and children when Mr. Nakamoto calls me.”
She came back in the room just in time to see her mother’s anger and irritation as she acted out, Tim swinging his legs under the table and looking nervous. “Fine. Sit your happy ass up in that room and surf the web, waiting for a call that probably won’t come in. Don’t support your wife or the kids you seemed so fond of before you moved in with us.”
Emma sighed and put her hands on her brother’s shoulders. “Come on, Timmy, let’s get your teeth brushed and get you dressed. You don’t want to be late.”
She took him upstairs and, as he ran toward the front door ready to go, she ruffled his hair fondly. She wanted one of her own so desperately! And that thought had her locking herself in her room to finish up her real project before her date with destiny.
Opening the bottom drawer of her dresser, she reached under her socks and took out the box of condoms. She counted the seven she’d already done, and pulled out the last five. She took the needle out of her sewing kit and poked tiny holes through the packages. Not taking birth control wouldn’t do her a damn bit of good with Steve insisting on wearing a condom every time, so she was taking matters into her own hands.
Surely, by the time they made it through this package, she’d be growing a baby inside, and her new life could start.
When she was done, she put the box back together and hid it back in the drawer, and she laid back on her bed to wait. Sometime in the next fifteen minutes, Steve would knock on her door, and they would walk hand in hand down to the guest room, and they would make love. She’d bring the condom – he couldn’t hide them in his things because Emma’s mother was a nosy bitch and would have found them and accused him of cheating.
As far as Emma was concerned, you couldn’t cheat on someone that treated you like a poorly behaved pet rather than a husband, especially since Steven loved her and not her mother. While Emma didn’t think they should have to hide their love – that felt so wrong to her, just like putting off the family they should be starting – she wasn’t ashamed and didn’t feel like being with Steve was wrong.
She looked back at the calendar she hid, where she’d marked the first time Steve had kissed her,
the first time they’d made love, and every time since. She counted back. For eight months and twelve days, they’d been living this lie. All she wanted was to be honest with everyone. The sooner they told the truth, the sooner others would have to come to terms with the idea they were going to be together because it made them happy.
And during that time, they’d made love twenty-four times, two full boxes of condoms. She had every reason to believe they’d go through this one as well, and with the escalated relationship that brought them together more often, her mother out of the house as often as she could find a reason to be away from everyone, it wouldn’t take long. This was her time, whether Steve was ready or not. And she thought he was ready; he just didn’t know it yet.
To her satisfaction, the light knock came right on time, and she opened the door with a seductive smile. He gazed down at her with hot eyes that melted her and made her wet between the thighs. She couldn’t get over that look. “Are you ready?”
She nodded and started to step out of the room and close the door behind her., but he stopped her with a hand on the door. “Do you have a condom?”
She feigned reluctance, going back to her dresser and pulling one of the packets out of the box. If she hadn’t tried to leave it behind or didn’t seem disappointed with the need for one, Steve would know something was wrong. She played her part well, and he bought every bit of it as he took her free hand and led her down the stairs, through the living room, and into a candlelit guest room. She smiled up at him. “Are we feeling particularly romantic today?”
He grunted and turned her into his arms. “Perhaps. I just need to know you’ll help me clear these out afterward and hide them under your bed or something.”
She nodded. They wouldn’t go under her bed; her mother would probably search her room for some sign of misbehavior and, if she found the candles, accuse her of witchcraft or something equally ridiculous. She’d lock them in her hope chest, along with all the gifts Steve had given her over the past few months. She kept the key around her neck, even when she slept, and it was the one place her mother couldn’t spy.