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Hot Holida Treats

Page 14

by Sorcha Mowbray, Rachel Kenley, Jocelyn Dex, Sotia Lazu, Leigh Ellwood, Eva Lefoy, Daisy Banks, Sofia Grey

  Chapter Four

  What had just happened?

  For a moment, before Alice petted him, he’d been a…man again. Quinn again. Naked and wanting her again.


  How was that…?

  What had triggered it? He needed to know, if he were to repeat it. He was Quinn and he’d been with Alice once, in her apartment. They’d had one of those meet-cutes you saw in movies, only they hadn’t gone for coffee. He’d been balls deep inside her not half an hour after offering to help with her groceries, and he’d decided he wanted to make a habit of it.

  But first he had to come clean.

  The images in his mind suddenly lost their crispness. Became fuzzy around the edges. He could no longer taste the saltiness at the hollow of her neck—if he ever had. The sensitive skin of his stomach stopped tingling from the touch of her fingertips.

  His stomach was covered in a coat of soft fur again, because he was a dog. Nothing more. Memories faded.

  Except for Alice.

  “Good morning, Prince.” She scratched him behind one ear.

  He woofed, leaving behind all thoughts of Quinn.

  He was here, with Alice, and he was happy.

  Happier still when they went downstairs and she treated him to a ham and cheese sandwich.

  “I should get you some doggie food,” she said, filling a big basin with water.

  She wouldn’t have said that if she weren’t keeping him.

  “Gonna spoil you for the next few days.”

  That sounded less promising. He felt like pouting. Did dogs pout? He should know; he was one.

  Quinn. He was Quinn. He needed to remember that, hold on to it, if he were to—

  That he expected the headache didn’t make it any less painful. White stars burst behind his eyelids, and sharp nails drove into the base of his skull.

  An image of a woman’s face, slim and beautiful, with high cheekbones and blue eyes dark as the night flashed through his mind.

  It was her.


  The pain intensified. Became all consuming. All he needed to do to keep it at bay was be happy. Be happy and be Prince.

  He whimpered.

  “What’s the matter, boy? Want more?” Alice sank her teeth in her own sandwich. Behind her, the cat worried her own food, one tiny nibble at a time.

  Prince licked his chops and nodded. More food sounded good.

  “Eat up, and then you’ll have to go outside to do your business. Hmmm… We’ll need a leash. Unless you can just walk by my side?”

  He could do that. Not like he’d willingly wander off, now he’d found her.

  He nodded.

  Alice laughed. “You’re scary smart, you know that?”

  He nodded again, and she snorted tea out of her nose. He loved making her laugh like that.

  She was ticklish. He ghosted his fingertips down her sides, and she let out the most adorably girlish giggle. It was weird of him to find her adorable when he was about to fuck her, but he did. Maybe he should get her digits. Call her up and ask her on a proper date.

  There he went, getting confused again. He wolfed down his second helping, wagging his tail the entire time, then went to the front door and waited patiently for Alice to put on her coat and boots.

  It was cold outside, but the skies were clear. The rain from the night before had formed frozen puddles that made Alice nearly lose her footing more than once. He walked alongside her, providing support when she needed it. She patted his head and thanked him, and he enjoyed listening to her making plans for the next couple days. Ms. Thing, the cat, would be going home the next day, and then maybe Alice could borrow her sister’s car and drive them to the park.

  That night he dreamed of her once more.

  The elevator doors were sliding shut behind him, when he heard a woman say, “Shit!”

  The voice was deep and throaty, and Quinn—who’d never met a woman he wasn’t interested in—couldn’t resist checking out its owner.

  His hand automatically flew to the door hold button, as he turned and took in the tall brunette. Her arms were laden with two large grocery bags, filled to the point of tearing. Dark sunglasses covered her eyes, but the rest of what he could see was rather sparsely dressed. Her shoulders were bare, but for a pair of thin straps he assumed meant she went braless under her top, and a pair of tiny shorts revealed long, toned legs.

  “See anything you like?”

  His gaze traveled back up her body, to the crooked smile that curved her lips. He matched it with one of his own—the one she had deemed panty-melting. “Just thought you might need some help with these.” He indicated the oversized paper bags.

  Her smile widened. “Why, thank you, kind stranger.” She handed her shopping over and used a free hand to take off her sunglasses and place them on her head. The green of her eyes was mesmerizing. A less jaded man could get lost in them.

  “Helping damsels in distress is my calling in life.” Especially when said damsels had perfect tits, like the ones stretching the fabric of her flimsy top. Yup, she was braless all right.

  “Lucky me, then.” She narrowed her eyes slightly. “Do you live here? I don’t think I’ve seen you before.”

  “Nah. Just visiting a friend.”

  An hour later he was still with her, enjoying her taste and the way her body opened up to receive him.

  “Can I call you?” he asked when she walked him to her door.

  “If you want.” She said the words in a flippant manner, but he noticed the blush that colored her cheeks. Odd, after all they’d done together.

  “I want. I definitely want.” He stole one last lingering kiss and saved her digits on his phone. For a rainy day, he told himself at the same time he knew he’d call before the day was over. “But what do I call you?”



  “Till you call, you’re my beautiful stranger.”

  Eyes closed, he skimmed his palm along the silken sheets until his fingers met bare skin. He traced the angle of a shoulder blade, the length of her spine, the curve of a taut buttock.

  She moaned and spread her legs so he could dip his fingers between them. She was wet for him. Inviting. He slid a finger inside her, felt her contract around it. Her body was greedy. It wanted more.

  He pushed in a second finger and began pumping them slowly, absorbing every little hint of a response. Her breath came out in short little puffs. Her back arched incrementally, as if she didn’t want to show him how much she craved his ministrations.

  He could tell. He felt it in the angling of her hips, allowing him better access.

  He opened his eyes and looked at her. She was on her stomach, face turned his way, eyes screwed shut, as if she stubbornly refused to look at him.

  “Open your eyes,” he whispered. “Look at me, Alice.”

  The moment her green gaze met his face, he stopped touching her—and not because he wanted to.

  He no longer had fingers, and his paws were folded neatly under him. He was a dog, curled up next to a woman who was no longer naked. He’d never touched her. He was a dog, who dreamed of being a man.

  But why was Alice so flushed? She looked bewildered.

  Could she have shared his dream?

  What dream?

  He was Prince, the dog.

  And he was running out of time.

  Chapter Five

  Alice caught herself humming ‘Jingle Bells’ and snorted. She would not give in to the stupid holiday spirit, no matter how contagious it was or how unexpectedly upbeat her mood was.

  Two nights in a row he’d come to her.

  The same man. It had been the same both times. Even if she hadn’t been able to discern his face, she’d recognized his touch.

  She always would.

  The rough fingers that had driven her crazy with the lightest of caresses. The lines of his body—wide chest, broad shoulders, muscular thighs. But most of all, his scent: dark and musky, full
of promise, it made her think of long nights by the sea.

  Or one short afternoon in her apartment.

  Right now, the room smelled only of dog. Prince was watching her, tongue lolling out of his mouth as he huffed short breaths right in her face.

  “Eww. Do they make toothpaste for dogs? We should look into that, if you’re gonna be sticking around.” It was swiftly becoming a possibility. He seemed so smart, she wouldn’t put it past him to manage to stay under the radar in her apartment building.

  Prince wagged his tail and gave her a doggie smile. It was worth the doggie breath.

  The morning passed in a blur, until Becca showed up a little before one.

  “Oh my God! Who’s this adorable guy?” Becca shrieked when Alice got the door, Prince next to her.

  “I think he’s my Christmas present.” Alice had meant it as a joke, but she realized it was sort of the truth. Ms. Thing had kept her company too, but with Prince around the house, Alice had forgotten to feel lonely. She’d nearly forgotten to hate the holidays.

  “Present? From whom?” Mindless of her short skirt, Becca knelt in front of the dog with surprising ease. “Aren’t you precious?” She scratched his ears with both hands, and Prince seemed completely enamored with her. Curvy, bubbly, and straightforward, Becca always had that effect on males—of all species, apparently.

  “The universe? I think it finally decided to make up for all the crap it’s been throwing my way.”

  “Elaborate. And maybe ask me in and bring me my pussy? I’ve missed the furry critter.”

  Alice laughed. “You’re horrible.” She stepped aside to let Becca in, closed the door, and followed her to the living room.

  Becca looked around, and her gaze fell on the unopened boxes of ornaments stacked behind the couch. “Love what you haven’t done with the place. I see we’re still boycotting Christmas.”

  “Mom thought the mess might change my mind.”

  “She should know better by now.”

  Alice nodded. “She should. Not my home, not my problem. Anyway, I’ve got coffee ready. Do you have time? We can order in later, if you’re staying.”

  Becca sat sideways in an armchair and draped her legs over the side. “Was gonna suggest the same thing. I’m man-less till eight, so I’m all yours.”

  “Promised Prince I’d take him to the park after lunch. Can you make it in those boots?” They were red patent leather, high-heeled, and totally envy-worthy.

  “Are you Prince? Yes, you are!” Becca cooed to the traitor dog, who’d sat on the floor by her side and was now licking her palm. “Tell the big meanie to put up the Christmas tree instead of running outside in the cold.”

  “I guess that’s a no, then,” Alice murmured. “And the stupid holidays are almost over anyway.”

  “Not until my big New Year’s Eve party, they’re not. Have you perhaps changed your mind about that? Colin and Brad will be supplying single guy-friends for your perusal.”

  “You should know better too. I’ll go get coffee.”

  She was back in no time, handed Becca her mug, and took a seat by the fireplace. Pity she’d never learned how to light it up and her dad refused to get one of those electrical ones. The day could do with the warmth of a fire, and so could she.

  “My cat?” Becca asked.

  “Since Prince showed up out of the blue, she’s been spending most of her time following him around and disappearing when he looks her in the eye, but she’s currently doing her beauty regime on the kitchen counter—for the umpteenth time today.”

  “Ms. Thing?” Becca called out. “Come to momma!”

  A meow came from the kitchen, but the cat didn’t show.

  “She’s being an ass ’cause you abandoned her,” Alice said.

  “I only left her with auntie Alice, who’s apparently starting an animal shelter. Care to tell me how you ended up with this hunk? Showed up out of the blue, you said?”

  “Came to the door two nights ago, drenched and filthy. I’m only keeping him till I find his owners.”

  “Yeah, good luck with that. I’m only keeping Ms. Thing till my mother makes arrangements to take her…four years ago.” As if having realized she was the topic of their discussion, Ms. Thing finally made an appearance. Head tilted upward, she approached Becca and hopped onto her lap, managing to look completely disinterested in her surroundings. “Hi, girl. Miss me?” Becca stroked the white fur until the cat began to purr.

  Alice shook her head. “I don’t get attached easily.”

  “Sure you don’t.”

  “I don’t. He’s just a refreshing change from sleeping alone.” He and her beautiful stranger, who’d made enough of an impression that she’d dreamed of him twice in two nights—half a year after fucking him.

  “Are you blushing?” Becca leaned forward. “You’re blushing! What aren’t you telling me?”

  They’d been friends for years, even before Becca and Amanda had become best friends, and Alice knew better than to hope Becca wouldn’t see right through her. Especially about anything to do with sex.

  “I’ve been having vivid dreams.” Alice stared at the floor. “Sexual dreams.”

  “Not of the dog.” Becca scrunched up her face in exaggerated shock.

  “You’re an idiot! Of course not. I dream of that guy? From May?”

  Becca snorted. “The one you were screwing when Amanda walked in on you?”

  “Totally beside the point, but the same. The weird thing is, I don’t dream of what we actually did. We’re just in bed—this bed here, same sheets and all—touching. And it feels amazing. I hate waking up in the morning.”

  “Can’t blame you, especially if things never go beyond second base. We’re not in high-school, people. Get your dream-sex on.”

  Alice reached for a throw pillow and slung it to Becca’s head. “Sex is more than penis in vagina, you know.”

  “Thank God for that, or having a threesome would be très uncomfortable.”

  “And there we go again with the I’ve-got-two-boyfriends spiel.” Alice grinned.

  “I totally do!” Becca mirrored her expression, and they cracked up.

  ❄ ❄ ❄

  Alice felt like a huge weirdo for putting on her lace teddy that evening. She’d packed it in case horniness overtook her and she gave an ex a booty call, but now she was wearing it to go to bed alone. And what? Give her dream lover something nice to behold? She was naked in her dreams, anyway.

  She kept telling herself she was being silly while she brushed her long tresses and put on perfume. She was just going to sleep. By herself.

  Oh. Right.

  “Prince, I think you’d better sleep on the floor tonight.” He gave her the puppy eyes, so she went all the way downstairs to get the thick plush rug her mom used as a seat cushion for the living room bay window.

  “Here. See? Comfy bed.”

  Prince circled it about half a million times before lying down with something resembling a huff.

  “Good doggie.” Now that he was comfy, maybe she could get comfy too and do what she’d had in mind the night he first showed up.

  The lace felt scratchy against the tender skin of her nipples, but it wasn’t an unpleasant sensation. She could pretend it was her stranger’s hands grazing the tips of her breasts.

  She lay back and closed her eyes, trying to bring his face to mind—his light brown eyes crinkling at the corners with the hidden smile that didn’t quite reach his lips; his sensuous mouth teasing her, long white teeth nipping at her lips; his eyebrows raised in a question before he entered her.

  “Oh…” She smoothed her hands down the length of her body, not lingering in any one spot for more than a second. She ached for the heightened sensual state he’d brought her to with his fingers and lips and tongue, before he’d ever touched her where she wanted him the most.

  Only, it wasn’t working.

  Her delicate hands—an artist’s hands, Dorian had called them—weren’t the same.

nbsp; She ghosted them over her breasts, caressed the sides, pinched the nipples, and when all else failed, got out of bed to get her vibrator.

  “This is stupid,” she told the room and the half-sleeping dog by the bed. “I’ve been masturbating since I was fourteen. And it’s not like I haven’t been taking things in my own hands since that night. Successfully!” Whatever holiday depression was getting a hold of her again had to be exorcised as soon as possible. “I’m the master of my own orgasms, damn it.”

  Prince cocked one eyebrow.

  “You, stop mocking me. I bet you’re the reason I can’t do it. It’s like I’m being watched.” Despite the fact that the dog had been facing the opposite side of the room until she’d gone on her mini-rant.

  “I should send you to the bathroom for the night.” But she wouldn’t. There was no reason to. The mood had been killed and buried. She’d try again the next night—send the year off with a bang of sorts. “Whatever. Get up here, and you better not be wagging your tail. There’s nothing to be gleeful about, bubba.”

  She’d lost her mojo and gained a hundred and forty pound dog. Yay—not!

  Chapter Six

  For a moment there, he’d been afraid she’d kick him out of the room. When she’d called him to bed, it had taken all of his willpower to climb up as stealthily as Ms. Thing might have. He wouldn’t make a big deal about it, because Alice might change her mind.

  He didn’t know if he could visit her dreams then.

  That was an odd thought for him to have. Too structured. Before he’d found her, his thoughts had been nothing more than wants and needs. Food. Shelter. Now he had dreams and hopes, and those were more suited to a man.

  He’d been a man and, when Alice’s breathing evened out and became shallower, he was a man once more.

  Same room. Same bed. Same sheets.

  But Alice was naked now, her body bathed in the sweet glow of candlelight.

  He’d read somewhere that dreams didn’t have color.

  He’d read.

  It didn’t matter. The whys, hows, and once-upon-a-times had no significance. All he cared about lay next to him, one arm over her eyes, a corner of the sleek sheet barely covering the apex of her thighs.


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