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Hot Holida Treats

Page 29

by Sorcha Mowbray, Rachel Kenley, Jocelyn Dex, Sotia Lazu, Leigh Ellwood, Eva Lefoy, Daisy Banks, Sofia Grey

  A shiver raced up her spine as he moved a little. She whimpered when he nudged his velvet covered knee between hers. He traced his thumb hard down her spine before he cupped one buttock and tugged her forward so her mons brushed up against his thigh. The contact made her draw back from his mouth to take a ragged breath.

  He ran his tongue over her bottom lip. “I want you, bright angel.”

  A tiny whimper escaped, because he swept the gown up her leg so she could part her thighs, and urged her onto the muscle of his. Her clit throbbed greedy to accept the heightened sensations.

  She mashed her lips against his again and accepted his probing tongue, rubbed her body shamelessly against him. He swept her along and deeper into pleasure, rolling her hip with his palm, so she rocked on his thigh in time to the tick of the clock.

  Lost to anything but him, she closed her eyes, breathed deep and rhythmic, and clung tight, eager for everything he could give her. A fiery burning swelled in her pussy. Her panties grew damper still and the crush of velvet on the wet satin tormented her clit. If he didn’t stop soon she’d come. No one had ever took control of her senses like this.

  He moved his mouth from hers as she arched her back with a needy whimper. He kissed her neck, licked up by her ear. “Say my name. Moan for me, angel. Just for me.”

  The incredible incessant friction, his words and his hot breath in her ear, tipped her over the edge. She fell into orgasm and clutched him as though he were a lifeline. The ripples of delight pulsed fast, burned up through her so her nipples throbbed to the same beat. “Miles. Oh, my God.”


  She couldn’t still the shaking rushing through her and lifted her gaze to his as the last of the blissful sensations waned. “That’s never happened before.”

  “I’ve waited so long to pleasure you. Please, allow me to try to make you mine.”

  He lifted her into his embrace, grabbed the box from the table, and turned to the doorway. “I’ve the whole of tonight, the longest night of the year, to love you and persuade you to stay.” He pressed his lips to hers once, before he walked out of the room, crossed the next and took the first tread on the stairs.

  Chapter Six

  He cradled her in his arms for a moment as he set the gem decorated box down on a shelf and then eased her down so she stood in the candle lit bedroom.

  A monumental bed with thick carved posts, and hung with velvet drapes stood against the back wall. Across the room a log fire offered a blaze of heat to warm her. Light from a dozen or more candles reflected in several mirrors and offered a soft golden glow. She turned back to him. The sheen highlighted his hair, the planes of his face, and the gleam in his eyes.

  A fresh rush of anticipation thundered through her as he reached out and tugged her into his embrace.

  The softness of his lips crushed hers and she let the kiss swell, gave a low whimper from the back of her throat as he caressed her breast with his palm. Quivers raced over her skin in a rash of gooseflesh and the fresh stab of desire stirred inside, demanding satisfaction. She pulled back a little. “Wait, just for a moment. Where is the bathroom?”

  “Through the door in the archway. Don’t be long.” He nodded to an alcove with a door.

  “I’ll be seconds that’s all.” She hurried across and opened the door. The pool of candlelight was all she needed and she closed the door behind her.

  She yanked her phone from her pocket and keyed in a swift text. Won’t be at the party, Rosie, sorry. Something’s come up. Will tell you about it tomorrow. Phone will be off rest of tonight. She pressed send, switched the phone off, and put it in her pocket before she checked in the mirror. Her lip-gloss was gone, but her mouth still looked rosy. The rest of her body tingled in anticipation of many more of his kisses.

  The bathroom shelf held an array of cut glass bottles and she sniffed one hoping to find mouthwash. But no, the heady scent of his cologne met her and her pulse beat swift. She reached for the hefty iron door handle and opened the door to the bedroom.

  My God, he was beautiful.

  He’d taken off the velvet robe and stood with just a tartan cloth draped about his hips. The plaid swept to the floor, a long slash in the fabric bared his muscular thigh, the one that she’d ridden to bliss. His torso above the draped cloth made her mouth dry. Such sculpted muscles all the way down to the top of his loins, smooth pale skin, and the tattoos across his chest fascinated. There were more blue inkings on his biceps, yet more on his forearms. His hair beckoned her caresses and the smile in his eyes offered her promises of pleasure.

  If tonight proved all she hoped, she’d live on the memory for years. She closed the door behind her, went to him, and slid her arms around his naked waist. He gave a sigh and she tugged him closer. The warmth of his skin met her lips. His nipple grew solid as she sucked. She nipped gently with her teeth and smiled at his moan.

  Chapter Seven

  Smooth as silk she used her lips to caress his chest. She lapped at one of his nipples forcing a fresh groan from him. The heat of her mouth as she sucked sent a tingle of sensation all the way down through his loins. It swelled through his erection making him rock solid.

  The ache for her to touch him drove him to catch her hand in his. He slid her palm down until it rested on his engorged erection.

  “Not yet,” she whispered over his chest and moved up to take his mouth with hers.

  Did she want to drive him to madness?

  While her tongue tortured his with butterfly soft flickering movements, he felt down the back of her gown. He traced over the soft fabric to find laces to undo, but found none. He rubbed up and down her spine and she ground her hips against his doubling the friction. The heat in his blood soared. The need for her increased and ravenous he devoured her kiss.

  At the top of the back of her gown he found a small metal tag. This must open her gown. He grasped it and pulled. Like peeling a rare exotic fruit, he rolled the two halves of the top of her gown from her shoulders. She lifted her mouth from his and edged back so he could look into her eyes.

  “Take it off,” she said, smiling.

  He nodded, but couldn’t stop his fingers shaking as he did as she asked. She gave a small shudder at the contact with his hand as he pushed the bright fabric from her body to reveal a pale pink corset with silk ribbons. The lure of the roundness of her breasts with her nipples peeping over the top of the corset made his mouth water. Desire battered his control as he clasped her ass tight and bent to kiss both breasts. He inhaled her fragrance deep and his aching erection jerked in response to the warm scented flesh he sucked.

  “Oh, yes.”

  The soft words thrilled through him. He stroked his tongue in the deep valley between her breasts and looked up to her. “You must tell me what is good for you.” He circled one of her nipples with his tongue.

  “I will. Truly, Miles, am I the first?”

  “I have waited for you. I had to wait for the one who passed the test. No other has ever seen the box in the way you did.”

  She urged him to lift his head up. “Then I suggest we slow down just a little. There’s no rush because we have all night. Let me step out of this.” Her body shimmied and she kicked off the long silvery skirt.

  He took a pace back with his hands still around her waist and fixed this vision of perfection in his mind. From the white heels of her high shoes, up over the glistening sheerness covering her legs, the embroidered tops of the stockings, the white gloss of the scrap of material at the juncture of her thighs, and the pink and white corset, he would never forget a single part of her image.

  He swallowed hard as he knelt before her. By the northern stars, he ached for her to touch him and to let him caress her, for she was so much more than he’d dreamed. “I want to touch you, kiss you.”

  Bending, he slid off each shoe and pressed a kiss to the tip of her toes, to her feet and ankles. He gazed up to her dark pupils as he rose and pressed a kiss to each knee. “You are perfect.”

/>   She shivered as he clasped the firm cheeks of her satin clad buttocks and urged her closer so he could kiss the soft fabric covering her tender mound.

  “Oh, God.”

  He rose on his knees to kiss the warm skin of her belly in the gap between corset and panties. Lingering he inhaled her fragrance, savoring the essence of her, before he skimmed his palms up her back over the slippery fabric as finally he stood. She nestled in his arms as he bent to kiss the rise of each breast in turn.

  “No one’s ever done that before.”

  He smiled at her soft whisper, caressed up her neck with his fingers and angled her head so he could kiss her lips. “I’m glad, my lady. I want to do things to you no one else has ever dreamed of.

  She moved to offer him her mouth and he took the warmth of her lips with his.

  Chapter Eight

  Honey sweet she probed his mouth with her tongue, pressed herself close to his body so her silky garments teased his skin. The thunderous ache in his loins demanded to be eased, but not yet. Somehow, he would prolong this delicious agony. He moved his mouth from hers.

  “Let me love you, bright angel?”

  She cupped his chin in her palms and raised herself on tiptoe to kiss him again. All her movements offered assent to his desire. With her lips on his still he lifted her and took her to the bed. The thrum of her pulse under his fingers urged his own into a quicker rhythm.

  Beside her on the bed, he touched a finger to her cheek, more an attempt to prove her real than a caress. A terror she might fade into the end of this dream rocked him. When she echoed his action and smoothed her fingertips over his cheek, reality snapped into place with a surge of pleasure. She truly lay beside him and tonight she would be all his.

  He sucked in a shuddery breath at the soft caress she traced along his jaw and down his throat.

  “You are so beautiful. I want you,” she whispered, warm in his ear.

  He groaned with the sheer joy of her in his arms.

  “Touch me.”

  As though commanded by her soft voice he stroked over her thighs with his fingertips.

  “Oh, yes.”

  Little clicks followed and his mouth dried as she undid the corset revealing her breasts and more of her smooth skin. Forcing himself to go slowly, he bent and licked one of her nipples, as she’d licked his.

  “Don’t stop,” she said, as he moved his mouth away.

  The fragrant taste of her lured him and as a throb took up a steady beat in his cock he sucked gentle on the solid flesh of her nipple. Her moan told him her pleasure, and in an effort to give her more, he rubbed his open palm on her other breast to warm the delicious satin smooth skin.

  She caressed over his back her firm finger tips offering electric sparks to charge his need for more of her. The rising rate of her breathing matched his. He moved his mouth from the ripe nipple he’d sucked and took the other between his lips. She whimpered as he rolled his tongue against the solid flesh, as she’d done to him.

  “I want to please you,” he said.

  “Harder, suck harder.”

  He did and gloried in the deep groan she gave. Every sound she made pushed his need for her up another notch. “I need you, I want you. Please, show me how to bring you pleasure?”

  She clasped his hand and placed it firmly between her spread thighs. “Here, touch me here. Kiss me here.”

  Easing down the bed, controlling the tremble in his hands, he stroked over the damp silken fabric between her legs before he slid the panties from her. His eager cock jumped in delight at the sight of her little row of shimmering curls.

  He bent and inhaled the scent of her as he placed a gentle kiss on her mound. “Here?”

  “No, further down, explore.”

  Her impish grin met his gaze as he looked to her face.

  “I don’t want to hurt you.” He pressed his palm between her legs.

  “You won’t.”

  He slid his fingers over the juicy flesh and knelt above her to look closely as he spread the slippery leaves. He breathed out a sigh against her and she shuddered. There. He bent and lapped at the swollen bead of flesh so responsive to his breath.

  “Oh, God!”

  A good beginning.

  “Shall I kiss here?”

  “Yes! Please.”

  He gave the little nub an open mouthed kiss, tickling it with his tongue.

  She writhed beneath him. “Fabulous. Oh, there. You’re making me come.”

  “You want me to make you come?” He licked again, applying more pressure with each flick against her hot wet flesh.

  “Yes.” She buried her fingertips in his hair and dug them into his scalp. “Don’t stop!”

  “I won’t.”

  Chapter Nine

  Orgasm raced through her. The swift pulses of pleasure throbbed as she ground herself against his mouth. He’d spread her thighs wide enough so he could lie between and clasped her hips firm with his arms. “Oh!” The fresh cry broke from her as he lapped in the entrance of her pussy.

  “More, my angel?”

  “Not yet,” she gasped and inched from him. “You’re killing me.”

  He shot up and hauled her to him. “I don’t want to hurt you!”

  She gave a weak laugh. “You’re not. You’re wonderful, amazing and no one’s ever took me over the edge so fast.”

  His gaze met hers and he smiled.

  “Are you sure you’ve not done this before?”

  He nodded.

  “You were so good I can hardly believe you.” She caressed over his hair, wiped his wet chin with a corner of the soft sheet. “I’m sorry I didn’t mean to worry you. You didn’t hurt me. Truly, I hit the peak. ” She pressed a kiss to his mouth, tasted the salty tang on his lips. “I think it’s time I pleased you.”

  Pushing him back so he sat up against the pillow she moved the plaid aside to find his cock and swallowed hard at the sight. She’d not translated the general size of him to here. “Oh, my.” She caressed with one finger down the length of him. “Looks like you’re well ready to be pleased.”

  The urge to take his swollen length in her mouth rose, but no, she’d not suck him yet. Later. Right now she wanted him too much for any more preliminaries. “Do you have any condoms?”

  His eyes widened a little, a spark of light appeared amidst the green depths. “You won’t become pregnant.”

  “How are you so sure?”

  “I didn’t want to mention it and make you afraid.”

  “The last thing I am is afraid.”

  He swept the hair back from the side of his face and disbelief stilled her fingers on his cock. “Pointy ears,” she whispered.

  “I am an—”


  “Don’t leave me, please.”

  She shook her head. “I knew you were special and I’m going nowhere. All my life I’ve dreamed of magic and you’re the reason why. Is making love with you different from with a man.”

  “In one way, yes. I won’t give you an infant, not unless I wish to and tonight I don’t wish to.”

  She rubbed at the base of his cock, caressed over each of his balls. “That sure is some method of self-control.”

  He gave a low groan. “Call it what you will. I can fill you with my seed and nothing will come of it but pleasure.”

  A needy throb thumped inside her. The ache for him to do as he’d said had her nipples tingling and body warmed moisture oozed to make his welcome ready. She slid astride him, her knees on the plaid and her palms on his chest, her pussy hovering above the length of him. “Are you magic?”

  “Only for you.”

  She clasped his cock and squeezed gently until he gave a fresh groan. “I want to make you moan. I want to make you come.”


  The head of his cock lodged tight in the entrance to her pussy. “Let me do the work, for now,” she whispered.

  He cried out in surprise and lurched up inside her as she pushed down.


  Another cry left her as he slid back when she rose.

  He clasped her hips with his hands and helped drive her back down. “I can’t stop, angel. I need you.”

  No one had ever controlled the rhythm like him. She moved, but her elf took charge of the ride. He hit all the right spots. Each thrust drew those little cries from her just like she’d seen in the box. She’d thought he’d come almost immediately when she took him, but he hadn’t, and from his determined expression she didn’t think he would yet.

  “This is good? Yes?” He ground the words out as he penetrated deep into her.

  “Fabulous.” The breathy moan was the best she could manage.

  The tempo of sounds of his flesh meeting hers increased. Her pussy burned with a delicious fiery heat. The first pulsed spasm of orgasm thrummed.

  “You are coming.”

  As if it were an order, she did, dissolving into the exquisite delight.

  “Perfect, my angel.”

  His low growl echoed in her head.

  A fresh groan came from him and he held her still as he powered into her prolonging her orgasm as he let go with his.

  Chapter Ten

  She inched away and as she lay down beside him he reveled in the stars he’d made in her eyes. All his dreams in the years of waiting had proved true, even if this first time he’d not achieved the level of control he’d hoped to reach. Perhaps next time he’d last longer with her. She stretched her arm across his chest and caressed his face, moved his hair aside and traced over his ear. A fresh fear stomped over his pleasure. “You are not angry that I am an elf?”

  “No. I grew up with tales of elves and fairies, and I believed them. I always have. I’m glad I met you. Tell me, why me?”

  “You passed the test which means you are my perfect woman. You found the box more interesting for its beauty than for its value, you admired it for what it is not just for what it is worth. You recognize owning something isn’t necessary for happiness and you saw us in the box.”


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