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Page 4

by Charles Arnold

  Looking at his disfigured cock, Kathy began to imagine how the hard beads would feel in her vagina. She was sure the purpose of the ridged length was to rub over her clitoris and stimulate it in a way that a normal penis could not. The piercing of his cockhead, like the other mutilations, was designed to excite women.

  Uzetta quickly undressed. Although he was short, his compact body was flat muscled and hard, his waist almost as tiny at hers, his dark skin smooth. Kathy slipped out of her heels and the gown. She lay back on the bed and reached out to him.

  “Das right,” Uzetta said, “no cocksucking, no ass fucking. We do natural way.” Kathy spread her legs and with one hand guided his long, beaded cock into her. The feeling was like nothing she had ever experienced. When he was completely inside her, he did not thrust and withdraw. Instead, he rocked gently for a very long time. She’d been right. She could feel the beads in the rim of his cock and at the end of the piercing. Even better was the slow friction of the spine-like ridges against her clit. Since she’d not felt a cock inside her in many months, she was ready to orgasm almost immediately. Sensing this, he lay perfectly still, his mouth just inches from hers. She drew him down to her and they kissed softly. Her arms were around his back as she held him tightly against her. She darted her tongue into his mouth, which tasted sweet and clean. She could actually feel her swollen clitoris begin to throb.

  When the kiss ended, she looked up at him. His smile was warm and genuine. Tears began to form in the corners of her eyes, “Please,” she whispered. Slowly he began to rock again, but this time he slid his ridged cock over her clit. In less than a minute, she cried out and orgasmed in a way that was more powerful than she’d ever experienced. She twisted her head from side to side, gasping for breath, pulling him against her, trying desperately to buck and thrust under him. Before her orgasm had ended, he began to fuck again her but gently with slow short strokes. Remarkably he had held back from coming. She wrapped her legs around his muscled ass and pulled him deeper into her. After several minutes, she came again.

  Uzetta brought her to two more orgasms, each different in length and kind from the others. As her fourth began to subside, suddenly the bedroom door was flung open and Abul, in a furious rage, filled the doorway. “You bitch!” he screamed. She saw him glance at the wires she’d cut from the video cameras. “You fucking bitch!” he cried a second time as he charged toward them.

  Kathy rolled off Uzetta and slid from the bed, cowering beside it. Uzetta, his stiff mutilated cock glistening from her juices, reached under the pillow and in one swift movement flashed the open razor at the approaching Abul. “You want to be cut?” he said calmly. Abul stopped and took a step back. “Das right,” Uzetta said. He swung his legs over the side of the bed and pointed at Abul with the razor, “You stay. Don’t move.” Deliberately he placed the razor on the nightstand, which was only five feet from Abul. “For you,” he said gesturing toward the open razor, “if you got courage to try.” Gently he took Kathy’s arm and drew her up on the bed. As she lay beside him, he turned to Abul, “I gonna take your woman again. You gonna watch me do it. But first I ask.” He looked at Kathy, “Yes or no?”

  She reached up to touch his face and then spread her legs. “Yes,” she said.

  Abul began to protest, “Satomi’s orders were she wasn’t to be fucked. He’ll have you killed for this!”

  Uzetta’s grotesque cock was as hard as it had been before Abul appeared. Slowly he guided it into Kathy’s dripping pussy. “I don’t give a shit about Satomi,” he said. “What he do for me?” He leaned forward until the entire length of his cock was inside her. Kathy groaned and put her arms around him. Uzetta looked at her, “Satomi take me from my country so I can drive for cowards like Abul. I not do that no more.” Abul eyed the razor for a moment then looked away.

  Uzetta rose up placing his hands on either side of Kathy’s head. She looked along the length of their bodies. His black skin glowed with a sheen of sweat and contrasted sharply with the paleness of her body. She watched, fascinated, as his dark ridged cock withdrew from her shaved pussy, then slowly disappeared deep inside her. The ridges rippled over her clitoris like liquid electricity. She felt the beaded ring against the sides of her vagina and the two small gold spheres at its tip. In the past half hour she had cum four times. Now, she could feel another orgasm beginning to build. Never had she experienced anything like this. Even in her imagination she could not have conceived of such a powerful, all consuming sexual passion. She abandoned herself completely to the raw and tender lovemaking of this black stranger whose incredible cock filled her and was about to cause her to explode once more in a frenzy of violent orgasmic spasms.

  She pulled Uzetta’s head down and pressed her parted lips against his. Their tongues touched and both of them came together with a fury of bucking and thrashing and rolling from side to side. It would have been easy for Abul to have grabbed the razor and killed them both. However, he was afraid.

  She continued to hold Uzetta and felt the slow subsiding of his cock inside her. “Thank you,” she whispered, “thank you, Uzetta.” She kissed him again.

  Abul’s face was red with rage, “You will regret this, Uzetta. Satomi is going to...”

  Uzetta rolled off Kathy and sat on the edge of the bed facing Abul, “I took your woman, Abul,” he said quietly. “Now, if she wants me to take your life I will do it.” He turned back to Kathy.

  This was what she’d dreamed of...Abul’s of him forever. She was about to say, ‘Yes, kill the bastard’, but she remembered Jeff’s death and blamed herself for it. Then, there was Kedad. She reached across to take Uzetta’s hand and smiled at him. “Thank you, but there’s been too many deaths.”

  Uzetta stared at her for a moment, then nodded, “How long Satomi say you must be with this man?”

  “Two weeks from today I’m to be sent back to Mr. Satomi. She looked across at Abul and saw the absolute hatred in his eyes. She turned back to Uzetta, “I...I...don’t think I’ll be able to make it. Abul will do something horrible...he’s been humiliated and will want revenge.”

  Uzetta looked hard at her, his face serious, “Tell him to get out. This house belong to you. Tell him, and I will make him go”

  “Yes,” Kathy nodded, “if he stays here. I’m terrified of what he will do.”

  “Then, tell him,” Uzetta said. “I take limousine so we need to call cab for this piece of shit,” he gestured toward Abul who quickly backed away.

  Kathy had put on her robe and reached for the phone, but put it down. She took several steps toward Abul. “Get out of my house, you filthy pig!” she shouted. “I can’t stand looking at you. The idea that you even touched me is disgusting. Never again. Never again will you put your hands on me. You are a stupid, arrogant bully, a pathetic coward. You are never to bring your ugly self and foul smell into my house again!” The months of abuse had been building to the rage she now felt. “You are an obscenity,” she continued in an even voice. “I should have let Uzetta kill you. You murdered my husband. You forced me to do unspeakable things. You deserve to die.” Abul had kept backing toward the door, fearing she might still tell Uzetta to cut him. “Get out, you evil bastard,” Kathy said. “Sit on the steps until the cab comes for you.”

  At the door, Abul paused, glaring at Kathy, “You will regret this. One day, Mr. Satomi will give you to me, make you marry Abul, make me American citizen.”

  Kathy smiled, “You stupid fool. There’s no power on earth, not even Satomi that could force me to become your wife. Now, get out of my house!”

  Uzetta moved toward Abul who was opening the door. “Remember, coward,” Uzetta said, “if you ever hurt this woman again I will kill you. Before you go thank her for sparing your life and swear you will never come back.”

  Abul frowned but seeing the glint of Uzetta’s razor, he muttered, “Thank you...Mrs. Ryan. I will leave the United States tonight. I will not return.” He stepped out into the cold and closed the door behin
d him.

  Kathy couldn’t contain a shout of joy as she put her arms around Uzetta and kissed him. “Should phone for taxi,” he said.

  Kathy called the cab company and they promised they’d be there in ten minutes. When she turned back to Uzetta he was dressed and putting on his shoes. Kathy sat on the bed beside him. “I’m so very tired,” she said, “but I can’t remember when I’ve felt this happy.” She took Uzetta’s hands in hers. “You must also be exhausted. You could stay....get some rest.”

  “No. Must go. Satomi will send men to find me. Not safe until I am back in my country. You, too, need to go someplace where Satomi not be looking for you.”

  “Yes, of course, you’re right. But I need some sleep. You don’t think Abul will return?”

  “Not tonight. Abul is afraid. He has people here who help kill your husband. He will go to them now, but tomorrow maybe he go back to where he come from, but maybe not. He think I might still kill him, and he is right. Dis man is no goddamn good.”

  They heard the cab in the driveway and then the door slam. Kathy went to the window and smiled as it disappeared down the street. Uzetta had put on his coat and come to stand next to her. “You are pretty white woman...very pretty.” He nodded. She felt the color rise to her cheeks. From his pocket, Uzetta took a miniature cell phone. “Has two numbers,” he explained. “One, Satomi and Abul know. The other, no one know. I tell you that number. Must remember. Don’t write down. If Abul or anyone try to hurt you, call number. I come. It is promise.” He gave her the number and made her repeat it. “Yes, das right,” he said. He turned her to face him, and put his small hands on her shoulders. He looked at her for a long time, unsmiling, “Not only pretty woman, but also good woman,” he said. Tears welled up in her eyes. She kissed him once more. When they parted, he went to the door quickly and closed it behind him. She heard the limousine start and pull away. Exhausted, she returned to the bedroom, fell onto the bed and pulled the blankets over her. Within minutes she was in a deep sleep.

  Chapter Four – Retribution

  Kathy woke at 4:00 o’clock in the afternoon. She was disoriented. She’d expected the familiar surroundings of the facility, but here she was in her own bed. Maybe it had all been a horrible dream? Maybe Jeff was in the kitchen preparing their breakfast? No, Jeff was dead. But, thanks to Uzetta, she was free of Abul!

  Quickly, she repeated to herself the number of Uzetta’s cell phone. Thank God she’d remembered it. At least there was someone on her side, someone Abul feared. As she recalled Uzetta’s strange, wonderful cock filling her up and his gentle way of making love, she began to feel her clit swell and her nipples stiffen. How many orgasms had she had? And each better than the last!

  She stretched, luxuriating in the comfort and warmth of her bed. She lay there for a long time. Uzetta’s words about her need to escape came back to her. She was sure Satomi would send his thugs for her. She thought about Mary Margaret and felt a terrible pang of guilt. But there was nothing she could do now. Besides, after Satomi had gone to such trouble to get Mary Margaret, he wasn’t likely to cause her great harm. It was she, Kathy, who would feel Satomi’s wrath. My God, she’d cut the video wires; she’d made love with Uzetta, and she’d been able, with Uzetta’s help, to rid herself of the hated Abul. Satomi would be furious. Perhaps she should have left last night.

  She dressed quickly, then called the airline and booked an early evening flight to Miami. Before hanging up the phone, she asked if there was a direct flight to San Francisco. The clerk said that one was scheduled to leave at 9:30 that evening. Kathy asked if it was full and was told that there were plenty of seats available. Kathy knew she could simply go to the airport, buy a ticket at the counter and there would be no record for Satomi to trace her. Anyone coming after her would discover that she’d purchased a ticket for Miami.

  In San Francisco, she’d buy a car and drive to Northern California. She and Jeff had spent a summer climbing in the Trinity Alps there. It was a lovely wilderness with no major cities, only a few small logging towns. She would disappear into one of them.

  Since she couldn’t leave for several hours, she took her time selecting clothes for her trip and packing. After making herself a light lunch, she showered, put on her make-up, and dressed. After putting the suitcases in the trunk of her BMW, she was taking one last long look at the house she and Jeff had shared when she heard a car stop in front of the house and then someone ringing the doorbell. Fearfully, she peeked out of the window and was relieved to see it was a deliveryman holding a long narrow box, the kind that usually contained long stemmed roses.

  She opened the door and, after signing the receipt and tipping the deliveryman, she took the box, which was heavier than she’d expected. She left the door open and sat on the arm of a living room chair with the box on her lap. No one except Satomi, Madam Khe, Abul and Uzetta knew she was here. It had to be from Uzetta! How sweet of him, she thought. Here he was running for his life, and yet he took time to send her roses. Quickly, she untied the ribbon and tore through the paper. She lifted the lid and screamed as she threw the box toward the open front door, where Abul stood grinning at her.

  The box landed at Abul’s feet. In it was Uzetta’s finger, the one with the sapphire ring. “The rest of your black lover is at the bottom of the Allegheny River,” Abul said. “Dumb little bastards like him don’t understand. Nobody fucks with Mr. Satomi.” Kathy crouched against the wall on the verge of hysteria. She stared wide-eyed at Abul as he reached down to pick up the box and point to Uzetta’s finger. “Soon, bitch, you will suck my cock and you know where this will be?” He brought the open box close to her face, “It will be up your ass.”

  “My God, Abul!” Kathy cried, “Please...please...”

  Abul strode over to her and struck her hard across the face with the flat of his hand. She fell back on the floor sobbing. Abul stood over her. “You’re gonna pay, I mean pay, and pay, and pay. If Mr. Satomi didn’t want you alive, I’d fuckin’ kill you right now. But, by God, you’re gonna pay.” He waited until Kathy stopped sobbing. “Now, unless you do exactly what I tell you, Mr. Satomi ordered this is what’s gonna happen, you’re gonna invite all your old friends here, the country club friends of your husband, for a party. After you serve dinner, you’re gonna entertain them by suckin' my prick.” Kathy buried her head in her hands and shuddered. “Number two,” Abul went on, “your virgin sister-in-law will be whipped till she passes out, then she’ll be whipped till she passes out again....four or five times. Mr. Satomi said whipped till she’s cut and bleedin’ everywhere.”

  Kathy began to whisper,” Please, no...please...whatever you say...please, Abul, I’ll do whatever you say.”

  Abul’s threats, horrible as they were, could not compare to the devastation she felt knowing that because of her three men...three good men had lost their lives: her beloved husband, Jeff, then Kedad the man who’d come to the Facility to rescue her, and now the brave and gentle Uzetta. She had much to atone for.

  Abul went to the door and signaled to several people who were in a van parked in her driveway. He then turned to Kathy. “Go into your bedroom. Make up your face like the whore you are. You know what is wanted. Then, put on a white gown we can see through and the white heels. Be sure to grease your asshole. Wait there until I call for you. When I do, bring with you the cap that covers your clit. It will be covered all the time you are here with me. You’re to be used, and whipped, and used again. It’s going to be a long afternoon and evening, Mrs. Ryan. Do you understand?”

  A violent shudder coursed through Kathy’s body. She bowed her head. “Yes,” she said.

  “Yes, what?” Abul asked, the anger in his voice caused her to wince.

  “Yes, Master Abul. I...I...will obey and accept whatever punishment you decide I deserve.” She trembled violently and choked back a the cry of despair that she felt in her heart. “My God,” she whispered, “that poor man.”

  In a numbed daze, Kathy closed the bedroom door
and selected from the new things in her closet, a white transparent floor length gown. Mechanically she undressed and sat, naked, at her make-up table. What was it Abul had said? ‘Paint your face like the whore you are’. Forcing all thoughts of Uzetta from her mind, she brushed black mascara on her lashes and applied dark blue eye shadow. For her mouth she chose a dark red lipstick followed by a coating of oily gloss. She rouged her nipples, which, to her embarrassment, had become stiff. Before brushing her hair and rubbing her body with the familiar perfumed oil, she applied KY jelly to her anal opening. Then, she put on the gown and slid her small white feet into the five-inch heels. After she retrieved the clitoral cap from under a chair, she sat on the edge of the bed waiting for Abul to call her. She thought of Uzetta. The tears came to her eyes. Blinking to hold them back did no good. They spilled down her cheeks and spotted her gown.

  From the living room came the sound of Abul’s laughter and of several voices she didn’t recognize. She wiped away the tears and tried to will herself to think of nothing. But it was no use. Why had she and Uzetta imagined they could escape from one of the most powerful men in the world? She recalled her words to Abul, how she had humiliated him and ordered him from her house. He had hated her from the beginning. Now his need to hurt her would be unmitigated. Were it not for his fear of Satomi, he would have killed her long ago. In the past she could rely on Satomi to restrain Abul, but since she had defied Satomi, he too, would feel humiliated and require her to be severely punished. She glanced at the open bathroom door. In the medicine chest was a pack of Jeff’s razors. It would be an escape they could not prevent. But, after a moment, she knew she had neither the will nor the courage. Besides, there was Mary Margaret. If she obeyed Abul for the next few weeks, and managed to get back in the good graces of Satomi, perhaps she could somehow intervene on Mary Margaret’s behalf. At the Facility Kathy had discovered she was much stronger than she’d imagined. What more could Abul do to her? At her trial in the Facility she had taken the best Abul could hand out. What was to come couldn’t be any worse than what she’d already endured.


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