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Passion of a Scottish Warrior (The MacLomain Series: Later Years Book 4)

Page 30

by Sky Purington

  “You took a big chance.” Jackie grew upset. “And you mean Eara…or Chiomara, because she took us every step of the way.”

  “Nay.” Grant shook his head. “Only the love betwixt you and my son could have brought you so far. A love that helped you find true forgiveness, aye? Eara…Chiomara, simply helped.”

  “You had that much faith in us?” Jackie said. “In me?”

  “Aye.” Grant’s eyes stayed with hers. “From the moment you vowed to deny your love for my son to keep him safe.” His eyes went to Darach. “And from the moment I knew you would give your life to be with her.”

  Silence fell over the hall except for the crackling of the fire.

  “Ohhh,” Nicole finally groaned, clearly unable to help herself. “So touching. That’s the most romantic story ever.”

  “It really is,” Leslie added, wiping away several tears, hormones getting the best of her. “And I can’t stand being sappy.”

  “Me either,” Nicole moped, wiping away tears of her own.

  “What about Balor and the Genii Cucullati? How did they end up in the tapestry?” Jackie shook her head. “And what about Cullen Stewart? Does he know what happened to his sister?”

  “As we recently learned, Balor wanted you and the ring from the verra beginning, Jackie,” Torra said. “When Brigit stole you away in Ireland, it marked the start of his fury. He tracked Chiomara, then her lineage after that…the MacLomains. Anything to get his hands on another Claddagh ring that might somehow lead him to you.” She shook her head. “If he and Eoghan got you and your ring at the same time, he intended to travel back to Ireland and destroy Chiomara first, hence there would be no MacLomains. That in itself would have changed Scotland’s history.”

  “Aye,” Grant agreed then continued. “When Jackie was born, the long lost ring reappeared, and Brigit knew the time had come. Though someday it had to find its way back to its rightful owner, she hid the ring until the time was right for Jackie to wear it. Before that day came, she needed to be one step ahead.”

  “So she whispered the prophecy of the wee king.” Grant’s eyes flickered over Darach and his cousins. “Four MacLomain warriors would protect Robert the Bruce when evil sought him out. She did this knowing all in the Celtic Otherworld would hear. ‘Twas a means to draw out Balor. Because if one thing remained true above all else, ‘twas that Balor still held a grudge against Brigit for interfering in Ireland to begin with. Therefore, when the MacLomain name was mentioned, he took the bait.”

  “Little did Balor know that Brigit was using him to fulfill her own prophecy,” Torra said. “In his lust for revenge, it never occurred to the demon how ironic it was that the ring turned up at the same time the prophecy unfolded. No, he was too focused on his plan. He helped Eoghan’s soul reincarnate once, but that ended poorly. Then he tried again through the druid’s influence over his son, Keir Hamilton. That failed as well.”

  “But evil is vigilant and doesnae give up,” Torra continued. “So when Brigit’s prophecy unfolded, Balor played right into her hands and offered Eoghan’s soul a chance to return as a demi-god so he could get his lass back. Hence, he once more became Balor’s conduit to our plane. Because unlike a demi-god, a god can only meddle but so much in the affairs of mortals.”

  “When we traveled back in time to MacLomain Castle and Heidrek saw the potential in using Jackie as bait, he and I concocted our plan.” Grant said. “We would lure the beast to the tapestry once again. Just a different beast this time. And while I knew Jackie and Darach would eventually cross over and hopefully find me, I never could have anticipated things going as they did.” His eyes met Jackie’s. “You taking Darach’s pain and your tumor growing. How connected to evil it was.” He shook his head. “’Twas verra brave of you, lass.”

  “I would have done the same thing even if I knew the demon had put the tumor there.” Her eyes met Darach’s. “Even if I knew it would grow as a result.”

  “Aye, lass,” Grant murmured, his eyes still on her. “As I surmised, evil followed you both here to the great hall. ‘Twas then that Brigit told me Eoghan would pursue you back to where it all began in Ireland and that your final battle must be fought in the Otherworld. That when the time was right, you must visualize your surroundings in order to return to the world of the living, no matter how brief.” His eyes went to Darach. “And naturally, my son was determined to stay by your side every step of the way.”

  Their eyes met, and Darach squeezed her hand.

  “But let’s get back to what happened before you left,” Grant said. “Through the use of the mantle and the magic of all our kin, we were able to breach worlds and return to this reality.” His eyes went to the tapestry. “When we did, it was enough to make Balor act without thinking and follow you and Heidrek into the tapestry. Always eager for your soul, the Genii Cucullati were right behind.”

  “So what happened to them?” Jackie frowned. “All I remember seeing before Heidrek threw me to Darach was fire.”

  Grant was about to respond, but Torra shook her head. “That is another story entirely. One born of our dragon ancestors and the length they were willing to go for us.”

  “Heidrek said he was okay.” Jackie’s eyes narrowed on Grant. “Is he or was he just saying that so I wouldn’t worry?”

  “He is,” Grant assured and gestured at the tapestry. “Does it not look peaceful?”

  It did. Yet looks could be deceiving. Though inclined to seek more answers, she was well aware of how tired everyone was. And how they wanted to relax and celebrate the fact that they were safe now, especially Robert the Bruce and William.

  Jackie still couldn’t believe she had met William Wallace as a boy. Someone who would one day become a leader in the Scottish Wars of Independence. A brave and loyal man who would lay down his life for his king, Robert the Bruce, so that Scotland might rise up against tyranny.

  “What about Cullen Stewart?” Erin asked. “He’s important to me…to all of us. What happened to him?”

  Grant and Torra looked at each other and smiled.

  Grant explained. “As the story goes, a brother embraced forgiveness, spread his wings and saved his sister before she plummeted to her death.”

  “The last time I saw them they were battling it out here at MacLomain Castle. And then they just vanished.” Erin frowned. “What do you mean, Cullen saved that evil bitch?”

  “She wasnae so evil in the end,” Darach informed. “Da gave me the message before Jackie and I went off to fight Eoghan.”

  He explained what happened.

  “So after everything she did, he still saved her?” Nicole scowled. “I’m not sure I would’ve been so forgiving. Not at all.”

  “I agree,” Cassie murmured. “But then it seems like she might’ve been trying to tell us what was happening sooner.” She looked at Erin. “Didn’t you see her ghost at Stewart Castle? Wasn’t she trying to reach out?”

  “Yeah.” Erin frowned then looked at Nicole. “And didn’t you say Brae acted strangely when you came across her in the Otherworld?”

  “Yup.” Nicole frowned just as heavily, shook her head and eyed Grant. “So what happened to them after Cullen saved her? And why did she kill her brother to begin with?”

  “The stories are wide and varied. Some say she did it because she had no other choice. Killing him kept her parents and kin safe. Then others say her magic was so great that she knew his death was around the corner, and so she killed him first so that he would ascend and keep the blame on her…hence following her pre-destined path into all this,” Grant said. “As to the end? From all reports, the Stewart clan has found closure, happiness, and peace. All is well.”

  Jackie cocked her head at Grant. “Can’t you just chant a little something and travel back to their time to find out exactly what happened?”

  “He could. He might have already.” Darach’s mother chuckled and winked at Jackie. “But you’ll likely never know. Hamiltons are very talented at being evasive for the greater

  Jackie smiled. “Yeah, I’m getting that.”

  “What about the horses?” Darach’s eyes met his father’s. “We know they merged with ancestors but who delivered them to New Hampshire?”

  “I still dinnae know. But I suppose every Scottish clan deserves its mysteries.” Grant grinned and nodded at the mantel. “May future generations forever wonder who was at the heart of protecting our clan so well.”

  Everyone smiled as their eyes went to the mantel.

  Four horses were carved into the stone over the center of the hearth, running free and wild. Content with a job well done. Two happy faces were carved on either side. Faces nobody could mistake.

  Adlin and Iosbail.

  “Why does Adlin’s face seem less defined?” Bradon asked.

  “Funny you should ask.” Grant kept grinning as his eyes landed on Leslie’s stomach. “Where was it you conceived that bairn, again?”

  Leslie put her hands over her belly protectively. “Why?”

  Grant chuckled as he stood and pulled his wife into his arms as people streamed into the great hall. He responded then winked before he and Sheila twirled away to the pipes. “Was it at the Highland Defiance then?”

  Leslie’s eyes narrowed on Bradon. “What did he mean by that?”

  Jackie shook her head and groaned, “You two were so loud when we stowed away there.”

  “No surprise.” Nicole grinned. “Remember how loud they were in New Hampshire?”

  “Yeah, so what, we had sex…a lot of sex at the Defiance,” Leslie grumbled, her eyes narrowed on Bradon. “But what does that have to do with Adlin’s face being less defined in the damn mantle?”

  “My guess?” His eyes fell to her stomach, a little wondrous. “I’d say he meant Adlin’s soul is fading from the Otherworld and returning to this one.”

  “Aye.” Torra smiled at them. “After all, the original Highland Defiance was the most powerful place Adlin created …and a portal at that.” She shrugged. “It’s supposed to move people from one spot in Scotland to another but who knows what other kind of doorway it might be…”

  Everyone’s eyes rounded on Leslie’s stomach as they contemplated the possibility that Adlin’s reincarnated soul might be in there.

  Though interested in the conversation, Jackie had no chance to follow the rest of it before Darach pulled her into the happy crowd. Jackie laughed as he spun her once, twice then pulled her against him. They spent a long time like that. Swaying against each other...grateful that they were together and everything was over.

  Then they joined their friends and family in celebration. There was so much happiness. Lightness. And while she knew it was partly because she was accepting her illness was gone, it was so much more.

  “We’ve come a long way,” Jackie said as she and her friends stood outside later that night and stared out over the moonlit loch.

  “Have we ever.” Nicole looked at Cassie. “I never would’ve guessed any of this when we pulled your Chevette up to the Colonial in New Hampshire.” She chuckled. “What a ride.”

  “I know,” Cassie agreed.

  “I thought you were full of bullshit,” Erin reminded, an easy smile on her face.

  Jackie bumped her hip against Erin’s and smiled. “Glad you were wrong?”

  “Very,” Erin confirmed.

  Everyone’s eyes turned Jackie’s way when Erin said, “How about you, Savior? Thrilled as the rest of us?”

  Jackie shook her head and scowled. “Please don’t call me that.”

  “But we mean it,” Cassie said. “If it weren’t for you, we’d still be disabled.”

  “I…” She shook her head, not wanting the dynamics between them to change. “I didn’t mean to…”

  Their expressions softened when they saw her struggling. They understood.

  “Listen.” Erin gripped her shoulder and met her eyes. “I shouldn’t have said ‘savior’. That was too intense. We’re just grateful.” She notched the corner of her lip. “If we’re sharing a happy ending together and you played a part in that then way to go, Sweetheart.”

  Jackie nodded and whispered, “Anytime.”

  “I for one am glad that I experienced blindness. It gave me a deeper understanding of so many things,” Cassie said. “There are others in the village. Those losing their sight or are already blind. I’ve been working with them and will continue to do so.”

  “Same here,” Nicole added. “Though they’re all elderly, I’ve been spending a lot of time with those losing their hearing.”

  When Jackie’s eyes met Erin’s, her best friend shrugged. “It’s sort of rare to go mute, and I haven’t been here long so cut me some slack.” Then she pulled her into a hug. “But I’m opening my heart and learning about an amazing clan.” Erin grinned. “The MacLeod’s will never be the same after having me as Lady of their Castle.”

  Jackie chuckled. “No, they won’t.”

  Her eyes encompassed them all. “I love you guys.” She fought back tears. “Thanks for sticking by me every step of the way.”

  “Hell yeah,” Nicole murmured as Cassie said, “Where else would we be?”

  “Braveheart came to life,” Nicole echoed as they all embraced.

  Right. Their love for movies. A way to bridge the gap when they all lost their sight, hearing and what not.

  “William Wallace,” Nicole mumbled as they hugged tighter. “Like holy shit, right?”

  All nodded in agreement.

  “Mind if I steal my lass now?” Darach said.

  While she loved being with her friends, since the moment they separated, she was eager to be with him again. Some might say she suffered the romantic affliction of new love, but she knew how very old it was.

  “Darach Hamilton.” Nicole grinned as she hugged him the best she could with her big belly. “You always wanted Jackie.” She shook her head and half sauntered, half waddled away, proclaiming, “Let it go on record that when I think two people want each other, I’m right.”

  Cassie hugged him next then murmured, “I’m so glad you found each other,” before she left.

  Erin squeezed Jackie’s hand and met her eyes. “Are you okay?”

  There was only one way to answer, and she meant it with all her heart. “I’m better than ever.”

  Erin eyed her for a long moment before she nodded and headed Darach’s way. She embraced him and whispered in his ear. Something Jackie heard because of her and Darach’s connection. “I love you both, but you better be good to her,” she said. “Or I’ll use your own weapon against you.”

  When she strode away, Darach frowned, patted his side and muttered, “My blade’s gone. Bloody hell, how does she do that?”

  Jackie chuckled. “The woman’s talented.”

  “That’s one way to put it,” he muttered before he swiftly closed the distance between them. “I missed you,” he whispered as he backed her up against the railing and kissed her.

  “Me too,” she murmured between kisses. “Missed you too that is.”

  His lips closed more firmly over hers before she could say another word. It was astounding but not quite perfect…not quite what she needed.

  Something was missing.

  Her heart wanted more.

  Aware of her discontent, he pulled back and frowned. “What troubles you?”

  “Nothing that should…” She frowned, trying to understand. “But don’t you sense it?”

  His eyes searched hers before he nodded and whispered, “I think I do…you want to go home.”

  “Yes.” Her brows perked and her heart fluttered. “I do.”

  Though he tried to hide it, distress flashed in his eyes. “Back to the twenty-first century?”

  “Yes.” Jackie shook her head when she realized what he said. “No.” Her eyes stayed with his. “I want to go home…to Hamilton Castle.”

  Relief flashed in his eyes. “Aye then, lass. I learned a wee trick from Brigit along the way.”


  “Another way to get you home.” He cupped her cheek and brushed his finger over her birthmark before he pulled her close. Magic swirled around them before darkness descended.

  “Oh no, not the Otherworld again,” she mumbled against his chest.

  “Nay.” He turned her. “Home.”

  Jackie blinked as she acclimated. A full moon cut through the trees and lit the statue of her carved into Hamilton Castle.

  “We’re back,” she exclaimed, smiling.

  “Aye,” he murmured in her ear as he reached around and touched the birthmark on the statue. “We’re back to where it all began.”

  “What about the rest of the clan still at MacLomain Castle?” she managed, breathless as he pressed against her back.

  “We’ll get them home on the morrow,” he managed before he spun her and kissed her again.

  “How?” she whispered between kisses as he lifted her and she wrapped her legs around him.

  “Magic,” he said as he ascended the stairs with her in his arms.

  “But we’re home,” she managed between more kisses. “We should call the clan together. Have a celebration.”

  “Yer out of yer bloody mind,” he growled seconds before she ended up on an all-too-familiar bed. “I chased ye into the Celtic Otherworld. We died. Several times.” His body covered hers. “The only way I intend to celebrate right now is with you on this bed.” He removed their clothes with a flick of his wrist, settled between her thighs and whispered in her ear before he thrust and everything spun away in pleasure.

  “Welcome home, Lady of Hamilton Castle.”

  Later that night as Jackie cuddled against Darach, she reflected on everything that had happened as a result of preserving the passion first born between Gwendolyn and Devlin. Everything Goddess Brigit began in ancient Ireland and saw through thanks to careful planning and the help of her greatest love, Fionn Mac Cumhail.

  A large tapestry had been woven, in more ways than one.

  Evil had at last been defeated.

  Robert the Bruce was safe. He had learned much from his adventures and now understood things most never would experience at his age, never mind in their entire lifetime. From Cassie, how to see things more clearly and pay attention to what was going on around him. From Nicole, how to listen closely, especially to things unsaid. From Erin, how to appreciate the value in choosing his words wisely and using less of them to make his point.


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