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The Love You Make

Page 54

by Peter Brown

  encouragement of

  Harrison, Olivia Trinidad Arias

  Harrison Clapton, Pattie Boyd

  Harrison Clapton, Pattie Boyd (continued)

  Clapton’s relationship with

  divorce of

  in drug bust

  George’s courtship of

  George’s relationship with

  Indian studies of

  LSD experiences of

  on Maharishi’s ashram

  marital problems of

  marriage of

  remarriage of

  Harry, Bill

  Hastings, Jay

  “Heartbreak Hotel”

  Heath, Edward

  Hell’s Angels


  “Helter Skelter”

  Herron, Mark

  “He’s So Fine”

  “Hey Jude”

  Higgins, Henry

  Hodge, Vicki

  Hofer, Walter

  Hoffman, Abbie

  Hoffman, Dezo

  Holly, Buddy

  Hopkin, Mary

  Hopkins, Nicky

  Horn, Paul

  Howard, Frankie

  Howard, Peter

  “How Do You Sleep?”

  Howes, Arthur

  How I Won the War

  Hubers, Bettina

  Hubers, Erika

  Hudson, Rock

  Humperdinck, Engelbert

  Hutch, Johnny

  “I Am the Walrus”

  Ichiyananagi, Toschi

  Ifield, Frank

  “I’ll Cry Instead”


  “I’m a Loser”

  “I’m Fixing a Hole”

  “I Need You”

  “In My Life”

  “Instant Karma”

  Isherwood, James

  “I Want to Hold Your Hand”

  “I Want to Tell You”

  “Jabberwocky” (Carroll)

  Jacobs, David

  Brian’s death and

  death of

  merchandising business and

  Paul’s paternity suits and

  Jagger, Mick

  background of

  in drug bust

  James, Dick

  James, Frederick

  James Paul McCartney (TV special)

  Janov, Arthur

  Janov, Vivian

  Japanese Jailbird

  Jarlett, Dorothy

  Jenkin, Patric

  “Jennifer juniper”

  Jessel, Toby

  Jesus Christ Superstar


  Jim Mac Jazz Band

  John, Elton

  John, king of England

  John Lennon in His Own Write (Lennon)

  theatrical version of

  John Lennon/Plastic Ono Band

  Johnny and the Moondogs

  Johnson, Olive

  Jones, Brian

  Jones, Raymond

  Jung, Carl

  Kass, Ron

  fired from Apple Corp.

  Keeler, Christine

  Keltner, Jim

  Kennedy Jackie

  Kennedy, John F.

  assassination of

  Kesey, Ken

  King, Ben E.

  King, Tony

  Kirchner, Astrid

  engagement of

  Stu’s death and

  Klein, Allen

  in Apple’s financial reorganization

  Apple’s mass firing and

  background of

  in Beatles’ breakup

  Beatles’ lawsuits with

  Brian’s death and

  in Kyoko’s custody dispute

  in Northern Songs takeover bid

  recording contract renegotiated by

  Kleindienst, Richard

  Koch, Ed

  Koger, Marijike

  Kooper, Al

  Koschmider, Bruno

  Hamburg engagement and

  Kramer, Billy J. (Billy Ashton)

  Ku Klux Klan

  Laine, Denny

  Lawrence, Steve


  Layla and Majnum (Nazimi)

  Leary, Timothy

  Lee, Bernie

  Lee Curtis and the All Stars

  Leeger, Josje

  Lennon, Fred (father)

  black-market dealings of

  courtship and marriage of

  marital difficulties of

  reappearance of

  separated from John

  Lennon, John Ono

  academic difficulties of

  affairs of

  bed-ins of

  birth of

  Brian’s desire for

  car accident of

  Christmas message of

  Dakota apartments of

  death of

  deterioration of

  diminished credibility of

  “directional trips” of

  at Dovedale Primary School

  in drug bust

  early childhood of

  early compositions of

  early musical interests of

  experimental films of

  experimental music of

  film career of

  first solo appearance of

  George’s early relationship with

  heroin experiences of

  as “househusband”

  immigration problems of

  “Jesus” remarks of

  Kenwood home of

  in Kyoko’s custody dispute

  literary success of

  at Liverpool Art College

  LSD habit of

  marriages of (see Lennon Bassanini Twist, Cynthia; Ono, Yoko)

  MBE award returned by

  mischievous streak of

  mother’s death and

  in move to London

  in move to New York

  name changed by

  Lennon, John Ono (continued)

  in Northern Songs takeover bid

  paranoia of

  Paul’s early relationship with

  “peace concert” planned by

  as political activist

  in primal therapy

  at Quarry Bank School

  solo albums of

  Tittenhurst home of

  unhappiness of

  upbringing of

  on vacation with Brian

  violent temper of

  Lennon, Julian (son)

  birth of

  father’s death and

  infancy of

  Maharishi’s gift to

  in parents’ separation

  Lennon, Julia Stanley (mother)

  courtship and marriage of

  death of

  in John’s childhood

  marital difficulties of

  mischievous streak of

  Lennon, Sean Ono (son)

  father’s death and

  Lennon Bassanini Twist, Cynthia

  adolescence and upbringing of

  Beatles’ touring and

  Brian’s temper and

  divorce of

  “dollie birds” and

  engagement and marriage of

  first American trip of

  gang violence and

  Hamburg trip of

  John’s affair discovered by

  John’s correspondence with

  on John’s drug experiences

  John’s early relationship with

  John’s estrangement from

  as John’s “savior”

  Kenwood home of

  at Liverpool Art College

  LSD experiences of

  Magic Alex and

  on Maharishi’s ashram

  at Mendips

  in move to London

  on Paul’s paternity suits

  pregnancy of

  subsequent marriages of

  Lester, Richard

  Let It Be (album)

  Let It Be (film)

  Levinson, Charles

  Levy, Morrisr />
  Lewis, Brian


  Brian’s death and

  Liberace, Lee

  Lichtenstein, Roy


  l.ife of Brian, The

  Lincoln in Dalivision (Dali)

  Lindbergh, Charles A.

  Lindsay, John

  Lipton, Peggy

  “Listen to What the Man Said”

  l.ive and Let Die

  Liverpool Art College

  Liverpool Evening Echo

  Living in the Material World

  Lockwood, Sir Joseph

  in Apple’s financial reorganization

  in John’s drug bust

  in recording contract renegotiation

  Lomax, Jackie

  London Observer

  “Long and Winding Road, The”

  l.ongest Cocktail Party; The (DeLillo)

  Long Good Friday, The


  Love, Mike

  “Love Me Do”

  “Love You Too”

  “Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds”

  Lyndon, John


  McCartney (album)

  McCartney, James (Jim) (father)

  Brian and

  musical career of

  McCartney, James (son)

  McCartney, Linda Eastman

  background of

  in Beatles’ breakup

  marijuana incidents of

  marriage of

  as musician

  Paul’s first meeting with

  Paul’s relationship with

  pregnancy of

  Waterfall home of

  McCartney, Mary (daughter)

  McCartney, Mary Patricia Mohin (mother)

  death of

  marriage and pregnancies of

  McCartney, Michael (brother)

  early childhood of

  McCartney, Paul (James Paul)

  birth of

  on Brian’s homosexuality

  death rumor about

  directional efforts of

  early compositions of

  film scores of

  formal withdrawal of

  George’s early relationship with

  High Park home of

  John’s death and

  John’s early relationship with

  marijuana incidents of

  marriage of (See McCartney, Linda Eastman)

  new group of

  in Northern Songs takeover bid

  Oscar nomination of

  paternity suits against

  personal wealth of

  romantic life of

  solo albums of

  St. John’s Wood home of

  twenty-first birthday of

  as virtuoso

  Waterfall home of

  McCulloch, Jimmy

  McCulloch, Henry

  McFall, Ray

  McGlynn, Joseph (pseudonym)

  McKenzie, Phyllis

  McLuhan, Marshall

  Macmillan, Harold

  Magic Alex (see Mardas, John Alexis)

  Magical Mystery Tour

  Magic Christian, The

  Maharishi Mahesh Yogi

  ashram of

  Beatles’ first encounters with

  Brian’s death and

  exposed as phoney

  Makin, Rex

  Malik, Michael Abdul (Michael X)

  Maltz, Stephen

  Mamoudas, Victor

  Manchester Daily Express

  Manson, Charles

  Man Who Gave the Beatles Away, The (Williams)

  Marcos, Ferdinand

  Marcos, Imelda

  Marcunia, George

  Mardas, John Alexis (Magic Alex)

  antidrug feelings of

  in Apple Corp.

  Beatles’ first meetings with

  in Greek island scheme

  in John and Cynthia’s divorce

  in John’s estrangement from Cynthia

  on Maharishi’s ashram

  Margaret, princess of England

  Marsden, Gerry

  Martin, Dean

  Martin, George

  first recording sessions with

  recording contract offered by

  role of

  Marx, Groucho

  Mason, Dave

  “Maybe I’m Amazed”

  Meggs, Brown

  Mekas, Jonas

  Melchior, Terry

  Melody Maker

  Mersey Beat

  Michaels, Lorne

  Michael X (Michael Abdul Malik)


  Milligan, Spike

  Mills, Hayley

  Mind Games


  Modern Jazz Quartet

  Monroe, Marilyn

  Monty Python

  Moon, Keith

  Moore, John

  Moore, Tommy

  Moran, James

  Morris, Brian

  Moss, Jerry


  Moynihan, Vyvienne

  Murray the K

  “My Love”

  “My Sweet Lord”

  NEMS (Nemperor Holdings)

  as concert promoters

  diversified operations of

  as lever in recording contract search

  in merchandising business

  offered to Beatles

  opening of

  power struggle at

  sales of

  Newfield, Joanne

  New Record Mirror


  New york

  New York Post

  Nichol, Jimmy

  Nilsson, Harry

  Nizer, Louis

  “Nobody Loves You”

  “No No”

  Northern Songs

  takeover bids for

  “Norwegian Wood”

  Nureyev, Rudolf

  Nutter, David

  “Ob-la-di, Ob-la-da”

  O’Dell, Dennis

  Oh Calcutta ;

  Oldenberg, Claes

  Oldham, Andrew

  Oliver, Jack

  Olivier, Sir Laurence

  Omrod, Bruce

  One to One Concert

  “Only You”

  Ono, Yoko

  in Apple’s financial reorganization

  art work of

  background of

  in Beatles’ breakup

  Ono, Yoko, (continued)

  Beatles’ resentment of

  bed-ins of

  business acumen of

  in car accident

  Christmas message of

  in concert with John

  Dakota apartments of

  in drug bust

  experimental films of

  experimental music of

  heroin experiences of

  John’s death and

  John’s first meetings with

  John’s patronage of

  John’s reconciliation with

  John’s relationship with

  in John’s relationship with Julian

  John’s separation from

  in Kyoko’s custody dispute

  marriage of

  miscarriages of

  in move to New York

  “peace concert” planned by

  as political activist

  pregnancies of

  previous marriages of (see Cox, Tony; Ichiyananagi, Toschi)

  in primal therapy

  in pursuit of John

  real estate investments of

  as recluse

  suicide threats of

  Tittenhurst home of

  Op Art

  Orenstein, Bud

  O’Rhielly, Ronan

  Ormsby-Gore, Alice

  Ormsby-Gore, David

  Oswald, Lee Harvey

  Owens, Alun

  Owens, Richard


  Paar, Jack

  Palma, Anthony

  Palmer, Tony


  Pape, Richard

  “Paperback Writer”

  Parker, Colonel Tom

  Parnes, Larry

  Partridge, Kenneth

  Patterson, Margaret

  Pau! McCartney : Many Years From Now

  Peck, Gregory

  Peel, David

  Perry, Richard

  Phillips, John


  Pickles, Thelma

  Pilcher, Norman

  Pinsker, Harry

  Plastic Ono Band (album)

  Plastic Ono Band

  Platz, David


  “Please Please Me” (song)

  Please Please Me (album)

  Pobjoy, Mr.

  Poe, Edgar Allan

  Polanski, Roman

  Polden, Martin

  Poole, Lord

  Pop Art

  Posthuma, Simon (The Fool)

  Powell, Lillian

  as archetypical mother-in-law

  Cynthia’s pregnancy and

  John’s dislike of

  Powell, Margery

  Powell, Tony

  Precht, Bob

  Presley, Elvis

  Beatles’ meeting with

  Beatles’ popularity vs.

  film career of

  John’s idolization of

  merchandising income of

  Paul’s idolization of

  Preston, Billy

  Pride, Dickie

  Primal Scream, The (Janov)

  Primal Therapy Center

  Prince and the Pauper, The

  Pritchard, John

  Profumo, John Dennis

  “PS. I Love Love”


  Quant, Mary



  Quickly, Tommy

  Radio Luxembourg





  Raskin, Gene

  Rauschenberg, Robert

  Red Rose Speedway

  Reed, Rex


  “Revolution 9”


  Rice-Davies, Mandy

  Richards, Keith

  Richenberg, Leonard

  Richter, Dan

  Ringo (album)

  Ringo the 4th

  Rivers, Larry

  Rock and Roll

  “Rock Around the Clock”

  “Rock Island Lane”

  Rockwell, Norman

  Rohne, Dorothy

  Rolling Stone

  Rolling Stone Album Guide

  Rolling Stones


  Ronstadt, Linda


  Rory Storm and the Hurricanes


  Rowe, Dick

  Roxon, Lillian

  Royal Academy of Dramatic Arts (RADA)

  Royal Caribbean Band

  RSO (Robert Stigwood Organization)

  Rubber Soul

  Rubin, Jerry

  Rupert, Prince

  Russell, Leon

  Salinger, J.D.

  Sarris, Andrew

  Sassoon, Vidal

  Saturday Evening Post

  Saturday Night Fever

  Saturday Night Live


  Schaffner, Nicholas

  Schurtman, \‘illiam

  Schwartz, Francie

  See, Bob

  See, Heather


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