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The Dark Bloom (The Faery Meadow Book 2)

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by Lumtrexa

  Chapter 1-Birthday

  "Happy Birthday! Our sweet Elaine is turning eighteen!" My mother coos to dad, while she places a flower crown made of light pinks and purples on my head.

  We sit in their small kitchen. The walls are painted a light yellow and the house is rather small, but it's cozy. It looks similar to the other fae houses down the block.

  "Mom you're embarrassing me." I say with a small smile.

  "Oh there is so much to tell you! Today though, let's just celebrate you. The whole town already knows you're here. We fae do take parties seriously!" Mom says while scrambling around the kitchen moving trays of scrumptious looking pastries.

  "She's right." Dad beams.

  I practically inhale all of my food. Colt already finished eating ten minutes ago. Mom and dad's house is so tiny that Colt has to stay at an inn down the road. At least that's what they told me, I can tell Colt makes them feel nervous.

  "So...when does the official party start then? You know, I'm happy right here, there's no need for the town to throw me a party." I say tiredly.

  "Honey, this is your eighteenth birthday." Mom says. Well, I guess the eighteenth birthday among the fae is more important than a sweet sixteen...

  It's dinner time, the sun is already starting to set. I'm still adjusting to living with my parents again, hopefully this party won't be too long.


  "Come on." Colt barks from downstairs.

  "I don't want to wear this ridiculous dress." I groan in misery. My mother bought me a hand sewn traditional "fae dress", whatever that means. I have to admit it does look impressive, but it's too good for me to wear.

  It is sleeveless, with a layered trend. The long strands drag on the ground. The bottom of the dress has sewn light blue flowers on it and they trail to the top of the dress, blending in with the pale pink and yellow shades of fabric.

  "We're going to be late." Colt grumbles as I hear my parents leave the house. They were so excited to go, they couldn't wait for Colt and I. If I don't wear the dress, I really have nothing else to wear except the clothes on my back. My mom has yet to get me somewhat normal clothes.

  I decide to just wear it anyway to please my mom. I finally get the dress on by some miracle. It feels strange on me, like the fabric is too soft.

  Colt will probably laugh at how ridiculous I look.

  I push the door open anyway and quickly descend the stairs.

  I catch a glimpse of Colt's face and I'm surprised to see his serious face falter for a moment.

  "Ready?" I ask him reaching for the front door.

  "Yeah." He replies.

  We hurry down the empty streets lit by the faint glow of old streetlights.

  At last, we spot a huge white tent and soon the sound of laughter and talking.

  Some kind of string instruments are being played, it almost reminds me of Irish music. It's upbeat and merry tune already has me wanting to dance. A lot of girls young and old are wearing dresses similar to mine, I let out a sigh of relief.

  I spot mom and dad sitting at one of the many round tables talking with another fae. They suddenly turn to look at me and wave. I force a smile back.

  "You know I'm not really a big party person. I think I can get away with just sitting down the entire time." I say under my breath.

  Colt nods his head silently, he isn't one to talk much in public.

  "So have you ever been to a party like this?" I ask him.

  "No." He says shortly. I can tell he wants to leave as much as I do by the agitated look in his pale eyes.

  "Your mother and father are watching us." Colt grumbles.

  I mentally roll my eyes.

  "Why don't I bring us something to eat?" I offer.

  "Okay." Colt replies while scanning the crowds of fae. I guess he rather keep a look out.

  I get up from my chair and weave my way around the tables. I have to scoot myself around dancing fae, I watch the musicians and smile. Even the musicians are excited and laughing while they play their uplifting songs. Other fae are carelessly holding hands and jumping in circles, their faces growing red with energy.

  The excitement in the air, whether I want to admit it or not, is contagious.

  At last I spot the long table filled with delicious looking food. Yellow and red fruit fill one end and the other side is clustered with all kinds of desserts. In the center of the table is what I assume to be my birthday cake. It is in the shape of a rectangle with light pink fluffy frosting. I cut two pieces and then walk back to my table.

  "Hope you like cake." I say lightly, giving Colt his plate.

  "I do, thanks." Colt replies, while scoffing down the cake. I smile back and take my time savoring each honeyed bite.

  "You're welcome." I laugh.

  "Hope everyone got their piece! This cake won't last much longer! Get a piece while you can. And a very happy birthday to Elaine!" Someone announces at the other end of the tent.

  After awhile, mostly everyone finishes eating and is either talking at their table or dancing.

  "Colt, maybe we could dance for awhile just for fun. I really like the music they're playing." I tell him.

  "Have fun." He says sarcastically. He scoots in closer to the table and rests his head in his arms, as if he's ready to take a nap.

  Fine, I just thought he might want to have a little fun. He didn't even have to dance with me, I just wanted him to relax, even if just for a small moment.

  I give the dancing crowd in front of the musicians a nervous look. It looks like Colt is already asleep. I hesitantly walk towards the dancing fae and soon enough I'm engulfed inside the crowd.

  Automatically, strangers take my hands and leap around. They shout and holler and we take turns dancing with each other. It's as if every five seconds you switch dance partners. At first, a giggle escapes me, then it grows into uncontrollable laughter.

  I haven't had this much fun in such a long time, I'm so glad I decided to dance. I continue skipping around with people and dancing in circles.

  Abruptly, the upbeat music ends and a more slow song comes on. I guess this is my cue to leave. Then I realize the person I was just dancing dancing with hasn't released my hand. All the faces I watched while dancing seemed to blur together. Only now do I start to analyze this fae's face closer.

  It would be rude of me to just leave him to dance by himself. So I shrug my shoulders and give the brown haired boy a smile, he must be a few years older than me. This is just for fun anyway.

  "You must be the birthday girl." The boy says with a light laugh as we start to dance.

  "How did you know?" I ask.

  "I can just tell. You seem like you're new around here, I assume you enjoyed dancing?" He says with a chuckle.

  "Yeah it was really great." I say while we dance together. There is about a foot between us, I'm little uncomfortable at the close proximity.

  Suddenly, he places one hand on my shoulder and the other on my waist, my stomach clenches. This is just for fun, I don't even know him, I remind myself.

  I place my hands on his shoulders.

  The boy is quiet again, I relax a little and take notice of the other dancing people around me. This isn't so bad. I glance over the round tables, to my dismay, Colt has disappeared.

  "Looking for someone?" The boy dancing with me says teasingly.

  "No." I lie, trying to sound innocent.

  "Really?" He asks, raising his eye brow.

  "Yes." I say quickly.

  "Then whose the creepy man over there that's been giving me a death glare since we started dancing?" The boy says dryly, while looking over my shoulder.

ntly, I turn my head around.

  My face reddens in embarrassment when I see the cold look on Colt's face.

  "He-" I'm about to say, but the boy cuts me off.

  "You don't have to tell me, it's okay. Let's not worry about him. Come on, let's just ignore him." He says starting to dance again. I nod my head numbly feeling Colt watch us.

  Before I can blink my eyes, Colt is behind the boy. The boy turns around confused, then he jump when he sees Colt is right behind him.

  "Never mind, she's all yours." The boy says to Colt in a panicked voice, then he walks away from us quickly.

  Chapter 2-Encounter

  After watching the boy walk away, Colt grabs my hands quickly and we start swaying to the soft ethereal music.

  "I've never heard music as gentle as this." Colt says offhandedly.

  "You know, you shouldn't have scared that boy away Colt." I sigh.

  "I never said a word to him, in fact, he walked away from you on his own. Sounds like someone you know doesn't it?" Colt says while spinning me. The music picks up and we quickly move around the dance floor passing other people.

  "I'm trying not to think about that." I say in a clipped voice. Suddenly, the dress hugging me seems to suffocate me.

  "I think I'm going to sit down. Hey, why don't we go outside?" I offer.

  "That sounds good." Colt says.

  I know he's a little ticked off, the moment we've stepped into the party people have been giving him wary looks. Some people I even caught glaring openly at him! I guess they can sense he's not exactly a fae.

  After walking around several groups of people, Colt and I wander past several flower gardens and bushes. We end up finding one of the party tents, but this one is oddly vacant. It's probably just an extra one in case they need space for more people. However, it's kind of far away from the rest of the party.

  "There's something I've been wanting to tell you." Colt says in a serious tone. He guides me under the tent.

  "O-oh okay." I reply.

  I'm relieved to watch him sit down under the tent. To be honest my feet have grown tired from all the dancing. I happily sit down across from him. The grass is surprisingly high, I guess they don't mow their yards out here. My long dress sits around me in a pool.

  I give him a reassuring nod, then he speaks up.

  "It's about the bond, the voice in my head is getting worse." He says carefully, watching for my reaction.

  I'm surprised to feel my wings unfurl on their own. Their pinkish black hues sway gently against the soft grass.

  "Aren't you a demon though? Do demons truly have mates?" I ask quickly, leaning towards him in panic.

  "I already told you that I've never heard of my kind sharing blood with any other." He says grumpily.

  "So the voices in your head have gotten worse?" I say gently. I know before he told me about some voice telling him to 'protect' me.

  Something flashes across his face, suddenly I feel his black wings stroking mine teasingly. I guess that's a yes then, maybe he's even starting to really listen to the voices.

  I scoot back in the grass, far away enough so his wings won't reach mine.

  "Imagine having a voice scream in your ear all day." He says flatly.

  "Well I did hear voices for a while, before I knew faeries existed. Though they weren't screaming in my ears." I laugh lightly.

  "Sometimes it's like my wings have a mind of their own." Colt says quietly.

  "We're going to get this figured out Colt. Let's just enjoy today. I can't believe I'm eighteen already." I sigh while laying on my back. I stare up at the soft lights strung below the tent.

  Colt props himself up on his elbow next to me.

  An inky shadow inches its way over my arms, my heart flutters in surprise.

  "Sorry." Colt says, not sounding sorry at all.

  Feeling an annoying tickling sensation in my throat, I blow glitter onto his face. He scrunches his eyebrows in agitation.

  "Sorry." I say mockingly.

  He laughs darkly and wipes the glitter off his face. Abruptly, the inky shadows that were once crawling along the floor crawl back to Colt, then he disappears.

  "Hey, come back!" I laugh while standing up.

  It becomes eerily quiet for a moment and I squint my eyes looking at my surroundings.

  Suddenly, out of nowhere Colt reappears. His face looks livid, but when my eyes stare into the eyes of the person he's holding by the neck it all makes sense.

  My jaw drops, it's Lorcan. Maybe I should just let Colt choke him a little longer, my mind offers dryly.

  "Lorcan? Colt where did you find him?" I say quickly.

  "He's been watching for awhile since we've entered the party." Colt says like I should have known.

  Lorcan's red eyes plead with mine to make Colt release him.

  "Colt, let him go." I say.

  Colt gives Lorcan a hateful glare, then he releases his hold on Lorcan. The moment Colt releases Lorcan, Lorcan runs to my side embracing me tightly. As if he went to the ends of the world to find me, as if I was the one who walked away.

  I shove him off me in anger.

  "How could you leave me like that?" I screech, tightening my hands into fists. I feel my face turn red in fury and hurt.

  "I left you for what? A few days Elaine. Then I find out you unmated me. Without my consent." Lorcan says while watching me with his deep red eyes.

  "I didn't even know what I was getting into." I say feeling annoyed at myself for being defensive.

  "With who, Elaine? Me or...that?" He yells, while pointing at Colt.

  "Colt's helped me more than you have. He's protected me." I say while raising my voice.

  "I don't blame you. I blame him. I'll take you away with me now that I've found you. I'll explain everything, we just need to get out of here now." Lorcan says urgently. He tugs on my arm and starts walking off in the opposite direction of Colt. I angrily pull against him dragging my feet. He thinks I will go back with him just like that?

  "I can't just go with you! Let me go. Now." I grit through my teeth. Colt watches us both with amusement.

  "What are you smirking about? Perhaps I shall wipe that smirk off your face. After all, you're the one who took her away from me." Lorcan says to Colt with an evil grin. Lorcan then releases me and races up to Colt at inhumane speed.

  I decide I'm tired of this drama, so I race past Lorcan and stand in front of Colt.

  "Looks like she doesn't agree with you." Colt says in a bored voice.

  "Lorcan, I asked for Colt's help. I wanted to leave." I say in a calm voice.

  "Yeah right. Do you know what he is Elaine? He isn't like you and me. It wouldn't surprise me if he hasn't bothered telling you yet-" Lorcan rants, but I interrupt him.

  "Actually he has already told me what he is and I have no problem with it. So what's your problem Lorcan? You seemed to have had no problem leaving me out in the rain. Did you expect me to wait out there a couple days without word from you, while you lived it up wherever you were?" I huff tiredly.

  "So he's taken good care of you I assume?" Lorcan says loudly, ignoring everything I just said to him. He pushes me to the side easily. Colt remains still, he towers over Lorcan watching Lorcan with a bored expression. Lorcan cocks his head to the side.

  One of Colt's shadows passes under my feet, somehow the inky shadow moves me behind Colt.

  Before I can even think of what to say, Lorcan punches Colt squarely in the face. I jump, accidentally bumping into one of Colt's wings.

  A dark laugh resounds from Colt, after Lorcan's fist leaves his face.

  "You want to fight me? You do realize it's Elaine's birthday-who you just shoved to the side. You're not her mate anymore." Colt says in a strangely calm voice.

  "Are you stupid, who do you think you are? Somehow she got us unmated, but I will make us mates again." Lorcan hisses.

  "Believe me, she didn't want to be your mate. She was done with you." Colt replies.

  "How would
you know?" Lorcan spits.

  Lorcan raises his fist again, I'm about to step out and intervene, but Colt grabs his fist before it lands on his face again.

  Suddenly, the soft glow from the hanging lights below the tent goes out. Murky shadows spread out from Colt and crawl over the ground and up the tent. Colt's losing his temper.

  "So now I suppose you want to fight me?" Lorcan laughs, forcefully. He almost sounds like he's in...pain? I didn't see Colt hit him though.

  Colt remains dangerously quiet. I decide to step out from behind Colt. A shadow trails up my arm, then crawls back along the floor. I spot Lorcan standing still, as if glued in place by the shadows twisting up his legs like vines.

  "So now I have to ask, demon. I know a little about a demon's power. Their shadows are said to burn the skin of animals, humans and fairies that they touch. So why may I ask, is Elaine immune to your shadows on the floor...and why are they only burning me?" Lorcan says while gritting his teeth.

  I stare dumbfounded at Lorcan's legs as blood begins to drip down his legs and onto the grass. Do Colt's shadows really burn people?

  "Wouldn't you like to know." Colt states darkly.

  "As her mate, I would." Lorcan says angrily.

  "That's where you're wrong." Colt states.

  "Then whose mate is she? Did you meet someone else along the way Elaine? Perhaps another fairy? I don't suppose you asked this demon to unmate us." Lorcan says with humor. As if the very idea of me being with anyone else, but him is the most ridiculous thing he's ever heard.

  "I helped her unmate you." Colt says.

  "Well she still is my mate, she will be as soon as I end your little creepy shadow stunt and leave here with her." Lorcan retorts.

  "I can't let you do that." Colt replies slowly.

  "Why not?" Lorcan says bluntly.

  "She's my mate." Colt says with a smirk.

  Chapter 3-Back to Hell

  "Enough!" I shriek, having enough with the two of them.

  "Elaine, we really need to get out of here." Lorcan grits.

  Colt releases Lorcan with a look of disgust. I rush over to Lorcan to help him up as Colt stands watching quietly.

  "You and I have to leave, now." Lorcan hisses in my ear.


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