The Dark Bloom (The Faery Meadow Book 2)

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The Dark Bloom (The Faery Meadow Book 2) Page 6

by Lumtrexa

  "Quiet now." Viktor says calmly. He walks over to the fallen tree and lifts it up. I can't see what he's doing, but he turns around with the other end of the rope in his hand. I think demons must not be affected by fire because he doesn't have any burn marks on him.

  Even though I know the only reason he's doing this is for some plan of his, he's still saving my life. Viktor walks back over to me and when I stand up with a sniffle I give him a quick hug without thinking much about it. He looks down at me as if I burned him, instead of the flames he just walked through to get the other end of the rope that was trapping me.

  I back away from Viktor and try to stop crying like a baby.

  "Thank you." I tell him while wiping my face.

  "That may be the first thank you anyone has given me, little one." He says looking downward at me with a smirk. Wait, he's the one who left me with the witches. Maybe he knew all of this would happen.

  My hand seems to have a mind of its own as it slaps Viktor across the face, I immediately regret it, he catches my hand in a rough grip.He stifles a laugh as if my slap was a joke. I seem to have forgotten that my hand is still tied to the rope.

  Without another word, he ties the other end of the rope around his hand.

  Chapter 10-Home Again

  "Oh don't give me that look." He says with a smirk.

  "Now what are you going to do? Take me back to the witches yourself?" I ask angrily.

  "The witches are dead. I told you I'd kill them or did you forget? This is the only way I can keep you with me. As I mentioned before, the witches wanted to use your power to take over the fae kingdom. I wouldn't have minded if they did, fairies are a pain to begin with." He remarks with a chuckle.

  "I will never help you." I mumble while trying to pull the rope out of his grasp.

  "I do not plan on getting involved with the fae anymore than I need to. The only reason I got out of Hell was because I tricked the witches into letting me use their portal. However, since I killed them I won't be able to go back so easily. Now that my brother is there, I need to get back before he leaves again and he will. I will simply find out what your power is and then use it to find my way back to Hell." Viktor replies while walking off in the direction of the trees on fire, pulling me with him.

  "That's not going to work, why would I ever willingly help you?! And I don't have powers! How many times do I have to tell everyone that...why do you want to go back to Hell anyway? Is it really worth it to go back there just to attempt to kill Colt?" I ask with a worried voice. Even though Colt lied to me, I don't want him to die, I mean I didn't even get to talk to him about it...maybe I shouldn't.

  "If you're going to be complaining the whole way, I can just knock you out. It's pretty tempting right now to be honest." He grunts.

  I toss my dirty hair over my shoulder, and march behind him trying to keep up with his stride.

  Seeing as he's walking in the direction of the flaming trees, I come to a stop.

  "You may be fireproof, but I am not." I snap.

  "What makes you think I care? Come on, move!" He says sharply. He tries to keep walking forward, but I plant my feet into the ground and pull against the rope with all my weight.

  "Fine, then we'll fly over the trees. I'll drag you if I have to." He retorts. Suddenly, his black demon wings appear from behind him and he gives me an impatient look. I will my wings to come out and soon enough we are able to clumsily fly above the trees and over the other side where the rest of the forest has yet to catch aflame.

  "Where are we going? If I can't even use my powers, how do you expect to use them?" I ask.

  "Simple. Your family must have an idea, we will ask them." He says with a dark chuckle.

  "You are not going anywhere near my family! I will never tell you where they are! I rather burn down with this forest then take you to them, for all I know you'll just kill them!" I say with fury.

  "That's too bad. I already know where they are, thanks to my dreamwalking. While you were carried away watching Colt talk to that witch in Hell, I got bored and decided to sort through your memories for some information." He says. For some reason I feel almost violated, how many of my memories did he even see?! My face reddens in rage and I tighten my fists.

  "I suggest you pick up the pace, unless you really do want to burn to death." Viktor laughs cruelly.

  We continue walking, the smell of smoke still lingers in the crisp air, but somehow we have managed to distance ourselves far away from the forest fire.

  I lift my head up and look around, the forest is quieter here. Sharp thorn bushes crowd around the dead trees, most of the trees here don't even have leaves. Several vines of poison oak snake around the aged trees, suffocating them. A low fog sits on the forest floor, occasionally I think I hear a were from somewhere ahead of us.

  "Where are we?" I ask uneasily.

  Viktor doesn't say anything, when we walk around a giant boulder and through a ditch, a small rundown house is revealed. Viktor walks straight up to the door, above the door hangs a sign. Carved in the wood is written Gurnava's House.

  "I've been here before." I state numbly while walking up next to Viktor.

  "Good. Then you won't mind me kicking down their door." Viktor says.

  "You can't just-" I begin to yell, but he kicks down the door releasing a bunch of splinters of wood into the air with a loud, the door falls flatly with a thud.

  "You were with that red headed fairy that was with Colt, when you were here, weren't you? And where's the old hag? Dead I presume..." Viktor asks while stepping into the vacant house. I guess that was some of the information he gathered when he was dreamwalking.

  "Her name is Gurnava, I don't know where she is. Her house wasn't this messy when I was here." I say while glancing around the small house. Floorboards creak under my feet as I walk over to the table fallen on its side, seeing drawers opened with papers, books ripped to shreds and glass bottles smashed onto the floor.

  Even though I barely knew her, I hope she's still okay, but something tells me she didn't make this mess. It seems someone was looking for something here, someone who didn't mind trashing her home to get it.

  "I had hoped the old hag had another portal lying around, seems none are left. There is nothing here of use." Viktor says with distaste. Like an angry child, he steps on one of the only glass bottles on the ground that wasn't broken.

  "What do we have here?" Viktor says while opening a drawer to find a rusty locket. He opens it up eagerly, to find the locket is empty.

  "Junk." He scoffs. When he tosses it carelessly on the floor, I pick it up and take a look at it for myself.

  Picking it up by its rusty chain, I open it to find tiny scratch marks carved into it. I feel over the inside of the locket with my thumb, accidentally dropping it when my thumb gets pricked by a shard of jagged silver on the inside of it.

  "Come on fairy, let's go." Viktor says from the front door or what's left of it for that matter. He tugs roughly on the rope binding me, forcing my eyes from the odd locket I follow him back outside.

  "This is going to take longer than I planned-" Viktor begins to say angrily, but a glimmer of light catches the corner of my eye, I whip my head back towards the house.

  "Look!" I say breathlessly. The locket lying among the cluttered mess on the floor, sparkles brightly, unnaturally.

  "What?" Viktor says impatiently, he follows my gaze with confusion.

  Abruptly, he strides passed me, back inside the house. He walks too quickly and before I can begin to walk, the rope is stretched to its limit causing me to trip over myself.

  "Get up." Viktor says with annoyance. I jump to my feet and follow after him.

  The beam of light coming from the locket collapses onto the floor forming a circular shape.

  "Well...looks like the hag forgot to take one of her portals after all. No doubt you played some role in accessing the portal and you say you have no powers." Viktor says with a smirk.

  Instantly, I regret looki
ng back into the house, I should have kept my mouth shut!

  Without giving me time to think Viktor walks into the portal. However, I refuse to budge. I will never willingly lead him to my family. I grab onto the wooden kitchen counter top with all the strength I can gather as the rope becomes strained.

  "If I have to drag you over here I will." He says eerily calm.

  I shoot him a hateful glare, refusing to move. He tilts his head to the side and yanks his hand that's tied to the rope up. My body jerks toward him, but I refuse to release my hold on the counter.

  "Perhaps I shall knock some sense into you, fairy." He says with rage.

  He flickers out of sight, then reappears right in front of me. His hand meets my cheek with a sharp sting. I let out a yelp at the force of his hit, my back slides down the counter and I slump onto the floor.

  "I'm not asking you to obey me. I'm telling you to." He says darkly from above. My jaw quivers and I look him in the eye.

  "Now. Get. Up." He practically growls.

  "I will never listen to a vile man like you." I say while gritting my teeth.

  "You seem to forget, I am a demon." He says with a malevolent look. Just like that, he turns his back to me and twists his end of the rope around his hand to get a better grip. He begins to steadily drag me over to the portal.

  "No! Stop!" I screech to the top of my lungs with rage. He doesn't make a sound as I try desperately to grab onto anything to keep him from dragging me further. I manage to grab onto the corner of the fallen table, but my hands slip and Viktor continues dragging me.

  "I will never forgive you for this...let me go! I hate you! I hate you! Let go of me!" I yell pathetically, my voice breaking at the end. Suddenly, I look down at the floor below me to see the pool of white light, the locket further than an arms reach from me. Viktor looks down at me with disgust.

  He snatches the locket up and hangs it above my head, taunting me to grab it from him. A moment passes and he watches me with a curious look.

  "Here." He says suddenly calm, taking a step closer to me. It's as if someone flipped a switch and his attitude has suddenly died down.

  "Stay away from me." I say while scrambling out of his reach. His eyes flicker from their once calm state to something else, that is, before he turns his head to the side with fury. His face turns a shade of red as his temper boils over again.

  With new rage, he chucks the locket to the ground and steps on it, smashing it.

  I widen my eyes thinking he might have destroyed the portal. However, the light still floods over the floor. Why hasn't the portal transferred us? We both are still standing on it...

  Viktor leans over the broken locket, his nose almost touching the floor as he narrows his eyes scanning over the multitude of tiny fragments of silver.

  "Blood. Your blood opened it?" He says with disbelief. The look in his eyes makes me scoot further away from him. He picks up a nearby piece of broken glass from off the floor and walks over to me.

  "Stay still, you can't escape." He commands me quietly, as if trying to calm a wild animal. Suddenly, he jerks on the the rope, bringing me closer to him. I struggle against it, but it's useless. How much blood does he think he'll have to take from me to open the portal? Maybe the portal isn't even a portal to begin with, it could just be a locket that creates light!

  He stands about a foot away from me, without asking me, he grabs my arm tightly and lifts it up.

  "Don't fight me little one, or I'll make this more painful than it has to be." He threatens barely above a whisper. Swiftly, he raises the glass above my forearm and drags the glass across my skin. I hold in the urge to cry out, Viktor drops the glass when he sees the cut begin to bleed.

  Hugging my arm to myself I back away from him. The cut is about five inches long, it's sore, but doesn't hurt too much. I watch as a drop of blood drips off my arm and onto the light flooding the floor. Suddenly, the light lifts off the floor and it feels like I'm sinking into the floorboards.

  Viktor gives me a satisfied look as the portal pulls us out of Gurnava's house.

  Darkness surrounds me, but then I'm able to see my surroundings again.

  I recognize the house the portal brings us to immediately.

  Of all the places in Hunrel, the portal took us here.

  My parent's house.

  Maybe by some miracle my parents won't be home.

  Chapter 11-Explanations

  "You do realize they will see you as a demon." I say skeptically.

  "Ah, wouldn't want that." Viktor says while glamouring himself.

  Before my eyes, he changes his appearance. Instead of his white demon hair, he now has a lively golden hair color. His hair isn't spiky anymore, it now appears in a short shaggy hair style. His once pale dead eyes now are a shade of gold slightly darker than his hair. His build is still the same and instead of wearing his "witch cloak" he wears a plain red shirt and black pants.

  Over all, he has made himself appear more friendly, but more importantly, more fairy like.

  I look down at the rope tying us together. Viktor catches my stare and waves his arm over the rope. It vanishes. He must have glamoured it to make it look invisible.

  "You might want to change your outfit, you look like you've been through Hell." He says with an evil glint in his eyes.

  I will my glamour to change my hair and remove the dirt and sweat that's accumulated in it over the past several days. I imagine myself in a long flowing light blue skirt with a gray shirt. Sure enough, I look down at my outfit to see just as I imagined.

  "You better come up with a good excuse. If I get even the slightest bit of feeling they are suspicious of me, I'll take them back to Hell with me." He threatens with hostility. It might take me awhile to get used to seeing him appear so different then how he looked before, however, the sharp look in his golden eyes reminds me he's still the same evil twisted being.

  I nod my head numbly.

  "Well?" He asks expectantly.

  "Well what?" I reply with annoyance.

  "Do I look like a fairy, is this believable?" He asks indicating himself.

  "It will have to do and if you don't want them to be suspicious, you can't talk to them the way you talk to me. You must be polite. I'm just going to tell them...wait. I don't even know what to tell them!" I begin to panic.

  "What do you mean?! Just tell them I'm one of your fairy friends? You live here don't you?" He asks with anger.

  "The last time I was here, it was my birthday. We left and I didn't even get to say goodbye to them. They'll be confused if I just show up like this!" I retort.

  "It's your problem. Fix it." He replies, forcing his voice to be quieter. He then runs up to the door, knocking on it. The stupid rope pulls me in his direction, forcing me to follow after him.

  Taking a deep breath, I try to calm my nerves down. I really don't know what kind of excuse to come up with, hopefully I can just wing it and it'll work out.

  "Oh honey! We wondered where you went! You were gone for days. Come in, come in. Who's this?" My mom says with a worried tone.

  "Name's Viktor." He says casually.

  "Oh...I see what's going on." My mom says while winking at me. Ew, no! Feeling mortified, I run a hand through my hair and take a shaky step into the house, following my mom into the kitchen. Viktor shadows me.

  "Mom, he's just a friend. I met him at my birthday party...." I begin to say. How am I suppose to explain to her what I was doing those days I was gone? She wouldn't believe me if I told her I went to Hell, Viktor would probably kill me if I did anyway.

  "Don't be shy about it. I had hoped you waited for this kind of thing until after you were married. Ah young love. I want at least two grandki-" My mother sighs. Is she insane?!

  "Mom! Mom, I just went to hang out with a few of my friends for the past couple of days, nothing remotely close to what you’re thinking happened. They showed me around Hunrel, I shouldn't have left for so long." I interrupt her, attempting to feed her a convincing en
ough lie. How could she say those kinds of things?

  "You could have told your father and I before you left. I'm just glad you found us. Next time do tell us where your off to. You should show us these friends of yours. It was nice meeting you Viktor." My mom says while putting dishes away.

  "Is Dad here?" I ask in a hurry.

  "Well, if you didn't ditch your own birthday party you would have known your father and I are going back to the human realm tomorrow. We have to sell the house, we can't just leave it vacant. Besides, this is our true home now sweety. I have to run to the market to get some food, your father is already in the human realm now with the realtor." She replies.

  I understand why they want to stay here, but most of my life I spent in that home. If only Viktor wasn't here.

  "I think your mother looks tired." Viktor says suddenly.

  My mother looks confused as Viktor marches over to her and grabs her head with both of his hands. Suddenly her eyelids close and she slumps to the floor.

  "How dare you!?" I yell at him, I push past him and bend over my mother. Inspecting her, I realize she's still breathing.

  "This makes it easier. She will only remember seeing you come back home with me. I don't have long to do this." He mumbles while closing his eyes. It looks like he's concentrating, probably on snooping through my mother's precious memories.

  I hold onto my mother's arm as if I'm her lifeline. I watch Viktor with suspicion until he finally opens his eyes again.

  "Apparently your fae blood is from a strong lineage of older fae. That would explain how it was able to activate that portal." He says sounding disappointing, maybe he thought I would have laser vision or something.

  "Well. You got what you came for. Now can we leave my family alone?" I ask gently.

  "No. I need to read your father's memory just in case." He says quickly. Oh he has got to be kidding! How are we supposed to convince my parents to allow him to come to our home? I don't want Viktor just barging in on my family, threatening them for his own selfish reasons.


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