The Dark Bloom (The Faery Meadow Book 2)

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The Dark Bloom (The Faery Meadow Book 2) Page 11

by Lumtrexa

  "Your sister is unmarked. She's fair game tonight, don't bother trying to stop me faery or I won't let you get to watch." The demon still pinning me to the wall says creepily, ignoring his fallen comrade.

  Viktor remains dangerously quiet, the demon on the ground still remains groaning in pain, while the one holding me begins running his hand up my arm. I squirm uncomfortably and try to shove him away, but I remain trapped. Glancing back over to Viktor for a daunting moment I think he may just let this disgusting demon do what he wants, but then something weird happens.

  Viktor's glamour flickers revealing his true demon form, but only briefly. His shoulders fidget as a rage seems to boil over in him. However, when his gaze shifts to me, he gets eerily calm.

  Not waiting for Viktor, I take my next move.

  Blowing faery dust in the demon's eyes, I'm able to disorient him enough for him to release me.

  I elbow him in the gut as I run around him.

  "What was that about?" I say as we run away from the two demons.

  "What do you mean?" Viktor says while shoving his way through the crowd next to me.

  "You looked like you were about to lose control of yourself. I saw your glamour drop." I whisper sharply.

  "Must have been your imagination, faery." Viktor replies.

  "No it wasn't." I shoot back.

  Arriving at the counter, Viktor pushes me towards the door with his hand on my back.

  "Wait here." He mumbles while practically stomping off toward the woman behind the counter. She gives me a funny look of disapproval, seeing her scaly-like skin I turn my head away to scan outside the bar.

  The faint crimson glow of the moon reflects menacingly against the glass window of the bar.

  "Time to go, sis." Viktor scoffs while budging past me and out the door. I glare at his back and match his pace.

  "Well did you get what you came for-" I begin to ask, but a sharp pain sears across my skin, as if someone is dragging a blade over my stomach. I clench my sides as a bitter taste forms in my mouth, but I swallow it. Ignoring the pain, I take a deep shaky breath and steady my voice.

  "What now?" Viktor says sounding pissed. He turns to me, his eyes narrow back at the bar as he lets out a loud cough. I jump away from him when I realize the very thing he's coughing out is blood.

  He keeps coughing violently unable to form a proper sentence. I'm unsure how to approach him, maybe it'll stop.

  He manages to mutter a curse under his breath while glaring back at the bar with blood flowing down his shirt and onto the dirty ground.

  "W-woman...poisoned me." Viktor says between coughs.

  "Did you even get what you came for?" I ask him.

  "Get me out of here." Viktor states curtly, not bothering to give me an answer. I am not going to babysit him! He's the one forcing me to come with him!

  "We need to get out of sight." He says to himself while yanking my arm, in a child-like notion to make me move. He continues coughing violently. His face seems paler and his eyes are now bloodshot, it's strange how his glamoured form is still working despite him apparently being sick and all.

  I remain still, watching his every move. Who knows if this could be some kind of trick.

  "Please." He says weakly while looking me in the eye, briefly. Okay, maybe he is sick. Never in my life have I ever imagined him saying that word to me. Besides, if he's weak and a demon were to start something, it might get dangerous.

  "Oh for the love of..." I huff while putting his arm over my shoulders in attempt to carry his weight.

  "Cough on me and I'll leave you out here for some demon to pick off." I threaten with surprising bravery. The last thing I need is to get myself sick out here.

  I'm barely able to hold his weight when I find a building that I spot a younger looking demon walk into.

  Frednar's Medicine Hospital The sign above the door reads. I guess even Hell has to have some kind of hospital. I don't know what to expect as I manage to open the door, barely able to help Viktor stand well enough to walk through.

  I spot an old looking...human man to my relief sitting behind a desk. The inside of the building seems modern. The old man sets his spectacles down, he glances over at a demon sitting in a lounge chair reading a torn up magazine. The lighting flickers when the old man glances at Viktor.

  "Ah. That's the second case of your kind that's walked through that door today. Do you want the herbal elixir or an injection?" The old man offers while jotting notes down. I don't even know and judging by Viktor's state right now, I doubt he'd give any argument.

  "Elixir." I say evenly.

  "I thought I'd try. I know how fae love metaly things and all. Suppose the elixir suits him better. Now then, my payment." The old man says expectantly as he extends his hand out.

  "Uh...I don't have any money." I reply uneasily.

  "Then get out. No payment, no service." He says coldly, walking back to his desk.

  "Wait, he can pay you when he's conscious." I say quickly. Somewhere along the line Viktor must have passed out after we entered the building.

  "Then I am going to have to ask you to stay in one of the patient rooms tonight, to make sure you follow through with that." The old man remarks with a grunt. He pulls out a set of keys, then he walks down one of the hallways not waiting for me to follow.

  I sigh in agitation as I once again have to practically drag Viktor's weight.

  Abruptly, Viktor's weight becomes too much for me to support and he falls onto the ground in the middle of the hall. The old man must have heard the loud thump because he turns around with surprsing speed and narrows his eyes at me. For a moment, I actually think he might come over and help me carry a conviently unconscious Viktor. But this is Hell, the old man seems impatient, but not impatient enough to walk over and help me drag Viktor to the room.

  I try to keep my anger in check and mustering all my strength, I drag his body down the hallway. I wipe the sweat from my forehead when by some miracle I manage to drag his body to the room where the old man waits.

  "You know, that is one thing I've never seen down here." The old man says with an amused grin. Realizing he's talking about me and my pathetic struggle to manage to drag Viktor down the hallway, my face flares.

  "The elixir's on the table. I'll be waiting for the payment." The old man says while giving Viktor a suspicious look. With that, he slams the door shut. I don't hesitate to lock it.

  The walls of the room are white and surprisingly clean with what looks to be a small bathroom by the door. There's no furniture except for the bed, a chair and the tiny table next to the window.

  I can't leave him looking like that laying on the floor. I need to get him on the bed. I try slapping his arm to get him to wake up, but he's out cold.

  An idea pops into my head, releasing my wings I grab his shoulders as tightly as I can. Somehow I manage to lift myself high enough and somewhat lift him on the bed. I land back on the ground and toss his legs onto the bed.

  I don't know why, but I find myself cleaning the blood off his face with a rag.

  Minutes pass and when most of the blood is gone from his face, I put the rag in the sink. The doctor didn't really say how much of the eleixir to give Viktor...I use the small spoon next to the jar and scoop some of the blue liquid out, one spoonful it is.

  To my relief, his jaw is loose and it's easy enough for me to drop the contents of the spoon into his mouth.

  With a huff, I sit down in the worn wooden chair next to the bed. I just need to shut my eyes for a second, maybe forget about this nightmare while I can.


  -Viktor's Point of View-

  I awake in the dead of night, hearing the sound of light breathing I spot Elaine slumped over fast asleep in a chair.

  Where am I?

  Glancing down at myself, I find dried blood on my shirt. My stomach screams in hunger at the sight. I haven't feasted since I killed those guards in my brother's castle.

The girl's soft blonde hair catches my eye in the red moonlight, I sit up in bed.

  It is true I lied to her about being poisoned, but I couldn't just admit to her right then and there that I was bloodthirsty. Now here I am in some shrink hospital. More than likely she got scammed. All demons or human doctors down here know what happens to a starved demon.

  My eyes catch sight of a small jar with blue contents in it. Looks like the girl already gave me whatever was in there. I decide to drop my glamour, but it won't drop. I focus in on picturing my true form, but nothing happens. No doubt it's from that blue liquid she force fed me while I was asleep. Now I have truly been poisoned! The girl makes a noise in her sleep and I scoot back down in the bed slamming my eyes shut.

  Hearing movement, I ready myself to retaliate if she decides to try feeding me that blue poison again.

  I remain still when I feel a long blanket being placed on me. She probably thinks I'm dead, well she'll wish I was when I wake up tomorrow.

  My entire face heats up when the girl whispers near my ear.

  "Viktor are you awake? Wake up." She says in a sleepy voice.

  "I didn't drag you in here so you would die." She says quietly. A moment passes and she says nothing else. The chair creaks as she sits back down.


  -Colt's Point of View-

  Running into the only room in my castle with a fire place, I burst through the door to find they have already left. I'm surprised she agreed to go with him so easily.

  I can't allow my brother to ruin Elaine's life though, he's already ruined mine. I thought I knew her better, that she would come back to me and ignore my sadistic brother.

  If I go to Elaine alone, it may be harder to sway her. I'll need someone else, someone who may know Elaine better than I. Putting my pride aside for the moment, it's time I go find a certain faery boy.

  Chapter 19-In Charge

  -Colt's Point of View-

  "My brother wishes to open the gates of Hell so he can escape." I tell the ignorant redhead.

  "Not my problem." Lorcan replies while ducking under a rickety fence.

  "You were mates once with her, faeryboy. I know you still care for Elaine." I explain.

  "Don't say her name. You're the one who made her go to Hell, I know how you demons work, swaying her mind to bend to your will." He grits back.

  "Just hear me out. She's confused and believe me, my brother will try to kill her. It's only a matter of time until he figures out she's immune to metal, a power rare among fae. You couldn't stand being around her, without my blood she would still just be a mere fae. She's my mate and I'm asking you to help save her if you ever loved her." I say with a growl. His body tenses up and grabbing me by the throat, he cocks his head with a slow sinister grin forming on his face.

  "Firstly, she is not your mate. If your so helpless to save her yourself, tell me, how did you get out of Hell? How did you find your way to me?" He says in a dark voice.

  "I have my shadows to thank for that." I reply with a wheeze, he loosens his grip on my neck, I step away from him when he releases me.

  We walk in the forest for some time, as I explain everything Viktor's done to her and me. We must be on the outskirts of Aeringdal, for I can just make out the top of the castle in the horizon.

  When I conclude the story by leaving off when Elaine ran away from me with Viktor, Lorcan stops in his tracks. His arms shake and when his head turns, I recognize that his eyes have changed to a vivid red.

  "You betrayed were going to sacrifice her." He says in a numb voice, facing me fully. It's as if the trees around us are listening in.

  "That is true, but I want to protect her, she's still mine." I say defensively. However, the faeryboy's temper explodes and before I can dodge his attack he rams into me drawing a knife out of thin air and plunges it into my chest.

  " not yours. I'll help you. In fact, I'll do you a favor. I'll just go find her myself, you can wait here nicely with my own brother. Believe me, he's much more reliable than yours." He says with a chuckle as a new figure jumps down from a tree above us.

  How long was he up there listening? The man peers down at me with sharp green eyes that blend in easily with the foliage above.

  The knife in my chest isn't enough to send me off to Hell, but then again, that isn't his plan. Lorcan wants to keep me here so I can't get to Elaine.

  "I'll leave him to you. Keep him alive, but only by a thread so when I get back I can have the pleasure of finishing him off, after I take care of his brother that is." Lorcan says to the quiet man in front of me.

  When Lorcan disappears, his brother steps closer to me eyeing me as I sit up and yank the knife from my chest.

  "Name's Brayden, but you probably won't remember who I am after I'm done with you. It appears I have a laundry list to take care of...beginning with knocking you out." He grumbles.

  As if someone aloof as he, could even stand a chance against my powers. Even in my weakened state, judging by his slim built-he wouldn't stand a chance.

  Standing up to get this over with, I meet his stare. I almost jump back though when I realize I'm looking at my mirror reflection.

  "What? Haven't you ever seen a shifter before?" Brayden laughs menacingly.


  I lean over a pale looking Viktor, as he remains fast asleep. Squinting at his forehead I tap it quickly to see if it's warm, but if anything, it feels cold.

  Suddenly, his golden eyes pop open and he jerks away from me tossing the blanket off of himself in disgust.

  After a person saves someone else's life it's common for them to receive a thank you, but with a demon, especially Viktor that would be unthinkable. So it only makes sense that he clenches my neck tightly with his hand while using the other to prop himself up.

  "You've stolen my powers from me." He hisses while choking me in a tight grip.

  "N-no, I didn't." I retort.

  "How then did that liquid get down my throat?! I can no longer revert back to my demon form." He vents, while continuing to choke me.

  "All I did was drag you in here and give you what the doctor told me to." I reply in a whisper. With that, he removes his hand from my neck and I almost trip over myself as I stumble back, away from him, gasping to catch my breath.

  "My apologies. Thank you for turning me into one of your weak kind." He says sarcastically while brushing off his pants and standing up.

  "I don't know why I bothered trying to save you!" I yell with a shaky voice, a stray tear falls down my cheek, but I rub it away roughly and jump up rushing toward the door.

  I turn the door knob, but his hand lands over mine and I turn around in fury.

  The usual playful look in his eyes is gone and replaced by a serious look.

  "I owe you." He says gently. The rays of light from the red moon's glow make Viktor's hair seem a darker shade of blonde. His close proximity makes me uncomfortable.

  "What other items do you have to collect?" I say ignoring his comment.

  "It's impossible for me to get the other items now that I am no longer a demon." He says shortly while staring down at me.

  "Let me go then." I demand.

  "Not after you did this to me." He replies.

  "Viktor I did not take your powers." I say tiredly.

  "It is impossible for me to leave here so long as my demon powers are gone." He says heatedly.

  "What were you planning on using the fancy cup for then?" I say quietly.

  "There is an old demon legend that talks of a chalice filled with the spilled blood of a thousand souls that would grant immortality." He explains.

  "I thought demons already were immortal. Oh right, your a faery like me now." I say pretending to feel pity for him.

  "Time's up." A voice says gruffly from the other side of the door.

  Without another word, the doctor unlocks the door and steps right inside.

  "Ah it worked
after all." The doctor says in a creepy voice.

  "What worked?" Viktor says sharply while approaching the doctor.

  "That's what you get for barging into my facility without pay. I dosed your elixir with a little something extra."

  "What did you to me?!" Viktor yells while stomping towards the doctor.

  "I know who you were beneath that glamour. Now you can rejoice because I've given you a fresh start at life. You should be grateful I didn't just kill you on the spot, Viktor." The doctor says, but his face flashes into something starkly demonic, completely inhuman. My skin crawls, suddenly feeling very on edge.

  "Lord Junel. I had no idea." Viktor says apologetically.

  "You should have seen the girl drag you down this hallway. Maybe you can learn something from her in the fae realm. If I see you in Hell again, next time I'll snap your soul between my teeth! Now get out my sight." The demon lord who apparently is only pretending to be a doctor, yells at Viktor.

  The demon lord extends his arm out toward us and mutters something under his breath. My ears ring and Viktor grabs my hand as we're sucked back into some kind of portal the demon lord summoned.

  I don't know if I should feel relieved when we end up landing back inside of my house in Hunrel because I have no idea how much time has passed since we've been gone.

  "I have become one of the most despised beings of my kind. I've been expelled by my own creator and turned into this." Viktor says indicating himself, now permanently stuck as a faery. I think he got off easy. Maybe he'll accidently shrink himself and some frog will swallow him.

  Placing my hands over my mouth to hide my laughing, I glance over at Viktor who seems like he's about to have a mental breakdown.

  "Help me get use to this ridiculous form and-" He begins to say, probably offering me some kind of deal. It's time I make my own deal this time though, so I speak over him.

  "I'll help you. Even though every single time I do, I regret it. In return, you must promise you will live peacefully here and harm no one. The only reason I am doing this is to keep tabs on you. You are a faery now, if you try to go after your brother again you'll lose because your powerless without your demon powers. So there is no reason for you to be scheming against me or anyone. Understood?" I grit out. I can't even believe the words coming out of my mouth, but I can't just let him roam around freely after everything he's done.


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