The Dark Bloom (The Faery Meadow Book 2)

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The Dark Bloom (The Faery Meadow Book 2) Page 10

by Lumtrexa

  "What are you talking about? You sent Silvia to kidnap me-to kill me!" I yell while my voice breaks.

  "I knew you would have killed Silvia because I knew what your powers were." He defends.

  "That's not good enough. I thought you died! Then I find out you were plotting against me." I manage to say.

  "No it's not like that...I admit I planned on killing you but-" He begins to explain, but I feel I've heard enough.

  Here I am in literal Hell, listening to someone that I kept telling myself was someone that I could trust, that would never betray me. I was wrong.

  He's a demon after all, like he said. I shouldn't have trusted him. What was I expecting?

  "I just...I can't..." I start to say, but tears of hurt come falling down my face. Who do I have left now? I feel like everyone I've known has lied to my face. Except my parents, but in a way they kind of lied to me too, keeping the fact about me being a faery and all hidden.

  Colt reaches over and put his hand on top of mine, but I pull my hand away as if his hand burned me.

  "Just hear me out, okay? I'm still bonded to you remember?" Colt says as if he's trying to calm a wild animal.

  " need to...think...I can't believe-"I start to say, but I refuse to show him how weak I'm feeling. With a sniffle, I wipe away the tears coming down my cheeks and bolt out of the room.


  -Colt's Point of View-

  "Why did you bring Elaine here?" I ask my sadistic brother. I shouldn't have to see his face, I wanted to end his life tonight, now here I am forced to deal with him.

  "She wanted to come." Viktor replies with mischief. He stands up straight and walks over to me casually.

  "And I don't think that apology was that great either." He says in a bored tone.

  Having enough of him, I grab his throat only to see him smirk in return.

  "Kill me and she'll never forgive you, brother." He sneers.

  With a disgusted grunt I release my hold on him.

  "Like you're on good terms with her. I saw her slap you a lot harder, she barely hit me." I boast back.

  "Unlike you, I quiet enjoyed it." He says with a sly look.

  "Well, there's no use in me telling you to tell her my apologies. It would seem my hands are tied right now, but believe this. The moment I get to lock you back down in that pit where you belong I will. And it will be then that I will not hesitate to share the truth about you with her." I spit back.

  "So it's settled. It was a nice chat, brother." Viktor says quickly as fire fills the floor around him. Just like that he disappears, that must be how he got out of the prisoner room. He found a fire source and transported himself through it.

  To my disdain, it's now I realize that tonight is a red moon. I pound my fist against my desk in fury.


  It's been awhile since I've felt this alone. Even worse than that night Lorcan left me out in the storm while he was inside of the bar. I hadn't thought much about the bond Colt said was created between him and I up until now, with everything going on. How did he know whatever powers I have would enable me to kill Silvia?

  I find an empty room Viktor and I had passed earlier on our way to find Colt. Seeing no guards around, I walk into the room and shut the door behind me.

  The room is fairly large with a giant fireplace on the opposite side of the room. A wool rug sits in front of the glowing fireplace. Along the walls are several cases filled of books, but despite the glow of the fireplace the room is pretty dim.

  It vaguely reminds me of being back at Colt's weapon shop in the fae realm, but I'm quick to drown out the memory. I'm tempted to stand over next to the warm fire, it's pretty cold in here.

  Instead though, a barred window draws my attention. I wander over to the window and stare up at the night sky. Finally, I've managed to control my breathing with a steady breath I wipe away the last tear.

  I need to get back to my parents, back home.

  The crescent red moon rests high above in the night sky as if hung by an invisible string. It reminds me of that weird mate thing they told me about, if a demon is bonded with a female, the female is up for grabs for other demons to mate on a red moon night. At least, I'm in this castle and not out there with the rest of the demons...

  I really shouldn't have ran out of the room...what if they try to kill each other again?

  Suddenly, I hear a sharp crackle come from the direction of the blazing fire.

  Startled, I turn around facing the fireplace.

  Chapter 17-Bargain

  Arising out of the smoldering fire forms a distinct figure. With a sniffle, I wipe my face to make sure there's no trace of my crying. My eyes, however, are another story, probably puffy and glassy looking.

  At the moment, I wish I never met either of the brothers and I know all to well, seeing Viktor right now might send me over the edge and into another break down.

  Uneasily, I begin to make my way towards the fire.

  "I'm really not in the mood to talk to your right now or ever again really." I say with a shaky voice. I stare warily into the glow of the fire, but then when Viktor steps out of the fire I make myself meet his gaze with an unforgiving look.

  To my relief, he's still wearing clothes. Who knew he had fireproof clothes. Then again, he could just be glamouring himself. Either way, it appears he's wearing a long sleeved black shirt and a sharp black vest to match. To complete the outfit, he wears matching black pants along with black heavy duty boots.

  This could be his normal "Hell attire" for all I know. However, if he really was trapped in a pit down here for over a hundred years, I doubt he would of had clothes that nice. The lasting affect of this clothing choice makes his golden hair and golden eyes stand out starkly against his dark attire.

  Even though he appears more like a fairy, there is still yet a sinister undertone present.

  "That's fine, Elaine. I just came to say thank you." Viktor says casually, he seems happy about something, but he's trying to hide it.

  "What do you mean? For saving you back there? Because believe me, the only reason I stopped Colt from killing you was to get information out of the two of you." I reply carefully. I want to also yell that he also might have deserved to die because of all the times he's tried to kill me!

  "Has my brother really gotten to you so much? That you despise the very person who saved you?" He adds playfully while walking passed me and to the window I was looking out.

  "Viktor, you and I both know the only reason you bothered saving from the forest was to use me to get yourself back to Hell, so you could try to finish off Colt. Don't think I've forgotten your threats or should I also mention the time you tried to choke me in my own house too!" I retort.

  "You love my brother still." Viktor says, the playfulness gone from his voice.

  "This isn't about Colt." I say marching up to him, with anger consuming me I grab his arm to draw his attention away from the window.

  "That's right, it's about me." He answers sinisterly while turning to face me.

  I catch a glimpse of the full red moon just over Viktor's shoulder. Seeing me back away from him, he smiles.

  "Why are you still glamoured as a faery?" I ask suspiciously.

  "You're not very good at listening are you?" He says while pacing toward the fireplace.

  "You can't be serious. What makes you think-" I begin to say, but he speaks over me.

  "That you will pretend to be my little faery sister vacationing with me in Hell? I'll tell you why. It's the same reason you came with me here, and it'll be the same reason you are going to go along with me being your brother. There's only one thing demons want and that's power, Elaine. I know what your powers are, Colt knows what your powers, I bet that redhead faery knows too. You see everyone knows what you're powers are, but you. The thing is what you have isn't really a power, it's more of a gift." He says while picking up a dusty looking book off the fireplac
e mantel.

  "Oh and what would that be?" I ask while crossing my arms.

  "Now why would I tell you that now? I will tell you what your powers are, but I'm afraid it is going to have to come in the form of a bargain." He begins to explain cunningly while tossing the book into the fire.

  "What's stopping me from just asking Colt or Lorcan?" I shoot back.

  "Colt will not tell you. You and I both know he'd claim he's protecting you by keeping the truth from you, just like he thinks he's been doing this entire time. As for Lorcan, well he's out of the picture now, isn't he?" Viktor says while watching me. For once, Viktor may have a valid point, Colt probably will refuse to tell me anything about my powers. Lorcan really was right about Colt though, I shouldn't have trusted him, but I haven't seen Lorcan after our argument back at my house. I don't know where Lorcan is right now anyway.

  "And what exactly is the bargain?" I ask with impatience.

  "There's a few friends of mine that...haven't seen me in awhile. They owe me a couple things. With you as my coverup along with my glamour, I doubt they'd recognize me. Once we retrieve all my items, I'll tell you what your powers are, if you haven't figured it out by then and you'll be on your way back home." He says simply.

  It is pretty much the most far-fetched, shadiest plan I have ever heard. Won't the other demons be able to tell or just sense that he's a demon?!

  "Viktor, you're trying to leave Hell again aren't you? You can't leave now that you're here, can you?" I say, trying to piece things together.

  "Of course I want out of here! The only reason I could get out was because of those witches, which I killed in case you forgot! Originally, I planned on killing my brother, then getting out." He says with new bitterness.

  "It's not worth it, you belong here." I say firmly. I would never let a psycho like Viktor out of Hell, he's a demon completely different from his brother.

  "You do realize all this time, I have been trying to find out what your powers are." He adds trying to keep his temper in check.

  "You still don't know what my powers are, do you?" I reply.

  "I need your powers to get some of my things back, that is the other reason why I need you to come." He says grimly, avoiding answering me.

  "I'll do it." I say quickly. He gives me a surprised look, but if he really thinks I'd help him get of Hell, where he belongs, he's insane.

  The moment I find out what my powers are I'll leave him, hopefully before he finishes collecting all of whatever the things he plans on using me to steal.

  "A deal's a deal, sister." Viktor murmurs triumphantly.

  "Do faeries even come to Hell, Viktor?" I ask, scrutinizing his plan.

  "Sure they do. There's towns down here, faeries come into Hell every so often. There are plenty of things to get or see that you would never have in the fae realm." Viktor says to me like he's talking to a child. I give him a glare.

  "You're not going to talk so demeaningly to me this entire time are you?" I say incredulous.

  "It help adds to the brother-sister story line, you are the younger sister and of course I will be the older brother." He adds in with a smirk.

  "How can I even trust you after everything you've done?" I say on the verge of backing out of the deal.

  "Well, I've kept you alive this far. Have I ever really lied to you? Come on, my friends are waiting." Viktor says with a mischievous glint in his eyes.

  I know I'll regret this, but how else am I going to out of my situation? I don't want to bother asking Colt for help, I need to figure out what my powers are for myself and I'm not going to bank on Viktor eventually telling me after he uses me either. I highly doubt Lorcan knows where I am or at this point even cares to know.

  Viktor nudges me toward the fire as he stands in it, not even burnt in the slightest. I guess he knows our next destination in Hell will have some kind of fire source, perhaps one of his demon friend's house.

  "Come on sis." Viktor says mockingly. With that, I quickly step towards the fire hoping to not be burned alive. With my hand in his, he pulls me toward him and somehow I imagine because of his demonic power, the flames of the fire don't harm me.

  From out of nowhere, panic floods into me and I pull violently away from him. However, he yanks me back roughly against him, locking his free arm around my back.

  "Now, now, I don't think you want to be burned alive, sister." He says darkly.

  The flames of the fire rise higher and higher until I can't see the room on the other side of the fireplace. We must be transporting.

  When the flames die down again a new room is revealed, but it's nothing like the room we were just in. It appears to be some kind of basement, a foul stench floats through the air and I spot a wooden staircase on the far side of the room.

  Viktor pulls my hand after him as he walks out of the dying fire and in the direction of the staircase.

  "I hope I don't regret this." I huff under my breath, thinking he won't hear me.

  "I know I won't." He replies with glee.

  A stray thought enters my mind, tonight is a red moon and he hasn't tried anything-at least that I'm aware of. He had a lot of time to try something too.

  A hint of trust grows in me for Viktor.

  But only a tiny bit.

  And it could easily be gone by tomorrow.

  Chapter 18-Frednar’s Hospital

  "Where have you brought us?" I ask skeptically while walking past him. If he thinks I'm just going to follow him around blindly on this scavenger hunt, he's got another thing coming.

  "Under the Bane's Bar. I think this is the basement. It's been centuries since I've been down here." Viktor says as he scales the steps.

  "Where are you going? We can't just burst up there. We're faeries remember, you look like a faery. Won't they get suspicious?" I ask nervously walking up the first step of the stairs.

  "There's plenty of fae that cross over here on occasion. Just let me do the talking, I'm going to steal something from behind the front counter. Sit at one of the tables and wait for me, sister." Viktor says in a serious voice.

  "Fine." I grumble marching up the steps behind him.

  "Oh and do remember, this is Hell. Try not to looked so shocked if you see...any strange things." Viktor warns with an evil smile.

  He doesn't hesitate to walk straight into the bar, the moment he opens the door the loud roar of music rings in my ears. And when I reach the top steps, Viktor has already gone for his destination abandoning me. That leaves me to find somewhere to wait.

  It takes me a moment to take in everything, from the scantily clad demons touching each other inappropriately with no modesty whatsoever, to the rest of the demons that seem to be heavily drunk, breaking out into fist fights on the opposite side of the bar. Well it isn't terribly different from the bars I've seen. It's definitively more...extreme though.

  I better find somewhere to sit.


  -Viktor's Point of View-

  As I push my way through the puny demons, some stop their dancing and glare back at me openly challenging me. If only they knew what's hiding under this glamour. However, if I want to draw less attention to myself it's better if I just grab the chalice and get back to Elaine.

  At last, I make it beyond the crowd, spotting the counter, I quickly stride over.

  "What brings you to this bar twinkle toes?" The demon woman behind the counter says while giving me a toothy grin, sizing me up.

  "Just taking my sister for a tour. We're visiting some of our deceased relatives." I lie, while leaning in against the counter.

  Fate must be on my side because someone flips one of the tables, smashing it to pieces. The woman runs out from the counter and over to the incident, yelling heatedly as she leaves me alone to my convenience.

  With inhuman speed, I'm behind the counter unchaining the chalice from beneath the top of the counter.

  "No!" I hear my pretend sister yell in panic. She can wait a few seconds. Thi
s chain is more heavy duty than I thought it would be. I really don't want to use my flames, it would draw too much attention.

  "Leave me alone!" She yells again. Her screaming has gotten louder, it's loud already with all the music and demons. Ignoring her yells, I continue pulling at the chain. Maybe I can just rip the chain from the wall. No, that would be too messy.

  When I hear her whimper though, my body does something unexpected and disturbing. As I find I can't help, but get completely distracted from my objective and instead listen to her in irritation. Almost out of my control, my head pops above the counter, revealing myself to the entire crowd of demons in the bar. However, none of them seem to notice my position.

  I've already exposed myself, I might as well see what she's gotten herself into and come back for the chalice. Maybe I should ring her neck again to remind her of her place, how dare she yell for me to help her when I'm in the middle of something.


  The two gruff demons won't let go of me, completely overpowering me with their strength. None of the other demons seem to care that I'm being dragged by their kind against my will, figures. I kick and holler, but they just shove me against the wall.

  The shorter demon grabs at the hem of my shirt while the other pins me against the wall.

  "Such smooth skin." The demon says as he traces an icy pointed finger across the flesh of my stomach, etching a nice cut unevenly across my stomach.

  Suddenly, from over the taller demon's shoulder, I spot a golden head of hair.

  How could Viktor have heard me from all the way on the other side of the bar?!

  He stalks toward the demon holding me, then he taps the demon's shoulder.

  "That's my sister you're touching." He says in a strangely guttural voice, the only other way to describe it would be his demonic voice.

  "And?" The shorter demon hisses back, while finally removing his hand from my stomach as he turns to face Viktor.

  Not wasting any time, I kick the demon in the crotch, watching in satisfaction as he falls to the floor in a slump.


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