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Brandi Whyne and Her Incredibly Erotic Adventures

Page 2

by Celine Chatillon

  Cruilla thrust a pudgy, scolding finger in my face and waggled it at me. “And I give them a roof under which to entertain—plus, I bribe the officials to look the other way. Remember what happened over at the Warped Field when the police stopped getting their pay-off? We don’t want the Black Whole shut down now, do we?”

  I was about to reply, “Yes, let the authorities shut this dump down so I can leave this hell-hole and travel the vast reaches of space,” but I wisely held my tongue. I didn’t have the resources yet to cut the apron strings.

  Aunt Cruilla had fed, clothed and employed me all these years. Many others would have thrown me to the wolves long ago, or sold me to one of the outlying colonies where slavery still existed. My time to leave this dreary existence hadn’t quite arrived yet. Fortunately I was wise enough to comprehend my true situation.

  “How about twenty percent, Cru?” Beula calmly filed her dagger-length red nails. “Otherwise, I’ll take my entertainment business elsewhere.”

  “Thirty-five and not a percentage point lower.”

  Beula slowly arched a plucked eyebrow. “Twenty-five?”

  I could see the cogs and gears revolving inside my aunt’s puny brain. “Oh, all right. Twenty-five. We’ll settle at closing time. Deal?”


  They shook hands and Cruilla went back to her office. Beula tossed her nail file into her purse and hopped down from her barstool. “Okay, I’m off to start rounding up the gals for tonight’s entertainment.”

  She winked and lowered her voice, making sure my aunt couldn’t hear our conversation. “You sure you don’t want in on the action, Brandi? You could put away quite a nice little nest egg to buy that used spaceship you’ve had your eyes on.”

  “I… I don’t know, Beula.”

  “I promise on the goddess’s good name that I wouldn’t tell Cru you turned a few tricks on the side. What with that pretty face and great bod of yours, you could practically name your price and get it without haggling. How about it?”

  Images of my near rape flashed before me. I shuddered and closed my eyes.

  “No… I just don’t think I’ve got what it takes to make it as an entertainer at this point in life. But thanks for looking out for me. You’re a true friend.”

  She smiled a crooked smile that covered most of her chuma-stained teeth. “And so are you, dearie. The gals and I haven’t forgotten how you stand up for us when some of these drunken stiffs get a little rough from time to time. We owe you, and we don’t ever forget to repay a kindness. Any time you need help—just holler.”

  I smiled back. “I will, Beula. I will.”

  And luckily, Beula and the girls kept their promise. But more about that another time.

  Beula left and evening soon arrived. The Black Whole overflowed with horny, thirsty space pirates.

  And how did I know this scum of the earth were ‘space pirates’, you wonder? Well, other than the fact they hung out in our high-class establishment, enjoyed sex with prostitutes and drank like Denoblian bladderfish, these gentlemen displayed certain behaviors that only space pirates displayed… One of which was their horrible penchant for singing horrible songs horribly off key. For example:

  Ho, ho, ho…

  I love the pirate’s life for sho’.

  We steal from the richest,

  Then spend it all on bitches.

  And if we’re down on our luck,

  We’ll plead for a free suck.

  And since we all are schmucks,

  Won’t you throw in a free fuck?

  Ho, ho, ho…

  We can’t think of any mo’...

  Like I said, both their singing and their songwriting were horribly second-rate.

  Fortunately, Beula and the girls soon had the majority of our guests entertained in the booths behind the back curtains, which at least kept their pirate mouths busy for a few minutes so they couldn’t begin in on classic space pirate show tunes. Which have been outlawed in several sectors… They’ve been known to cause a hideously painful death due to severe inner ear bleeding.

  I seldom visited the back room of the Black Whole while such a public orgy occurred, because I took my vow to the goddess quite seriously. Besides, watching men and women come together in sexual congress only made nipples tingle and my panties feel damp. And every time I thought of how wonderful it must be to feel the fullness of a hard cock thrusting inside my wet pussy, an image of the man in the dark green hooded cape flashed before my eyes.

  He was the one. This had to be the sign. He was the one the goddess had sent for me to give myself to, both body and soul. I realized that now. My anonymous rescuer was the only man I’d ever give myself to, willingly and forever.

  And I didn’t even know his name!

  Sighing, I threw down my bar towel, wandering mindlessly toward the back.

  I hid in an out-of-the way corner and timidly peeked around a curtain. There stood Sal, a curly black-haired, black-eyed, chocolate-skinned woman about my age who had been working the streets of the spaceport for almost five years. Sal had run away from home, she said, because her foster family had beat her and threatened to sell her to Autrillian sex-slavers whenever she misbehaved.

  So there Sal stood—well, actually she was sort of bent over a chair with her skirt hiked up above her hips. A broad, pearly-white grin practically split her face in two. The cause of her merriment stood behind her, a ruddy-faced, blondish, muscular gentleman dressed in brilliant red space tights and tunic with matching boots. What a dandy!

  But my eyes soon left this gentleman’s colorful dress and fixated on his equally crimson cock. With an expression of pure lust gleaming in his gray-blue eyes, he pumped Sal from behind as her melon-like breasts swayed rhythmically to the primitive beat of their lovemaking.

  “Oh, yes, yes! Willie, fuck me harder, please… Please!”

  “As you wish,” he replied, obliging her with several powerful thrusts. “Only say you will come with me aboard the Parsnip. Once there, we can do it as hard, as fast and as often as you like. We can even disconnect the artificial gravity unit and have a really good time. What say you?”

  “Willie, you know I get terribly…space sick. Stay here on Proxima and settle down. You can’t be a space pirate forever.”

  “Can’t I? Please say you’ll come, Sal. Pretty please?”

  “Oh, I’ll come all right, big boy…”

  With that Willie began corkscrewing his cock into Sal’s eager hole with gusto. Sal howled with a combination of pain and pleasure. My heart raced with excitement. My hands seemed to drift of their own accord to my private place hiding beneath the folds of my skirt and toward my aching breasts.

  My eyes closed and I saw him—the man in the flowing cloak. It was him I wanted to make love to, to feel his hard cock pounding into my sensitive flesh and easing these inner aches I never knew existed until recently. It was him I wanted to stroke my nipples until they stood at attention, begging for the sensitive flickering of his tongue.

  Greedily I massaged my sensitive nub and stroked my tits, bursting out from beneath the thin cloth of my blouse, all the while enjoying the symphony of Sal and Willie’s robust lovemaking. Soon it felt as if the whole earth shook about me, swallowing me whole. Dazzling supernovas flashed before my eyes and a warm gush of liquid pleasure surged through my veins and exploded into my brain. Suddenly weak, I grabbed at the curtain but missed, instead falling backward into the arms of a man standing directly behind me.

  “It’s okay,” he whispered, catching me in his strong grasp. “I promise I won’t tell a soul. I had a good time watching ol’ Willie and Sal doin’ the nasty, too.”

  I extricated myself from the stranger’s embrace and averted my gaze. “Excuse me, sir. I didn’t know you were there. I don’t normally spy on customers.” Blushing, I tugged my long locks across my face to cover my shame.

  He pushed my hair away. “Don’t do that. You have such a lovely face, such a familiar face…”

e took hold of my quivering chin and tilted my face until he gaze deeply into my eyes. He smiled. In an instant I knew somehow I had met this dark and handsome stranger somewhere before.

  “What is your name?” he asked.

  “Brandi Whyne. And you?”

  “Robin Manhood.”

  My jaw dropped. I couldn’t help but stare. The Robin Manhood? Why, the man was legendary in spaceports from one end of the empire to another. From all accounts, published or gossiped, there wasn’t a more dashing, more daring or more just plain crazy space pirate to be found anywhere else in the universe.

  And here he was hiding with me in a dark corner of the Black Whole!

  Then I noticed something else… It wasn’t his long, luxurious chestnut hair curling about his broad shoulders, or his rakish goatee and mustache or those deep, impenetrable golden-flecked, coffee-colored eyes and whimsical smile that I found so achingly familiar—

  But his flowing, dark green, hooded cloak.

  “You—you saved me!” I cried.

  “I what?” He blinked and then it dawned on him where we had met before. “I did. I was here two months ago and did a little ‘pruning’ of exposed penises on your behalf, didn’t I?”

  I shook my head. “Yes! Thank you, thank you, thank you!” I threw myself into his arms and held onto him tightly. “You rescued me from certain ruin. I owe you my life. Name your price and I will gladly repay you, kind sir.”

  “Name my price?” His baritone took on a honeyed tone. His hands wandered from the small of my back to my firm buttocks, giving them a good squeeze. “I don’t think you know what you’re saying, little lady, and to whom you’re saying it. I’m a space pirate. I have more than enough credits in off-planet numbered bank accounts than I can spend in a lifetime. I take payments from charming creatures such as yourself in trade.”

  “Anything. Take me away from this horrid existence and let me join you, then. I’ve been studying space piloting and physics and rocketry. I could work for you on your ship.”

  Robin stepped back and raked his dark eyes across my form. “Hmm, beautiful and brainy… A killer combination indeed.” He thoughtfully pulled at his goatee. “And you say you wouldn’t mind working aboard a pirate ship?”

  “No, of course not. I work here, don’t I?”

  I suddenly felt hot and sticky between my legs. Willie and Sal were at it again by any slip of the imagination, clearly evidenced by the playful squeals emanating from within. How I longed for Robin and I to be engaged in similar activities…

  Robin glanced at the curtain then wriggled an eyebrow and grinned at me. “I can tell you’re a fairly open minded girl. That’s a definite plus on your resume.”

  I blushed. “There’s… there’s just one thing I must tell you first. I’m a—”

  “Shh!” He cupped his hand across my mouth. “I hear someone approaching that I’m trying desperately to avoid.”

  I froze and perked up my ears. Aunt Cruilla was strolling toward the back booths, chatting with a strange man who possessed a low, menacing voice along with an odd speech impediment.

  “You say, Bak, that you’ll give me five thousand for a fresh one?”

  “Aye that I will. A young, fresh, thlip of a gal… That’th what I want.”

  “Sal might do you, but she’s hardly what you’d call ‘fresh’. You can see what all we’ve got entertaining currently, but I don’t think you’ll find what you need here.”

  “Who elsth ith there then?”

  They two halted mere inches from where Robin and I stood in the shadows. I could make out the stranger’s scarred and bushy, bearded face under his black tri-corner hat with pink feathers now. I recognized the pink frilly lace collar peeking out from under a filthy black broadcoat atop a black and pink plaid kilt from a top-ten-wanted hologram. Just knowing a man so vile, so despicable, so evil stood so close to me zinged tingles of sheer terror up my curvy backside.

  The hideous man was none other than the notorious Captain Bak Azzwards of the pirate ship Longdong. No wonder Robin didn’t want to meet up with him—no one in the known universe wished to tangle with such a blackguard.

  I swallowed my cry and pressed my body closer to Robin’s in the darkness. Robin in turn tightened his embrace about me and crushed my curves against his taut, muscular frame, covered only in a skintight green tunic and tights beneath his cloak. If we could stay still and quiet for just a few moments longer, we’d never be noticed.

  And then something happened…something frightening and wonderful all at once. I forgot all about the infamous Captain Bak Azzwards and could think of nothing but the warmth and the touch and the masculine scent of the very virile Robin Manhood.

  A growing hardness brushed up against my belly. Robin’s breathing rate increased. I could tell he was affected by my nearness as much as his affected me. I laid my cheek against the smooth line of his broad chest and drank in the musky aroma of his arousal while listening to the thundering of his heartbeat.

  My hands roved across his hips and fondled his bum. Praise the goddess! His butt cheeks were firm, yet squeezable. Slowly I felt myself rocking against his hard on, my extended tits brushing delightfully against his body, my tongue painting lazy circles across his nipples which peeked out from the plunging neckline of his tunic…

  Robin tilted his head back and groaned.

  We were done for.

  “Brandi!” Cruilla shrieked, grabbing me by an arm and dragging me into the faint light of the passageway.

  “Brandi?” Bak’s bushy black eyebrows rose. “Oo, what a thweet name for thuch a thweet child… Why, Cruilla, she’ll do nithely.”

  Cruilla blinked then returned his evil smile with one of her own. I had never witnessed such unadulterated greed dancing across her face in all the ten years I had dwelled in her household. My departure day couldn’t come soon enough.

  “Yes, Brandi would fit the bill nicely. And she is ‘fresh’, unless she’s been turning the odd trick that I haven’t been wise to.” Cruilla took a step toward Robin. “Show yourself, sir, and tell us if you’ve sampled this girl’s wares before.”

  “I have,” Robin lied boldly. He took hold of my other arm, pulling me from my aunt’s clutches. “What’s it to you?”

  “Robin, me boy!” cried Bak. He came forward and slapped Robin on the back as if they were old friends. Robin flinched and rolled his eyes in disgust.

  “Whatcha doin’ threwing a wench behind a curtain in thith dive? Ain’t I hear tell that ya got a bed the thize of a thmall shuttlecraft aboard yer ship, matey?”

  Robin yawned, casting an air of practiced indifference. “Oh, greetings, Bak. Long time no see. You ready to call us even now?”

  “Even, eh?” A sheen of perspiration broke out across Bak’s wrinkled forehead. “But you never paid me back for robbing me of my ship’s dithiplinarian.”

  “I didn’t steal her. She left. She’d had enough. Amazing, considering she enjoys that sort of thing, too. But what I really meant was are you going to stop tailing us through the nebula in order to find our hideout?”

  The foul man in sissy-boy pink spat and stuck his hands on his hips. “Whatchu mean? We make our own path through the gath cloudth—we don’t follow anyone.”

  “Right. And I have some swampland on Tatine to sell you.”

  “Gentlemen,” Cruilla interrupted. “Let’s all sit down and discuss our business affairs amiably.” She turned and looked daggers at me. “Brandi—fetch us a pitcher of our premium ale and some fresh chuma and bring it to the big table up front.”

  Robin let go of my arm and nodded. A tickle of a grin tugged at the corners of his full lips. He was formulating a plan to get me out of this mess. I just knew it.

  I ran to the bar and fetched the ale and leaf and brought it to the three, then stood close by with a refill pitcher, listening intently as my fate played out.

  “Thith ‘Brandi’ gal ith abtholutely perfect,” Bak lisped. “I’ll give you the five thouthand now, Cru
illa, and be on my way—”

  “Not so fast,” Robin said, firmly putting his mug down. “I can make Cruilla a better offer for the girl.”

  Cruilla’s gray eyebrows rose a half-meter. A thin line of saliva dangled from her fleshy lips. She pressed her fingers together, a heartless capitalist contemplating a profit. “A better offer, you say?”

  “Yes. I’ll give you ten for her, if Bak here makes me a promise and keeps it for at least a year.”

  “Hey, wait a minute! What promith? And why you want the gal? You got me ol’ ship’th dithiplinarian already. We need a new one.”

  Robin threw his head back and laughed heartily until tears formed in his eyes. “Is that what you want her for, Bak? Can’t your men bugger themselves without a woman cracking a whip over their heads? I thought you all had moved on a bit in your sexual perversions since we last tangled.”

  “We have, we have,” the evil space pirate insisted. “But we all like a bit of dithipline now and then.”

  “You two gentlemen work out the details of your other disagreement among yourselves and let me know what you’ve decided.” Cruilla rose from her seat. “I’ll take the ten thousand in platinum, Captain Manhood.”

  “Ten thousand? No, it’s just ten. Didn’t I say that?” Robin stood and fixed a deliberate stare on my aunt’s face then smiled. “ And I’ll give it to you in credits. I don’t carry lots of valuables on my person when we’re in spaceport. It just isn’t safe.”

  “Ten?” Cruilla choked on the word. “Ten? In credit? Ridiculous!”

  “Yeah, ridiculouth.” Bak pounded his mug on the table and scrambled to his ballerina-slippered feet. “You’re inthane, Manhood. Firtht, you want to cheat our hothteth here out of money for her wench, and then you accuth me of thneaking up behind you with the Longdong in the nebula… Why, ith there no honor among thievethz?”

  Robin shrugged. “Apparently not nowadays. I blame the bad influence of the media, myself.”

  “Eh, the media? Damn you, Manhood! I own motht of the newth networkth in thith quarter of the galaxy. You take your inthulting comment back.”


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