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Through the Lens

Page 14

by Sophia Emerson

  She pulled out her phone when she was in the car with Mr. Sharpe. Scrolling through she found Aidan's name and typed out a text. “I really appreciate the gallery but I'm paying you back!”


  “Yes. It's too expensive.”

  “Claire, it's only money.” He texted.


  “You should spend your money on a LONGER dress.” He texted.

  “Let's deal... I will buy a longer dress for everyone else and a shorter one for you if you at least let me pay for the renovation.”

  “Deal.” Aidan's reply was curt. She knew that he probably did not like that he could not pay for everything but she needed to do this on her own. Be her own person.

  “Thank you.” She smiled as she placed the phone onto her lap.

  She was watching the buildings pass, biting her lip she stared at Aidan's building they were passing. His apartment was the top two floors. Did he have a room up there like he had in the other house? She wondered, almost jumping as her phone vibrated. “What did the doctor say?”

  Three little dots marked that she was typing but she was just staring at her screen. Her fingers above the keys thinking about what to say. She didn't want to fight or argue with him. She wanted to enjoy her gallery and start working on it. She bit her lip, almost jumping as her cell phone pinged again with a new text from Aidan.

  “What did she say Claire?”

  “She told me to be happy. To buy my gallery and start living.”

  “Smart doctor.”

  “She is. See you tonight.”

  Claire had her new keys in her hands and she had made a promise to Aidan. She smiled as she picked up her phone.

  “Claire! What a surprise.” Ella said with a smile.

  “You free by chance?”

  “What did you have in mind?”

  “I need two dresses and I'm hopeless at shopping, especially for dresses. Alyssa bought all of the dresses I have and Aidan's seen them all.”

  “Ooh you have called the right person. I'll pick you up at your apartment. Say thirty minutes?”

  “Perfect. Hey, Ella. Thanks.”

  “It's a reason to go shopping.” She giggled and hung up.

  The day had been perfect with Ella as she slid on the long maroon evening dress. It was weird being in all brand new clothes. Ella was thorough as she had Claire get a whole new outfit; bra and panties included. Looking in the mirror she scarcely recognized herself with her make-up done and her hair pulled back and curled to perfection, cascading down her back. She owed Ella a massive thank you and she hoped that Aidan agreed. She looked out the window and smiled as she saw Aidan's black SUV pull up outside her over-the-bar apartment.

  She grabbed her purse that Ella had picked out as she opened the door. Aidan was already stepping up the stairs and stopped, staring. “Wow Claire.”

  “You like?” Claire asked as she closed the door.

  “Very much. The dress you promised?”

  “Yes,” she said huskily.

  He held out his hand as she came down the stairs and grasped his hand. “You are gorgeous.” He leaned in and kissed her. “Beauty beyond compare.” Claire smiled as they walked down the stairs.

  “No guards tonight?” Claire asked as he opened the door to the car and she saw no one around or even inside the vehicle.

  “They are in the SUV behind us.”

  “Oh.” Claire said a little surprised. She looked back to the street and noticed the SUV that she hadn't noticed before. She felt weird having a security team with them, following them. She wasn't use to people following her. She knew that she would have to get use to security following Aidan when she was with him.

  “So you like the gallery?”

  The hugest grin spread on her face as she turned towards Aidan in her seat. “Oh Aidan. It's wonderful. You should see it.... it's like a blank canvas that craves to be shown. I have so many ideas. I started my designs for it while Ella did my hair.”

  “So that's why she didn't answer.”

  “Yeah, sorry.”

  “No, she needs to get away from the books. I swear her nose is attached to some of them.” He smiled. “Last week I went to her apartment to... check up on her and I don't think she even noticed that I was there. At least she ate the grilled cheese I made her.”

  “Oh she knew you were there.” When Aidan looked to her she just smiled. “You did clean her apartment and make her dinner. Aidan you played right into her hands.” Claire's laughter filled the car. Aidan reached over and put his hand on her knee.

  “I like your laughter. You should laugh more often.”

  “So where are you taking me?”

  “I remember you mentioning your love of Italian food. Though I have a plan for your Mexican taste buds at a later time.” Claire looked at him with a smile. Aidan pulled up in front of 'Crimson' restaurant. A high-class, members only, Italian joint that Claire would never think that she could get into.

  “Crimson? This is the most exclusive restaurant in New York. Only the upper class and elite get in.” Claire was in amazement.

  Aidan smirked as the valet opened her door and he took her arm. Claire clutched Aidan's arm as she walked up the luxury stairs to the restaurant. “Mr Ashby. You're usual table is ready. Right this way.” Claire looked at him. His usual table? He comes here often? She looked at the intimate seating area of the restaurant. The walls were deep red with amazing details etched in the paint, special artwork added a splash of colors with the silver mattes and black frames. The black round tables and chairs with red plush velvet chairs were laid out in the quiet room off towards the left of where the woman had led them. Soft classical music played above. Claire tried to stand tall. Don't trip. Don't trip Claire. She looked around and noticed that people watched them pass by.

  “They're staring at us.” Claire whispered. Tugging a little on his suit jacket sleeve.

  “Not us. You.”

  Claire held his arm harder. “Why? Why are they staring?” Claire's voice cracked a little as she tried to remain calm.

  Aidan pulled out her chair as she sat down. “Because you are beautiful and every guy in here is drooling and absolutely envious of me. Though I do hate them looking, but I know that only I can touch you.” He whispered in her ear as his fingers trailed lightly over her arm before he went and sat down. The waiter stopped at their table as Aidan ordered for them both.

  “This place is beautiful.” Claire said as she looked over the restaurant around them.

  “Only the best for you.”

  “You own this place, don't you?”


  “You own a lot of properties?”


  “The gallery...”

  “Is completely yours. It's in your name, to do with what you want. It's my job to provide for you. To help you, to keep you safe. Those other properties were not in a good location. Their crime rates were high. The gallery you chose is in a perfect location. Low crime and...”

  “Near your office. Your penthouse in case there is a problem.”

  “Yes. I'd like to get you your own guards.”

  “No. I don't need guards. Plus having them it... it makes me nervous.”

  Aidan watched her closely. Their food arrived. She smiled as she saw the ravioli. Did he know it was her favorite? “Did you know that Ravioli was my favorite?”


  “How?” Aidan just smiled. “You know that's annoying right? My favorite dish, one of my favorite drinks...”

  “Mountain dew isn't good for you.”

  “How... Ella?”

  “Maybe I'm just really good at investigating.”

  “Your security team, private investigator?”

  Aidan smiled. “Maybe.”

  Claire smiled as she watched him over the candle sitting in the middle of the table. Questions flowed endlessly from both of them, but all she could think about was what was going to happen that evening. She liked Ai
dan a lot and these emotions were all new to her. The dinner was amazing, though she did not learn much about him. He seemed very reserved, almost uptight, at dinner in many ways. Claire finally saw what Ella saw, out in public, where people could see, he put on a face. His business face was put on over his face. It was all a game.

  “What are you thinking?'

  “I'm wondering if you are eating slow to heighten the excitement.”

  “The excitement?”

  “Yes. The excitement of being alone. I still have my second dress to show you.”

  “You do?”

  “Yes.” Claire smiled as she crossed her legs underneath the table.

  “Then let's go. Shall we, Ms. Henderson?” He asked as he stood up, offering her arm.

  The drive seemed to take forever and Claire was more nervous than she could possible imagine. She was doing it. She had agreed to be his, after making a few changes, taking the plunge into this strange relationship. She crossed her ankles, squeezing her thighs tight together as he turned onto the street where Ashby Tower was.

  “You seem nervous, like a lamb to slaughter?”

  “Well you are almost like a stalker. My favorite food, my favorite drink, even a nice car. What's to say you aren't a serial killer?” Claire teased, unable to handle the emotions of him knowing so much about her when she hid so much. She was terrified that he’d learn the truth about her and throw her to the side just like everyone in her life had done, except Alyssa.

  “After our time together at the country home, the wedding, and our texts you still think that I may be a serial killer?” Aidan was a little shocked. “If you think that, why would you be in the car? That's goes against the safety.”

  “Maybe I like a little danger,” she smirked. She leaned towards him as she bit her lip, “at least when it comes to you.” Claire smiled as he pulled into the parking garage. He pulled into a parking spot. They rode up the elevator as Aidan took Claire's hand into his own. Claire bit the inside of her cheek as Aidan led her into his penthouse.

  “I should give you the grand tour.” He walked down the hall, “On the days when you stay over this will be your official room.”


  “Hey I could end up in the dog house at some point.”

  Claire giggled at the thought of a dominant getting in trouble by the submissive. She looked to him and saw his small smirk.

  “Mostly we'll be in my room but this is here as well.”

  “Girlfriend stays with you, submissives stay in the room. This is where I stayed when you first brought me here,” Claire said.

  Aidan looked at her. She was smart. He had almost forgotten that she had been there before. He had never done this before. There was something about Claire that he wanted to possess. She was the first one that he wanted by his side. He smiled, “Yes smarty. That is how it was. You're the first person that... that I wanted as more than a submissive.”

  “I get that.”

  “You do?”

  “You're the first one that I...”

  Aidan pulled her to him kissing her, his hands going up to her neck and released it quickly as he slid his hands around her waist. She pulled back a little bit.

  “I thought that you were showing me around.”

  “Right. Stop distracting me.”

  He led her from the room and walked down the hall. “This is Ella's room when she stays here. Another bathroom. My office.” Aidan pulls her into the office. “Now this is important. Open this door and go inside, once it's shut and locked from the inside it's a panic room.”

  “Like the movie?”

  “Kind of. Come look.” When he opened the door and she walked inside she saw the bed, couch, chairs, tv and monitors. Clothes and non-perishable food filled the shelves. “There is a bathroom through there. You can stay in here for a week, though mostly it's used for a few hours if there is danger. It's fireproof and soundproof. It even has its only air supply that can not be tampered with.”

  “Has it ever been used?”

  “A few times.”

  Aidan didn't elaborate and Claire did not want to push him. She followed him down the rest of the hallway. “Of course you've seen the kitchen and living room, where you saw your painting and didn't tell me.”

  “I did that one when I got accepted into college, full ride,” Claire said proudly.

  “Well you know how I feel about the painting.”

  Claire smiled as she took his hand. “Sorry I didn't tell you.” She shrugged, “I didn't know you then.”

  “Through there is where the security wing is set up. rooms where they live and the staff as well. There are eight rooms in the wing.”

  “That's a lot of rooms.”

  “The penthouse runs the length of the entire building.” Aidan smiled. He turned her towards the staircase. Claire smiled as she saw the regal staircase that looked like something out of the Titanic without the carpet. The stairs were black granite and the side of each staircase was glass. She ran her hand up the banister as she walked up the stairs. “On the left over the security wing is a gym and a swimming pool.”

  “Pool? As in a pool with water?” Claire was in shock.

  “What else do you put in a pool?” He asked as he pushed open the door and showed her the giant pool with lots of light from the full moon coming through the huge windows.

  “Could have been pool with sticks and balls.” Claire smirked. “That pool is huge. You don't do anything half way do you?”


  He took her hand and walked towards the door. They walked past the staircase and opened the double doors. Claire's eyes went wide as she saw the huge king size bed, a light fixture hung over the bed giving off a low light. A long dresser was on the wall facing the bed, nightstands on either side with light fixtures. Her art hung on the walls. The floors were shiny black marble. She stepped farther into the room, letting go of his hand. “Aidan, it's amazing.” She breathed as she looked around the room. It was like a fairytale dream bed. The black and silver curtains matched the silver bedding. A black leather couch and two chairs with a coffee table sit in the opposite corner of the room by the doors to the closet. The other wall was slanted as she looked in the door. She could see into the huge bathtub surrounded with white and black tiles. She turned smiling at Aidan as he ushered her forward. “Is this a whirlpool bath?”

  “Of course.”

  Looking around she saw the large shower block without any doors. Just tiled walls and floors with a drain in two spots. “A rain-head shower?”


  Claire came out of the bathroom and leaned against the wall. Looking at the black granite floors that continued into this room as well until her eyes found Aidan.

  “What are you doing?” Claire asked.

  “Come.” He commanded as he pulled her to him. Claire smiled at him. “Plus, I want to see the other dress that you got for me.”

  “Then you should unwrap your present.” Claire smiled.

  “It's under this dress?” Aidan asked, his eyes dark as he ran them over her body. The dress was snug and fitted around all over her curves. What dress would fit under that? He stepped up, “Turn around.” She did as he commanded and he slowly unzipped her dress as he kissed down the back of her neck and shoulder. “Turn back round.” Claire did, as he pushed both shoulders down and the elegant dress fell to the ground, puddled around her feet. “Step.” He said as he had her hand and she stepped towards him. “This is the other dress?” He asked looking at the extremely short black dress that was tighter than the skin against her body. The zipper in the back went from the top of the dress and all the way down.

  “Yes. Do you like it?”

  “No one else may see you in this.” He commanded as he stepped up. His hand wrapping tightly around her waist running over the lower part of her as he kissed her. She melted into his mouth as he pushed her back towards the large window. Aidan pressed her against the window as Claire ran her hands down his ch
est. He grabbed her hands and raised them above her head, “No touching, Ms. Henderson.” He captured them in one of his hands. His hand ran up her thigh. “This dress is so short.”

  “Just for you. Like promised,” she said as he kissed down her throat.

  “Yes, just me.” He kissed her, his hand trailing up her thigh. Touching, rubbing her through her panties. She bit her lip as she laid her head back against the window. She moaned as he grabbed her breast through the clingy material and massaged it. He pushed away her panties and pushed his fingers inside of her making her buck at the sudden motion, “Let go. Come for me, baby.” She screams out his name as her orgasm hit, as she sagged a little against the window. “I do love this dress. But it's got to go.” He pulled her off of the window, spinning her as he unzipped the back of her dress and it fell to the ground in a heap. He chuckled as he saw the matching corset bra, laced tight, and panties. “Ms Henderson, how many more packages must I open?” He asked.

  She turned in his arms. “This is the last, Mr. Ashby.” She ran her hands up his shirt, he took a step back as she dropped her hands. She started undoing his buttons. He pulled off his shirt as he smiled making a circular motion with his finger. She turned around and slowly he undid the laces of the corset. Claire bit her lip as she felt him slowly undoing each of the ribbons. She felt his strong hands trailing down her back. Her corset fell to the ground as her pulled her to his front, tightly. She could feel his erection through his business slacks. Butterflies filled her stomach as she remembered the feel of him inside of her. He ran his hand over her flat stomach and into the waistband of her underwear, over her pubic hair and down to her sex. He rubbed her already wet, pulsing core, as she moaned from the sensation. He pushed his fingers in deeper, as she went up onto her tiptoes.

  “Aidan please,” she begged. He kept teasing her, rubbing her quivering center. “Please,” she begged as she arched in her pleasure. He stopped before she lost control.


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