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Through the Lens

Page 17

by Sophia Emerson

  “Claire. Claire.”

  Claire opened her eyes. Everything hurt. She heard her name like it was coming through a tunnel. She turned a brief bit before hands went around her neck. Claire freaked thrashing back and forth. She was so tired so exhausted.

  “Claire, stop. You're going to hurt yourself worse.” The voice from the tunnel said. She finally felt movement and saw Sam poke his slim body through the seats.

  “Sam. Sam. Get Ella. Ella first, keep her safe.”

  “Ok but your neck needs stabilized and you have to stop moving. Ok.”

  Claire looked at him with wide eyes as she felt hands on the side of her neck again as Sam finally turned towards Ella. Claire saw that she wasn't moving and the cut on her head was deep. Please be ok Ella. You can't die too. Claire prayed inwardly. She was light headed. Any energy she had had been lost at the lightest touch around her neck. Sirens were so loud. She had heard them before she had even been hit. It's what caught her attention. The pain was awful but she tried to focus to listen if something was happening to Ella.

  “Sam.” Claire heard the sound of warning.

  “Ella, is Ella ok?” Claire croaked.

  “Move them both now.” Another of the guards ordered.

  Claire started to cough as blood came out of her mouth cutting off her words. She saw the knife and froze as she heard the seat belt cut and Ella was passed through the window. The same knife came towards her as she fell forward the pain was too much and she blacked out.

  Beeping. The constant annoying beeping kept sounding too loud into her ear. Too loud. Claire's mind screamed as she lied there. She couldn't open her eyes. She tried to move but she could not feel anything. She lied there as the beeping sped up.

  “Claire. Breathe. I'm here.”

  Aidan? Why is Aidan in the car? Oh God, am I dead? Claire asked herself.

  She felt a brief touch on her forehead. A kiss. Pressure on her hand. Oh thank God I'm not paralyzed. Claire drifted back to sleep.

  “How is she?” Ella? She's ok? She's here?

  “They are keeping her sedated.” Aidan's voice was quiet. Too quiet.

  “Aidan, I'm so sorry. It's my fault. I should have taken the SUV. I just,” her voice crack, tears were clearly in her voice. “I just wanted to talk with her without ears everywhere.”

  “Come here, Pumpkin. It's not your fault.”

  Claire could hear crying turn into sobs. She pictured Ella in Aidan's lap crying.

  “No crying,” Claire whispered.

  “What? Claire did you say something?” Aidan asked.

  Claire opened her eyes to see Ella in his lap as she sat beside the bed. “No crying.” Claire tried to smile but it hurt.

  Ella wiped her eyes. “I was so worried.”

  “I'm fine.”

  “Alyssa should be here soon.” Aidan grasped her hand and squeezed.

  “No. They are traveling the world. It’s Alyssa’s dream.”

  “I tried.”


  Aidan got up and answered his phone, sliding out of the room, as Ella stood up beside Claire's bed.


  “The blast threw him. He protected you as much as he could.”

  “Blast? I don't remember that. Where is he?” She asked quietly.

  “He's next door.”

  “Where am I?”

  The doctor came in. Claire instantly recognized her as Aidan's sister Rebecca. “Eleanor, you should be in bed. Now!” She pointed towards the other bed that Aidan had been sitting in between.

  “Love you too, Becca.” She stuck her tongue out like a child as Claire watched.

  “Hello Claire. How's the pain?”

  “I've had worse. Where is my doctor?”

  “I'm your doctor.”

  “No. I need Doctor Gordon. Her number is in my phone.”

  Claire could see the anger, maybe annoyance, in the doctor's eyes. “It's nothing personal. She has my entire medical folder. She's been with me since...”

  “Bec, she's like me. Just call Gordon before she goes psycho on you like I do to you when I don't get my way.” Ella grinned to the woman. Claire noticed the look between the two of them.

  She saw Becca nod and leave. Pissing off Aidan's sister was probably not the best but Gordon knew Claire the best. Within five minutes Gordon ran through the door. “Why did you not page me sooner?”

  “Just woke up.” Claire looked at her as she tried to hold out her hand.

  “Claire. Sleep,” Gordon said to her, grasping her hand. “Where is her chart?” Gordon asked looking back to Becca.

  “She needs a real doctor,” Becca said icily. “You are the head of the hospital. You no longer see patients.”

  “She has been my patient for eleven years. I see her whenever she needs a doctor.”

  Becca was taken back at the news as Aidan walked back into the room, “What's going on?”

  “I'm taking over this patient, Mr. Ashby.”

  “No, it's my hospital. I...”

  “No sir. You put me in charge. I will have the best for Claire. Ms. Hawkins is a good doctor but...”

  “Aidan.” He looked to Claire and walked to her as she held out her hand for him. “Gordon is my doctor. Has been since I was a child. I need her. Gordon... Knows. My. Past.” Claire struggled to say. Her throat was dry and hurting. She did not want to fight she just wanted to sleep.

  “Anything for you.”

  “Can I get ice cream?” Ella asked from her bed.


  “Don't you dare. She isn't cleared for food. If you get her ice cream or any kind of food I will beat you senseless.” Rebecca threatened as she wagged her finger at him. Then looked at Ella, “You know better.” Ella just smiled as Rebecca left the room.

  “Sorry,” Claire said quietly.

  “About what?” Aidan asked as he moved a piece of her hair and tucked it behind her ear.

  “I made her mad.”

  Aidan laughed. “Becca's intense and you all gave her a scare when you were wheeled into the E.R.. You scared at least a couple years off of my life as well.”

  “What happened?” Claire asked as doctor Gordon came back with ice chips. “Suck on these. It will help your throat. Not too many.”

  Claire reached out but Aidan grabbed them first and slid one into her mouth. “I am rechecking her labs and someone will come to take some blood.”

  “You think she missed something?” Aidan asked emotionless. She was his sister and hated that he couldn't tell people who she was or why she requested him.

  “No. Rebecca Hawkins is an excellent doctor. Probably one of the best here. But with Claire's full medical history, I need to check a few other tests and levels that are different for Claire. I'm going to take another CAT scan and MRI.”

  “Whatever she needs. I just want her safe,” Aidan said as he fed Claire another ice chip.

  “Just make sure that she rests. I know that she will want to get up and paint. I will get a sketchbook brought in for her soon.”

  Doctor Gordon walked out of the room and started down the hall when Aidan jogged out of the room and called out to her.

  “You know her well. Everything that she keeps hidden. Bad dreams, winces at a simple touch, and whatever she means by the darkness within her.”

  “Yes. Very well.”

  “How can I help her? To get past all that and have a life. I'm guessing you're the doctor that told her to live her life and be happy.”

  “I am. Aidan, she loves you. Whether she knows it or not. She needs to know that she's loved, wanted, and that she is safe. Safe is the key thing because the others will come in time. Don't press her about her past because she can't tell you for her own safety and yours.”

  “Is it bad?”

  “It was the worse case I've ever witnessed and she's blocked most of it out, thank the Lord. She is weak and fragile but she wears a mask of strength and anger. She puts her emotions into her work and does anything sh
e can to not let herself feel. The past three weeks that you two have been together she's allowed herself to feel. I'm happy she found you.” Gordon smiled as she stepped up and touched his arm. “As she let's you in, some of those memories will unveil themselves. Call me at any time there is an issue. For right now, go back to Claire. She needs you.”

  Aidan walked back into the room. Claire was there, sitting up. “What do you think you're doing?”

  “Going to see Sam, then leaving.”

  “No you don't.” Aidan picked up her legs and swung them back up onto the bed.


  “No,” Aidan said harshly. “You want to hear what happened?”


  “A drunk driver had crashed through several intersections. The police were starting to chase after them when he crashed through your intersection, blowing a red light, t-boning the car. Security was there and pulled you both out quickly as they saw the gas tank leaking. You told Sam to get Ella out and he did. Then they moved you. Sam got you out about five seconds before the car blew up. He wrapped his body around yours and absorbed most of the blast.”

  “How many hurt? Dead?”

  “Five people were killed in other crashes. The drunk driver already plead guilty to 18 counts of manslaughter.”


  “The car explosion was in front of a hotel. The guards tried to push them back but you know the curiosity of idiots.” Aidan kissed Claire's hand. “Do you know how worried I was about you? The guards called me from the ambulance and I rushed here as quickly as I could. When I got in there you were in being stitched up and Ella was passed out. Hair looking like Frankenstein.”

  “Hey watch who you're calling Frankenstein or I will tell Claire about the language you used when she crashed and the doctor that you punched.”

  “Not helping, Pumpkin.”

  Aidan looked back down to Claire. He slowly wiped away a tear. “I'm sorry I worried you. I'm fine.”

  “Fine?” Aidan laughed. “I'll give alive but fine I don't believe. Claire, I know that we've only known each other a couple weeks but I want you to move in with me permanently. The whole flight thinking that I might lose you was hell. I care about you more than I ever thought I could care for someone outside my family.”

  More tears fell down Claire's face. “Baby Bear, please don't cry.”

  “Yes, I'll move in with you.” Claire leaned forward and kissed him. “Can we go now? Please.”

  “Dr. Gordon has some tests to run. Safety first.”

  “No, whirlpool first, cuddling, then doctors.”

  Aidan laughed. “Definitely missed that defiant nature.” He kissed her forehead. “Now go to sleep. I'll be here when you wake and then we'll see what we can do about getting you home.”


  “I'll protect you, Baby Bear, and you are getting your own security team and SUV rides only.”

  “I get Sam.”

  “Sleep Claire,” Aidan barked as he sat down in his chair. Claire watched him for a second before her eyes closed and she slept.

  Claire stayed asleep as she was wheeled from test to test. Doctor Gordon came into the room and woke Aidan from where he'd fallen asleep. “I'm sorry to wake you. I've gotten all of the results back.”

  “Is she ok?” Aidan asked as he stood quickly.

  “Yes. She's going to be sore and been in a lot of pain which she wouldn't really realize.” She shook her head, “Claire doesn't feel pain like you and I. Her tolerance is so high. So when she said her pain scale was a nine it was much worse than our scale.”

  “The doctor missed it because she didn't know the past.”

  “Yes. She was in pain and her meds were fixed and she's resting nicely. Claire is safe and she can go home if you'd like to take her there. I know she hates hospitals. I can make a house call and check on her anytime she needs me.”

  “I'll take her now,” Aidan said with a smile. He was happy to finally be able to get her home.

  Aidan walked into the penthouse. Claire wrapped tightly against his chest. She had several stitches and was covered from head to toe in bruises. Claire's eyes opened as he stepped into the bedroom. “Bath?”

  “No. Sleep.”

  Claire poked out his lip in a pout. “Bath, with you.”

  “You're too sleepy.”

  “That's ok. You won't let me drown. I trust you,” she whispered.

  “Ok.” Aidan kissed her temple, sitting her on the bed and slowly undressed her so he wouldn't hurt her. She sat up. Seeing the bruises and the stitches made his fists clench. Claire touched his hand.

  “It doesn't hurt, Aidan. I'm ok. You won't hurt me.” Claire bit her lip. It was a lie. He was the only one that could hurt her. He could push her away and walk out of her life. She was ready to let him in. Ready to really start living.

  Aidan kissed her forehead again. It was about the only unbruised part of her body. “Lay down. I'm going to turn on the water.” Claire smiled as he laid her down gently and she watched him strip out of his clothes and walk nude into the bathroom as he turned on the water. He came back and picked up Claire. He slid them both into the warm water and held her close to his body. Claire let him hold her tightly against him. Claire wiggled a little against him until he loosened his grin and she pulled herself up into a ball in his arms. Her hands circling his waist.

  “I was scared.” Aidan tightened his grip around her. “Scared that I wouldn't see you again.”

  “I'm right here! I'm always going to be right here. No matter what, Claire.”

  “Do you have a white room here?”


  “I was thinking about that the other night when you were gone. I hadn't find any hidden doors.”

  Aidan looked straight ahead and not down to Claire. “You were thinking of the room.”

  “Yes. I was doing more research when I couldn't sleep with you gone. So, do you have a room?”

  “There is a room.”

  “Like the White Room?”

  “White Room?” Aidan chuckled at the name she had given it. “Yes, I have a room like that one, except a little different.”

  “Why have you never taken me in there?” When he didn't answer Claire leaned her head back so she could see his face. “It's because of my past, isn't it?”

  “Claire dominance isn't just in the playroom. It's all the time.”

  “Like when you order me about in your bedroom? Especially when we're...” Claire smiled as she thought about him tying her to the footboard of his bed and fucking her.


  “But you don't want me like that anymore? I mean, thinking about the contract I've broken some of the rules.”

  Aidan was shaking his head. “Claire, I don't want to dominate you, completely.”

  “But the contract? Our negotiation.” Claire bit her lip, tears coming to her eyes. She knew that being with him was too good to be true. He didn't want her any more. She refused to break down in front of him. She was already weak enough she could not look even weaker in front of him.

  Aidan felt a change within Claire but he could not see her eyes. He tightened his grip, pulling her a little tighter against him. “I want to consume you. For the first time, to really have a relationship of equals.”

  “What if I wanted to go into the room? To be dominated. Maybe not every night but once in awhile.” Claire never told him of her past or how she kind of liked pain. Pain reminded her that she was still alive. Aidan smiled, turned her chin towards him and kissed her.

  “We'll see,” Aidan said gruffly. He felt Claire relax against him. He remembered the warning that the doctor had given to him. Claire was the ultimate submissive, if he could break her enough to trust him completely, but also one of the most dangerous. She would not be able to use the safe words and he was not sure he could stop without the words if things heated up too much.

  Aidan looked upward to the ceiling. He had always been a dominant. He never cared
for a person, outside of the family he created, before Claire. He had always used his full strength in the playrooms and never held back. The one time they were in the playroom and the moment he was punishing her he had held back. Could I really go into the playroom with Claire and not hold back? To be my true self with her? Could I keep her safe, even from myself? The questions plagued his mind as he gently lifted a sleeping Claire out of the tub and slipped her into his bed.


  Sexually frustrated. It was the only way to describe how Claire was feeling. She violently stuffed the towel onto the towel rack. Aidan hadn't touched her since before he had gone away for his business trip and she had been in the wreck. They slept beside one another but she might as well sleep in her own bedroom. Anytime she tried anything he stopped her instantly, telling her she didn't have permission and then used her injuries as an excuse. It had been two extremely long months. Claire stood in the bathroom looking at herself in the mirror. Some of the bruises were still there but most of them had faded a lot. Did he find me ugly now? His kisses were still there and she felt his gaze but she could not take much more of him not touching her. She walked out of the bathroom naked and booted up her laptop, typing “submissive behavior to a dominant” into the search engine. She looked at her copy of the contract that was signed. She expected the ropes, the whips, even more commands and him doing stuff to her that she was not really into or knew about but he wasn't like that. Claire bit her lip wondering if she was too broken and he didn't see her as capable of handling the room. The thought of whips had her biting her lip as she instantly felt the wetness between her legs. The playroom. She smiled as she looked around. She walked into the closet sliding on a blood red set of lingerie and her robe. She looked around the back of the closet looking for a door. She knew that his last playroom was through his closet but there was no door there. She left the bedroom and started to look behind every door. Still nothing. If I were a playroom where would I hide? She bit her lip and saw Aidan's office door slightly cracked.


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