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Soulmate: Feel My Heart Beat Book 1

Page 7

by Delmire Hart

  Envy of everyone, huh? Daniel was sure that his clothes wouldn’t be why people would be looking at him with envy; it would be because of the person he was standing beside. Not because William was good looking, although his attractiveness surely helped, or his personality, the smug, sadistic bastard. No, they all wanted a piece of the money or power. Daniel honestly didn’t understand why people thought like that. He was, however, going to deal with it tonight.

  Why did they have to go to one of his clubs?

  Daniel could scarcely admit it to himself but he would be up for skipping the club and going to the main event of the evening where William drags him back to his lair so he can sate his curiosity about the sinful promise lurking in the man’s eyes and words. Curiosity killing the cat was apt in his case. He was a little house cat pulling on the tiger’s tail to see what would happen.

  Daniel took a deep breath and slowly let it out. Hopefully they would stop by for some food, it was still too early to go to a club, and he felt a little peckish. He turned away from the mirror, gave his thanks to the assistants, then made his way to where William and the other man were still deep in discussion. William glanced up and noticing Daniel’s approach, fished his wallet out of his pocket and handed his credit card over to an older lady who hovered off to the side. She took the card with a small bow and hurried off to the register.

  Of course, the rich bastard didn’t ask how much it cost or even what had been purchased. He doubted William would bat an eye if Daniel suddenly announced he wanted to buy the whole store. He wondered what he would demand in payment for it though, before quickly pushing that thought away before he could ponder it too much. That was dangerous territory. Something must have shown on his face again because William flashed him a look that screamed predator waiting to pounce.

  “I don’t believe you have been formally introduced yet.” Daniel stopped beside William and felt an arm sneak around his waist. “Daniel, this is my secretary, Kenneth Jones. Ken, this is my soulmate, Daniel Miller.”

  Ken gave him a small bow and spoke formally, “It is a pleasure to meet you, Mr Miller.”

  “Ah, yeah, sure. Likewise. Um, Mr Miller? Really? That’s a bit much…” He trailed off as Ken gave him a wordless look of surprise and a glance to the side showed William, lips twitching as though holding back a laugh. The lady returned with the credit card and a few bags that presumably held the clothes they had arrived in. Ken took hold of the bags and advised that he would get them delivered back to the penthouse.

  “The limo is already waiting, we’ll stop by somewhere to eat on the way to the club,” William said as he ushered Daniel out the door, sneaking in a quick grope before he slid into the waiting vehicle. Stressing more about the evening wouldn’t help so Daniel finally resigned himself to his fate. Regardless of whatever happened at the club, he could at least console himself with the good food.

  Chapter Eight: Dance

  Getting out of the limo and standing on the busy sidewalk reminded Daniel of their trip to Annisa. Except for the name Syndrome up in lights on the front of the building, the atmosphere was the same. Plenty of looks were being thrown from the people lining up as they stepped out of the limo, William guiding him by a hand on the small of his back, and them being waved right through. They jumped the long queue and received the same jealous stares as they were waved in by the security. The biggest difference was the thumping bass that could be heard even from outside.

  William might be used to receiving this kind of service wherever he went, but it drew a lot of attention that Daniel wasn’t particularly comfortable with. They had barely made it through the door when a rather flamboyantly dressed man came over and bowed to William. Mid-length blond hair framed bright blue eyes and there was a small beauty mark just under the left side of his lips.

  “Mr Hunt, I am delighted that you stopped by the club personally,” he said smoothly as he inclined his head to William. He must be the manager then.

  “It would have been preferable if I wasn’t required to stop by in person, Stefan.” Daniel winced internally at the cold tone of William’s voice. He was used to a more relaxed William, this must be the businessman side he hasn’t gotten to see yet.

  “Of course, I apologise for the necessity. If you will please follow me, I’m sure we can make it an enjoyable visit regardless.” The manager, Stefan, completely ignored Daniel and gestured off to the side toward a stairwell. Relieved at not being forced to be the centre of attention just because he was William’s companion, Daniel took the opportunity to get take a quick look around.

  The club was packed even though it was a Sunday night. A crowded bar could be seen off to the left, while tables and alcoves lined the walls and a DJ booth with a dance floor sat right in the middle of the room. The lights were dim except for coloured lights over the dance floor and the air was thick with perfume and smoke. At the top of the stairs they were led through a glass door set in a huge glass panel. The VIP room was filled with plush looking alcoves and tables complete with its own bar and the music from the dance floor was muted down to a dull thumping. A glance to the side showed huge floor to ceiling glass window panes allowing a good view over the rest of the club while providing a level of soundproofing.

  Daniel could see another section on the opposite side of the building where more booths and tables lined a second-floor balcony enclosed by a metal railing instead of glass. The two sections were divided by a series of black glass panels that couldn’t be seen through. Possibly the manager’s office, seeing as it would give a good view of most of the club if it was one-way glass. Everything was red, black, and chrome. It walked a fine line between classy and tacky yet somehow the club pulled it off. He could also see what William meant by a younger crowd. Most were around Daniel’s age, which would explain the music and the large dance floor. Unlike the few clubs Daniel had been dragged to before, everyone here was dressed to impress with glittering jewellery and expensive brand labels.

  They were ushered into a half circle shaped booth with very comfortable padding. William reclined at the middle of the booth, the closest point to the wall, and pulled Daniel in so he was pressed up against his side. He moved his arm so it rested along the padding behind Daniel. A waitress with long dark hair and a tight fitting, high cut black dress that showed little but suggested a lot, served William a tumbler of amber liquid before asking Daniel what he would like. Daniel floundered for a few seconds so William ordered for him with a small chuckle, effectively cutting off Stefan midsentence. He glanced over and caught the glare from the manager before his expression smoothed over as William turned back towards him.

  “Anya will be looking after you for the evening, please let her know if you need anything,” Stefan said with a gesture to the waitress. She gave a small bow before leaving to get whatever William had just ordered for him. Stefan started to talk again but it was business and Daniel didn’t bother trying to make sense of it, it wasn’t particularly interesting anyway. Instead, he took the opportunity to look around again to try to make sure he had his bearings.

  Waitresses all dressed in matching tight black dresses and tall heels swanned around the VIP room, serving drinks and chatting with the guests. Anya came back with what appeared to be a beer bottle and a glass. She poured out a glass before passing both the bottle and the glass over to Daniel. He took a sip and sighed. It was a beer, imported judging from the label in a language he couldn’t read, and it had a dark almost nutty flavour.

  “Ahh, it’s good.”

  “I thought you would like that one.” William cut Stefan off midsentence again and when Daniel looked over to smile at William in thanks, he caught another death glare from the manager. First he got ignored, now this? Stefan opened his mouth to continue but William cut across him. “Enough. I get the reports from Ken, we can discuss business later if you cannot handle it on your own.”

  “I can handle everything myself of course,” Stefan said hastily, “I only thought that you would like a pers
onal update seeing as you were here.”

  “I already know everything I need to,” William said dismissively as he pulled out a cigarette and Stefan quickly leaned forward to offer him a light. As William took a drag on the smoke, the manager slid out of the booth and gave a small bow.

  “I’ll leave you to enjoy your evening then, I’ll send someone to let you know when our business will begin.” Stefan didn’t spare even the slightest glance for Daniel.

  “Ken already has all the details,” William waved him off with a dismissive flick of the cigarette, “Advise him of any changes.”

  “Of course.” Stefan withdrew, still completely refusing to acknowledge Daniel’s existence.

  “Tell me if Stefan bothers you,” William said as he turned to watch Daniel quietly enjoying his drink. The photographer snorted at the comment.

  “I’ll be fine, I can look after myself. I don’t get what his problem is though.”

  “He wants what he cannot have.”

  “What?” Daniel drawled. “Another admirer of the great William Hunt? No wonder you’re so full of yourself.”

  “What can I say?” William said after he finished chuckling. “I’m just that good.”

  “Arrogant bastard.”

  They spent the next hour or so in light conversation, occasionally being joined by acquaintances of William who all appeared to be stopping by to pay their respects while trying to work out who exactly Daniel was. William just introduced him by name, making no mention of his soulmate status or his line of work and it only seemed to make the visitors even more curious. Daniel wasn’t good at reading people by any means but even he could almost see the thoughts going through their heads. Who was this boy with William? Why won’t he say anything else about him other than his name?

  A lot of looks lingered on the arm stretched out behind Daniel and he got the impression that William rarely showed up with anyone in public. It was a fairly innocent gesture and although there was deeper meaning behind it, the action didn’t warrant such surprise. Finally William was called away when Ken came and discreetly informed him it was time.

  “You should head to the dance floor, I won’t be long.”

  Daniel nodded and then William was leaving to walk towards a plain door to the back of the VIP section. He checked with Anya and was guided to the bathroom, figuring the ones up here would be much nicer and less packed than downstairs. He had just finished his business and was washing his hands when two men stepped inside. They were dressed like the bouncers he had seen outside, and they had the builds to match. He didn’t pay them much attention until he turned around after drying his hands to find them caging him in and preventing him from leaving.

  “Excuse me, you are in the way.” Daniel tried to keep his rapidly rising pulse in check. There was only one way out and they were blocking it. He knew he was fast and they both seemed too bulky to be particularly quick on their feet. If he could just get around them, he would be back out with the others and it would be too open for them to want to create a fuss but Daniel couldn’t see a way to get around them. He would have to wait and see what they wanted.

  “You’re not going anywhere just yet, pretty boy. We have to pass on a message from our boss. We don’t know who you are but he said to keep your little paws off William if you know what’s good for you.” The two thugs slowly drew closer, backing Daniel up against the bathroom wall. “He is even paying us more to rough you up a little so you get the idea. Isn’t that great? I get money and get to have a little fun.” A hand reached out and grabbed Daniel by the collar, lifting him up to his toes. The thug got right up in his face and he could smell the rank breath and see the stubble lining his chin. “Such a pretty one. Shame you won’t be so pretty when we’re done.”

  Daniel didn’t think, just reacted. He brought his knee up with all the force he could muster and felt it connect with the thug’s groin. The hand released its hold on him and with a high pitched almost squeak, the man crumped to the floor into a fetal position. Daniel winced in sympathy but was suddenly slammed back against the wall, his head cracking on the tiling.

  “Oh, you want to play, huh?” God, this one’s breath stank too. Daniel struggled to get his bearings, the force he hit the wall with disorienting him for a few seconds. “It’ll make it just that much sweeter when-” the thug didn’t have time to finish his sentence when the door slammed open and someone rushed in. Daniel found himself free and was able to focus his vision in time to see the new person slam the thug to the ground. His saviour was well dressed Asian man in a simple black suit and tie with close cropped dark hair. Daniel thought he looked vaguely familiar.

  “Mr Miller, are you all right?”

  Daniel blinked at him. He knew who he was? He gave his head a shake to try to clear it. “Ah, yeah, I’m okay. I think.” He felt the back of his head and winced slightly. There would probably be a lump, but he didn’t feel the sticky wetness of blood. “You’re one of William’s men?”

  “Yes. I’m Ueda, Mr Hunt left me to guard you while we his handling business. I got suspicious after these two entered and none of you came out after a few minutes. I apologise for not coming in sooner,” the man said with a slight bow.

  “No, it’s fine. It’s not like you expect anything to happen in his own club. And since when do I need a guard?” Ueda looked pointedly at the two groaning thugs on the floor. Daniel gave him a sheepish grin. “Well, thank you anyway. Do you need me to do anything or can I head out to the dance floor now?”

  “Please go ahead Mr Miller. There are other guards around who will make sure nothing else happens while I take these two to Mr Hunt.”

  “All right and please drop the Mr Miller thing. It’s really not necessary just call me Daniel.” Daniel could feel a slight flush on his cheeks when Ueda paused while plucking his cell phone out of his pocket and looked up at him in surprise.

  “That would be rude of me, Mr Miller. You are someone whom Mr Hunt holds in high regard and so all the staff must address you appropriately.” Ueda cut off any more complaints by politely holding open the door for Daniel while he made a call.

  Daniel sighed and left, passing another suited man on his way into the bathroom, presumably another of William’s men. As he made his way out of the VIP section and down onto the dance floor Daniel pondered the thug’s words. He had said boss. Was it Stefan? They certainly looked like security from here and Stefan clearly wasn’t thrilled about his presence with William, particularly not with the businessman’s attention being taken by Daniel. Stay away from William? Daniel gave a soft snort in derision. Like he had a choice in the matter. No, they were tied together now in ways he couldn’t possibly imagine.


  Two souls tied together, matching and fitting perfectly to make a whole.

  Finally, having reached the dance floor, Daniel pushed all thoughts aside and moved into the press of bodies, letting the driving beat take over. He began to move in time, letting the rhythm wash away all thought but the music and the need to move. He danced as though glittering golden eyes watched him and lost himself to the feeling.


  Business was concluded and the negotiations had come to a close with the other party having withdrawn back into the club. Stefan watched as William took a drag on a cigarette while Ken gave a quick report. The man was stunning. He was much more casually dressed than Stefan had ever seen him but he still looked good enough to kill. Those intense eyes glanced his way and he suppressed a shiver. The man’s gaze was so heavy, so intense, and Stefan longed for the day when it would be focused on him alone.

  He was ripped from his thoughts when the door opened and two men dragged in two of his bouncers. He felt his eyes go wide and quickly schooled his expression. So, they had gotten caught. They knew better than to squeal about who had paid them, though, he had paid them more than enough for their silence. He was well aware of William’s wrath and dislike for anyone touching his things but it was necessary to warn off the little tr
amp that had dared enter his club clinging to William’s side.

  “Sorry to disturb you, Mr Hunt, but we found these two attempting to rough up Mr Miller.”

  William went very still and even Ken visibly tensed. “How is he?”

  “Miller advised he was fine and moved to the dance floor. He had taken one of them out with what appeared to be a knee to the groin and I was able to intervene before the second one could make a move.” That little tramp took one of them out? He had been right to send two to do the job, such a shame they got caught before they could get a hit in on him. Hopefully the warning would be enough. “They said they don’t know who or why they were paid to rough him up. Just that they received cash from a hooded man and a description of Miller.” Good, they had stuck to the story.

  William’s eyes flicked to a dark-skinned man standing beside him, Demetrius, his chief of security. “Deal with them.”

  “Of course, sir.” Demetrius directed his two men to drag the two incapacitated men out the back door and into the alley behind the club.


  “Yes, Mr Hunt?”

  “This happened in your club with your own staff. You are already on thin ice. This doesn’t happen again.” That gaze he desired so was directed solely at him and it seemed to bore right into his soul. Stefan barely suppressed his shiver that time. He ignored the threat the words carried, it wouldn’t matter soon.

  “Of course, I will see to the matter myself.” The businessman grunted in response and dropped his cigarette to the floor to be ground out under his heel.

  “Ken, bring the limo around and have it waiting, we’ll be leaving soon.” He left, entering back into the main section of the club by the staff door. Stefan closed his eyes and tried to get his breathing back under control. That stare had sent his heart racing.


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