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Soulmate: Feel My Heart Beat Book 1

Page 22

by Delmire Hart

  They stayed like that for a few moments before Daniel moved back to face William, his face still covered in cum and looking far too pleased with himself.

  “Next time you should fuck my mouth.”


  Chapter Twenty-five: Unexpected

  Daniel reached a hand out to gently ran his fingers through William’s hair. He had been trying to get up to make breakfast for a good ten minutes so far but his soulmate’s arms were wrapped around his waist in a death grip. He wiggled into a sitting position but William curled up around him even more and sleepily refused to let go. Daniel would have found it cute if it hadn’t been for the fact that he wanted to eat something before he headed off for work. He opened his mouth to say something but his stomach beat him to it and emitted a loud rumble. A sleepy golden eye opened and cast a rather ineffectual glare at the photographer’s stomach. Daniel couldn’t hold back a giggle at the sight.

  Over the last week William had pretty much gone back to his usual self except for a few extra touchy-feely moments. Daniel quickly worked out that he seemed to take a lot of reassurance from physical touch and reciprocated as often as he remembered. It was as though William needed to mentally reassure himself that Daniel was, in fact, still there. They hadn’t really done much during their time off together either. A little shopping, a movie marathon, and a TV series marathon. Most mornings were spent lazing around in bed until their stomachs forced them up for food. More than once Daniel found himself playing games on his phone while William was plastered against his back seemingly intent on trying to absorb him.

  “Willlliiiiaaammmm, I need to go make breakfast.”

  The only reply he got was a small, displeased huff but the arms around his waist loosened their hold. It was cute seeing this sleepy, defenceless side of the normally intimidating man. William would probably shoot him for calling him cute, though. Daniel leaned down and pressed a quick kiss onto William’s cheek. He was just moving away with the intent to finally get out of bed when he was suddenly pulled back down and he toppled onto his soulmate. William expertly manoeuvred him around so he lay on top of the older man then kissed him deep and hard. He didn’t let go until he ripped a small moan from the back of Daniel’s throat. Daniel flopped back onto the bed, breathing hard.

  “You don’t play fair.”

  William flashed him his trademark smirk. “How about you join me in the shower and we take care of your little problem,” he said, glancing down significantly.

  Daniel groaned and tried to pull away to no avail. “I didn’t have a problem until you decided to be a jerk. I really need to go make breakfast.”

  “Later. Come for a shower.”

  He was about to protest but William cut him off with another searing kiss and his resolve crumbled.


  Daniel didn’t end up having enough time to make breakfast and had to grab a quick bite to eat on the way to his editor’s office. He grumbled to William about it who only smirked even more and offered to pay for whatever he picked up to eat but Daniel shot the offer down. That was completely beside the point. He actually enjoyed cooking and liked making sure that William was eating correctly. There was a certain satisfaction to be had when someone else enjoyed what you’ve cooked for them as well. Unfortunately the damn man was insatiable. Although more and more Daniel could keep up with him in the bedroom. He really wasn’t too sure what to make of that and wasn’t too keen to put too much thought into it.

  When he arrived at the newspaper, he quickly made his way inside to his editor. Daniel hoped the man might have received a tip off or two about Charles Lawrence. The photos he took previously had not gone to print in the end, no surprises there, but he was still hoping to get enough to give to the police to take the slime ball down permanently. Gil, his editor, knew about his desire to take criminals off the streets rather than just cash in on their slipups and would often keep certain information aside about anyone he was actively targeting.

  He knocked on the side of the partially open door before letting himself into the office.

  “Ah, Miller! Anything for me today?”

  “Gil. No photos today, I was actually hoping you might have received some information on Lawrence for me?”

  “Ahh, yes. Let me see here,” the man said as he rummaged around his desk before pulling out a sheet of paper. “I got some stuff from a few different sources; there’s information on a few preferred haunts he’s been seen frequenting and even two dates of possible meetups. No confirmed locations yet though. I’ll message you if those get confirmed.”

  Daniel scanned over the page. He recognised the names of most of the establishments, a number were similar to places he cased out while investigating Barrett. It suggested that he was trying to profit in Barrett’s sudden absence.

  “Thanks. I’ll look into these and I’ll let you know if I get any good pictures. Is there anything else going on that needs to be covered?”

  “Nah, it’s been a slow news week. May as well work on the big names, you’re the best I’ve seen for some time when it comes to breaking open the massive scandals. Even if you’re not pulling in daily pictures, you’re worth your weight in gold for exclusives on those big cases. You have no idea how much we have pulled in with all those exclusive details on the Barrett case. We got a good bribe over those Lawrence photos as well.”

  Daniel sighed and rubbed a hand through his hair. “It’s a shame they didn’t make it to print though. Although that meeting was shoddy, I can’t believe they thought they were being secretive.” Gil raised an eyebrow and Daniel grimaced before replying, “It was so bad it was almost offensive.”

  His editor barked a laugh. “You’re the only person who would complain over an easy, well-paying job. I suppose that’s what gets you the big cases though. Although Matt was hoping to chase you down before, he said you were working on a big case that wasn’t Lawrence and he wanted in. If you have time you should talk to him.”

  “Eh? I’m not working on anything else though…”

  Gil shrugged as he turned back to his computer. “He seems to think you are,” he said then waved a hand at Daniel in a shooing motion. “Go chase him down, you’ll sort it out.”

  Daniel made his farewells and tucked the paper with the information in his pocket. He had just stepped out the door when Matt came barrelling up to him at full tilt. He grabbed Daniel’s wrist and yanked him back inside the editor’s office before slamming the door shut behind them.

  “I want in.”

  Daniel gaped at the out of breath man before asking incredulously, “In on what?”

  Matt stepped forward and slapped a folder Daniel hadn’t noticed down on the editor’s desk. The editor leaned forward in interest as Matt pulled out a number of photos.

  “William Hunt.”

  Daniel blanched. He stepped forward and immediately recognised the photos from when they went out to lunch the day before. It was their last day off work together and had taken a short walk from where they had ducked into the shops for a few things that Daniel needed, to a small but well-rated restaurant. They were standing close together in each of the photos, Daniel laughing at something and even a slight smile on William’s face.

  “I was trying to get a shot of some creepy old politician rumoured to be picking up high school girls and spotted you. I recognised William from photos from Officer Mino, he’s been trying to bring him down for ages. He’s been getting on my case about doing stakeout work for him,” Matt said then snorted in derision. “There’s big money in that scoop but nothing if you can’t get a damn picture.”

  The editor spoke up when Daniel didn’t reply. He was still staring blankly at the photos, mind racing. “I thought you said you weren’t investigating him when you turned down that tipoff.”

  “I’m not.”

  Gil picked out a photo where William clearly had an arm around his waist and gave a low whistle, eyebrows shooting up. “I never took you to be one to seduce his targets. Messy bus
iness that. Effective though.”

  “I’m not!” Daniel exclaimed as he flushed in angry embarrassment at the insinuation.

  “I want in,” Matt repeated.

  “I’m not investigating him!” Daniel denied hotly. Both of the other men raised their eyebrows at him in disbelief.

  “I didn’t take you for a gold digger either.”

  “I’M NOT!” Daniel took a deep breath and tried to calm down. He had to take several before his heart didn’t feel like it would jump out of his throat. He looked over to the filing cabinet on the other side of the room, avoiding their eyes, and mumbled out, “He’s my soulmate.”

  Silence reigned and Daniel looked back to see both the men staring at him, uncomprehending.

  “He’s my soulmate,” he said, louder this time.

  “Well, I’ll be.” Gil sat back in his chair and fished out a cigarette from his pocket, quickly lighting it up. “Is that why you turned down the tipoffs?”

  Daniel frowned before replying, “Partially. Mainly because I wasn’t kidding when I said I had spent weeks of my time trying to chase him down and came back with nothing. They were all fake. I asked William about those latest ones actually, those were fake too.”

  Matt spluttered. “You asked him?! You mean you told him the information? Of course they would be fake then! He’s got time to move!”

  “I didn’t get the info to be able to give it away! I just said I heard about some info going around and that I thought it was fake. He said it was.” Daniel crossed his arms and huffed. “You know, I’ve spent a lot of time with him and he trusts me, yet I still haven’t caught a single whiff of any illegal activities. I mean, I’ve been to his apartment. You’d think that I, of all people, would be able to dig up dirt on him but even after months I have nothing.” Daniel shrugged before continuing on in a softer tone, “I don’t know if anyone’s going to be able to bring him down.”

  “Romantic soulmate, right?” Gil held up the photo he had pulled out before with William’s arm wrapped around Daniel’s waist. Daniel’s blush answered for him. “I’m surprised you’re still working. If it were me, I’d never work another day in my life.” Gil sat back in his chair with a chuckle. “Fuck this joint when you have that much money at your disposal.”

  “It’s not my money, it’s his money. I’m not some housewife, I work for my own money.” Daniel pointed a finger at his editor. “And you better not shortchange me on my scoops. I pay for my own rent, thank you very much, and if you shortchange me, I’ll take my photos elsewhere.”

  Gil threw his hands up in defeat. “Wouldn’t dream of it.” Both Daniel and Matt snorted in derision and the editor didn’t even try to look offended.

  Matt sighed in defeat as he stared down at the now useless photos. “Damn, that would have been big money if you busted him, too.”

  “Even these photos would make money, the gossip section loves seeing who the big names are screwing.”

  Gil gestured down at the photos on his desk. Daniel’s eyes widened and he opened his mouth to protest but was cut off when Gil raised his hand.

  “Considering the amount of money you’ve brought in for us recently, I’ll let you off the hook this time, kid. But just this once. Anyone else brings me a picture of you together and I think we could make money off it, I’ll run it, end of story. And a word of advice, Miller. Watch out for Officer Mino. I know you’ve worked with him in the past but he’s out for William’s blood. You’ll be in deep shit if he catches wind of this. I don’t give a fuck what you do outside of this building, you get me a story that’ll sell, I’ll run it. I don’t discriminate. If anything, I’m thankful that my star photographer,” Matt gave an indignant protest at the compliment. “Isn’t quitting and living in the lap of luxury for the rest of his life. Just watch out for those police dogs. Especially the organised crime unit.”

  Daniel nodded. “I will. Thanks for not running those photos.”

  Gil waved him off and turned back to his paperwork. “You’re just lucky that you’ve made me enough money to grant you a favour. You won’t be so lucky next time, I don’t do favours twice. Now get out of my office, I’m busy.”

  Matt gathered the photos and dumped them in the bin before following Daniel out. He was surprised he binned them but then, he was only after the money. Now he knew they would not get him anything, they obviously weren’t worth hanging on to. Daniel could understand that but at the same time, he always kept a copy of everything. Just in case.

  “So, does this mean it’s always on you?”

  Daniel glared back at the awfully eager looking Matt. “Like hell. I told you, it’s his money. Not mine.”

  “Whatever, man. I can’t believe you’ve still working at this dump though. Surely he could pull some strings to get you a job at one of the big-name papers.”

  “What?!” Daniel yelped then hissed indignantly, “I don’t take handouts. I work for everything I get.”

  “You’re seriously weird, Miller. If you ever decide to bring him down, though, let me know. I want in.”

  Daniel huffed and stomped out of the building. He wanted the money more like. As if. If anyone was going to bring William down, it would be him and him alone. But that would be his decision once the time came, if it ever did. He hadn’t been lying when he told them he had seen absolutely no evidence so far.


  Daniel had finally gotten William’s approval to have their story run in the soulmate magazine he took photos for, provided William’s name was kept anonymous. So he ran through the basic details with the editor and owner of the magazine, May, just he promised a few weeks ago. She was so excited and happy for him that it made him a little embarrassed at times. It was nice to have a reminder over just how special their relationship is and how lucky they were to have found each other. May was relieved to be able to publish their happy story in this month’s edition, all the other major stories they had were on the tearful, depressing side. They didn’t want to discourage anyone in their search for their own soulmate after all.

  Details written down on the small notebook that May carried and coffee all finished, they made to leave the small coffee shop where they had been holed up. Daniel caught Demetrius’s attention and the giant made his way over. The photographer’s own security team were having a full team equipment check and training day. They had been utilizing the time he and William had been spending together to get extra full team training together and this was the final day. Demetrius had taken over Daniel’s security in the meantime and Daniel had been convinced with very persuasive methods not to do any running today. Which was the entire reason their shower took long enough to force them to miss a homemade breakfast that morning.

  Daniel found that he missed his usual guards already. They were a little more lively and talkative than William’s lot. He had tossed up the idea of dragging Demetrius along to help him cook just for giggles but one look at the impassive ‘don’t even try me’ face had him quickly abandoning that idea. It’s a shame, he would love to snap off a photo of the behemoth in a little pink apron. Daniel was sure both William and Ken would get a kick out of that. He had learnt from William that his secretary had a surprisingly sadistic sense of humour and he was interested to see it.

  Stepping out from the small booth they had been sitting in, he turned to laugh at something May said as she also stepped out. The next events seemed to unfold almost in slow motion. May tripped on the leg of the table and lost her balance, stumbling forward. Demetrius, who had been approaching to shadow Daniel on his way out, leapt forward and caught her before she hit the ground. She caught his hand as she fell, steading herself, and looked up to presumably thank him. Nothing came out of her mouth. They both stood, frozen as they stared at each other. Daniel only had time to blink in confusion before he noticed the pulsing light emanating out from both their chests.

  It was interesting seeing it happen from this perspective now he had experienced it himself. He noticed the soft glowing light p
ulsed in time, as though they shared a heartbeat. He could also understand the expressions of pure shock and the inability to talk. It felt like you couldn’t breathe when that light pulsed. It was as though what was happening was so important that your body temporarily stopped functioning while it synced up with your newfound soulmate.

  Daniel suddenly noticed the murmurs and glanced around to see a few smiles as well as the odd envious stare. He looked back at the two who still stood frozen in shock. They seemed like an odd match, not that he could talk. Demetrius was head and shoulders above her and was as stoic as she was expressive. He had always considered her to be much older but now that he thought about it, they must be around the same age. To be fair, he generally thought William was old if he actually thought about his age. Not that he would say it to the man’s face, he doubted he would be able to walk away from the consequence of that statement.

  Daniel cleared his throat and seemed to pull the two out of their daze.

  “May, meet Demetrius. Demetrius, this is May. Congratulations.”

  They both turned back to each other and May took a shuddering breath. A look of alarm flashed across Demetrius’s normally impassive face as May suddenly launched herself into Demetrius’s arms. She buried her face into his broad chest and began to sob loudly. Daniel fought down a smile at the look of utter bewilderment tinged with panic on the bodyguard’s face.


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