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Soulmate: Feel My Heart Beat Book 1

Page 27

by Delmire Hart

  William took a deep breath. He could tell even now that he would have a hard time walking out of this hospital room and leaving Daniel here by himself. Unfortunately, he had a lot of work to do after Stefan’s betrayal and his involvement in both trafficking and the police department. He let the breath out slowly and gave a small nod. He couldn’t fault the logic behind her words but just the thought of walking out that door tugged at something inside of him.


  It had been a few days of bleary waking hours and constant naps but Daniel was finally perking up. Unfortunately with his wakefulness came boredom. He was stuck mostly unable to move and often alone. He thought maybe he could play games on his handheld gaming device but that required his left hand. As did trying to hold and navigate on his phone. He had been left with some books but holding them up while trying to turn the pages was awkward and reading on his phone wasn’t much better. He had his headphones on and listened to music but the energetic beat just reinforced how much he wanted to move.

  The worst part was that he could feel The Pull. He had never felt it before but he knew that’s what it was. It was faint, a slight tugging for him to get up and move in a certain direction. He checked on the map on his phone earlier and realised that it pointed to Synnite. He could definitely see why he wouldn’t have noticed the feeling earlier. In amongst the busyness of his work schedule and visiting friends, there was no way he would stop for long enough while not doing anything to feel that tug. It was the kind of feeling you get when you suddenly felt like doing something out of the blue. Like going to get ice cream or for a walk. Usually it was just ignored, he rarely had time to indulge in such a wistful feeling that came out of the blue, and was quickly overridden by whatever else stole his attention.

  How many times had he missed William because he ignored the feeling? How often had fate tried to pull them together but they kept moving in a different direction? How often did they walk past each other unaware that if only they reached out to touch, everything would change? He could only imagine how many people were so close to their soulmates but yet just kept on walking past. Is that how the universe worked? Is that how it tried to pull people together? Pull people to the same locations and all they have to do is find the reason to reach out and touch?

  That faint tugging made him long for William.

  The man had been visiting a lot, much to the nurse’s annoyance. They were always scolding him for staying too long and not resting enough. It was an almost affectionate annoyance though. The nurses quickly learned about their soulmate status and were regularly caught cooing over their interactions.

  The Pull changed directions and Daniel felt his heart speed up in anticipation. Did that mean he was getting closer? Surely the rapid changing of directions meant that he was getting close enough for Daniel to notice. It made him jittery. All he wanted to do was get up and moving and that tugging feeling was making it so much worse. He mentally cursed his leg brace and hulking arm cast.

  Thankfully he didn’t have to wait long before his soulmate entered the room. Daniel felt his cheeks flush and heart pound even louder in his ears. Looks like he had correctly identified the feeling. William raised an eyebrow at his flushed face but thankfully didn’t make a comment.

  “You’re looking a little more awake today, kitten.”

  Daniel pulled a face. “Yeah, but I’m bored. I can’t move, I can’t really do anything. Why do I have to be in here by myself? You said the others are in a room together, so why do I have to be by myself? Can’t I be in with them? At least then I would have someone to talk to,” he said with a pout.

  William chuckled. “You have a private hospital room and you want to join the others?”

  “I’m bored. If I share a room I would have people to talk to.”

  “They are supposed to be resting, much like yourself.”

  “I can’t DO anything though,” Daniel grumbled, frustrated. “I can barely even read the books Mom left, it’s too awkward to try and turn the damn page with my one hand while trying to hold it with the same hand. All while I’m sitting in the only comfortable position to read in. It gets so complicated. You have to work; my friends have to work. It’s not like I can always have people in here. So if I can be in with them, that’s way more interesting.”

  William sat down on the chair pulled up beside the bed. “Only you would request such a thing. I’ll see what I can arrange.”

  Daniel grinned at him. Hopefully having other people around would distract him from the longing feeling that lingered while William was away and he could not occupy himself. He shuffled over and patted the bed with his good arm. William raised his eyebrows before hauling himself out of the chair to move around the bed. He shucked off his shoes and jacket and sat on the bed, pressed up against Daniel’s side. Heat seemed to radiate from his entire body and Daniel wriggled around to tuck his head under William’s chin. A bit of shuffling left them with William’s arm wrapped around his waist and his ear pressed against his soulmate's chest. The soft thudding of the heartbeat in his ear was soothing and Daniel quickly relaxed, finally losing the almost anxious feeling from earlier in the day.

  He was just about to drop off to sleep when his breath caught in his throat and his chest constricted. He took a few seconds to recognise the very familiar feeling and shuffled back to see the light pulsing in their chests. Two hearts beating as one. A wide grin spread across his face. Last time, he had caused their bond materializing physically.


  He knew exactly what the glowing heartbeat represented. “What were you thinking about, huh?”

  William gave him a rueful smile. “Wouldn’t you like to know.”

  “I would, actually. You sure there isn’t something you need to tell me?” William looked at him, still with that slight, rueful smile, but he couldn’t seem to find the words, instead remaining silent. “You should be more honest,” Daniel said, shooting his soulmate another cheeky grin and snuggling back down against his chest. “Make sure to tell me properly one day, okay?” The arm around his waist tightened in response. He could wait for the words, just seeing that reaction was enough for now.

  He fell asleep to the thudding of William’s heartbeat in his ear and the feeling of his own heart overflowing.

  Chapter Thirty-one: Ueda

  Ueda stretched. Or at least tried to. He winced as the dull ache sharpened through his body as he moved. His right hand and wrist were encased in a cast and his shoulder was braced as well as possible to stop him from tearing open the bullet wound. The rest of his body ached as though he had been hit by a car, although the force of him hitting the ground wasn’t too far off being the same. He had to admit he was grateful for the Synnite-sponsored hospital treatment. Private ward and a room shared just with him and the other two injured guards. On top of that, he had a bed that was actually comfortable and regular food that was decent. He also had a constant stream of visitors to keep him occupied, his mother with different siblings accompanying her each time and all the security team members had dropped in to say hello and keep them all company.

  He was surprised when a nurse came in and set up the unmade fourth bed after he had been there for a few days. He assumed it was another Synnite employee but as far as he had heard, no one else was injured. Ueda had to laugh when he saw who was wheeled through the door. Daniel was almost bouncing in the wheelchair he was sitting in and he flashed Ueda a grin and a wave as they entered the room. William pushed the chair looking somewhat resigned, trailed by an amused looking Ken and Demetrius.

  “Hi, guys!” There was a small chorus of greetings and Ueda traded a small smile with Tony who was on the other side of the room. “I hope you don’t mind me joining you guys,” Daniel gave a little embarrassed laugh. “But I was bored all by myself.”

  “I think it’ll be far livelier around here now,” he replied and Daniel turned his grin to Ueda as William wheeled his soulmate to the bed opposite him.

ancing to the bed beside him, he noticed Kareem also sporting a small smile. It was like Daniel’s enthusiasm was infectious. Even with the leg brace and arm cast the young man wore, his exuberance was not dimmed. They approached the bed and Ueda watched curiously as William moved as though to pick Daniel up only to be stopped in his tracks by a stubborn glare. Amusement filled him as he watched the silent battle of wills with Daniel’s expression becoming more mulish by the second. William took a small breath and backed off, something Ueda never thought he would see, and Daniel attempted to manoeuvre himself from the wheelchair onto the bed with no help.

  The muscles strained in William’s body as though it took a great deal of willpower to not step in. He suddenly lunged forward when Daniel nearly slipped, scooping him up in his arms and placing him on the bed. The blonde squawked indignantly at the manhandling but settled with a small pout. The wheelchair was put in the corner and the three men sat around the bed.

  Ueda watched as Daniel settled in, organising things on his little table and wiggling around to re-arrange his blankets to his liking. He kept looking over to Tony’s bedside in curiosity at the man sitting quietly talking with the injured guard. Tony must have said something because he swung around to grin and wave at Daniel, catching him looking.

  “Nice to finally meet you in person, Daniel.”

  He could almost see the gears turning in the young man’s head as he tried to work out how he knew him. Suddenly he lit up in excitement.


  The man in question chuckled. “That’s me. I’m not really cut out for normal guarding,” he gestured at his skinny frame and thick-rimmed glasses, “So we haven’t met before in person but I’m the Synnite Control Tower Specialist. I do all the co-ordinating with all the security teams from Synnite. You must come in and see the control room one day.”

  They went back and forward about Synnite and computer technology for a while so Ueda let his eyes fall shut and drifted off. The quiet talking of the men across the room and the distant noises from around the ward helped to lull him into a drifting sleep.

  When he awoke, Ken, Demetrius, and Nakahara were all gone, while his boss lay propped up on the hospital bed with Daniel in his arms. Daniel watched a movie on a tablet braced by a case on the table that extended across the bed, headphones in and eyes riveted on the screen. He lay with his back pressed against the older man’s chest and seemed completely relaxed. William himself appeared to be asleep, arms wrapped around his soulmate's waist and eyes closed.

  It was cute to see such a tender and soft side of both of them. A short woman came bustling into the room with a picnic basket in hand, interrupting his musing. Daniel glanced up, eyes sparkling in delight upon seeing her. He pulled out his headphones and grinned at the woman who sat her basket down on one of the spare visitor chairs.

  “Daniel! I’m glad to see you looking so perky!”

  “Hi, Anita!” The woman leaned over the bed and gave Daniel as much of a hug as possible considering William didn’t seem keen on letting him move. Both golden eyes were open but he stayed where he was, sitting up with his soulmate in his arms. The woman then leaned over and attempted to give him a hug too.

  “And how cute is this, Will! All cuddled up together.” She gave them both a broad grin and Ueda swore he saw William roll his eyes.

  “Hello, Anita.”

  “Is that how you greet an old friend, hmm?” She sat down on the chair beside her basket. “Honestly. You haven’t been over to visit for a drink and a chat in ages. I was giving you time to settle down with your little soulmate having all your attention but I swear, if he wasn’t your soulmate, he would be your mid-life crisis.”

  “I’m not that old,” William huffed out and Daniel looked torn between finding it funny or embarrassing.

  “If I didn’t know any better, I would dispute that. But it’s not about age, it’s about life experience. I’m not saying it’s a bad thing. Hell, I would be behind this relationship all the way soulmate status or not if it means you actually relax and we get to see that you’re a human with feelings. Honestly, I could do with a cute little midlife crisis myself.” She gave a self-depreciating laugh. “I swear I may as well be married to my restaurant! But you need to come for drinks after closing and we can catch up. Ken still comes regularly and you can bring your little cutie with you. I’ll even whip you up my signature desert, Daniel.”

  That was apparently enough for Daniel to decide that he found the whole thing funny rather than embarrassing and he grinned, turning to look up at William. “We have to go!”

  Anita laughed as William sighed. “I suppose. I’m surprised you have time to stop by.”

  “My staff were happy to boot me out of my own establishment for a few hours. They claim I work too much. This is why I think I need my own little crisis.”

  “I’m sure it wouldn’t be that hard to find,” William’s replied dryly.

  “I just told you, I may as well be married to my restaurant. I don’t have the will or inclination to go around chasing anyone and I’m too practical to let myself be chased like that. You’ll just have to listen to me complain instead. I wouldn’t complain so much if I didn’t see how cute you two are together though.” Daniel blushed at that and tried to wriggle out of William’s grip but Ueda could see the muscles bunching in the man’s arms as he tightened his grip and he quickly gave up. “Please don’t move on my account,” she said with a laugh. “But I did bring you something you might like.”

  The woman, Anita, opened up the picnic basket and pulled out a small box. She placed it on the table beside the tablet before pulling out a few more, smaller containers to place beside it. Daniel eyed them all with interest. “Is that—?”

  “Homemade made by yours truly. Not every day you get brought lunch by a qualified chef. I was informed that you weren’t too fond of hospital food.”

  Daniel eagerly reached out his good hand to open the lids but had to accept help from both William and Anita. He cheered in excitement at the contents of the container and spouted his thanks even as he was reaching for the offered utensils. Daniel looked almost like he wanted to cry in happiness as he shovelled the food into his mouth.

  “Ken?” William said in askance.

  “Yes, he told me there might be a very appreciate recipient of my cooking stuck in hospital. He also told me that there would be a few others here that might appreciate some as well.”

  With that she stood, grabbing her picnic basket with a smile and dropped off similar lunch boxes to both Tony and Kareem. She approached Ueda’s bed and set the containers down on his little table. The woman helped him take off the lids after noticing his cast. He thanked her quietly and reached out for the offered fork with his left hand but fumbled clumsily. He had been struggling the last few days and he vowed to practice eating with his left hand in future in case something ever happened again, it was frustrating to feel so incompetent. Anita reached out catch the fork as well but instead caught hold of his hand, leaving the utensil to fall to the bed unnoticed.

  Ueda could only stare in shock as his chest constricted and a glowing, pulsing light flashed out from their chests. He was dimly aware of a gasp from somewhere else in the room but his eyes were locked on bright green ones. They both remained motionless, just staring, until the loud blaring of a ringtone shattered the silence with such suddenness that Anita jumped.

  “Sorry, that’s my staff ringtone, I need to take this. I’ll be right back.” Anita grabbed her phone out of her bag and quickly strode out the doors, Ueda staring after her in shock. The last thing he expected from a stay in the hospital was finding his soulmate. An excited congratulation pulled him from his stupor and turned to look over at Daniel and William blankly.

  Daniel smiled at him genuinely and gave him a big thumbs up. Even William himself had a small smile.

  “Congratulations. I must say, I’m pleased that Anita has finally found someone. She’s a tough woman but she’s been through a lot over the y
ears. It’s good she’s found someone worthy of standing beside her,” William said casually.

  Ueda’s eyes widened at the insinuation, it was not every day you got such a high compliment from the man. “Thank you.”

  William gave him a slight nod in acknowledgement before turning his attention back to his own soulmate, who was once again happily munching away. He could hear snippets of Anita’s voice outside and wondered just what he was supposed to be feeling right now. It was such a jumble of emotions, he couldn’t make head nor tails of it himself.

  A few minutes later Anita slipped back in and sat down at Ueda’s bedside so they could start their introductions. They quickly fell into an easy conversation and Anita helped him slowly work through her exquisitely crafted lunch. He learned about her husband’s death so soon into their marriage in defence of William and the massively successful restaurant she owned and ran. It turned out she was a qualified chef along with a business degree and could step into any station in her restaurant to help out if required and often did. Her passion and dedication to her business seemed to rival even his feelings towards his security job. They lulled into silence after a while as they both quietly observed the bed across from them. William was attempting to feed Daniel, although the young man made the endeavour rather difficult. Anita gave a small giggle and he looked at her questioningly.

  “I like seeing them together like this.” She spoke quietly as though to not disturb their peace. “For a long time, the real Will has been hidden behind an impassive mask, closed off to the world. For all his stubbornness, he is a dear friend to me and it’s nice to see him smiling. For him, that tiny smile may as well be a big grin. I truly can’t express how happy I am that he has found his match and that Daniel has been able to get him to open up and be more human again.”


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