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Soulmate: Feel My Heart Beat Book 1

Page 29

by Delmire Hart

  The other man sat in thought for a few moments before replying slowly. “If it was truly a fantasy of yours, I would. But it would cost you.”

  “Like what?”

  “I would think of something. Secret room time doing activities of my choice, maybe. I’m talking for hours, days maybe. That’s a big ask.”

  “Good thing I don’t want to see you in woman’s clothing then, you wouldn’t leave me able to walk in exchange.”

  William shrugged and gently ran his hand along Daniel’s thigh. “You would look good in thigh highs, though.”

  “You want to cross-dress me?”

  “It’s not about the cross-dressing. It’s about you dressing up for me. To please me, to look sexy for me. Unfortunately, males are rather limited in what kind of lingerie is designed for them, women have a far greater and honestly far sexier range to choose from. I don’t particularly see why clothing should have an assigned gender either, especially when worn in the bedroom. In here it’s just you and I. No one else. We can do as we please, whatever our fantasies and desires dictate.”

  Daniel could feel the arousal crawling through his veins again at the low and seductive tone of voice that William used at the end. “I think I understand. It’s about me putting time, effort and thought into looking good for you, right? Less about the how, more about the why?”


  “Then it’s a bit contradictory that you would be reluctant to dress up for me.”

  William gave a small shrug in response. “You said cross-dressing, so I assumed you meant something more feminine than just stockings and it’s not a fantasy of mine. I still meant what I said about there being nothing you could ask me that I wouldn’t do. But enough of that for now, I believe you had a rather intriguing suggestion.” The heat that was finally dissipating from his cheeks immediately flared to life again. “Now, seeing as it was your suggestion, how would you like me?”

  Daniel’s brain temporarily short circuited while he thought about how this would work. “You naked for a start.” William shot him one final smirk before sliding off the bed and removing his clothes with incredible efficiency. How the man could make the movements so smooth and effortless, Daniel would never know.

  “And?” He stood naked, cock jutting proudly out, displaying just how much the very idea affected him.

  “Knees here, facing the wall.” Daniel patted the space beside his head then shimmied down the bed to give William more room.

  “You sure you don’t want me facing the other way so I can give you more attention as well?”

  “I’ve had enough of your attention, thanks.” His cheeks were permanently burning now but he ignored it in favour of the excited thrill that coiled through his gut. This would be the first time he would have William above him like this.

  William crawled up the bed, planting one knee beside his cheek and swung the other leg over his chest to plant it down by the other cheek. He sat back, hovering over his chest with his cock dangling right in front of his face. Daniel looked up the expanse of his rippling body and felt his breathing speed up. Two thick thighs framed his face with a view up over the flexing abs and right into molten eyes.

  Holy shit, that was hot.

  Daniel brought his hand up and placed his palm across William’s ass cheek. Turns out it was as hard and muscled as the rest of him. He realised with a start that while William was particularly fond of groping Daniel, he had never really returned the favour. He had slapped the man’s ass once before and then promptly ran like hell to avoid retribution but this was a whole different ball game. He took the opportunity to squeeze a hand full and urge him forward, more up onto his knees.

  “You seem to be enjoying that.” The baritone voice was thick with amusement.

  “Yeah, well. Figured while I was here I may as well cop a feel.” He squeezed again for good measure. “You’re going to have to help me, though, I’ve only got one hand. So, you’ll have to hold yourself for me.”

  William bent over, bracing one hand on the headboard while the other wrapped around his cock. Daniel licked his lips then opened his mouth in an invitation his soulmate was quick to take. He used the hand on William’s ass to urge him forward and the thick cock was soon forcing its way down his throat. Daniel had mostly gotten the hang of blow jobs and deep throating now and was pleased to be able to put his newly gained knowledge into this endeavour as well.

  Licking and sucking, and a little choking due to the angle, and William’s breath was coming out in harsh pants. He could feel the muscles rippling and flexing under his hand and Daniel dragged his blunt nails down the tight ass, eliciting a low, deep moan in response. He grabbed another handful and pushed forward, sinking the thick cock further into his throat. It was like all he could smell, see, and feel was William. He felt the man tense suddenly, his whole body going rigid before he came with a low groan. He backed off after Daniel slapped his ass, trying to get him to move so he could breathe. The older man sat back partially on his chest and reached around to Daniel’s now leaking cock to stroke him to yet another quick and dirty climax. Daniel came with a whimpered cry of his lover’s name.

  They both stayed in place while they attempted to gain their breath as they came slowly down from their highs.

  “And just who’s the pervert, kitten?” William said with a satisfied grin.

  “Oh, shut up,” Daniel replied but there was no heat in the words. After all, he was feeling quite satisfied himself. He was finally learning more and more about this man who had been given to him as a soulmate.

  About the Author

  Delmire Hart

  Delmire Hart is a little ginger kiwi born in the peaceful country of New Zealand before she migrated to the wondrous crazy of Australia. Starting off as an avid fantasy reader and nerd extraordinaire, she was that one weird kid carting around brick-sized novels with glee. This closet romantic didn’t understand just what she was missing out on until she ventured into the depths of the internet seeking the perfect blend of erotic and romantic. Fantasy can be as sexy and sensual as you want it to be! Miss Hart now takes great pleasure mixing steamy gay romances with magical twists and intriguing dynamics. While always a sucker for a happy ending, she is a big believer that the journey to get there is the fun part and endeavours to create varied worlds for all to enjoy.





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  All Daine ever wanted was to just be himself and enjoy his life as it was. Becoming a vampire wasn’t even on his radar until he woke up one day turned without his consent. It might have saved his life but he really wasn’t sure about this new form. That was only compounded when he met a man that looked like sex on legs and smelt like the finest swiss imported chocolate combined with the fattest, juiciest steak cooked to perfection. At first, he thought he had hit the jackpot, until this human decided he made the perfect pet-slash-lover.

  He was a super being of the night, dammit. He wasn’t supposed to be cute.

  Aerick thought his new little lover was the most adorable, amusing, and interesting person he had ever come across, vampire or not. Now if only the stubborn thing would stop getting into trouble and accept their new life together.


  He was just pondering what the hell he should be doing with his suddenly extended life when he came upon the most delicious aroma. A limo sat at the curb near the end of the block with its bonnet popped. Someone was leaning over staring at the engine while another all but yelled down his phone. But it was the third man that caught Daine’s attention, however. His scent tickled Daine’s nostrils and it was like the fines
t swiss imported chocolate combined with the fattest, juiciest steak cooked to perfection.

  Daine swore he had never met anyone that smelt that good to his vampire senses. His enhanced sight took in the broad shoulders and trim waist line even through his business suit. The man was virtually sex on legs.

  It would be so worth taking a chance to see if he could get a little taste of that.

  People were surprisingly receptive to being asked straight up if he might be allowed to take a drink. Daine didn’t feel entirely comfortable always relying on his friends for his meals and had successfully bartered with a few different people. This would be the first time he was considering maybe getting a taste in a different way as well. It had been ages since he’d last gotten laid. Months ago, in fact. Long before he became a vampire. Even then it wasn’t a regular occurrence. He had to see if the man was actually interested in guys though.

  Unconsciously, Daine super sped up until he was right up in the man’s personal space. He started to speak but stopped as the wonderful aroma overtook him even more. Closing his eyes, Daine leaned in and took a deep inhale.

  “Holy shit, you smell amazing.” That had not been what he meant to say. He opened his eyes and looked up into amused brown eyes. The man had a handsome face to match his built figure and Daine might be trying not to drool. That could very well be his smell doing that though. “Can I have a taste? Just a little, I don’t need much.”

  Ah, shit. There was being upfront and there was being way too intense. He was being way too intense judging by how rigid the man was. Daine swore he was better at people skills than this but the man was distracting in every way and he had completely lost his brain-to-mouth filter.

  He stepped back out of the human’s space and slipped off his hoodie in what he hoped was a show of trust. The man continued to stare at him so Daine offered up a hopeful, “Please?”.

  Never hurt to be polite, right?

  The man huffed out a laugh and Daine grinned back. That was promising.

  “Is that a yes?” he asked hopefully as he tried to step up to the human’s side. In his distracted state, he didn’t rein in his eagerness and he stumbled over his own feet before landing hard on the pavement. Well, that wasn’t the best impression so far. He gave an embarrassed laugh as he hauled himself back up. At least the man hadn’t shooed him away yet.

  “How old are you?”

  “That’s rude,” he countered with a pout. This was not going the way he had hoped. Daine briefly wondered if it was even worth continuing this. What, was he worried he wasn’t legal or something?

  “How many years as a vampire?” the man insisted.

  “Not in years,” Daine muttered back and the man’s eyebrows jumped into his hairline.

  “You’re just a fledgling?”

  “And? Is that a problem? Look, I just want a little bit of a taste. How about we do a trade?”

  “A trade?” He seemed sceptical but he didn’t say no or move away.

  “That’s your ride over there, right?” Daine gestured behind himself to the broken-down limo. At the man’s nod, he continued, “I have a friend who’s a total gearhead and I’ve learnt a few things, I might be able to help out. So, I get you up and running and in return, I get to eat you just a little.” Daine flushed slightly at his poor choice of words. Ah well, he had put his foot in it long before now. “I mean, it doesn’t look like your friend over there is getting you guys a ride anytime soon.”

  It was true. The man on the phone was all but screaming down the line at this point, his volume was enough to make Daine wince as it assaulted his sensitive ears. It would almost be worth it just to get his peace and quiet back.

  “All right,” Daine grinned at the man’s agreement. “But only if I get a taste of my own.”

  His heart thudded wildly in his chest, was this delicious morsel of a man actually offering to take him home? Wow, he had hit the jackpot tonight.

  “Yeah,” he breathed out as he let the man’s scent wash over him again. “I’m up for that.”

  A dark smirk met his words and suddenly Daine wasn’t sure who would be eating who at the end of the night but it didn’t matter. First things first though, he needed to check out the car.




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