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Christmas Diamonds

Page 7

by Devon Vaughn Archer

  “No,” Chase said, feeling more secure about the relationship he and Paula were building. “Not really.”

  “Then what’s the problem?”

  Chase shrugged. “I guess I just hoped to get some added insight into her before things start to get serious.”

  Sylvester held up a beer bottle and chuckled. “That must have been some kiss.”

  “It was great,” Chase admitted, recalling the moment. “More than that, I feel like I can relate to Paula beyond her physical appeal.” He paused. “I just want to be sure we’re compatible in all areas like…”

  “Don’t overthink this, Chase,” Sylvester implored. “She’s not Rochelle and never will be, but it doesn’t mean that Paula doesn’t offer just as much as a woman. Why don’t you just enjoy her company?”

  “Yeah, you’re right.” There was no need for him to get too carried away about everything being perfect between them when they hadn’t even had their first real date yet. It was something Chase very much looked forward to in taking things to another plateau. “I won’t go overboard in looking at the future and the past. I think I’ll just work on the present right now and see how things turn out.”

  Sylvester grinned. “I’m glad you see it that way. I really hope the two of you find you’re on to something great here. You’re way too young to be moping around all by yourself. Trust me when I tell you there will be better times ahead in your personal life.”

  Chase smiled, warmed by the thought. “Hope so.” He remained cautious but optimistic that Paula was someone with whom he might be able to make a serious connection. He couldn’t deny that she was a great kisser, which only made him hungry to see if she was just as great in bed.

  “Are you ever going to take that shot, or what?” Sylvester asked wryly. “I’m not getting any younger standing here waiting.”

  Chase chuckled and aimed the cue stick. “Eight ball in the corner pocket,” he said before declaring victory.

  Chapter 7

  On Saturday afternoon, Paula supervised the work while her contractor’s crew moved things in and out of Chase’s master suite. Since she was ultimately responsible for any mishap or damage, she urged everyone to be careful as always. In this case, Paula was especially conscious of the beautiful surroundings. Wanting to continue to make a good impression on Chase, she sought to finish the project as quickly as possible and get a solid thumbs-up from him.

  “Where do you want this?” asked Jim, a crew member, as he and another man brought in the entertainment cabinet.

  “Let’s put it right along this wall,” Paula directed. She watched with satisfaction when it fit perfectly.

  Jackie, the housekeeper, came in as they went out. “What can I do to help?”

  “Well, as soon as everything’s in place, you can help me put the new sheets and covers on the bed,” Paula told her.

  “Will do. Just give me a shout when you’re ready.”

  “Thanks, Jackie.”

  Paula imagined it must be nice to have someone to keep the place tidy for a busy man like Chase with his wife no longer there to do her part. While Isa did many of the chores at home, mostly out of boredom and with too much time on her hands, Paula was only too happy to pitch in. The same would be true were she living with a man. Paula had no problem holding up her end in maintaining a clean, comfortable household. She thought about Chase. She had asked him to stay away for a couple of hours so he wouldn’t be tempted to check out the progress before the work was complete.

  Paula walked over to one of the windows, where Bradford was installing the cellular shades. “How’s it going up there?” she asked.

  “Just about through,” Bradford said with a sigh.


  “I’ll get Chad started on the other one and make sure nothing’s been left undone.”

  Paula nodded. “So far everything seems to be going along smoothly.”

  “You think he’s gonna want us to give the whole house a makeover?” Bradford asked hopefully.

  “One never knows,” Paula said with a smile, confident she could do wonderful things with any room in the house. She wouldn’t press her luck, though. The fact was, Chase couldn’t go wrong with the rooms as they were. For that, Paula gave kudos to his late wife for her incredible vision and sense of space.

  Paula understood that Chase was simply interested in starting over again, in his residence and personal life. She was glad Chase had let her into his life on both counts. She welcomed the opportunity to be an interior decorator and a woman to him, knowing she was getting a good man with many qualities in return.

  Chase drove around town after spending the morning at work, busying himself with multiple tasks that were required as president of the company. With the economy struggling right now, the diamond business was not as bustling as in other years. But it was still pretty good compared to other types of businesses. A number of new jewelry stores had popped up in the area recently as competition—testimony that selling diamonds and other gems was a resilient business. It was one Chase embraced wholeheartedly in following his father’s lead.

  His thoughts turned to Paula. He was dying to get home and see if her vision measured up when all was said and done. Though a small part of him was saddened at the thought of undoing Rochelle’s magnificent decorative efforts, the better part of Chase believed it was long overdue in his bedroom. He had to escape the feeling of sorrow every time he set foot in there. This was an opportunity to do just that and, at the same time, start thinking of the room again as a place for peaceful sleep and possibly making an intimate connection.

  He dropped by a store and picked up something for dinner. His cell phone rang while he was in the parking lot. It was Paula. Chase found himself smiling as a result. “Hope you’re calling to tell me I can come home and check out your handiwork.”

  “That’s exactly why I’m calling,” she said energetically. “We’re all done.”

  “How does it look?” he asked impatiently.

  “You’ll have to decide that for yourself.”

  Chase sighed. “Well, I’m just around the corner, so I’ll see you shortly.”

  “Bye,” Paula said.

  Chase disconnected and smiled thoughtfully. He liked the sound of Paula’s sexy voice. What she would sound like in bed while he pleasured her? The notion turned him on in a way he hadn’t felt in quite some time. He checked the feeling, deciding it was best right now to focus on the lady as an interior decorator in his employ. She had given another room in his house a makeover, and the least he could do was respect that side of her.

  Paula felt jittery as Chase took his time looking around the master suite. She was pretty certain it would meet with his approval, but until the words came out of his mouth, there was always the possibility that he could find something he didn’t like. If so, she would fix it, wanting complete satisfaction for her clients. This was particularly important with Chase, whom Paula was starting to see as much more than just another employer.

  “You never fail to amaze me,” Chase said, looking Paula right in the eye. “I feel like I’m stepping into this room for the first time. It’s incredible!”

  You’re incredible, she thought, admiring him in his double-breasted charcoal suit.

  Paula blushed. “I’m so glad you’re okay with it.”

  “That goes for all of us.” Bradford spoke on behalf of the crew.

  Chase grinned. “I really appreciate the transformation.”

  Bradford put his hand on Chase’s shoulder. “Hey, you paid for the job, and Paula stayed on our butts to make sure we delivered.”

  “You certainly did deliver,” Chase said flatly. “I definitely got my money’s worth.”

  “In that case, our work is done.” Bradford looked at Paula. “When you need my services again, you know how to reach me.”

  “I’ll definitely be in touch,” she promised, knowing there were already a couple of jobs in the works.

  Paula saw the crew out the doo
r. When she came back, her thoughts were squarely on Chase and where he wanted to go from there, both professionally and personally. She found him in the great room with Jackie.

  “Can you come in an extra day next week?” Chase asked Jackie. “I’ve got some things in a storage room I’d like to clear out and donate.”

  “Any day in particular?”

  “Whatever day works best for you,” Chase said.

  Jackie pondered it. “I can swing by on Thursday afternoon.”

  Chase nodded. “That’s fine.”

  Jackie faced Paula. “I love what you did to the bedroom.”

  “Thanks,” Paula voiced. “I enjoyed redecorating it.”

  “Maybe I can get you to take a look at my apartment sometime,” Jackie said. “I can’t afford too much, but you could probably give me some good pointers.”

  Paula smiled. “I’d be happy to.” She glanced at Chase, who hadn’t taken his eyes off her since she came into the room. “Or if you want to hire me, I’m sure we could work something out.”

  Jackie grinned. “Cool.”

  “Just be sure to send her back when you’re through,” Chase said jokingly. “I might need more of Ms. Devine’s services myself.”

  “There’s enough of me to go around,” Paula offered with amusement, glad to know her talents were so appreciated.

  “I wouldn’t doubt that for a moment.” Chase gave a chuckle.

  “I’ll see you next week,” Jackie told him.

  Paula handed her a card. “Give me a call.”

  “I will,” she promised.

  After Jackie left, Chase walked up to Paula. “Thanks for making yourself available to her.”

  “Interior decoration is what I do. I’m happy to help anyone I can to improve the appearance and functionality of their living space.”

  “I can see that.” His eyes angled at hers. “What other rooms in my house do you feel could use some improvement?”

  She fluttered her lashes. “Seriously?”

  “Yes. I’m open to hearing your ideas, since you’ve done such a marvelous job so far.”

  Paula knew this was a tremendous opportunity to continue to modernize his beautiful home. She could think of a couple of rooms that would benefit from her expertise. However, she wasn’t sure if it was a good idea to keep working for someone she was becoming far more interested in on a personal level. Or maybe that was the whole point of his proposition, to maintain their ties so they could explore any romantic potential.

  “I’ll need to look around more to get a better idea of what I would recommend to enhance what you already have,” she told him.

  “Well, feel free to look around as much as you like,” Chase offered.

  Paula sighed. “You are more than generous.”

  “I can afford to be, especially if I sense that I can get a good return on my investment.”

  “And what exactly are you investing in?” Paula asked with more than a little curiosity.

  He held her gaze. “How about a lady who appeals to me on multiple levels?”

  Paula warmed. “That sounds tempting.”

  “I’ve also never been more serious,” Chase said, continuing to look at her. “I think you’re lovely, sexy, smart and obviously very talented.”

  “Don’t stop now.” She felt a wave of anticipation for what might come next.

  “I won’t.”

  Chase cupped her cheeks and, angling his head perfectly, kissed Paula tenderly on the lips. She felt his lower lip in her mouth and sucked it, enjoying his taste and wanting more. Opening her mouth, she took in all of his, sticking her tongue inside. He reciprocated, and their tongues danced while the kiss deepened. Chase wrapped his arms around her lower back, drawing them even closer without breaking their lip-lock or the sexual tension in the air.

  Paula swallowed and felt light on her feet. The kiss was hot and heavy, igniting passions that had been building between them like a wildfire. Her breasts pressed against Chase’s hard chest, stimulating Paula’s nipples. She wanted to scream with joy, but instead concentrated on the potency of a kiss that was draining all her energy and putting it squarely into the man who was doing this to her. She could feel Chase’s erection throbbing against her leg.

  He wants me as much as I do him.

  The thought left Paula even hungrier. She opened her mouth wider and flattened Chase’s lips desperately with the lingering kiss. He gave as much in return, tilting his face in the opposite direction and sucking her tongue while rolling his hands across her back. Paula grew hot with desire as the kiss rose to a new level. She cradled Chase’s head in her hands, making him her prisoner while their lips conquered one another’s, seeking out every ounce of pleasure they could.

  This is crazy, thought Paula, her heart racing wildly. Never before had a kiss turned her on like this. Chase knew what he was doing and did it very well. It almost made her feel as if there had never been anyone before her to benefit from the powerful persuasion of his mesmerizing kisses. This was more than enough for Paula to want to delve much further into the mutual exploration that gripped her from head to toe. She continued to take full command of Chase’s mouth and give him all he could handle of hers.

  They moved around in a slow, seductive circle, never allowing any air to come between their ravenous mouths till Paula could no longer differentiate between her lips and his. She caught her breath, eager to explore the wonders of this man thoroughly. She was exhilarated by the kiss and dizzy with want that only Chase could satisfy.

  Chase was so wrapped up in the kiss that he lost all sense of time and place. Paula’s mouth was deliciously sweet, full and sensuous, her face smooth to the touch. His hands roamed freely while their mouths sucked greedily. Kissing Paula had aroused Chase to a point where he could barely hold back his desire to make love to her. He cupped her buttocks through the fabric of her skirt and felt Paula wince. His chest heaved as it rubbed against Paula’s hardened nipples beneath her blouse. He was intoxicated by her taste, as well as her flowery perfume.

  I can’t wait any longer to be inside her.

  Chase unlocked their lips and saw that Paula’s were swollen from the kiss. Her lower lip quivered slightly. He looked into her eyes and they stared back at him lasciviously. “I want you,” he said huskily.

  “Then take me,” she demanded. “And I’ll take you.”

  “Wait right here.”

  Chase left her in the great room and dashed to the bathroom down the hall. He opened the drawer and took out a box of condoms, removing one. The need to be inside Paula was almost overpowering. Clearly she shared his feelings. Now they would make it happen.

  Back in her presence, their mouths engaged again hotly before Chase started removing Paula’s clothing and helping her to strip him of his. His heart pounded at the thought of seeing her naked. After they were both unclothed, he took a moment to marvel at the exquisiteness of Paula’s body. Shapely and sexy, she had full, high breasts that were perfectly rounded and a narrow waist expanding gently into firm hips. Her legs were lean and long, her toenails perfectly manicured on lovely feet.

  “You’re so beautiful,” he told her enthrallingly.

  Paula’s lips opened slightly, but she said nothing. The lustful look dancing in her eyes told Chase all he needed to know. Her fingers ran nimbly across his chest, then along Chase’s jawline. He salivated at the vision of making love to this incredible woman right now. Taking her hand, he began to suck each finger one by one. They were soft and sweet; a prelude to what awaited him with the rest of her body.

  Chase brought Paula to the sectional, where she lay down and splayed her legs invitingly. He quickly tore open the condom from his pants pocket and slid it onto his erection that threatened to explode at any moment, so great was his pent-up desire. Leaning down, Chase kissed Paula’s lips passionately as he put his hand between her legs. She was very wet, letting him know that she was as ready as he was to make love.

  He entered her, and she immediate
ly clamped around him, drawing him farther inside. Unable to control himself, Chase thrust deeper and harder. Paula moaned loudly while probing his mouth with her lips and tongue. Grasping one of her breasts, Chase gently rubbed the nipple with his thumb until it hardened. She ran her long nails roughly across his back while they slammed their bodies against one another frenetically before yielding to the power of primordial desire.

  Chase gripped Paula’s buttocks as he felt his surge coming. He drove deep into her and stayed there while his orgasm took hold of him powerfully. Simultaneously, Paula’s contractions came in waves around his penis as she climaxed. They were both panting and kissing wildly while they reached the heights of first-time sexual ecstasy before the feelings subsided, leaving them sweaty, spent and breathless.

  “You were incredible,” Chase told Paula, kissing her soft shoulder.

  “So were you.” She had her leg draped across his. The scent of sex resonated in the air, appealing to her sense of smell like never before.

  “I’m sorry if it all happened way too fast,” Chase apologized.

  The truth was, she was so turned on by him that Paula had also wanted it fast and furious, with a potent conclusion. “It’s all right,” she said, her face upturned. “I doubt either of us could’ve waited any longer.”

  He kissed her shoulder again. “I think you’re right.”

  She smiled. There would be other times to take it nice and slow.

  Chase kissed her left breast. “Let me make it up to you.”

  Paula’s nipple tingled at the touch of his lips. “What did you have in mind?”

  “Why don’t we pick up where we left off upstairs?”

  She hoisted a brow. “Your bedroom?”


  “Are you sure?” Paula didn’t want Chase to feel uncomfortable being with her in the room he’d shared with his late wife.

  Chase met her eyes. “What better way to break in the newly refurbished room?” He ran his hand down the side of Paula’s face. “I’m okay with putting the past behind me and working on the present—and beyond….”


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