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Christmas Diamonds

Page 11

by Devon Vaughn Archer

  Chase wasn’t opposed to the idea and was sure his father wouldn’t object, given that he was the one who had bragged about Paula’s work so much that Chase felt compelled to check her out for himself. It was perhaps one of the best moves he had ever made.

  “That’s certainly possible,” he said with enthusiasm. “We’ll have to look into it.”

  “I’d be glad to take a look around and offer some suggestions,” Paula told him.

  Chase sat back. “I’ll let you know.” He imagined that with her wonderfully creative mind, she could pretty much transform any space into a work of art. His greater focus at the moment was on building their personal relationship. He suspected Paula felt the same way.

  “Do you like diamonds?” Monica asked Paula.

  “What woman doesn’t?” she replied wide-eyed over her wine goblet.

  “If you’re interested, I’ll send you our latest catalog loaded with goodies, assuming Chase hasn’t already given it to you.”

  “No, he hasn’t.” Paula angled her eyes at Chase admonishingly. “And, yes, I’d love to see your catalog.”

  Chase grinned sheepishly, wondering why he hadn’t thought of this. He would be interested to know what types of diamonds or other gemstones Paula liked. It could be useful knowledge for him in the future.

  “We try to stay on top of all the hot items,” Chase said proudly, “as well as those that are enduring.”

  Zachary leaned forward. “If you or any of your family members have some precious jewelry that needs to be recut, cleaned or inspected, I’ll be happy to do it.”

  “Thanks,” Paula said. “I just might take you up on that. My grandmother’s wedding ring has certainly seen better days.”

  “We can definitely take care of that,” Chase offered. He nodded at Zachary in appreciation for stepping up to the plate on behalf of Paula. Chase looked forward to meeting the woman who played such an important role in Paula’s life.

  “Can I get anyone a refill?” Chase asked, looking around.

  By the time the get-together had come to an end, Chase was holding hands with Paula. It felt good to be able to share their affection in front of others, as Chase enjoyed socializing with friends and family. Having Paula in his life made the experience more meaningful again.

  They walked Monica and Zachary outside. The night was chilly and clear.

  While Paula was chatting with Zachary, Chase took a moment to whisper in Monica’s ear. “So, what do you think of her?”

  Monica smiled brightly with a thumbs-up. “I think you made a good choice. Don’t let her get away.”

  “I’ll try to hold on to her,” Chase promised, happy for the support.

  “Something tells me she feels just as strongly about you.”

  Chase took that to heart. As long as he and Paula were compatible and shared the same feelings about each other, Chase felt there was no limit to how far they could go.

  Chapter 12

  “You didn’t tell me your best friend was such an attractive female,” Paula said lightheartedly after Monica and Zachary had left.

  Chase grinned as they stood in the den. “Truthfully, we’ve known each other so long that I hardly even think of her in terms of being female or attractive. She’s just Monica.”

  Paula rolled her eyes. “Yeah, right.”

  He chuckled, holding her waist. “Are you jealous?”

  “Should I be?”

  “Not as far as I’m concerned. We’re friends and colleagues. End of story.”

  “I believe you,” Paula said, kissing him. She didn’t consider herself to be the jealous type, but she was a woman, and most women were at least a little insecure when it came to their men being friends with other women, platonic or not. In this case, she liked Monica and would never try to come between her and Chase. She respected their long history. Besides, Monica seemed really into Zachary.

  Paula removed her mouth from Chase’s. “Satisfied?”

  He touched his lips desirously. “It’s a good start.”

  “We’ll have to finish it a little later,” she told him, disregarding the tingling sensation between her legs. “Right now I’d like to give you my ideas for this room.”

  “If you insist.” Chase put his arm around her shoulders. “I’m all ears.”

  Paula gave the den a sweeping glance. “Well, for starters, I would replace the leather chairs with fabric furniture. Adding a reclining chaise might be nice for those days when you just want to lay back and watch TV or listen to music.” She paused long enough to gauge his reaction, which seemed supportive. “A solid birch entertainment system with multiple cabinets and adjustable glass shelves would enable you to have all the electronics, CDs and DVDs in one convenient place. How does it sound so far?”

  “Sounds great,” Chase said sincerely. “You never fail to amaze me with your vision for redecorating a room.”

  Paula smiled, feeling spoiled by him and his generosity. “There’s more. I’d love to add a curved casual table and some accent lamps. A hand-knotted contemporary rug would be the finishing touch to your new den.”

  He kissed her. “As usual, your plan is well-thought-out and incredible.”

  She licked her lips with buoyancy. “So, is it a go, then?”

  “Yes, go, go, go and remake my den.”

  Paula beamed. “You’re quickly becoming my most cherished client.”

  “Is that so?” Chase kissed her again. “I’d rather be your most cherished boyfriend.”

  “That, too.” She gave him a lingering kiss. “Most definitely.” Paula liked thinking of Chase as her boyfriend. It meant they had made the giant leap into the next chapter of their relationship, which was cause for celebration.

  “So, what are we going to do to cement the deal?” Chase asked, reading her thoughts.

  She gave him a seductive look. “Do you have to ask?”

  He grinned lasciviously. “I think not.”

  Chase was lying on his side, cradling Paula’s naked body with her back to him as they made love tempestuously. He felt her vagina squeeze around his penis deep within while his fingers gently rubbed her clitoris. Paula gasped from the intense pleasure, turning her face to seek out his waiting mouth. She kissed his lips, sucking them fervently and whipping her tongue in and out. Chase passionately returned the kiss, wrapping his tongue around hers.

  They kissed feverishly, open mouths locked in motion as Chase thrust his erection into Paula, getting as much pleasure as he gave. He grunted as each contraction drew him deeper and deeper, holding him inside as if he were her love slave. He wanted nothing more than to be right where he was in exploring their sexuality and heated lust for one another.

  Paula turned around and pulled Chase on top of her. She wrapped her legs around his thighs. Clutching his buttocks, she propelled herself upward, meeting his hard chest with her soft breasts.

  Chase reciprocated, feeling her nipples brushing against him as he lowered himself, bringing their bodies even closer. He went after Paula’s moist lips, nibbling them before kissing her zealously. He fought hard to suppress his orgasm, loving it when they came together. Chase’s body quivered as he intensified his thrusts and Paula nibbled on his neck. He could feel her heart racing as surely as his was. They were both slick with sweat, stuck together in heated bliss as the sexual chemistry sizzled between them like an inferno.

  “It’s coming,” Paula uttered into his mouth, gripping him tighter.

  “Let yourself go.” Chase’s voice was ragged, his own needs threatening to overpower him.

  “I will, all the way….”

  Chase drove his penis into her frenetically, going as far as she would allow, his willpower slipping away till there was none left to stop the surge. He caught his breath while relishing the feeling of ecstasy and fulfillment. Paula cried out with unabashed delight as their intense spasms jolted them. They reached the summit in unison, overcome by the torrid response of their bodies as each seized every moment to bask in the afte
rglow of their intimacy.

  “What was your wife like?” Paula asked as they sat wrapped in a blanket before crackling logs in the fireplace. She didn’t want to make Chase uncomfortable, but she was curious about the woman he’d loved enough to marry.

  Chase angled his head musingly. “Rochelle was a feisty, meticulous woman with a kind heart and loving soul. She loved musicals, gardening, old movies, baseball and reading historical novels.”

  “It sounds like she was into a variety of things.”

  “She was,” Chase said thoughtfully. “Sometimes I had trouble just trying to keep up with her.”

  “Did she work outside the house?”

  “Rochelle was an English professor until her deteriorating health made it impossible to work.”

  “How did she die?” Paula asked, wanting to know such things about the woman to whom Chase had first given his love.

  “She had a heart defect,” he said. “She’d been able to control it with medication for years, but it finally caught up with her.”

  Paula felt for Rochelle, being robbed of life so young and losing Chase, who was undoubtedly a wonderful and devoted husband. She surely didn’t deserve such a fate. It made Paula feel slightly uneasy that she had stepped into Rochelle’s shoes in Chase’s life. She knew no one could ever replace his wife, and she did not want to. Paula could only be herself and let nature take its course with them.

  “What are you thinking?” Chase asked, eyeing her beneath a furrowed brow.

  Paula caught his gaze. “How sad her passing must have been for you.”

  “Yeah, it really tore me up for a long time, but I came to realize that we had ten great years together. That’s more than a lot of couples ever have.”

  “That’s true.” None of Paula’s relationships had lasted very long. Mainly it was because she hadn’t found a man who could keep her interested, or who she could count on to be faithful and serious about trying to make things work. Paula sensed things were different with Chase, making her want to stick around to see where they were headed.

  “Tell me about your last relationship,” he said casually.

  She widened her eyes, thoughtful. “What do you want to know?”

  “You said the guy made you want to run and hide from all men.”

  Paula tensed. I can’t believe he remembered that. “Yes, something like that.”

  “Just what did he do to turn you off so much?” Chase asked flatly.

  She wondered how much she should say. She didn’t want to go on and on about someone she’d just as soon forget, especially after the last episode with Sheldon left her wanting to run for the hills.

  “He was too much into himself,” she said frankly, “and too controlling. After a while, I realized that mainly he was just plain old boring.”

  Chase laughed. “I suppose boredom is as good a reason as any for ending a relationship.”

  Paula blinked her eyes. “I think so.”

  “And a good reason for starting another relationship,” he suggested.

  She smiled. “True.”

  Chase studied her. “I think you did the right thing to walk away.”

  “I know I did,” she voiced emphatically.

  “I’m just glad you were available to come into my life when you did.”

  She crinkled her eyes at him. “I can certainly say the same for you.”

  He smiled handsomely. “I guess timing is everything.” He gave her a soft kiss.

  Paula enjoyed the kiss, getting quite used to having his lips upon hers. “And just so we’re clear, there’s absolutely nothing boring about you.”

  Chase showed his teeth. “I’ll try to keep it that way.”

  “I don’t think you’ll have to work very hard.”

  “That’s half the fun,” he suggested.

  “And the other half?”


  Chase kissed her again, and Paula’s toes curled delightfully as she kissed him back. She was thoroughly enthralled by the man. She doubted anyone had ever kissed her with such skill and passion.

  “Did Rochelle want children?” Paula asked curiously once they finally broke away from each other.

  Chase scratched his nose. “Yes, and so did I. We tried to get pregnant early on, but once she got sick, the strain a pregnancy would place on her became too risky.”

  Paula lowered her eyes. “I’m sorry you never got the chance to have a family. I know you would’ve been a great dad.”

  “I have to believe most things happen for a reason,” he said in earnest. “I guess it wasn’t meant to be at that time in my life.”

  Paula tried to read into that. Did he still want to have children? Did he want to marry again? She stared at the fire that was still going strong.

  “How do you feel about kids?” Chase asked her.

  Paula turned to face him. “I would love to have a child one day, after I’m married and settled into the relationship,” she responded directly. “I know that would make my grandmother happy, too.”

  He grinned. “So she wouldn’t mind chasing an energetic child all over the house at her age?”

  “That shouldn’t be too much of a problem.” Paula chuckled. “Isa has more energy than some people twenty years younger.”

  “I guess it must run in the family,” he said, eyeing her lasciviously.

  She blushed and recalled their recent exercise in bed. “I could say the same for you.”

  Chase nodded. “Well, I do come from pretty good stock, at least on my father’s side.”

  Paula didn’t doubt it one bit. “I can see that.” He cuddled her. She felt cozy in his arms. “By the way, my grandmother wanted me to ask if you could come to dinner on Friday night. She’s doing the cooking.”

  “I’d love to.”

  “Bring your appetite. She usually makes enough to feed an army.”

  “I’ll be sure to skip lunch that day,” Chase said with a laugh.

  Paula was eager for Chase and Isabelle to meet. Her grandmother had been quite intuitive where it concerned him. She’d like her firsthand impression.

  Chase’s hand moved to the spot between her legs. “I think I’m starting to get a good idea of what works for you.”

  She quivered. “Pretty confident in your skills, aren’t you?”

  “Well, I admit they hadn’t been put to much good use recently,” he said coolly. “Then you walked into my life, and things changed.”

  “I’m happy I could help you out.” Paula was just as happy to be the recipient of his sexual prowess.

  “So am I.” Chase leaned over and gave her a tasty kiss. “Very glad.” He ran his thumb across one nipple, then the other.


  “Feel good?”

  Paula’s eyes were closed. “Yes, very good,” she said softly.

  He put his hand between her thighs again. “How about that?”

  She hummed. “I think you know the answer.”

  “I think I do,” he said seductively. “In that case, we better do something about it.”

  Paula sighed with anticipation. “You’ve already gotten us started.”

  Chase moistened his lips. “And I always finish what I start.”

  He locked his mouth on to hers, and Paula ardently let herself go.

  Chapter 13

  “I’m going to ask Paula to go to Antwerp with me,” Chase told his father while they worked out on treadmills at a health club.

  Sylvester took a deep breath. “Sounds like things are getting serious between you two.”

  “Yeah, we’re pretty tight right now. I feel like I’ve known her for years.”

  Sylvester peered at him. “You mean like Rochelle?”

  Chase wiped his brow. “Rochelle was my wife, the love of my life.”

  “I know how you felt about her,” Sylvester said. “I loved Rochelle like a daughter, but you’re at a new point in your life now. If I’m reading you right, it sounds like you think there might be a future with

  Chase nodded. He certainly wanted to believe that. He sensed that Paula wanted it, too. But he didn’t want to jump the gun and get ahead of himself. Then it could backfire, leaving him back where he started: alone and unhappy.

  “I’m a widower, and she’s never been married,” he told his father. “Do you think that could become an issue down the line?”

  Sylvester shook his head. “Son, you’re not the first man to lose his wife and find a new love. I’m sure a smart woman like Paula understands that and doesn’t hold your misfortune against you any more than you do that she’s never met anyone she wanted to marry.”

  “I can’t say we’ve reached the point of love in our relationship,” Chase hedged. “But I do want to pursue what we have to see where it leads.”

  “Then go for it. You deserve to be happy.”

  “Happy.” Chase’s brow creased. “That’s not as easy as it sounds.”

  “It doesn’t have to be hard,” Sylvester said. “Life is about what you make it. Once Evelyn came into the picture, I put all my second thoughts and what-ifs behind me. You can do the same thing. And your old man will be there every step of the way for encouragement.”

  Chase grinned. “I appreciate that.”

  “I hope Paula agrees to go with you to Antwerp,” Sylvester said, his face perspiring. “It’s beautiful there at this time of year, not to mention very romantic.”

  “Yeah, it sure is—on both counts.”

  Chase was thoughtful as he began his workout cooldown, an image of Paula naked forming in his head.

  Paula was a bundle of nerves as Chase came up the walkway. They had just spoken on the phone and exchanged sweet words. But now was the time for Chase and Isabelle to scope each other out.

  “Hi,” Paula said to Chase in an upbeat tone.

  “Hey.” A half grin played on his lips.

  “Did you have any trouble finding the place?” she asked, suspecting he hadn’t.

  “Not at all,” he confirmed. “Your directions were right on the money.”


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