Christmas Diamonds

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Christmas Diamonds Page 16

by Devon Vaughn Archer

  She glowed. “I can accept that coming from you.”

  “Then you can also accept this….”

  Chase leaned over and kissed her tenderly on the lips. Paula could taste the wine on his mouth. She slid her tongue inside, gently probing till she found his tongue.

  “Oh, yes, I can accept that anytime, anywhere,” she assured him with affection.

  Chase pulled back and looked at her longingly. “Consider it a kiss to build on.”

  “I’m looking forward to the building process.” Paula puckered her lips, closed her eyes and eagerly dove back into the kiss.

  Chapter 18

  “Chase told me he was falling in love,” Paula told Isabelle two days later as they had lunch at her grandmother’s favorite restaurant.

  Isabelle put her fork down. “I’m not surprised at all. What took him so long?”

  Paula smiled. “I guess some men need longer than others to get in touch with their feelings,” she joked. “Yes, I know it has been a whirlwind romance of less than two months. But some people click sooner than others.”

  “Don’t I know it,” Isabelle said over a cup of tea.

  Paula looked across the table. “Exactly how long was it before Gramps uttered those magical words to you?”

  “Oh, it took him only about four weeks to say he loved me.” She chuckled. “He probably wanted to tell me after the first couple of dates but showed some restraint for fear of how I might respond.”

  Paula grinned while putting down her chicken sandwich. “So you were confident he was being sincere and not just hoping to get lucky?”

  Isabelle colored. “Oh, yes, he was definitely speaking from his heart. In those days, men couldn’t count on ‘luck’ to get what they wanted. Certainly not from me, and with my daddy looking over both our shoulders.”

  Isabelle laughed, and Paula did the same. She knew that her circumstances were different from Isa’s, as were the times. But the issue of love was every bit as serious and real. “I suppose, by comparison, Chase waited forever to say he loved me.”

  “What’s important is that he said what was in his heart and put the onus on you to do the same,” Isabelle said.

  Paula sighed. “Actually, I wasn’t sure I’d ever hear those words from someone who meant them.”

  “And why not?” Isabelle’s eyes narrowed. “You’re the type of woman any man in his right mind would fall for.”

  Paula took a bite from a pickle. “I don’t know if I would be right for any man. With Chase, we get along great, have tremendous chemistry and are in sync romantically. I just wasn’t sure if he would be able to get past the love he had for his late wife in order to be able to feel that way about another woman.”

  “Well, now you know that the man’s living for today and not yesterday. It’s you who has become the center of his world, and he wasn’t afraid to spit it out.”

  Paula nodded. “I realize that now.”

  Isabelle crinkled her eyes. “The fact that Chase has given you the love you deserve makes me extremely happy.”

  “I’m happy, too,” Paula assured her, trying not to get too emotional.

  “So, I take it you also opened up with Chase and told him how you really feel?”

  Paula beamed thoughtfully. “Yes, how could I not? I told him I was falling in love with him. I’ve known it for a while now, but didn’t want to jump the gun before I knew how he felt.”

  “Makes sense,” Isabelle said, forking a piece of lettuce from her salad. “Women always get there sooner than men. I’m old-fashioned enough to believe it’s best to wait for the man to tell the woman how he feels first. That way she can be sure her love isn’t being wasted.”

  “It’s not wasted at all in this case.” Paula dabbed a napkin on her lips. “Chase McCord is definitely worth waiting for to hear the words. Oh, Isa, he’s such a wonderful man. I honestly never thought I’d be so fortunate to meet someone like him.”

  “I felt the same way about your grandfather,” Isabelle told her wistfully. “He was also a generous, loving man with a heart of gold. A true gentleman if I ever saw one, and very good-looking. If the truth be told, I probably fell in love with him from the moment I laid eyes on him.”

  Paula smiled, feeling the love Isa felt for him was still as strong as ever. It was that type of everlasting love she wanted to have. “I wish I’d gotten to know Gramps.”

  “So do I. He would’ve had you eating out of his hands, child. Or maybe it would have been the other way around.”

  “Probably both,” Paula chuckled.

  “I think you’re right,” Isabelle said, laughing. “You’re so much like your grandfather.”

  Paula imagined that he was looking down on her and Isa, grateful for the time he had had with his beloved. Just as Paula felt about Chase in the short time she’d gotten to know him. She was sure things between them would only get better and better. She peeked at her pendant. The diamonds glistened. Was it a prelude to an engagement ring, followed by a wedding band?

  Paula allowed her imagination to run wild. She wanted the ring, wedding and all the trimmings that came with being in love. Did Chase want this, too? Her instincts said yes. She needed only to allow nature to take its course and not believe anything or anyone could stand in their way.

  Chase drove to work, his thoughts filled with memories of the trip to Antwerp with Paula. It had gone even better than his best dreams. The way she had responded told him that Paula felt exactly the same about where they were and could go in their relationship.

  Fifteen minutes later, Chase was sitting in his father’s office to discuss business. But first he wanted to break the news about his feelings for Paula.

  “I’m in love, Dad.”

  Sylvester took off his glasses. “You’ve finally come to terms with this?”

  Chase nodded diffidently. “Yeah, I guess I have.”

  “Have you told Paula?”

  “In Antwerp,” he responded, visualizing the exact moment the words were uttered.

  Sylvester’s eyebrows rose. “What did she say?”

  “She feels the same way,” Chase replied.

  Sylvester put a big smile on his face. He stood up and went around his desk to give Chase a hug. “Congratulations, son. I’m glad you two have given in to the power of love.”

  Chase flashed a grin. “Thanks, Dad. It sure feels like something that was meant to happen, maybe from day one.”

  “Maybe it was. You deserve to have someone in your life who can make you happy again.”

  “Happiness is something I feared might not come my way again after Rochelle died,” Chase conceded. “But Paula walked into my life and showed me that I still had enough love left inside to give to someone else.”

  Sylvester’s eyes crinkled. “My hat’s off to Paula for making you want much more than you already have.”

  Chase mused. Thanks to Paula, he did want so much more now and felt there was no limit to what they might be able to achieve together. He didn’t necessarily expect that they wouldn’t run into some bumps along the road as two people coming from different places in their lives, but Chase saw no reason why they couldn’t agree on most points to achieve romantic harmony.

  “So, are you thinking about making this love official?” Sylvester asked, gazing down at him.

  Chase stared at the question long and hard. “Yeah, maybe.” He paused pensively. “But we need to let our love settle in. I don’t want to rush it. Paula deserves some time to come to grips with this whole thing and where she wants to go with it.”

  “You’re right.” Sylvester patted him on the shoulder. “You’re both young and should take all the time you need to get it right. I just want you to be sure you’re not somehow holding on to the past at the expense of the present—or the future, for that matter.”

  “I’m not,” Chase tried to reassure him. “I know Rochelle’s gone and not coming back. I’ve really understood that from the beginning, but it took a while to deal with. I’m ov
er that now. I want to be with Paula and make a good life together, and I believe she wants the same. I’d be honored to be her husband and the father of her children. All we need is the right moment to put it all in motion.”

  Sylvester’s eyes creased. “Son, I think you’ve already done that. The rest, whenever it happens, will just be the icing on a very nice cake.”

  Chase smiled, not disagreeing. Paula was just the type of dessert he’d been waiting for to enter his world. If he had his way, she would be there to stay with a cherry on top.

  “Here we are,” Chase said, pulling his car into the brick driveway on Thanksgiving Day. “My home away from home.”

  Paula marveled at the Mediterranean-style mansion owned by Sylvester McCord as if seeing it for the first time. She could never have imagined that by virtue of going to work for Chase’s father, she would meet the true love of her life. She still had to pinch herself to believe it was real.

  “It’s magnificent,” Isabelle uttered from the backseat, echoing Paula’s thoughts.

  She looked at her grandmother. Chase had cleared it with Sylvester for Isa to come along for the Thanksgiving meal. As her only real family, Paula wanted her grandmother to share in the relationship and happiness that was building with Chase and those closest to him.

  “Wait till you see the inside,” Paula told Isabelle as they headed up the cobblestone walkway amidst a dusting of snow.

  “I’m sure it’ll be just as nice.”

  “That’s especially true for the recreation room,” Chase said with a grin. “Thanks to your granddaughter’s incredible talents.”

  “Oh, stop it.” Paula hit him playfully. She never tired of the compliments, but still wanted to keep them in check so she didn’t get too full of herself.

  They were greeted warmly by Sylvester and Evelyn.

  “Welcome to our home,” Evelyn said after being introduced to Isabelle in the spacious living room.

  “Thank you for having me,” Isabelle responded.

  Sylvester smiled at her. “It’s our pleasure. And now that Paula is practically family, that means you are, too.”

  Paula felt maudlin hearing his words. The fact that Chase’s father and stepmother had accepted her as his girlfriend so graciously really meant a lot, especially since they had been the in-laws to Chase’s late wife and now had to adjust to someone new in his life.

  “I appreciate that,” Isabelle said kindly. “Family has always been very important to me.”

  “I understand you’re from South Africa?” Sylvester regarded her.

  “Yes, Johannesburg.”

  “And when did you come to America?”

  “I moved here with my parents when I was seventeen,” Isabelle told him.

  Sylvester touched his face. “So you’ve been here for a while.”

  She smiled. “More than half a century, I’m happy to reveal. I love living in the United States but will always consider South Africa home.”

  “Quite understandable,” Sylvester told her. “I’ve traveled to the Northern Cape a few times for business. Beautiful country.”

  Isabelle’s eyes lit. “That’s what most people say. We South Africans are proud of the richness of our land and culture.”

  Having visited her ancestral homeland twice, Paula could attest to that. She’d gotten to see the village where her grandmother was born and experience the joys of unmatched hospitality. She hoped to go there again someday with Chase.

  “Isabelle, why don’t I give you and Paula a tour of the place, and then we’ll have dinner?” Evelyn suggested.

  “That sounds wonderful,” she said.

  Paula agreed. She was eager to see the parts of the fabulous multilevel house that she had missed during her last visit. She looked up at Chase. “See you in a bit.”

  He gave her a little hug and a smile. “Have fun.”

  An hour later they were seated in the formal dining room. The table was filled with platters of turkey, cornbread dressing, ham, greens, muffins and other food that Evelyn had made herself.

  “This is absolutely delicious,” Paula told her, tasting some dressing.

  “Thank you,” she said. “I do my best to try to keep two men with healthy appetites happy at the table.”

  Chase grinned, biting into a muffin. “You do a great job at it.” He turned to Isabelle. “The same is true for Isa. If we play our cards right, Paula and I may never need to cook again.”

  Isabelle laughed. “That would be fine by me, as long as you do the dishes afterward.”

  Evelyn showed her teeth. “Isa and I definitely think alike.”

  “We certainly do,” Isabelle agreed.

  “It’s all part of our conspiratorial game plan,” Chase said with a wink. “Isn’t that right, Paula?”

  She smiled brightly, feeling the genuine warmth of his eyes. “Totally. But I still want to at least occasionally cook for you, honey,” she told him.

  “Anytime you want,” he promised.

  “It’s also nice to dine at restaurants sometimes,” Paula added. “That way neither of us has to worry about dirty dishes.”

  Chase chuckled. “Of course. See, Dad, we’re already acting like an old married couple, minus the piece of paper.”

  Sylvester threw his head back with laughter. “You two are clearly enjoying each other’s company. It’s going to be wonderful to have you here over the Christmas holiday, brightening up our lives.”

  “That works both ways,” Paula said, planning to invite him and Evelyn to her house before the year was through, especially now that Isa and Evelyn seemed to be on the verge of becoming good friends. Paula felt that things were definitely looking up in all areas as her relationship with Chase began to connect both of their families.

  “I hope you’re having a good time,” Chase said, his arms wrapped around Paula’s waist from behind.

  “I’m having a great time.” She looked at him over her shoulder, glad to have some time alone. “So is Isa.”

  “She told you that?”

  “Didn’t have to,” Paula said perceptively. “Isn’t it obvious that your father and stepmother have been very gracious hosts? Anyone would feel right at home with them.”

  “Yeah, I suppose so.” Chase’s mouth curved upward. “Guess I’m used to them being the amazing people they are.”

  Paula smiled. “You’re definitely cut from the same cloth.”

  “Think so, huh?”

  “If I didn’t, I wouldn’t be so crazy about you,” she admitted.

  Chase turned her around. “Hmm, maybe later I can play doctor and work on that affliction?”

  Paula batted her eyes teasingly. “Sure you’re up to the task?”

  He pretended to consider it. “We’ll just have to find out, but here’s a clue….”

  Chase held her cheeks and gave Paula a long, sensual, deep kiss, causing her knees to buckle.

  “I don’t mean to interrupt you two lovebirds,” Sylvester said as he entered the room.

  Pulling away from Chase, Paula saw Sylvester standing there, looking amused. “Oh, hi,” she said, feeling embarrassed.

  “Dad.” Chase followed suit, standing up straight.

  “Actually, I was hoping I could borrow your lady for a minute,” he told Chase, then looked at Paula. “I wanted to catch you while you’re here to take a look at the patio as a possible future project to tackle.”

  Paula eyed Chase, not wanting him to think she put business ahead of their pleasure. Not in this lifetime.

  “Go right ahead,” he said nonchalantly. “Just find me when you’re done.”

  She touched her mouth that still tingled from his kiss. “Will do.”

  Paula trailed Sylvester through the house and across a parquet floor. She stepped onto the rotund concrete patio with stone columns and metal furniture.

  “We added this furniture a few years ago,” Sylvester said. “But Evelyn thinks it’s time to replace it. Any ideas?”

  Put on the spot, Paula wa
s able to make a quick assessment. “Let’s see,” she said, looking around the room. “I can see you with some solid wood or teak furniture over here and maybe an umbrella table and chaise over there. Also, I think a fountain would be a terrific addition.”

  “That all sounds good. Why don’t you draft a plan, and we’ll run it by Evelyn? If she approves, we can schedule the work for early next year and hope the weather cooperates.”

  Paula smiled. “That’s fine, and thank you.” She felt privileged that he was giving her repeat business.

  “I want to thank you for making my son smile again,” Sylvester said in return. “It hasn’t been easy for him since his wife died.”

  “I know,” Paula said sadly.

  “But things are much better for him now.”

  She met his eyes. “I think Chase and I owe much of that to you. If you hadn’t brought us together…”

  “I was happy to send Chase your way,” Sylvester told her. “You both seemed like a match in the making, and I’m glad it worked out that way.”

  Paula’s eyes welled with tears. “So am I.”

  “Be good to Chase and he’ll be good to you,” Sylvester said knowingly.

  “I will,” she promised.

  “There you are,” Isabelle said to Chase as he stood by the window, watching snowflakes fall.


  He looked at her, seeing Paula as she might look in forty years. Chase was warmed by the notion that Paula’s beauty and grace would hold up as well as Isabelle’s had over the years.

  “Thank you for making my ring seem like new again.” Isabelle held up the hand with her gleaming wedding band. “I love it!”

  Chase recalled earlier in the day when he and Paula had presented the ring to Isa. “It looks like it did fifty years ago,” he’d bragged and placed on her finger.

  “Actually better,” Isabelle said, marveling. “If only my Earl could be here now to see this.”

  “I have a feeling he is with you at this very moment,” Paula told her affectionately.


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