Christmas Diamonds

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Christmas Diamonds Page 17

by Devon Vaughn Archer

  Isabelle became teary-eyed. “Yes, I know he’s looking down on us all.” She flexed her ring finger with pride and then gave Paula a big hug and Chase a bigger one.

  He choked up now at the memory, especially in watching Isa take such joy in this symbol of her relationship with her beloved husband, Earl.

  Chase smiled tenderly. “I was more than happy to restore the ring to its luster,” he told her. “I know this ring means a great deal to you, as it should.”

  “Yes, it’s like a window into the past for me,” Isabelle said. “Because of it, my darling Earl is forever close to my heart. Until I see him in heaven, his gift of a lifetime is what keeps me going. Along with my remarkable granddaughter.”

  “Yes, she is certainly a remarkable lady,” Chase agreed. “And so are you, Isa.”

  She beamed. “That’s so sweet of you to say. It’s easy to see how Paula fell in love with you.”

  He lifted a brow, pleased Paula had shared her feelings with Isabelle. “Thank you for the compliment. I assure you the feelings are mutual.”

  “I can see that. You two really seem to be meant for each other,” Isabelle said sincerely.

  Chase smiled thoughtfully. “I’d have to agree with you there.”

  Isabelle reached into her purse and removed what looked to Chase to be an old diamond ring.

  “What’s this?” he asked.

  “It’s my engagement ring. Earl gave it to me on Christmas many years ago,” she told him. “I kept it tucked away, waiting for the day I could pass it to the man who stole Paula’s heart.”

  Chase was nearly speechless. The idea that she would part with something obviously so precious and meaningful to her was incredible and maybe too much of a sacrifice for him to accept.

  “I really appreciate the kind gesture,” he said. “But I can’t take your—”

  “You’re not taking it,” Isabelle broke in swiftly. “I want you to have the ring.”

  Chase’s brow creased. “Paula and I haven’t gotten to the point yet where we’ve talked about marriage….”

  “I understand.” She patted his hand. “I would never presume to know your intentions toward my granddaughter and do not mean to try and pressure you into asking Paula to marry you if this wasn’t what you had in mind down the line. But should it be your decision someday, it would mean so much to me if Paula inherited my engagement ring to begin her love for a lifetime. I know the ring needs to be refitted and cleaned. You can even feel free to add diamonds or do whatever you wish to put your imprint on it. I just felt this was the right thing to do and hope it doesn’t put you off in any way.”

  Chase found his resistance waning. The love Isa felt for Paula was incredibly touching and rivaled his. How could he reject what seemed such a natural passing of the torch to Paula? It was a gift that Paula richly deserved from the woman who meant so much to her. Isabelle had displayed selflessness that most people would never come close to.

  He took the ring. Studying it briefly, Chase saw that it lacked a center stone. This was something that could easily be rectified. He would add a few other small things to give the ring new life and would present it to Paula when the time was right.

  Chase regarded Isabelle. “No, it doesn’t put me off.” His lips spread into a smile. “I’ll hold on to this ring, and I promise to take good care of it.”

  Isabelle wiped away tears. “I can’t tell you how happy that makes me.”

  “I think you already have,” Chase said, trying to keep his emotions in check. “Paula is very fortunate to have someone like you who cares so much about her.” He was moved to hug Isabelle. “Thank you for raising such a wonderful woman and for your willingness to entrust me with your ring. I’ll try not to let you down.”

  Isabelle’s arms went around his waist. “I’m sure you won’t, but it’s much more important that you and Paula try not to let each other down. So long as you go with your hearts, there’s no mountain you can’t climb.”

  He smiled and put his arm across her shoulder. “Why don’t we go see if we can find your granddaughter and everyone else?”

  Isabelle looked up at him. “That’s a good idea.”

  Chapter 19

  Paula supervised while her crew removed the old furnishings and installed the new ones in Chase’s den. Chase was donating his used furniture to those less fortunate, which her crew would take care of. She was pleased to be redecorating another room in his house, reminding Paula that she was still an interior decorator and Chase a client. It was important that her work always be taken as seriously as Paula took every person who hired her, even if Chase had come to mean so much to her beyond home refurbishing.

  Paula cherished the romantic relationship she had forged with Chase, making all previous boyfriends fall well short of his total being and the way he made her feel. She had once thought true love might forever escape her, as if she didn’t deserve to experience such. Now she knew nothing could be further from the truth. She’d fallen in love with a wonderful guy and received his love in return.

  There was no engagement ring yet, but Paula refused to be bothered by it. The diamond pendant he’d given her, along with his heart, were more than enough at the moment. Whenever Chase was ready to offer more, she would be ready to accept it unwaveringly.

  “Well, how are we looking in here?” She heard Chase’s smooth voice as he entered the room.

  Paula’s eyes twinkled at him. “See for yourself.”

  As it was, she was just about to go find him in his home office—the spot where they had last shared a very long, delicious kiss. The workers had cleared out, as Paula was confident the job would pass the test of Chase’s scrutiny. If not, they were just a cell-phone call away for rearranging things any way he wished.

  She felt a knot in her stomach as Chase seemed to take an inordinately long time perusing his revamped den. He finally looked at her, a half smile forming on his lips.

  “You’re three for three,” he declared. “Another job well done!”

  Paula batted her lashes as if annoyed. “It sure took you long enough to answer. I was beginning to wonder if you were less than satisfied.”

  Chase laughed. “I had to keep you in suspense a little just to keep things lively.”

  She hit him playfully. “There are other ways to be lively.”

  “Don’t I know it,” he said in an erotic tone of voice.

  “I’ll bet you do.” Paula imagined them burning up the sheets.

  Chase pulled her up to him. “You smell good.”

  Paula raised her chin. “It’s a new fragrance.”

  “It’s very nice.”

  “Do you want to do something about it?” she challenged.

  “I thought you had another appointment to go to?” Chase cocked a brow.

  “I can cancel it if you want.” Had she really become so audacious in their relationship? Paula answered her own question, knowing that Chase had definitely taken her libido to a whole new level, one that she was happy to share with him. She called and cancelled her appointment, never taking her eyes off Chase.

  “Oh, yes, I like,” he said, peering at her seductively.

  She batted her eyes. “Why am I not surprised?”

  “Because you know me too well.” Chase grinned. “Or is it more that I know you?”

  “Probably both,” she admitted, quickly becoming aroused.

  “Yeah, I agree.” Chase kissed her passionately. “Now, about us doing something…”

  Paula met his eyes. “Right here?”

  He grinned mischievously. “It’s very tempting, to say the least, especially with all the trouble you’ve gone through to make it so welcoming. But I think I’d like to take you to bed, literally.”

  Paula felt a warm stirring between her legs. “So why are we still talking about it?”

  Chase’s eyes clouded with desire. “Yes, why are we?”

  He kissed her mouth succulently, and all else ceased to exist as far as Paula was concerned, o
ther than a powerful need to be with Chase in the most intimate way.

  After they were naked, the kissing resumed in bed. Paula kissed Chase everywhere, and he did the same, leaving goose bumps in the wake of his potent and determined lips. The exhilarating foreplay reached a blazing peak and brought Paula to the brink of climaxing.

  Though she loved the feel of Chase’s tongue on her clitoris and the sounds he made while licking her, she wanted desperately to come while his penis was lodged inside her. As such, she lifted his face up. “Make love to me now, baby.”

  He licked his lips and looked at her ravenously. “Say no more….”

  After slipping on a condom, Chase propped Paula’s legs on his shoulders. He drove his erection deep into her, and she easily adjusted to him, making for a perfect fit as their sex moved into high gear. Their mouths nibbled at one another’s before their bodies locked in an intense embrace. Paula tasted the deliciousness of Chase’s tongue and delighted in his manly scent.

  She arched her body, taking him in all the way, her buttocks slamming against his hard stomach with each of Chase’s thrusts. Their perspiring bodies clung together while their sizzling passion continued to soar. A low moan grew steadily from Paula as she felt the waves of orgasmic ecstasy building to a fever pitch. She wrapped her arms around Chase and trembled mightily when her climax took control of her mind and body. Grunting unevenly, Chase penetrated Paula deeper while his orgasm erupted. She gasped from the intensity of the moment and then rode the fervent rapids with him while they achieved rapturous victory together.

  An hour later, Paula woke up in Chase’s arms. The distinct smell of steamy sex was in the air, infiltrating her nostrils and arousing her once again. The man had turned her into a sex addict, and she didn’t mind one bit. On the contrary, Chase had given Paula great incentive to want to make love to him as often as possible, for he was just as voracious in his appetite for her. They made an incredible match sexually, and when combined with their physical and mental chemistry, it was definitely an unbeatable combination.

  Paula sighed deeply, and her cheeks rose as she smiled. She longed for the day when Chase would make her his wife. It would easily be the happiest day of her life, and she would make sure it was the happiest of his, too. She rested her head against his chest and allowed herself a bit more shut-eye and pleasant dreams.

  The next day, Chase dragged the seven-foot white-spruce Christmas tree into the great room, eager to see it up and decorated. There hadn’t been a tree in the house since Rochelle died, and he’d seriously wondered if that would ever change. Then Paula had come into the picture and made life worth living again. Moreover, between her decorating talents and her skills in the bedroom, she had brought magic back into the house in a big way.

  “What do you think?” he asked Jackie.

  “It’s really big,” she said, looking up at it.

  He smiled. “Sure is, and it’s a perfect fit for this corner, don’t you think?”

  “I suppose.”

  Chase lifted a brow. “You think I should’ve gotten an artificial tree?” It occurred to him that once the needles began to fall off, it would be her job to clean them up.

  “I like this one.” Jackie glanced at him. “But I’m not the one you should be asking.”


  “You should ask Paula,” Jackie said. “I’m sure she’ll agree the tree fits the room perfectly.”

  He grinned. “I intend to put Paula to work helping me decorate it.”

  “Good luck with that,” Jackie said lightheartedly. “And speaking of work, I better get back to it.” She held up her dust rag for effect.

  Chase nodded. “By the way, I’m sure I haven’t told you this often enough, but I appreciate that you do such a great job keeping this place from falling apart.”

  Jackie flushed. “Thank you. I’m happy to do my job as long as you need me.”

  He expected he would need her for quite a while, though Chase hoped that before long Paula would move in with him as his wife. Then they could decide together what was needed in terms of housekeeping.

  Paula sang along with Donny Hathaway as he crooned his hit song “This Christmas.” She was helping Chase put ornaments on the Christmas tree, delighted to be able to share this age-old tradition with him. She hoped it would be the first of many holidays they would spend together. Maybe one day down the line there would also be some little ones to join in the celebration, she thought gleefully.

  Chase wrapped his arms around her from behind. “You’re just what I needed. A beautiful woman to help decorate the tree,” he murmured, turning her around to face him.

  Paula warmed at the thought, suspecting that hadn’t been the case since his wife died. Could it also mean that soon she might become the next, and hopefully last, Mrs. Chase McCord?

  “It’s good to know you think I have the magic touch,” she said warmly.

  “You certainly do.” He looked into her eyes. “And the magic kiss, too.”

  Paula opened her mouth to his waiting lips. She closed her eyes while they kissed, for a moment forgetting all about the decorating they had yet to finish. She reluctantly pulled her lips from his and playfully pushed him away. “If we don’t get this tree done now, it might take us all night.”

  Chase laughed. “Don’t give me any ideas.”

  “I think you already have enough ideas in that head of yours for both of us,” she told him softly. Paula picked up an ornament and hooked it on the tree.

  “Now that you mention it, I do have a great idea,” he said mysteriously.

  Paula looked at him expectantly. “And what might that be? Or shouldn’t I ask?”

  “It’s not what you think, though that’s certainly on the agenda.” Chase added a few candy canes to the tree. “Now that you’ve completed the redecorating projects in my house, I’d like to give a holiday party to celebrate the season and show off the rooms.”

  “That’s a great idea!” Paula said excitedly.

  Chase looked at her. “I want it to be something we host together.”


  “Yeah. Invite whoever you want. It’ll be a great chance for everyone to see what a fabulous couple we make.”

  “Oh, Chase.” Paula got emotional. “How did you ever get to be so sweet and thoughtful?”

  “Maybe you just bring out the best in me,” Chase said warmly as he returned to decorating the tree.

  Her lashes fluttered thoughtfully. “I could say the same about you.”

  He grinned. “Does that include your naughty side?”

  “I’ll leave that to your own active imagination,” she said seductively.

  Chase chuckled. “Okay, but just for now.” He leaned over and kissed her. “Later, we’ll see what my mind conjures up.”

  Paula licked her lips invitingly. “Whatever you say.”

  Twenty minutes later, the Christmas tree was finished. Paula stood back and marveled at the magnificent tree as the lights flashed on and off at different intervals. It reminded her of the Christmas trees from her childhood. In recent years, she’d gone with a small artificial tree that was easier to manage.

  Chase put his arm across her shoulders, and Paula tucked her arm around his waist. Sharing the holiday season with the man she loved was more than she could have hoped for.

  Chapter 20

  “Thanks for meeting with me,” Paula told Monica as they sat in the bistro.

  “I’m glad you invited me. I needed a break from work, romance, drama, you name it,” Monica said.

  Paula chuckled. “Sounds serious…or not?”

  Monica laughed. “Not. My life is all about such issues, and I suppose I can’t really complain.” She lifted her double espresso. “So, what’s up with you?”

  Paula paused while sipping on an Americano. “Well, with Christmas right around the corner, I’m in search of the perfect gift for Chase. I’m not sure what to give a man who seems to have everything.”

  “I see you
r dilemma,” Monica said, sipping her coffee.

  “Since you’ve known him for a long time, I was hoping you could suggest something.”

  Monica tilted her head. “I’m flattered that you reached out for my help. I’m not sure what to tell you as far as something to gift wrap. As for the perfect gift for Chase, I’m looking at her.”

  Paula blinked with surprise. “Seriously?”

  “I’m being totally serious,” she told her with a straight face. “It’s been a long time since I’ve seen Chase so happy, flashing his million-watt smile constantly. And it’s all because of you.”

  Paula allowed Monica’s words to sink in. “Well, I’m sure he was that way when his wife was alive,” she said, knowing the type of man Chase was.

  Monica nodded. “I’m not going to lie to you. Chase and Rochelle had a really good relationship. I was sorry to see her pass so soon in life, but unfortunately these things happen. I’m glad Chase has moved on now.”

  “Thank you for that.” Paula spoke sincerely. “I really want to make him the happiest man around.”

  Monica smiled. “I don’t think you have to worry about that. Trust me, he’s very happy.”

  Paula chose to trust herself more. She knew everything that bound her to Chase was very real, and having it validated by others made her confidence in their connection that much stronger. “I’m glad to hear that.” She grinned demurely. “I’d still love to get Chase something for Christmas that speaks to him in a way he can truly appreciate.”

  Monica paused to think about it. “Hmm, since I know Chase is a gadget man, you might consider getting him a palm-size DVD player or a shirt-pocket HD camcorder.”

  “Interesting,” Paula said over her coffee mug.

  “Yes, but if you really want to be bold, why not get Chase something that would really stand out?”

  “Such as?” Paula wondered.

  “A diamond ring for Christmas,” Monica replied.

  “What?” Paula’s mouth hung open.

  “Sure, why not? Yes, I know he’s a diamond jeweler, but Chase hasn’t worn jewelry since he removed his wedding ring. I have a feeling he’d be honored to wear a ring that you gave him.”


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