Southern Romance

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Southern Romance Page 10

by Smith, Crystal

  "Can't this once you trust me, you don't want to see and I don't want you to see."

  Jade took a deep breath. "Sara, I have to confess something to you. That night, we slept in the barn, I did see."

  "But you said nothing happened."

  "I know what I said, I didn't know if you felt the same about me, as I do you, and I didn't want to see you hurt again. After the pill you had taken kicked in, I helped you into your sleeping bag and then went to mine. You asked me to hold you, so I got into the sleeping bag with you. You were touching me, so I responded, I seen Sara, but then you passed out and nothing more happened."

  "Why didn't you tell me?" Sara was angered and at the same time almost relieved that the sight of her mangled scarred breast didn't seem to turn him away.

  "Because, I didn't want you to regret anything or have anything else to worry about."

  "And what, now it's ok, now it's ok because you scored? Because you got what you wanted."

  "Sara, please don't be mad at me and you know what we shared was more than just me scoring

  and what I wanted. You wanted it to. Furthermore you’re beginning to piss me off to."

  Sara clasped her bra back into place and went to replace her shirt but Jade's hand caught hers.

  "Let go of me and do it now!"

  "No, I will not let what something you had no control over come between us and whatever is

  happening between us."

  Sara began to curse at him and raised her hand to slap him but after catching her wrist he ended her madness with a deep long kiss. And within minutes her bra again was unclasped and this time was thrown to the side. Sara didn't try to cover herself this time. She watched his eyes as they moved over her. And when his mouth took the sensitive nipple that awaited his touch, she forgot all about her appearance.

  Their lovemaking was more now than it had ever been before. There were no longer any secrets she had from him. It was a release of despair and worry as now she knew, he had feelings for her. He must to want someone with the aftermath of a scarring night such as horrific as hers.

  They dressed and held hand in hand as they left the horse stalls to return to the chores that were being neglected. They carried on that day like any other day, mending to all of the animals, making sure they had feed, fresh water and clean enclosures. They worked side by side and both of them had a since of belonging. With the chores completed they headed inside. Sara showered washing off the sweat, dirt and grime from working on a ranch. When she opened the shower door, Jade stood there, waiting patiently.

  Chapter 7

  He was wearing dark colored blue jeans, a white button up the front shirt, a black stetson, and black cowboy boots. He looked so good, the only thought that came to mind was the fun she was going to have taking all of that off of him.

  "Are we going somewhere?"

  "We are, get dressed!" And Jade was gone.

  Sara rushed to get ready. She was excited, scared, and nervous all at the same time. She didn't know where Jade was taking her but she knew it was going to be somewhere great. It had to be if Jade wanted to go there.

  "How long does it take for someone to get dressed?" Jade wasn't sure how much longer he could wait. He wanted to get going before it got too late and they missed all the fun. It took her forever to get out of the shower, he had thought about going in there to get her out, but he knew that would be a mistake. If he'd seen her in the nude, he would have been in there with her and it definitely would have taken her a lot longer to shower.

  Sara took one last look in the mirror and headed out the door to find Jade. She wanted to know so bad where she was going. As she made her way down the stairs, Jade caught his first glimpse of her and couldn't say a word. She was wearing a dark blue sun dress, the straps to the dress hung just slightly off her shoulders, that were now tanned ever so golden. Black cowboy boots only added to muscle of her calves. Her hair hit just beyond her shoulders, blonde, shiny, and curls that she had placed, that he wanted to wrap his fingers in. He hadn't ever seen another woman look as beautiful as she did right there, in that very moment.

  Jade was so lost in her, he didn't even realize she was now standing right in front of him, almost toe to toe. "Are we going to go?" Sara smiled knowing exactly the thoughts that was going through his mind.

  Jade managed to stutter out "Yes, now, let’s go."

  The drive into town was quite the interesting one. Every time Sara looked at Jade he was staring at her. It wasn't as if she didn't like that he couldn't keep his eyes off her, only that he couldn’t keep his eyes on the road. It made her very nervous. Jade must have realized it to because he turned his head back to the road and kept it there the rest of the trip.

  When they pulled up, Sara couldn't say anything. Jade just got out of the truck and walked around and opened her door. Sara couldn't take her eyes of the place. Why would he bring her to a barn? She couldn't help but to think it, but she didn't say it. Jade could tell she was a little apprehensive and had to grab her hand. "Come on, really, it’s not as bad as your making it look." Sara looked at Jade and followed him in.

  When the doors opened the music was blaring, people were dancing and laughing, shiny hard wood floors, private booths, tables with chairs, and a very large dance floor. It was nice.

  "I thought maybe we could show off some of that fancy dancing you like to do." Jade tugged slightly and led her in. Jade found a table and seated Sara before seating himself next to her.

  "Hi yawl, what can I getcha?" The waitress almost appeared as if she couldn't stop staring at Jade. "I'll take a bud light and Sara?"

  "The same please."

  Sara waited for the waitress to walk away. "Do you come here a lot?"

  "No, I haven't been here in a long time. I used to though. The last time I was here was I guess, about a year ago. Had a really good time. So are you ready to show the whole town, what civilized people dance like or are you ready to have some fun?"

  Sara didn't know whether accept his offer of fun, or defend her ability to dance ballet.

  "Who said ballet wasn't fun?" Sara was almost feeling offended and annoyed.

  "You did, not with words, but let’s just say, I could tell you liked my uncivilized style dancing a whole hell of a lot more than that ballet of yours." Jades devilish smile was enough to soften Sara and heat surge to her cheeks.

  "Jade, I wanted to ask you something, about what you said. When we were in the barn, you said what's happening between us. What is happening between us?"

  "Sara, I don't know how to explain it. I just know when I'm with you nothing else in the world matters."

  Sara couldn't say anything. About that time, and with good timing considering where the conversation was going, George Strait's I Cross My Heart came on. Jade and Sara remained eye locked. Jade got up and took her hand and as if they had been dancing together their entire lives, he led her to the dance floor and they began their rhythmic movements.

  Sara's head rested on his shoulder, but she could hear him loud and clear. He was singing along, and not just singing. He was singing to her. Every word, was like he was telling her how he really felt. What the words "what's happening to us" meant to him. Tears sprang to her eyes. It didn't take her long to fight em off when the song was nearing end.

  "Ok, ladies and gentleman are you ready for some Friday night karaoke? I said are you ready for some Friday night karaoke?" The crowd went to hooting and hollering like crazy. Like someone big had just taken the stage. It was unbelievable.

  "You country folk take your karaoke serious." Sara was almost mocking and laughing at the same time.

  "Let’s see how serious you take it when you’re done." Jade was daring her.

  "Oh, it’s not happening. I don't sing."

  "Well, let’s see if you’re still whistling dixey when you've had a few more of them." Jade pointed to Sara's beer.

  "Ha, there isn't enough alcohol in this place. Remember, that was tried once already." Sara was quite confid
ent and smiling.

  Jade however knew better and didn't have to say a word. His smirk and raised eyebrow said it all for him. Sara smiled back at him as if she was telling him she knew exactly what he was up to. But little did he know that after her last experience with drinking in public, she wasn’t about to let it get away with her again.

  Sara looked around the place and seen a few people playing darts. “Do you play darts?” Sara asked.

  “I used to, really haven’t played in a while. You wanna give it a whirl and see how you like it?”

  “Ha, who said anything about me wanting to give anything a whirl. My intentions are to kick your butt and then gloat about it the rest of the night. What’s your game, 301, cricket, wild card or how about a little cut throat?”

  “Am I picking up on just a tad bit of a competition here?”

  “Call it what you like but you’re going down!”

  Sara stood went to the machine and placed inside 2 quarters and started 301. She went to the basket and grabbed out 6 darts. “Bar darts aren’t the best in the world to play with, but then, I won’t need my darts. This is going to be easy.”

  Jade just shook his head and went with it. Game after game they played, Sara won. She was a lot better at rubbing it in then she was at darts but he wasn’t going to say anything. Sara’s intentions of staying sober lasted all of about 2 hours when the bartender offered for her to try the house specialty.

  Sara was already feeling pretty good and wasn’t thinking right as it was. She gladly accepted it and well let’s just say one wasn’t going to be enough for her. “What is in this stuff? Oh my god it is so good.”

  Jade smiled and replied. “I think a little of everything. Careful darling, they sneak up on ya.”

  “Are you trying to say now that I can’t handle my liquor Sir?”

  “Nope, not saying a word, have as many as you like. And now that you know how to address me do so from now on.” He was daring her at this point and easing her into the relationship he was craving.

  “Good, that’s what I am going to do. Besides it’s not like I have to worry about having any real concerns about losing here. At this rate, I figure eventually you’re gonna get tired of losing and quit.”

  “What makes you think I would quit? Maybe I am just taking it easy on you.” Jade was surprised she hadn’t questioned his previous comment.

  “Ha that’s funny. I haven’t seen you score above a 40 the entire time. How many low tons have I hit now? Not that I am keeping track.”

  “So what are you some kind of a dart shark anyways?”

  “No, just really enjoy playing.”

  Jade could see Sara was starting to wobble more than walk, slur more than speak, and he was thinking it was about time to end the night. Sara however, wouldn’t have it. She was liking her drink, and she wasn’t stopping yet. She was having a lot of fun.

  She used to play darts all the time, and she had quit after everything had happened. She wasn’t quitting tonight. She was on a roll and that was just how it was going to be. And somehow she knew she was safe with Jade and she could finally cut loose and let it all go.

  Jade stood back and enjoyed very much the show she was putting on, but if she shook her ass one more time with her little victory dances, he was going to rip her clothes off and take her right there. He had to do something. He walked up to her while she was taking out her darts, put his arms around her waist and whispered in her ear, “If we don’t get out of here right now, I’m going to have to show everyone here what the good Lord gave you and me both.”

  Sara turned and smiled at him, “I’m not afraid of you Jade, never have been, and I am not ready to leave yet. I want this night, please let me have it. I wanna play darts, and drink, and dance, and have fun and worry about nothing.”

  Sara looked so desperate to have it her way, he couldn’t say no. Of course, Jade didn’t think he would have been able to deny her anything at this point. But the desperation in her eyes was more than enough for him to go fetch some more quarter’s and continue to let her have her way.

  Jade standing at the bar waiting for the waitress to come his way, heard a quite familiar voice. “Tonight is the night, forever in your heart, love me like you used to, right from the start. Take away the torture, take away the pain, take me away, before I go insane.” The song had been playing and being sung by someone who wasn’t familiar to Jade, but Jade really hadn’t paid it any attention until he turned to see if his assumption of who was singing with the on stage couple, was right.

  Sara was standing right where he left her, next to their table, she was watching the couple sing and was singing along. Her hips swayed from side to side, and she sang very loudly at that. Jade couldn’t help but to laugh. “Hell with it, if we are going to do this, let’s do it right.”

  Jade returned with the quarters and with a long island. If she was going to have a good time being polluted, than so was he. And then, they could end the night with him taking her and making love to her like he had before. They both continued to have drink after drink until they were both 3 sheets to the wind.

  When the music that Sara requested had finally ended, Jade went and put his request in. When the music started, Sara didn’t have any time to protest, Jade had a hold of her and was dancing. Not that Sara would have had the strength to do so. The man was singing on stage and Jade was dancing with her, and telling her he wanted to do a lot more than just sing softly in her ear. Not that she minded that at all, he was good. He had an amazing voice.

  “Sara, do you trust me?”

  “Yes.” Sara answered with a forever and ever look.

  “Then don’t get spooked but I have to know. Promise you won’t get spooked.”

  This was the first time Sara had seen Jade look this either concerned or scared out of his mind.

  “Ok I won’t get spooked, what is it?”

  “Do you love me?”

  Sara froze, stepped on Jade’s toes and lost her balance and would have fallen except Jade had a hold of her and wasn’t letting go.

  “Sara, I said don’t get spooked, you promised. It’s just simple question. Yes or No.”

  “I,,,,,I,,,,,I,,,,” Sara couldn’t stop stuttering long enough to say anything. Jade couldn’t tell if that was her trying to say yes, or trying to break his heart easy.

  “Sara, I love you. Everything about you. I could spend the rest of my life, right here with you doing exactly this and nothing more ever. Do you love me?”

  Sara looked into Jades eyes and a calming feeling came over her. “Yes, Jade, I do, I love you.”

  “Ok, here’s what I had in mind. You see that man over there, wearing the white hat, that’s Judge Blakemore. I could bribe him with a bottle of that cheap scotch he is drinking and we could get married.” Jade waited for an answer. When he didn’t get one and the only response was a single tear, he reached up wiped it away and smiled.

  “I tell you what, we play one more game of darts, your game choice. If I win, we get married, if I lose, then we wait for your answer as long as it takes.”

  Sara couldn’t do anything but nod her head and force out the word. “Cut Throat.”

  Jade smiled, kissed the bridge of her nose and walked away. She watched as Jade set up the dart board. When he returned, he leaned over and whispered, “Are you ready to get married?” Sara almost found this to be a way of saying, “Let’s see what you really got.”

  “Are you ready to wait?”

  Sara grabbed her darts, walked to the board, took a deep breath and threw. She managed with all of the shaking she was doing, to close her 20’s, mark a 17 and a 15. She withdrew her darts, and walked back to stand next to Jade, “Let’s see what you got big boy!!!!” Sara said playfully. This was one bet she wasn’t going to lose. She had no intentions on losing and yet at the same time, she was hoping he won. But that was not likely going to happen with the way he had been throwing. She wanted to marry him. She did. But she couldn’t bring herself to say yes. />
  “Oh, I think you know just how big of a boy I am, but if that’s your way of wanting to find out again, we can take care of that in just a few minutes. This won’t take long.” Jade walked away confident and Sara didn’t know why.

  Jade stood, repositioned himself, and concentrated. Triple 20, triple 19, and double bull. He retrieved his darts and turned to see the expression Sara couldn’t hide on her face. It sent a weird but pleasant sensation through him. He went back to stand by her and after a few moments of her not moving, Jade looked at her.

  “What is it sweet cakes, cat got your tongue?”

  “You played me didn’t you? Ok, well then, now you wanna get all serious, ok two can play at that game.” Sara took her stance and threw. Jade could of swore he had heard her say damn it as she retrieved her darts. They weren’t exactly bad darts, but the more nervous she got, the less she was hitting. Jade smiled and took his stance again.

  Triple 15, Triple 16 and bull. Sara again was in shock. She reached down and grabbed her glass and downed it. Jade couldn’t help but feel excited and downright pleased.

  “Grab me another would you?” Sara was practically shoving her glass at him and walked off to take her turn. Jade smiled and held up the glass at the waitress gesturing for another. He sat the glass down and watched as Sara took her serious stance.

  First dart, bounced off the board and landed on the floor. Sara cursed again and repositioned herself. Second dart, triple 1. Sara gave a repeat show of before and again took her stance. Bull. Sara grabbed her dart, picked up her darts off the floor and turned to see the smirk on Jade’s face. Sara didn’t know whether to be infuriated with him for playing her all night long, or scared out of her mind. There were so many emotions running through her body and mind right now she didn’t know what to do.

  Jade took his stance and Triple 17, Triple 18. The dart board went off. Winner. Jade retrieved his darts turned around, only to see Sara downing her drink that the waitress had just brought.


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