Southern Romance

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Southern Romance Page 11

by Smith, Crystal

  “I’ll be right back.” Jade told her as he sat the darts down on the table.

  “Where you going?” Sara knew where he was going but hoping he wouldn’t say it.

  “I got a judge to bribe.”

  “Really, you’re gonna do this? You weren’t just playing?”

  “I don’t play like that, I love you, and you love me. And I think you want this just as much as I do.” Jade studied her face and knew he was right. “I won’t be long.”

  Sara seated herself and began biting her nails as she watched him laugh and cut up with the judge. Sara raised her glass at the waitress and held up two fingers gesturing for two more. When the waitress brought her drinks, Sara was mumbling to herself.

  “What was that you were saying?” the waitress asked.

  “You don’t think he is serious do you? I mean even if he is, he will give me some time to get everything ready, right?”

  “Well, I don’t know what you’re talking about but I can tell you this. Jade is very serious at everything he says and does. He has a firm belief if you’re gonna do it, then do it right. So I would say, yes he is serious. As for the time you asked about, Jade is a patient man, so it is going to depend on how bad he wants whatever it is your talking about.”

  That wasn’t what Sara was hoping she would hear. She grabbed the glass and down it. “I think I am going to need a whole lot of these, will ya keep em coming?”

  “Absolutely, but if I were you, I wouldn’t get too wasted, I have a feeling you’re gonna wanna remember tonight.” The waitress had no idea what Jade was up to, but she knew if she ever had the chance, she would want to remember every minute she spent with Jade.

  When Jade returned about thirty minutes later, polluted wasn’t exactly what he thought he was going to see. There were multiple glasses on the table. Sara was smiling up a storm, laughing at nothing, and feeling no pain.

  “Is this your way of trying to get out of our little deal? You can drink until you pass out, but we are getting married. And that requires you to be awake for a minute.”

  “Nope, I donnnnn’t bacsssk out on my wordssss.”

  Jade laughed and grabbed her up and kissed her. “Good, cuz the way I see it, he will be back in about fifteen minutes and then Sara Stevens, you will be Sara Thomas, my beautiful bride.”

  “Jade your just drunkkkkkkk, aand sure ok.”

  “That’s funny, I may be drunk, but I know what I want and that is you with me forever.”

  Sara smiled and without any hesitation slurred right back “I DO!!!!”

  Jade laughed out loud uncontrollably at first. “Just remember to say that when he gets back. Do you think you will be ok while I gather us up some witnesses?”

  “I got this see. I got one in my hand and she is keeping em coming.”

  “Ok, as long as you can stay awake long enough to say I do.”

  “Are you saying I can’t handle my liquor?”

  “Darlin, you done asked me that question once.” Jade smiled and walked away. It wasn’t very long when Sara heard a man say, “Hey, everyone, I got a , I got a , an announcement.. Jade is getting married. Judge Blakemore just went over to get the license. We’re gonna have a wedding here tonight.” The crowd erupted with clapping and laughter and it wasn’t long when people were lining up and hugging Sara and shaking Jade’s hand.

  Sara didn’t know what to expect. She was beginning to see two of everyone and it appeared as if they had all had way too much to drink because they wouldn’t quit moving around.

  “I don’ttt thinks I’ve sssseen this many twinssss in a long timeeeee.” Sara’s eyes were squinted and she was almost cute to Jade, as he watched her be so serious and open her eyes wide and then squint them again.

  When the judge returned he walked up to Jade shook his hands and said “Are you sure about this?”

  “Judge I have never been more sure about anything.”

  “Ok, Ma’am, is this what you want.”


  “Ok then, so shall we then. Dearly Beloved, blah blah blah, Jade you wanna wed this woman?”

  “Yep sure do.”

  “What’s your name?”


  “Sara, do wanna get hitched with this man.”

  “I do.”

  “Ok then, by the power invested in meeee, oh what the hell, Jade kiss your bride.”

  Jade grabbed Sara and kissed her with more excitement than he had ever felt. The crowd went crazy with joy.

  “Ok you to, excuse me, just sign here and that’s it, your Mr. and Mrs. Thomas now.”

  Jade was the first to reach out and sign. He held out the pen to Sara and she hesitated for a moment. Shaking she took it and signed.

  “Ok then it’s legal like. You’re wed. Congratulations.”

  “Thanks Judge.”

  Jade grabbed a hold of Sara’s hand and began leading her out of the bar. The crowd went to laughing and clapping. People were hollering “Get her done”, “Don’t break her yet Jade”, and on and on.

  “Where we going?” She was fighting to keep her eyes open and her head looked more like a bobble head.

  Jade didn’t look back only said “Where do you think?”

  “Well if I thoughtttt, then I wouldn’t have asked you Sir.”

  Jade opened the truck door and helped her in. “We my bride, are going two blocks over. That’s twice in one night you have addressed me right. But you’ll learn real quick.”

  “What’s two blocks over and what?”

  Jade chuckled, “You’ll see.”

  Sara was confused. She had just got married and now her husband that she didn’t deny she loved, was being mysterious and practically drug her out of the bar she was having so much fun in. What was he up to now?

  And then it hit her. Blood rushed to her cheeks. When Jade pulled into the motel, he didn’t say a word, he jumped out and went inside. It wasn’t long and he returned. He parked the truck and got out walking very quickly over to Sara’s door. When he opened it, he could see the lovely shade of red that had flooded Sara’s cheeks.

  This only made Jade burn hotter with desire and heat. He reached out his hand to offer it to Sara and held it waiting for her to take it. Just when Jade thought she wasn’t going to take it, she slid her small delicate hand in his. Relief took over as he locked up the truck and led her into the building.

  When they reached the room, it was beautiful. Sara went to look around, but Jade didn’t give her much time. He grabbed her waist and spun her around. Only then when he seen the look on her face did he realize that probably wasn’t the smartest idea in the world.

  The red left her cheeks and she went pale. Sara slapped her hand to her mouth and frantically took off running for the bathroom.

  Jade stood there running his fingers through his hair. The thought of what he had just done was killing him. He knew she might pass out on him, but that was not the reaction he was thinking of. The laughter he was feeling was trying to come out but he didn’t want her to hear it. But he couldn’t help it.

  He started laughing out loud and couldn’t help but to think wow, a drink lead to dancing, dancing lead to darts, darts lead to marriage, and a spin lead to puking. But the sound he was now hearing was not one he wanted to remember.

  Jade went to the door that wasn’t closed all the way, but didn’t enter. “Sara are you ok?”

  “Don’t come in here. You don’t nottt wanna see thisss.”

  Jade smiled and walked in. Grabbed a wash cloth and wet it. He went to and pulled her hair gently to the side and dabbed her forehead. “Sickness and health remember.”

  “I don’ttt member the Judge saying any of that.”

  “Well, it kinda goes along with it. Are you ok now?”

  “I thinkkk so. Eww, I need a brush and pasteeee. Is there any?”

  “Yeah, there is. Do you need some help up?”

  “No, I think” and about that time Sara went to stand up only to fall thank god i
n Jade’s direction. Sara stayed there in his arms for a moment. Feeling his hard chest against her cheeks. Loving the way he smelled. Enjoying the feeling of his hands on the small of her back. Just when she thought she couldn’t stand not to kiss him, she raised back and made her way to the sink. Jade gave her some much needed privacy excusing himself and closing the door behind him.

  “Oh Saraaaa what did you get yoursssself into?” Sara splashed some water on her face. After a few minutes she opened the door, there was soft music playing in the background. Candles lit and placed throughout the room. The soft beige carpet gave with each step. The comforter a dark shade of red was soft looking and she had to touch it. She turned and looked around the room only to see Jade watching her from the corner. Heat swelled at her cheeks as she realized she was doing more of a caressing of the bed than feeling it.

  Sara took a deep breath as she watched Jade slowly make his way to her. “What is your deal, it’s not like this is your first time, or first time with him. Get it together.” Jade could hear her mumbling something but didn’t take his eyes off hers and didn’t question what it was either.

  He stood there standing in front of her for a moment. He felt a quiver go through her when he slowly placed his hands on her shoulders.

  Sara just stood there. Frozen. She didn’t know what to do or how to act. She was more nervous this time than she had ever been around him. Jade slowly and lightly moved his hands down her arms and back to her shoulders. “Sara look at me.” Jade was tender with his words. Sara finally braved it and raised her eyes to meet his. “I love you.” And then he kissed her. Tender, gentle and slow.

  When he felt Sara’s hand touch his back he gripped her arms a little tight only to lead her into movement. He began dancing with her while never letting his lips loose contact with hers. He slowly moved his right hand in her left hand and gripped it gently. Pulling his head back he gazed into her eyes as they danced. Gently he pushed her back and dipped her down and around.

  Taking in the appearance of her breast urging toward him as she arched her back. Remembering and learning the look in her eyes when their gaze met. Slowly they moved their bodies to the music. Jade slipped his hands under her t shirt and caressed her back in a way that made Sara respond with quivers and goose bumps. If it would have been possible her toes would of curled under.

  Slowly he pulled her t shirt up and she raised her arms to allow him to remove the clothing. When the t shirt hit the floor it wasn’t but one gentle but quick motion and her bra followed shortly behind it. He teased and taunted her nipples until she could feel places tingle everywhere.

  “Jade,, please, now.”

  Jade didn’t say a word. He danced her backwards until her back was pressing against the wall. He kissed his way down from her neck to her breast to her navel to the tiny button that was keeping her jeans in his way of giving her the release she was about to beg for.

  Just as quick as before with her bra, her jeans and panties were at her ankles and she was stepping out of them. When there was nothing left to hinder his ability to do what he loved to do, he parted the curls that blocked her heat, and mouthed it tenderly. Circling with his tongue and sucking until she grasped and moaned and quivered from her head to her toes.

  Her knees wobbled and she didn’t think she was going to be able to stand any longer. Jade grabbed her waist, steadying her. When she finally could feel her legs she returned the favor. Just before Jade felt his release come, he pulled away, reached down, grabbed her, pulled her up and then picking her up.

  Sara wrapped her legs around his waist and with one quick movement he was in her. Her back again against the wall, as he moved thrust after thrust in a circular motion and with the beat of the music that still played.

  He danced his way with Sara still encircling him with her legs, kissing her chest, until they reached the bed. He laid her down, and the thrust became more forceful, the moaning became louder and then both of them reached their climax and lay in each other’s arms. Sara rested her head on his chest after they repositioned.

  It couldn’t have been longer than just a few minutes and Jade could hear a faint snore. “Really, wow, what a night.” Jade laid there smiling as he ran his fingers over and over through Sara’s hair. Finally sleep came for him.

  Chapter 8

  Jade awoke earlier than he half had expected to. He was careful not to move too quickly. He didn’t want to wake Sara. And then it hit him again. “My wife. I’m married!” Jade allowed a tender smile grace his lips. He eased himself out from her hold and went to shower. When he returned he was surprised to see Sara laying there rubbing her eyes. He walked to the bed, dressed the same as he was when he got out of bed and crawled in next to her.

  He leaned over and kissed her lips tenderly. Sara’s eyes bolted open. Jade drew his head back to study the expression that was on her face. “What is it? Are you going to be sick again?”

  “No, I,, oh my god, what did we do? Please tell me I was dreaming and it didn’t really happen.”

  Jade was stunned. He couldn’t believe he was hearing what he was. Sure it wasn’t quite the picture perfect wedding that he knows every woman dreams of but it was real. He loved her, she loved him, he wanted to spend the rest of his life with her.

  “It was real. Sara what’s wrong?”

  “Oh my God!”

  Sara jumped off from the bed and began dressing quickly. “Oh my god, what are we going to do? We can get an annulment. That’s what we can do.”

  “Sara what the hell are you talking about? And I have no intentions on getting an annulment. I don’t believe we made a mistake. You wanted this to. You told me so last night before you passed out.”

  “I was drunk. We gotta go. We gotta find that judge.”

  Jade sat there for a few minutes trying to shake the words he was hearing. What was her problem? Had he really read her that wrong? No, that’s impossible. She said she loved him. He heard her say it over and over again.

  “Sara?” Jade looked at her questioning her waiting for him to even make some kind of gesture or say something indicating she was listening to him. She never looked in his direction, just finished dressing. He stood and dressed feeling strange, in disbelief, and hurting all at the same time. It was like a nightmare but the knot in his chest was telling him it was no dream causing him to become furious with anger. Again he looked in her direction but got no response. “I’ll meet you in the truck when you’re ready.” And with that said, Sara heard the door slam shut.

  She was surprised by the upset that the sound of the door slamming was causing her chest to feel. Her eyes began to burn from tears fighting their way out. She had never hurt anyone the way she had hurt Jade just then. It wasn’t a feeling she cared to ever feel again. She wanted it to disappear. But the only way to make that happen would be to take back the way she had just panicked. It wasn’t the thought of being married to Jade that bothered her. What bothered her was the disappoint she feared she would see in his eyes one day for marrying her.

  After sitting there doing her best to pull herself together, she bravely walked outside and really expected to see Jade long gone. Jade sat there in his truck resting his head in his hands. Sara stood there briefly until Jade raised his head and seen her standing there.

  She walked slowly to the truck and got in. Jade reached down and started the truck and took off. The trip home wasn’t nearly as fun, exciting, and comfortable as the trip into town. Not a word was spoken between the two of them.

  When they reached the house, Jade got out, and went straight for the barn. Sara didn’t say a word. She wanted to run up to him, and make him talk to her but she was too afraid the look in his eyes and the pain inside them would be the death of her.

  Sara showered and went downstairs. The house was lonely feeling. She hadn’t felt this way here before. She knew exactly what the cause of it all was to. Her. She looked out the window just hoping to get a glimpse of Jade. Nothing. She was by herself now. Everything had
been so perfect, and now once again because of alcohol, she felt like a fool and her heart damaged to the point that probably would never heal.

  She cooked lunch, waited patiently for Jade to come in but again, nothing. She cleaned house, watched a couple of movies, cooked supper, and again sat in front of the T. V. waiting for just one look at him.

  Sara wanted to talk to her Mom so bad and tell her what a mistake she had made. If she wouldn’t have panicked the way she did, right now her life would be more than great. She would be in the arms of the man that loved her. Than man that she now knew she couldn’t live without. The man that didn’t care what kind of history had left such a tragic mark on her. Her man.

  They had decided that because of Davis being a cop and all, and because with today’s technology, there would be no contact until the time was right. Sara understood the reasoning for it, but it was hard not to have anyone to talk to right now. To give her the advice she so desperately needed. How was she going to fix this mess she made? Laying on the couch and falling asleep was not what she had planned but was exactly what happened.

  Thunder roared in the back ground. Sara still drowsy from being awoken earlier than her body wanted rubbed at her eyes. Thunder again, and the brightest flash of lightening Sara had ever seen hit. Sara jumped up from the couch running to the window, the wind was howling, pushing the tree tops around as if they were just a leaf floating through a summer’s breeze. Rain flooded the ground and was coming down hard. The lightening was brighter and getting closer and closer by the minute.

  She ran into the kitchen looking for Jade. She looked at his untouched plate and realized he still hadn’t made it in yet. “Where is that damn man in this?” Bravery was not her strong suit when it came to storms. But for Jade, there was something deeper pushing her to go. She ran and threw on a rain coat and pulled on some old boots that belonged to Emmy Jean.

  Sara ran harder than she had ever ran before. He must still be in the barn. Reaching the barn was a relief. She fought to close the doors behind her. Taking a step back and looking at herself it looked as if she just simply dove into the pool and then came strutting out to the barn. The wind pushed the hood off her coat, water splattered against her as she ran. There wasn’t a dry spot left on her.


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