Six: Company of Sinners MC #2

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Six: Company of Sinners MC #2 Page 3

by Lisa J. Hobman

  Shit I forgot to wish him a happy birthday. Urgh! Dumb bitch.

  I had visions of him going back to his friends and laughing about what a lame dance I'd given him. I imagined him telling them all about how I shoved my ass in his face as they laughed their asses off. Oh shit, why did I shove my ass in his damn face? What must he have thought? I must have looked so fricking stupid! Not at all like his other women I bet. I could have slapped myself I was so angry. The shitty thing was I knew I had to go back out there.

  I had to face him again.

  Could my night get any worse?

  I despised the booths section. This was where the sleazes usually hung out and as much as I tried to avoid it I could guarantee that the other waitresses did the same and it would be left to me to clear them.

  Tonight was no different.

  The area seemed darker than usual and as I leaned in to lift some empty glasses from a table someone grabbed my wrist and pulled me down. I yelped and peered up at the dark figure whose sinister laugh and acrid breath sent a wave of nausea rolling through me. If I had believed in demons I would've guessed this guy was one.

  “Hey sugar lips. Hows about you wrap those long legs of yours around me and I show you a good time?”

  More nausea.

  As he leaned forward and the club lights glinted in his eyes I recognized the sleazy pervert from the side of the stage earlier. I struggled against him but his grip was tight and my heart began to race as panic took over.

  “Let. Go. Of. Me.” I requested slowly and firmly through gritted teeth, desperate not to show fear. Creeps like him got off on that.

  He pulled my hand to the bulge in his jeans and I think I threw up in my mouth a little as he pressed it there. “Awww come on, baby. I'm hard and ready for you. You know you want it.”

  Memories of Brett's advances rushed back to haunt me and I struggled to remove my hand from where it was trapped. “Believe me when I say this. There is nothing I would dislike more than wrapping anything around you, except my hands around your throat, you fucking pervert, now let GO!!” I shouted, and with all the strength I could muster I shoved him back.

  He gripped me again and tried to push me back into the booth. “You're a fucking prick tease you little whore. If I wanna fuck you then I'll fuck you and you'll take what I got, you hear me?” As the slime bag used the same words as my mom's boyfriend Brett had, and his voice echoed through my mind, I cursed the ridiculously loud music and dark corner of the club. I cursed the fact that I'd run away from home and into a shitty life. I cursed my mother for believing her asshole of a boyfriend over me when I told her about his sexual advances.

  I began to scream and slap the predator looming over me with the small amount of movement I was able to make; but his legs were wrapped around mine and my struggles were almost in vain. Tears stung at my eyes and I hated the fact that this bastard had no regard at all for me as a human being.

  Thankfully he'd had a lot to drink and his coordination wasn't great. As I struggled, I managed to pull myself to a sitting position and shove him back once again. He lurched forward to make another grab for me and caught my cheekbone with his knuckles. It hurt like a bitch and I whimpered trying in vain to free myself from his vice-like grip. His face was getting closer and in my brain he was like some rabid dog about to bite, but a huge fist flew over my shoulder and connected with his face with a loud crack that I heard even over the music.

  My assailant fell backward, out cold.

  With a pounding heart and tears in my eyes, I yelped again as two huge arms scooped me up and carried me toward the exit. I wanted to fight—to resist being carried away by yet another predator, but I was spent. Almost resigned to my fate. With my face buried in the hard chest of whomever it was that had pulled me from the booth, I crumpled into a sobbing mess, hoping he would take pity on me and let me go.

  As we passed the bar I heard a deep, gruff voice shouting. “Hey, Hogi, you dumb bastard. So much for protecting her. I suggest you take better care of your damn girls before one of them gets into serious fucking trouble. Nina won't be back any time soon. Fucking ass-wipe.”

  “What the— Hey! Who the fuck do you think you are? Bring her back!” Hogi shouted in response.

  My captor stopped in his tracks and I felt him turn around. “Who do I think I fucking am?” He growled. “Take a good look at my face, Hogi. You know who the fuck I am. I just saved this girl from being molested by an unwelcome guest. He's out cold in booth four. I suggest you contact Loki's Legion and get them to collect their fucking trash.” The familiar voice vibrated through my head where it rested on the man's chest as he pushed through a door and a cold blast of air hit me.

  We were outside.

  I began to shiver and shudder, and the arms of the man who carried me tightened around my body. His heat seeped into my bones and relief flooded me. I knew I was safe with him. I felt myself being placed down on the hood of a car and I finally dared to lift my gaze. Slowly I began to raise my head. First, taking in the tight T-shirt and leather cut that was covered in patches depicting winged skulls. One of them held the words 'Vice President' and my foggy brain wondered “Of what?” As my chin tilted further upward I encountered tattooed biceps and the straggly ends of dirty-blonde hair, followed by a square but bearded chin and lips pulled into a tight line. Finally I locked eyes with the man who I had danced for only an hour earlier but who had rescued me from the clutches of the monster.

  “Hey. Are you okay?” His voice was soft and his concerned gaze trailed over my face and body as if he was assessing me for damage.

  “I'm...I'm...thank you...thank you so much. If you hadn't come, I don't know—”

  He cupped my chin and delicately ran his thumb over my lips. “Shhh. Don't even think about that, okay? It's over now.” He tucked a strand of hair behind my ear. “You look like you're freezing. Hang on.” He stepped away and opened the car door. I watched as he rummaged around a while and then he came back with a hooded sweater. Without speaking, he pulled it down over my head and I slipped my arms into the ridiculously long sleeves.

  He stepped back as I pulled the sleeves up my arms until my hands poked out. I felt my cheeks heat again as I shyly smiled up at him.

  He chuckled. “See, looks better on you for sure.”

  A combination of shyness and embarrassment tightened my stomach and I glanced down to take in the CoSMiC logo on the hoodie. Bringing my gaze back up to meet his I whispered, “Thank you.” Now that the panic had subsided I could really look at the man before me. “And thank you again for what you did.”

  He shook his head. “No need to thank me, Nina. He shouldn't have been in there. He's on CoSMiC territory and that shit's not allowed. And you shouldn't be treated that way.”

  He had the most beautiful, kind, caramel eyes I had ever seen and his soft tone made me relax further. I hugged my arms around myself. “I...I didn't catch your name earlier on, you know, in the private room. Oh and happy birthday.”

  He rubbed the back of his neck and scrunched his face. “Thanks. Six. I'm Six.”

  Around a hundred silly retorts fought to get out about him looking a hell of a lot older than that, but after the guy had been so good to me I couldn't bear to set them free.

  Instead I said, “That's...unusual. Is it a nickname?”

  His eyebrows rose and he shook his head, turning away as if embarrassed or something. “Nope. It's the real deal.” He must have taken my silence for a questioning pause and continued, “Long story. Don't wanna bore ya.”

  Who names their child ‘Six’? From the way he wouldn't meet my gaze suddenly I guessed it wasn't an easy story to tell and so I didn't pry. “Well Nina isn't my real name.”

  He turned to meet my eyes once more and tilted his head to one side as a half-smile tugged his mouth up at the corner. “Truth be told, you don't look like a Nina.”

  I was intrigued with the fact that he didn't enquire about my real name and so I offered it. “My name's Chloe.”

  His eyes widened and a huge grin appeared on his face. “No kidding? Chloe dancer, huh?” He wagged a finger at me as if something had just slotted into place in his mind. “There's a song by Mother Love Bone about you.”

  The handsome smile that had spread across his face was infectious and sent tingles down my spine. I was even more curious. “Really? I've never heard it. And it's Chloe Meyer actually.”

  He held his hand out and I took it. “Six Navarro. Good to meet you...officially that is. You should check the song out. Every time I listen to it from now it'll remind me of you.”

  God, could he get any sweeter?

  He cleared his throat and ran his hands through his scruffy hair and I guessed if the lights in the parking lot were brighter I would have seen him blushing.

  He gestured to the car I was sitting on. “Anyway, can I give you a ride home?”

  I turned around and glanced at the sleek black car and then back to him with raised brows. “This is you? I thought you guys rode motorcycles.”

  “Yeah we do. But I like cars too. Sue me.” He shrugged. “This old Camaro here is my pride and joy aside from the Harley of course. Don’t worry, I don't drive drunk. Only had one beer the whole night.”

  I scrunched my brow. “One beer? Seriously? On your birthday?”

  He laughed and from the way he stepped from foot to foot I could tell he was embarrassed by his admission. “Yeah...kind of had my attention elsewhere I guess.”

  Realizing he meant he had been watching me rather than drinking excessively, my heart did a funny flutter in my chest. “Look, I think I'm okay to go back in there. I feel okay now and—” The vehement shake of his head and his wide eyes told me he had other plans.

  He held his hands up. “Uh-uh. No way, Chloe dancer. Once that bastard wakes up he'll be looking for you and he'll he baying for blood. Best thing you can do is go home. Those guys don't take no for an answer. If I'm completely honest, I probably didn't help. I'm guessing he saw us coming out of the same private room. He'll think you're mine now and that'll make the challenge all the more exciting. There's some serious shit between the clubs right now. Maybe you should lay low. Maybe take off for a few days.”

  I laughed incredulously. Little did he know that there was nowhere I could go. “Hey, I'm a big girl, Six. I think I can look after myself. And besides this is my livelihood. Without this place I have no rent money, no food money...”

  He stepped into my space again and tenderly cupped my face in his shovel of a palm. The sweet gesture took me by surprise and I inhaled sharply as his eyes bore into me.

  He grazed his thumb over my cheek. “I get that you're independent okay? I really do. don't mess with these guys. With...with the likes of us, I mean. I'm telling you this for your own good. We're not...” He inhaled deeply and his nostrils flared. “We're not the most understanding people. And the last thing I want to hear is that he hurt you again, okay? Please...for me?”

  The intensity in his warm eyes caught me by the heart and once again it skipped and began to pound at my chest. “O-okay.”

  Relief washed over his features and his furrowed brow relaxed. “So how about that ride home, huh?”

  “Sure, thanks. It's not far.”

  Chapter Five


  He held his arms out to help me down from the hood of the car and I slipped my hands into his where they were swallowed up. Once I was back on terra firma he opened the passenger door for me and I climbed in just as a commotion began to kick off over at the club. Six slammed the car door and hit the lock on the key fob. My heart began to race once more as I saw him running toward a crowd of people all wearing leather cuts. Fists were flying and the sounds of shouted insults and expletives filled the air.

  I leaned forward to get a closer look and it appeared that there were two separate groups of people engaged in the ruckus. Some I recognized as Six's crew and some I knew were not. The guy who had tried to molest me was there and I watched in horror as I saw his balled fist connect with Six's cheek. A yelp left my chest and I frantically tried to unlock the car door. I wasn't sure how he had managed it but the door was stuck fast and I had no escape. Although I wasn't sure what I would've done if I'd been able to get out. I just wanted to go protect him as he had me.

  The piercing sound of sirens began to get louder and suddenly the crowds began to scatter. Six and another one of his crew jogged toward me and I heard the door unlock.

  As he reached the driver side door and opened it he bent to look at me and my hands sprang to my face. “Oh my gosh, Six, are you okay?” Blood oozed from a deep cut on his cheek.

  He reached up and touched his face and then glanced down at his blood covered fingers. “Yeah. I'm fine. It's just a scratch. Sorry you had to see that. Oh...this here is Cain, my buddy.”

  A face appeared beside him and I immediately recognized the blue eyed chick magnet from the bar. Girls were usually all over him but lately he only had eyes for the auburn-haired beauty that seemed to have pride of place on the back of his bike and in his lap these days. The way they looked at each other made me jealous. To have someone so into you must be the best feeling. And he was quite a handsome I said if you liked obviously handsome men. He had those bright, piercing irises that would draw most girls under his spell. But not me. I only had eyes for one bad ass biker.

  I smiled politely. “Hi, Cain. I'm—”

  “Cain you know Nina from the club right?” Six's voice startled me.

  I turned to find his gaze fixed on my face and confusion washed over me. Why didn't he introduce me as Chloe? He climbed into the driver's seat and turned the keys in the ignition. The engine purred to life.

  Cain chuckled. “Yeah we've met. Hi, Nina.” He shook his head as he muttered something about the number sixty-nine that I guessed was some crude sexual reference connected to our names. It didn't surprise me. Those biker types were known around here for their promiscuity and bad manners. Although some charters were worse than others. From what I had heard CoSMiC were kind of the good guys. If that was even possible.

  “Come on, I'll get you home.” Six shoved his friend out of the way and he almost fell backward laughing hysterically.

  He bent double with laughter. “Six, dude, don't be so sensitive.”

  I had to pull my lips in to stop my own giggle from escaping.

  Six was not impressed, however. “Fuck off, Cain. Go sober up and take Melody home okay? She doesn't deserve to see you in such a fucking state, man.

  Cain threw his head back and guffawed. “Whatever, Dad. Bye, Nina. You kids behave yourselves now!” He winked at me and once again I tried not to giggle as he wobbled around the parking lot in the direction of his girlfriend.

  A couple of police cars pulled into the lot and before I had a chance to speak, Six slammed the door. I watched Cain flip him the bird with a cheesy grin on his face just before he grabbed his girl and dodged into the alley by the club and out of sight. So the player had a girlfriend huh? Poor woman. Did she realize what she was getting herself into?

  Six pulled the car out of the lot with a screech of tires and he headed in the direction of my block. “I...I didn't tell you where I live.”

  He cringed and I watched his jaw working under his skin as his eyes remained fixed on the road. “I already know.”

  Although alarm bells should have been ringing something about him told me he was trustworthy and there would be a reasonable explanation. “Oh? How?”

  He flicked his gaze to mine briefly and then focused on the road again. “Look, don't take this the wrong way, okay? But... I tend to follow you home when it's your turn to close up.”

  Suddenly the enclosed space felt too small and claustrophobia began to overtake me. I couldn't breathe as my life seemed to flash before my eyes. Frick he's some kind of crazy, stalker maniac. I'm done for. He'll probably cut me into little pieces.

  I needed to get out. “Okay, that's really creepy,” I said with a waver
ing voice and a pounding heart as I tried to process what he had just admitted to me. I reached for the door handle and pulled at it but my now clammy hands just slipped off and the door wouldn't budge which was probably good, as we were moving at speed. “Please...pull over and let me out of the car,” I pleaded as fear needled at my skin.

  He flicked his gaze between me and the road again. His brow crumpled and I couldn't tell if it was through anger or concern. “Chloe, you don't understand. I'm...I'm not some fucking crazy stalker.” Oh fricky-frick, he reads minds too? He slammed his hand onto the steering wheel.

  Not helping your case here buddy. “Really?” My raised voice surprised me. “Because you sure sound like one. I have enough creeps to deal with at the club I sure as hell don't need to be taking rides with them. Pull over and let me out of the fricking car!”

  He heaved a deep, forceful sigh and did as I asked. The car jerked to a halt at the side of the road. He cut the engine and his knuckles turned white as he gripped the wheel. I felt my lip began to tremble. This was it. Oh my gosh please let me escape. Please. We were in the middle of an area surrounded by industrial buildings that were empty thanks to the time of night. Anxiety gripped my chest and my breathing rate increased. I was beginning to think I had jumped out of the frying pan and into the fire. He had warned me that he wasn't a guy to be messed with after all.

  I had to try and make amends. To try and appease him somehow. “Look, I'm sorry for shouting at you. I didn't mean to call you a creep. Please...please don't hurt me.”


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