Six: Company of Sinners MC #2

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Six: Company of Sinners MC #2 Page 4

by Lisa J. Hobman

  He turned slowly to face me and shook his head. “Chloe dancer, sweetheart, I would never hurt you. Ever. I want to explain something to you. Can I just explain? Please?”

  Tears spilled over from my eyes and I nodded. What choice did I have? I was trapped in this car with someone who had confessed to following me. Stalking me. Someone who never took his gaze off of me when he came into the club.

  A sob left my chest.

  He reached out and wiped the moisture from my face. “Oh fuck, I'm sorry, darlin', I didn't mean to scare you. I'm such a fucking idiot.” His voice was tender and I began to hope that maybe I had misunderstood. “Look...I follow you home to make sure you get there safely. I stay out of sight because I don't want to freak you out.” He gestured to our external surroundings. “This neighborhood is a scary ass place at night and I know who's out there. You have to know that I would never have approached you. I would never have tried to even talk to you. I...I just wanted to keep you safe. Nothing else. I promise you that. Nothing else.” Pain was evident in his hazel eyes and I felt like such a fool. The poor guy had been looking out for me and I had almost accused him of being as bad as the bastard from the club.

  Racked with guilt I covered my face with both hands and began to sob again. “Oh God, I'm so, so sorry. You must think—”

  He reached out and pulled my hands away. “I think you're a girl who's been through a hell of a night. Don't cry, CD. I didn't mean to scare you. Of course the fact that a complete stranger knows where you live and has admitted to following you is going to scare the shit out of you. I'm an ass-hat. Feel free to slap me.” His mouth widened in a heart stopping smile and I think my insides may have melted a little.

  I laughed through my tears and scrunched my brow at what he'd called me. “CD?”

  He shrugged. “Yeah. Chloe dancer, I shortened your name. Kinda cute huh?”

  His smile was infectious and I responded with one. “Kinda... And thank you for caring.”

  His smile faded and he began to reach toward me but stopped. “Anytime. I care more than you know. Now come on, let's get you home.”

  Leaving those words hanging in the air he pulled away from the curb once more and we rode in silence until he turned into my apartment block lot and stopped.

  Without making eye contact he dropped his gaze to his hands. “Is it... Should I ask? Aw it okay if I walk you up?”

  I didn't need to think about it. “Sure it is. Thank you.”

  He turned to me and smiled that same delicious smile. “Great. Come on, Chloe dancer.”

  His pet name for me made me grin like an idiot. He came around, opened my door and held out his hand. “Oh and I'm sorry about earlier. The passenger door sticks shut and I need to get it looked at. I didn't mean to trap you in here. I swear.”

  I slipped my small hand into his and watched as his fingers closed around mine, engulfing them once more. A strange sense of belonging came over me and I tilted my head up toward him. He smoothed his thumb over my knuckles and I climbed out of the car.

  Once the door was closed we began to walk toward my building but he didn't let go of my hand until we reached my door.

  He turned to face me. “I'll wait until I hear the door lock before I leave. But... I meant what I said about laying low. The Legion and the Company are not the best of friends and after tonight I'm guessing there may be more shit hitting the fan. I don't want you caught up in it.”

  I began to protest. “I'm fine, honestly—”

  Before I could get any more words out, his mouth was on mine and I staggered back. His thick arm came around my waist to steady me and he pulled me flush to his body. The thick ridge of his cock pressed into my belly and I inhaled sharply. His other hand slipped into my hair and cradled my head as I reached up and gripped the soft, worn leather of his cut.

  The kiss was meant to shut me up and oh boy it worked. His lips were soft but demanding at the same time and his beard tickled my skin sending shivers down my spine. A number of irrational and inappropriate thoughts rambled around my head considering the night I'd had. But now I was sure he would never hurt me I wanted to feel his lips on every part of my body. What the hell was wrong with me? This was so not me.

  Suddenly he pulled away and let go of me. He stepped back and rubbed his hands over his face. “Fuck, I'm sorry, Chloe. I had no right. Not after everything you've been through tonight. I've just...I've wanted to do that for the longest time. Fuck, my timing is shitty though huh? I didn't mean... I mean I—” His rambling was endearing.

  I held up my hands. “No, no it's fine. Really.” The truth was that, in-spite of the fucked up night I'd had, I hadn't wanted him to stop. Yes, it had been traumatic but he had saved me. And despite the earlier misunderstanding there was something about him that pulled me in. “Look, your face needs cleaning up. Why don't you come on in and let me look at it for you?”

  He reached up and touched his cheek where a trail of blood had trickled. When he glanced down at the red smear on his fingers he cringed. “Aww shit, it's still bleeding.”

  I laughed at his response as the color drained from his face. “Huge guy like you scared of a little blood, huh?” I turned and unlocked the door. “After you. Although we may not fit in here at the same time.” It was no joke. My apartment was very small and he was quite the opposite.

  He followed me in and glanced around the living room. “Cute. Tiny...but cute.” He laughed.

  “Have a seat and I'll get some gauze and water.” I walked through to my bathroom and collected what I needed from the cabinet. After closing the door, I stood there staring at my flushed reflection. I was still drowning in his oversized sweater and specks of glitter still glinted on my cheeks. I wondered absently if any had transferred onto Six. A sparkly beard. Now that would look ridiculous. I chuckled at the thought of him having to explain it to the rest of his MC.

  Chapter Six


  She disappeared through a door to my left and I could hear her rattling around. Her apartment was so fucking small. But then again so was she...well compared to me anyways. As I took in my unfamiliar surroundings, I noticed that there were lots of pictures on the walls, but none of them seemed to be photos. I couldn't see any indication that she had a family and my heart ached for her. I knew what that was like and it made me sad to think that someone as sweet as her may be the same.

  She reappeared and placed a bowl of water on her coffee table along with some squares of gauze. She bent and dipped a square into the water.

  Gazing up at her as she hovered over me I told her, “You don't have to do this you know. I can clean up when I get home.”

  She shrugged and carried on preparing the gauze. “It's the least I can do.”

  As she reached toward me, I grabbed her wrist. “Chloe, you owe me nothing, okay? I did what needed to be done. Any decent human being would've done the same.” As she glanced down at her wrist and frowned I realized the irony of my words. Decent? Me? I realized that I sounded a little too aggressive which probably totally iced the shit cake and I released her arm. “Fuck, I'm sorry. I just... I don't want you thinking you owe me.” Why couldn't I behave better around her?

  I doubted that her responding smile was supposed to be sexy, but fuck if it was. My cock wanted in on the action and I felt my blood rushing south.

  She reached toward me and dabbed gently at my face with a damp piece of gauze. “I don't feel that I owe you. But you got this nasty cut from protecting me so I'd like to take care of it for you.”

  Fuck me. She really was perfect.

  And I wasn't.

  Why the hell was she being so sweet? I'd scared her half to death, dragged her away from some molesting bastard who she then witnessed me punching, and then after all that I'd confessed to pretty much stalking her.

  As she touched my face I closed my eyes. What I wouldn't give to make her mine. I'd wanted her since the moment I first laid eyes on her months ago, but I always thought she was out o
f my league. Maybe I was wrong.

  Nah...who was I fucking kidding?

  I was damn right.

  I suddenly felt her soft lips press to my cheek where the bruising was and for a moment I didn't respond. I sat there, like a statue. Frozen and unable to move. Her breath warmed my skin and my dick strained at my jeans. I had never shown so much self-restraint. I told myself I deserved a pat on the back later.

  Her feather light touch wiped the strands of hair from my forehead. “All done,” she whispered and I blinked my eyes open. Her gaze was fixed on me and I wished that I could read her thoughts.

  I swallowed hard and reached for her hand. I smoothed my thumb over the silky skin there. “Thank you. I really appreciate that, CD.” My eyes were drawn to her full pink lips and I wanted nothing more than to kiss her again. To taste her lips once more. But after what she'd been through she didn't need another greasy fucking biker pawing at her. I stood quickly and stepped away from her running my hands through my hair just to keep from touching her. Being so close was messing with my head and other parts of my anatomy.

  “I-I should go,” I stuttered. “I'll check on you in a couple days. Just for my own peace of mind.”

  She stepped toward me and stopped as if unsure, her hands twisting in front of her. “ should stay for a drink.”

  I smiled sadly and slowly shook my head. “ I really shouldn't.”

  I knew that if I stayed I'd want more of her. I'd want to take her to bed. I'd want to find out what her skin felt like under my fingers. What her pussy would taste like and how it would clench around my cock as I made her come. But in the back of my mind was the worry that she would let those things happen out of some misplaced gratitude.

  She was a nice girl and I would be damned if I was the one to change that—to corrupt her in any way. She wasn't like the other girls at the club. They threw themselves at guys on a regular basis but not Chloe. There was something pure about her. Regardless of the fact that she took her clothes off and danced around a shiny pole for money. I just knew that wasn't who she was. She was the only girl who didn't go full frontal. She was holding onto her dignity. But all it did to me was make me imagine what she would look like in all her naked glory. Pink nipples beading and neatly trimmed pussy displayed just for me.

  What I wouldn't give.

  She shrugged and dropped her gaze. “Oh...okay.”

  I lifted her chin and placed a kiss on her forehead. “Hey, don't misunderstand me, Chloe dancer. I have a voice in my head that's screaming at me to stay but... you've had a very rough night. You need some rest and I...well I need to go home and take a cold shower.”

  A blush spread from her chest to her cheeks and she chewed on her lip. “Okay. Well...thanks for bringing me home.”

  “Thanks for letting me.” I turned and walked toward the door. “It was great to finally meet you.”

  She smiled widely and nodded. “Likewise.” She glanced down at the sweater that swamped her curvy but slender frame and went to grab the hem. “I should give you this back.”

  I held up my hands. “Like I said, it looks better on you. Keep it.” She folded her arms around her body and nodded and I had that urge to kiss her again. “Stay safe, CD...please.” And with that final comment I opened the door and left her, making sure I heard the door lock before I walked away.

  I left Chloe's apartment and made straight for the MC. When I arrived I found Cain sitting in a corner kissing and cuddling with Melody and I wondered if he'd genuinely changed his player ways. Melody was a great girl and she deserved a guy who would treat her right. Unlike the skanks he used to end up in bed with who had a different guy every night. She was different and she deserved better. Much like Chloe dancer. Perhaps they were that rare type of girl who actually wanted to be loved not just fucked.

  Delilah, one of the club's...what do I call her? Friends? Fuck buddies? Anyway, you get the idea. She was cleaning up behind the bar and I made my way over. Her longing gaze was fixed on Cain and Melody where they sat huddled together. Pity tugged at my insides for the poor girl. She'd always loved him. And he was like her walking piece of artwork. Almost every tattoo on his skin had been put there by Delilah. She was one bad-fucking-ass tattoo artist that's for sure. Cain was probably the finest walking example of her work.

  I chucked my chin at her. “Hey, Dee. What's up?” I knew the answer but she looked like she needed someone to ask.

  She smiled but her eyes didn't light up. In fact, they reflected such sadness that I almost vaulted the bar to hug the poor bitch.

  She sighed dejectedly. “What does she have, Six? What's so amazing about her? Is it her fucking long, girly auburn hair? Is it her innocent green eyes? It sure as hell ain't her rack. And she has hardly any fucking ink. Jeez I just don't get it. Why was I not good enough for him?”

  Her envious stare remained fixed on the loved up couple and so I stepped in to block her view. I glanced around behind me to observe the woman who had apparently stolen my best friend’s heart. You could say that Delilah was the complete antithesis of all that was Melody, from the cropped blonde hair to the multitude of piercings and tats that adorned her curvy figure. Obviously I couldn't say all that out loud. I'm not a fucking cruel douche-bag.

  So I settled for, “Aww Dee, it's not that at all, babe. He's a jerk. You're worth ten of that jackass.”

  She laughed and poured me a straight up Jack. “He's your best friend, Six, so I know you're lying. And flattery will get you nowhere. You know my heart belongs to another. But thanks for the vote of confidence.”

  I chuckled and downed my drink in one. “Anyone using the end room?”

  “Nah, although Colt was saying we may be on lockdown if Loki's Legion decide to try and kick some CoSMiC ass. So it may not be free for long.”

  I rubbed my tired eyes. “Yeah...I'm surprised Colt hasn't kicked my ass over the whole deal.”

  She whacked me lightly with a towel. “Hey, from what I heard you're the hero. Saved one of the Foxes from one of the Legion bastards.”

  “Yeah. It was Nina.”

  Her mouth formed a knowing O and she widened her eyes. Everyone knew my thoughts about the dancer. Even the MC girls. I stood from the bar. “I'm gonna go take a shower.”

  Delilah winked at me. “Want me to send someone up to wash your back?”

  I rolled my eyes and shook my head. She knew the answer. The MC girls did nothing for me. Not these days. I only had eyes...and other body parts...for one girl and much to my gut wrenching disappointment she wasn't there.

  Chapter Seven


  The end room smelled fresh, which was a novelty. There was nothing nicer than climbing in between clean sheets. Unless you were climbing into clean sheets with a sexy naked body beside you.

  And of course I wasn't.

  I shrugged off my cut and pulled my blood splattered T-shirt over my head. Before I discarded it on the floor, I held it to my nose. In spite of the stains from the fight at The Fox Hub, I could still smell her. Her sexy perfume had clung to the fabric where she had nuzzled into me as I carried her. Fuck, I didn't want to wash that smell out but the blood needed to go. And so did the fucking specks of glitter she'd left there like the damn tooth fairy. The guys would rip the shit out of me if I wore a glittery fucking T-shirt. The blood on the other hand wouldn't even get a second glance. Sad but true.

  Once the rest of my clothes were in a pile, I walked into the adjacent bathroom and switched the shower dial round to the hottest setting I knew I could stand and waited for the room to fill with steam.

  I'd had no intention of taking a cold shower regardless of the joke I'd made to Chloe. The hard on I'd carried since being in her presence had only softened slightly and that was about to change. Once I had stepped under the scorching cascade I closed my eyes and thought back to the kiss I'd shared with her. Okay, so I maybe forced a kiss on her but thankfully she didn't slap me or kick me in the balls so it was all good.

And I'd do it again in a heartbeat.

  I blindly reached for whatever soap had been left in the shower and squirted a generous amount into my hand. I took a firm grip of my cock and squeezed. Fuck. What would it be like to have her pussy tightening around me? To feel my length slide into her tight body. I began to slip my hand up and down my soapy dick and groaned as pleasure radiated through my groin. I slid my other hand down my chest and flicked the bar piercing at my nipple as my imagination played images of Chloe's mouth... her tongue teasing me there.

  As my hand moved to the tip of my dick I saw Chloe as Nina wrapping her long, slender leg around the chrome pole—and in this fantasy I was her only audience; only this time she was naked. Her firm breasts displayed for my eyes only, perfect rosy nipples and all. She stalked toward me in her silver stilettos—just like she had in my real life encounter—and stood over me. Her neatly trimmed pussy hovering just in front of my nose. My mind conjured up the smell of her arousal and I wished so much that she was really with me. I wanted to touch her skin. Slide my fingers into her wetness and suck her pebbled nipple into my mouth.

  I let my hand travel down my stomach and cupped my balls as my strokes became faster, more urgent. Every muscle in my body began to tighten as I imagined lifting her against the shower wall and fucking her hard and fast. Taking what I needed. She deserved slow and sensual but this was my fantasy. And I'd have her my way...for now. My breathing accelerated as my slippery grip on my rigid cock did what I so desperately wanted her to do.

  My heart pounded in my chest and a growl erupted as I came. “Fuuuck...Chloe...awww fuck. Awww fuck, Chloe.” I repeated her name over and over as orgasmic waves rolled over me, the tension left my body and I sailed back down to earth.

  I crumpled against the wall and rested my head on the cool surface of the tile as my breathing slowed. I doubted that my fantasy in any way resembled what it could be like with Chloe but she was out of my league and regardless of how much I wanted her I couldn't drag her into club life. It wouldn't be fair. Hell, I was waiting for shit to go wrong for Cain and Melody as I was sure it would. It was inevitable and so I'd have to get the dancer out of my system somehow.


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